After all, she is his biological daughter, and she was born with her first love. So after the Shen family doesn't care about Yu Huiru, she, as a mother, has to.

Mrs. Yu rented a small apartment for Yu Huiru, then hired a servant to take care of Yu Huiru, and told Yu Huiru not to go to Shen Qian recently.

At this point, it would be futile to ask Shen Qian to do anything. But the days are long, time has passed, things have calmed down, and there may be other ways.

Mrs. Yu arranged for Yu Huiru, and just returned to Yu's house when she received a call from Yu Manman, saying that Yu Beibei had officially reported to the Yu family, and Yu Jinsong gave her the position of general manager.

Yu Beibei has not graduated from high school and has no business knowledge at all. Yu Jinsong directly asked her to take a management position, and she was still the general manager. Isn't this a joke? Yu Manman said angrily on the phone that Yu Jinsong was partial. She had just entered college and majored in economics. Mrs. Yu and Yu Jinsong had discussed that they would directly let Yu Manman study abroad when she was in her sophomore year.

Now Yu Beibei is one step ahead of Yu Manman and has become the general manager of the Yu family. Yu Manman thought about the last time she heard that Yu Jinsong wanted to give all the Yu family to Yu Beibei in the study, how could she not be anxious! As soon as he learned the news, he quickly called Mrs. Yu and asked Mrs. Yu to ask her father if he really wanted to give the Yu family to Yu Beibei!

When Mrs. Yu heard what Yu Jinsong said to Yu Beibei in the study, she was really panicked at first. Today, when she heard that Yu Beibei had been directly promoted to the position of general manager, her heart calmed down.

She comforted Yu Manman and asked her to calm down.

After hanging up the phone, Mrs. Yu told the servant that she had no appetite at night, so she went directly upstairs to the bedroom to rest.

The room she and Yu Jinsong were living in now was the one she had lived in since she first arrived at Yu's house. It was also in this room that she and Yu Jinsong slept together.

At that time, Yu Beibei's mother was still alive.

Because Yu Beibei moved out of Yu's house and Yu Manman ate with her classmates, there were only Yu Jinsong and Mrs. Yu at home.

When Yu Jinsong came back, he saw no one at the dining table and suddenly felt that the home was empty.

In the past, even if Yu Manman went out to play, Mrs. Yu and Yu Huiru would definitely be at home.

"Sir, my wife said she had no appetite and went back to her room."

The servant told Yu Jinsong.

Yu Jinsong took off his coat, sat at the dining table and started eating. The table was full of food, but without anyone around him, he had no appetite.

He ate something casually and went upstairs to go to the study. When he thought that the servant said that Mrs. Yu didn't have dinner, he couldn't hold it back and went to the bedroom.

The bedroom door was ajar and unlocked. Yu Jinsong opened the door and went in, and heard crying coming from inside.

Mrs. Yu didn't cry very loudly. On the contrary, she cried very suppressedly.

The more repressed and light it was, the more uncomfortable Yu Jinsong heard.

He originally wanted to take a look, but after hearing the crying, he walked in.

Mrs. Yu was lying on the bed, burying her head in the quilt, sobbing.

Yu Jinsong thought that Mrs. Yu was crying sadly about Yu Huiru. He sat on the edge of the bed and reached out to Mrs. Yu's shoulder.

"Don't be too sad!" Yu Jinsong advised.

After hearing Yu Jinsong's words, Mrs. Yu sat up with tears in her eyes. She knew that she didn't have the beauty she had when she was young, so she couldn't cry too ugly. Even if she wanted to question Yu Jinsong, she had to endure it and remain elegant.

She couldn't lose her final position in Yu Jinsong's heart.

"I'm angry at myself!" Mrs. Yu took out a tissue from the bedside table and gently wiped her eyes with the tissue.

"Why didn't you teach Huiru well? Why did Huiru become so bad! If I hadn't listened to Huiru five years ago, I believe Beibei, and Beibei wouldn't have suffered so much." Mrs. Yu said.

When Yu Jinsong heard what she said, he had no doubt in his heart.

Mrs. Yu was his first love. When he first saw Mrs. Yu, he liked her very much.

Therefore, the less available something is, the better.

"This is none of your business!" Yu Jinsong comforted.

Mrs. Yu shook her head with tears in her eyes, "Jinsong, why is it none of my business? I am Huiru's biological mother!"

"Not just you, the Shen family and Beibei must think that I instigated Huiru to do these things." Mrs. Yu said sadly.

The fact is that Mrs. Yu arranged everything.

Now, she can also push things away. Without this means, how could she have snatched Yu Jinsong away from Yu Beibei's mother. You must know that at that time, Mrs. Yu was already married and had Zhang Huiru with her ex-husband.

"Jinsong, I really deserve to die." Mrs. Yu said, and raised her hand to hit herself on the cheek.

"I shouldn't have brought Huiru into the Yu family back then and just let her fend for herself with that bastard!"

Mrs. Yu pretended to be angry and said that Yu Jinsong believed every word she said.

"Jiaojiao, don't blame yourself anymore." Yu Jinsong comforted, "Huiru's bad behavior has nothing to do with you. It's not your responsibility!"

"If you feel uncomfortable because you didn't teach Hui Ru well, then I'm not the same." Yu Jinsong sighed thinking of Yu Beibei.

Yu Beibei was cleared of the crime of hurting others, but there was another thing that made Yu Jinsong hate him even more.

"Jinsong!" Mrs. Yu called excitedly, and she threw herself into Yu Jinsong's arms.

"I thought you would be angry with me, thinking that I was the one who put Beibei in jail. I didn't expect that you still believed in me."

"Beibei's imprisonment has nothing to do with you. It was Hui Ru who framed Beibei because she loved Shen Qian." Yu Jinsong said quietly.

From his tone, Mrs. Yu could tell that Yu Jinsong hated sleeping with Yu Huiru. It is temporarily impossible for Mrs. Yu to want Yu Huiru to return to the Yu family.

"Jinsong, I know Huiru did something wrong. Don't worry, I won't let her step into the Yu family again." Mrs. Yu promised following Yu Jinsong's words. She must endure it now and wait for the opportunity to help Yu Huiru.

"Yes." Yu Jinsong nodded, "Huiru is your daughter, but Beibei is also my daughter. I hope you can understand my difficulties."

"I understand." Mrs. Yu responded with a smile.

She raised her head and looked at Yu Jinsong, who was not as good-looking as before. Young Yu Jinsong is really handsome, otherwise he wouldn't be able to give birth to a daughter as beautiful as Yu Beibei.

But Mrs. Yu only had her lover in her heart at that time, and Yu Jinsong, no matter how handsome or good-looking, was not good in her eyes.

She went to beg her mother to ask Yu Beibei's mother to marry for her, while she eloped with her lover.

She originally thought that eloping would allow the Sang family to compromise and recruit her lover into the marriage. If you get love in this way, you can live a good life like before.

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