"Your aunt and I both had our own things to do, so we didn't help her."

"She remembers the favor that grandpa gave her back then and wants to give it to you. But she has to wait until you marry Xiao Chen, otherwise she will keep it for Xiao Chen's wife."

Su Anan said, Xu Qingqing is also a stubborn person.

It is said that Xiao Chen is stubborn and will go to the end, but Xu Qingqing is not the same.

"Then I'll go to Xu's tomorrow." Gu Baobao continued.

Su Anan smiled slightly after listening to her words. She looked at Gu Mocheng who was chatting with Gu Jingxing in the living room. She didn't know when it started. Gu Mocheng's hair became white, and it became whiter day by day. His voice was not as loud as before. Loud.

She watched Xu Qingqing fall, really afraid that one day it would be Gu Mocheng's turn.

"We are all old." Su Anan said suddenly with red eyes.

She was so many years younger than Gu Mocheng. She didn't think it was anything before, but as she got older, she became afraid.

What would she do if one day Gu Mocheng left before her?

"Mom." Gu Baobao's eyes turned red when he heard this, "I will stay with you."

"I don't want you to accompany me." Su Anan laughed again, "I want your dad to accompany me."

She made an appointment with Xu Qingqing to wait for Xiao Chen and Gu Baobao's wedding to be settled, and they would go out to play.

Gu Mocheng and Xu Qingqing were so busy working for their respective families that they lost their free time. Now that they are old, they should give the burden to their children and go out to see more while they can still walk.

"Mom." Gu Baobao said dissatisfiedly, and his mother stuffed his mouth with dog food.

"If he doesn't accompany me, who else would he want to go with?"

They have been husband and wife for so many years, and they have rubbed each other into their bones.

Su Anan suddenly thought of Gu Zhen and Mrs. Gu. When Gu Zhen died, Mrs. Gu wanted to go immediately.

But for the sake of her children, she lived year after year.

Without Gu Zhen, no matter how many children surround her, she is still lonely.

"I want to stay with him all the time." Su Anan made a decision in her heart. When he left that day, she would definitely stay with him.

Be selfish and don't be left alone.

When Su Anan was thinking, tears fell again. Gu Baobao watched her wipe the tears from her eyes with a tissue, and then watched her smile and pick up the teacup and walk to the sofa.

Gu Baobao stood behind them and could see everything about them clearly.

When Gu Mocheng sees Su Anan coming, he will smile unconsciously.

Su Anan handed him the tea cup habitually and sat next to him.

The two people sat very close, and Gu Baobao also saw Su Anan reaching out to hold Gu Mocheng's.

This scene was very heartwarming, but Gu Baobao felt uncomfortable watching it.

Her parents are old, and this era already belongs to young people like them, like her two brothers, like Xiao Chen, like her.

Gu Mocheng and Xiao Yan have shielded their children from the wind and rain all their lives, and now it's their turn.

After Gu Baobao finished her dinner and went upstairs, she came out from the shower and received a call from Xiao Chen.

"Xiao Chen."

Gu Baobao called out. On the first day she came back, she felt uncomfortable without Xiao Chen around.

"Well." Xiao Chen's voice came from over there, "What were you doing just now?"

"Take a bath." Gu Baobao answered casually, wiping her head with a towel.

Xiao Chen paused. He liked Gu Baobao as much as a man would like a woman, and he also liked to kiss her. When he heard her talk about taking a bath, some pictures could not help but appear in his mind.

Gu Baobao didn't know what Xiao Chen was thinking, but after she took a shower, she felt the atmosphere became ambiguous.

It had never happened before, and now her heart was beating hard just listening to Xiao Chen's voice.

This is the difference between being a couple and not being a couple.

"Go to bed early tonight and report to Xu's tomorrow."

"Huh?" Xiao Chen was stunned for a moment, "Ms. Xu, my mother asked you to go, did you agree?"

Everyone knows Xu Qingqing's thoughts, and she mentioned them in front of Xiao Chen more than once.

At that time, there were two options before Xiao Chen, one was the Xiao family's underworld business, and the other was the Xu family's big business.

According to Xiao Chen's temperament, he should not take over Xiao Yan's affairs.

He took it later.

The Xiao family's affairs must be taken over by the Xiao family, and Xiao Yan has no brothers or sisters.

Secondly, Xu Qingqing said that he would return the Xu family to the Xu family. She told Xiao Chen directly that Mrs. Xu wanted to give Gu Baobao.

Gu Baobao is the daughter-in-law she considers. If Xiao Chen married someone else, she would be married to Gu Baobao.

But Gu Baobao fell in love with Qin Qin, and Xu's matter kept being delayed.

"Yes." Gu Baobao replied, "I think the sooner we go, the better."

"Now Aunt Qingqing can help me more, waiting for her and Uncle Xiao to go out to play. What if I encounter something I don't know how to do?"

"Don't worry." Xiao Chen replied warmly, "I'm here."

"Huh?" Gu Baobao asked doubtfully, "Can you do it?"

“What I studied abroad was business management.”

Gu Baobao knew this, she had never thought about it before. Now when she heard Xiao Chen mention it, she suddenly realized something.

"You learned it for me." Gu Baobao asked.

"I'm afraid you're too stupid." Xiao Chen pretended to joke. He was afraid that taking care of the baby would be too tiring, so he learned more so that he could do anything in the future.

Gu Baobao didn't answer immediately. She knew that Xiao Chen liked her very much, but she didn't know that he thought about everything for her and went ahead.

"Xiao Chen, I'm so lucky that I came back in time. If I missed you, where would I find a better man than you?"

No more, definitely no more, who would love her as much as Xiao Chen did.

"Haha." Xiao Chen smiled, "Now you will marry someone else."

"Of course I'll marry you." Gu Baobao said following Xiao Chen's words. After finishing speaking, she blushed.

But she had an answer in her heart. If she wanted to marry Xiao Chen, she would have to be his wife for the rest of her life.

"Xiao Chen, when will you come back?" Gu Baobao softened her voice. She paused and added, "I miss you!"

Those three words suddenly penetrated into Xiao Chen's heart, and Xiao Chen couldn't help laughing.

"Very soon." He continued talking about Yun Duo, "I have news about Yun Duo's suitable heart. I'm waiting for the matching result."

"That's great!" Gu Baobao laughed happily.

"Xiao Chen, I'll wait for you to come back." Gu Baobao said happily, "I'll give you a surprise when you come back."

She thought that on the day Xiao Chen came back, she would be waiting for him at the airport in her wedding dress.

She wants to marry him.

Xiao Chen was aroused by Gu Baobao's words, and he was looking forward to Gu Baobao's surprise.


"Baby, wait until I come back." When he said this, he couldn't help but put the phone to his mouth and kissed it.

He missed her more than before.

Gu Baobao also heard the sound of him kissing her. She blushed and slowly kissed towards the phone. As a result, she kissed the screen and the interrupt button of the phone, ending the call.

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