Everyone went to find Xiao Chen's whereabouts. Even Murong Shanshan from the Murong family called and asked if there was any news about Xiao Chen.

On the third day after the plane crashed, Yan Yan called Gu Baobao.

Seeing that it was Yan Yan's number, Gu Baobao immediately picked up the call.

"Gu Baobao, are you free?"


Gu Baobao knew that Yan Yan had news about Xiao Chen, and no matter how busy he was, he wanted to see Xiao Chen immediately.

She rushed to the place she had agreed with Yan Yan, parked the car, and Yan Yan's people came over to take Gu Baobao inside.

"Is there any news about Xiaochen?" Gu Baobao asked anxiously.

If Xiao Chen has been found, Yan Yan will send Xiao Chen directly to Xiao's house and will not call her to ask her to come over.

"Not yet." Yan Yan replied.

There should be news in a day or two whether Xiao Chen is alive or dead.

"However, there is another thing I want to tell you."


Gu Baobao asked strangely.

Yan Yan looked at Gu Baobao and paused, "Is there someone you want to meet?"


Gu Baobao was confused, and Yan Yan called her specifically to ask her to meet someone.

Yan Yan took Gu Baobao upstairs. Before Gu Baobao reached the door, he heard a woman yelling.

"Who are you? Let me go."

When Gu Baobao heard it, he recognized Yun Duo's voice.

"Why is she here?" Gu Baobao looked at Yan Yan in confusion, "She came to Ningcheng by herself, and then you brought her here."

Gu Baobao only thought of this. Yun Duo liked Xiao Chen so much. He must have known something happened to Xiao Chen, so he came back to Ningcheng.

In the past, Gu Baobao didn't want to see Yun Duo.

Where now?

It doesn't matter whether she likes Yun Duo or not. She just wants to find Xiao Chen and Xiao Chen is safe.

"No, I caught her here." Yan Yan said quietly.

With that said, he opened the door and let Gu Baobao in.

Yun Duo, who was angry inside, was stunned when she saw the door opened and saw Gu Baobao again.

"It's you!" Yun Duo suddenly became angry when he saw Gu Baobao, "Gu Baobao, what do you mean?"

She misunderstood that Gu Baobao sent someone to arrest her.

"Brother Chen is gone, and you still can't tolerate my existence. This is your true face, right?"

Yun Duo said in a cold voice.

Gu Baobao watched her finish and corrected her sentence.

"Xiao Chen is still alive and not dead."

"Also, I didn't capture you. As for why I captured you, I also want to know."

Gu Baobao knew that Yan Yan would not just bring people to Ningcheng casually, and it was very possible that Yun Duo had something to do with Xiao Chen.

"Yunduo." Seeing that Yunduo's mood had calmed down, Gu Baobao asked, "How is your health? Is it suitable to use someone else's heart?"

It had been four days since Yunduo had the surgery and she was recovering well, but her body was still weak and she would still experience rejection.

"It's okay." Yun Duo replied.

She looked at Gu Baobao and frowned, "Brother Chen is dead. If you get Xu, you can also find another man."

Things about Gu Baobao are all over the news, and they all say that the biggest winner in Xiao Chen's death is Gu Baobao.

Gu Baobao didn't like Xiao Chen in the first place. She got the Xu family and didn't have to marry Xiao Chen.

Really the best of both worlds.

Yun Duo believed those reports. In her heart, Gu Baobao was not worthy of Brother Chen.

"Once again, Xiao Chen is not dead." Gu Baobao said unhappily.

As for getting the Xu family, Gu Baobao had no explanation.

She has never been short of money. Without Xu and Gu, she has enough shares to spend her whole life.

"Is Xiao Chen's accident related to you?" Gu Baobao asked directly without going around in circles with Yun Duo.

Hearing this, Yun Duo's expression immediately changed.

"I can not understand what you say!"

Yun Duo did not retort excitedly, but answered in a panic.

With such words, Gu Baobao could tell something was wrong.

"Yunduo." Gu Baobao walked towards Yunduo. Yunduo's face still didn't look good, and she had heavy dark circles under her eyes. Maybe she hadn't slept well recently.

"It's none of my business, I don't know anything." Yun Duo burst into tears and started crying.

Gu Baobao looked at her, but she didn't expect that Xiao Chen's matter really had something to do with Yun Duo. At that moment, she was really angry, and then she really slapped Yun Duo on the face.

"Gu Baobao, why do you hit me!" Yun Duo asked angrily.

Gu Baobao looked at Yun Duo funny, "Yun Duo, Xiao Chen broke up with you because of me. I'm sorry for you, but you can't harm him."

"If it hadn't been for him, you wouldn't have had a suitable heart, and you would still be lying in the hospital waiting to die."

Yun Duo started to cry. She pointed at Gu Baobao, "If it weren't for you, how could I have harmed Brother Chen? How could Brother Chen not want me?"

"Yes, you're right."

"If it weren't for me, you might not be able to marry Xiao Chen. But, I was the one who hurt you. Why don't you take revenge on me and go kill him!"

Gu Baobao's voice became cold and stern. She looked at Yun Duo and continued, "He found your heart for you."

"Yes, your father saved his life and asked him to take care of you. Apart from not being able to marry you, doesn't he break his promise and fail to take good care of you?"

"Yunduo, is he sorry for you in any way?"

Gu Baobao's words made Yunduo even more sad.

When she knew something happened to Xiao Chen, she knew she was wrong.

"I'm sorry!" Yun Duo cried, and she covered her face, not daring to look at Gu Baobao.

"Because Brother Chen insisted on marrying you, but he refused to marry me, so when they came to me, they said they could help me prevent Brother Chen from marrying you. I agreed as soon as I heard it."

"Brother Chen and I told him that we would leave immediately after the operation, and he agreed without much thought. He arranged a private plane to take me away. In order to go back to see you early, he took the nearest flight."

Yun Duo's words have made Xiao Chen's disappearance very clear.

Someone asked Xiao Chen to take the earliest flight. Xiao Chen was in a hurry to come back and didn't pay attention to security, so the person who wanted to harm him did something on the plane.

If the plane crashes, how is it possible to survive?

Gu Baobao came out of the room in despair. As she walked in the corridor, her heart suddenly ached.

"Oh!" Gu Baobao responded calmly. Without any more words, she walked out slowly while holding on to the wall.

"Gu Baobao." Yan Yan felt uncomfortable looking at Gu Baobao like this.

"Gu Baobao." Yan Yan just received a call. He stood behind Gu Baobao, speechless.

"Go ahead." Gu Baobao said calmly.

Knowing that Xiao Chen was harmed by someone, her premonition became very bad.

"The wreckage of the plane has been found, but all the passengers on the plane are gone, including Xiao Chen." Gu Baobao knew this fact already, and he just didn't want to admit it.

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