Of course, Yu Beibei must remember her savior in her heart.

Doctor Cheng was stunned for a moment when he saw Yu Beibei. He didn't expect to meet Yu Beibei in the hospital.

Facing Yu Beibei, he put away his smile and nodded.

Yu Beibei felt strange that Dr. Cheng was very indifferent to her today.

The doctor who brought her here took Yu Beibei to the dean's office.

The office door was open, and Dean Ye, who had just been in Yu Huiru's ward, was chatting with Han Longyi.

"Mr. Han, when will you come to our hospital to provide guidance?"

"Dean Ye, I haven't touched a scalpel for a long time, for fear of killing your patient." Han Longyi joked.

Over the years, Mr. Han has been very busy with things, so busy that he has never picked up a scalpel again.

When talking about the scalpel, some pictures popped into Han Longyi's mind.

It seems that the last time I took a scalpel was at Yucheng Hospital.

After graduating from medical school, he performed many surgeries and treated many patients. In the past five or six years, I have been busy with Han's affairs, slowly clearing my mind of things in hospitals and clinics in the past.

His short-term memory is very good, but over time, he forgets many things.

In order to use more experience in the development of the Han family, it is natural to let the brain give up the place of the past to the present.

"What a pity." Dean Ye sighed.

To this day, he still remembers the surgery Han Longyi performed at Yucheng Hospital.

Dean Ye couldn't remember who the patient was during the operation, but he could remember the tension in the operating room and Han Longyi's technique.

I'm afraid there is no second person in Yucheng who can complete the thrilling operation that year.

"If Mr. Han can continue to be a doctor, it will be good news for patients."

They were chatting inside, and Han Longyi turned around and saw Yu Beibei standing at the door. The smile on his lips rose, he stood up and said to Yu Beibei, "What are you doing there? Come in!"

As soon as Han Longyi said that, Yu Beibei came in with a smile.

She bowed politely to Dean Ye and said, "Hello, Dean Ye, thank you."

In the ward, Dean Ye came in and told them seriously that Yu Huiru was not pregnant. Someone must have been behind this.

Otherwise, why would a dean go to Yu Huiru's room to say these things? The Yu family and the Shen family both have deep backgrounds in Yucheng. If you are not careful, you will offend both families.

The person who would help him in this way and has something to do with the hospital must be Han Longyi.

Dean Ye saw that Yu Beibei had such a sweet mouth and was beautiful and smart. He smiled and praised, "Mr. Han is so lucky. If you find such a good girl, you must cherish Miss Yu."

Yu Beibei quickly turned to look at Han Longyi, "Did you hear that? I want you to cherish me! Don't bully me."

Han Longyi knew that Yu Beibei was joking, but he looked at her seriously and nodded, "Yeah."

Looking at her so solemnly and with such gentle eyes, could her heart not beat loudly?

Dean Ye is a sensible person. Seeing Yu Beibei blushing, the two of them stared at each other lovingly. It's not good for him to stay here any longer.

"I have something else to do. You guys can chat slowly here without anyone disturbing you." Dean Ye said with a smile.

Han Longyi got up sheepishly and wanted to say no. Yu Beibei responded first, "Thank you, Dean!"

Dean Ye was very eye-catching when he saw the handsome men and beautiful women standing together. He heard Han Longyi call "Beibei", and why did he feel that the name sounded familiar.

Thinking about it, there are many people with the same name, and it’s strange that they sound familiar.

As soon as Dean Ye walked to the door, Yu Beibei couldn't hold back her joy and threw herself into Han Longyi's arms.

"Mr. Han, when Dean Ye showed up, he definitely said that Yu Huiru was not pregnant and had a miscarriage because she bribed the doctor. You didn't see how ugly the faces of Yu Huiru and Mrs. Yu were."

"Originally, the Shen family and Yu Jinsong wanted me to admit my mistake. As soon as Dean Ye appeared on the scene, they felt a hundred thousand regrets."

"Moreover, Shen Qian is coming from behind. He pointed at Yu Huiru in front of everyone and said, Yu Huiru was the one who wronged me, and he testified for me."

"This is such a reversal that Yu Huiru doesn't believe anything she says!"

"I'm so happy!" Yu Beibei said with a smile, "Tonight, I'll treat you and Xiaobai to a big dinner."

Han Longyi saw Yu Beibei happy, and he was happy too.

"Are you rich?"

Han Longyi asked with a smile, Yu Beibei was very careless about money. She said that as a person who had just been released from prison, it was difficult to find a job, she earned little money, and she had to support a young man, so of course she had to save some money.

"Didn't the Shen family give me 10% of the shares!" Yu Beibei said happily.

Looking back now, I realized that after listening to Yu Jinsong's words and admitting in front of the media that he pushed Yu Huiru, it was no big deal.

The most important thing is that she became a little rich woman.

"By the end of the year, if Shen's profits are good, I will become a little rich woman." Yu Beibei imagined that piles of money would be thrown at her.

"Also, Yu Jinsong asked me to join Yu's management. Do you know? Yu's management salary is very high."

The more Yu Beibei thought about it, the happier she became. She thought she would be able to laugh out loud in her dreams tonight.

Han Longyi stood in front of her, looking at her and smiling.

"Then do you have to treat Xiaobai and I to dinner every week?" Han Longyi asked.

Yu Beibei shook her head and refused, "You have more money than me, why do you always blackmail me?"

She was not happy anymore.

She had to earn a lot of money to save a dowry for Xiaobai.

Han Longyi smiled and hugged Yu Beibei into his arms.

"Beibei, are you really happy?"

The Yu Huiru of today is the Yu Beibei of then.

Han Longyi wondered if Yu Beibei saw the truth told by Yu Huiru in the ward and no one believed it. Did she think of the scene five years ago?

He will get Shen's shares and join Yu's management. This is all in exchange for Yu Beibei admitting crimes that are not his own.

Is she really happy when she is wronged and wronged?

"Happy!" Yu Beibei said with a slight smile in Han Longyi's arms, "I'm really happy!"

"When I saw Dean Ye come in to help me, I knew I was being protected. This really made me happy!"

As she spoke, she raised her head and looked at Han Longyi.

"In the past two days, Shen Qian called me a lot, but I didn't answer any of them. When I went out today, he called again. I didn't want to answer it, but when I saw Yu Huiru's skirt around the corner, I answered it. stand up."

"When Yu Huiru returned to the Yu family, she must have come for me. I want Shen Qian to hear the role of the woman he married? Let him know how wrong he was back then!"

"Yu Huiru waited for me, wanted to have a physical conflict with me, and then made me accidentally push her downstairs. I didn't wait for her to take action, and pushed her downstairs first. Since she wanted me to harm her so much, then I Just fulfill her."

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