"If he finds out that Xiao Chen is here with me, don't even think about returning to Ningcheng." Murong Shanshan added.

Why did Gu Baobao feel from Murong Shanshan's words that Mr. Murong was a devil?

"Miss Gu, please wait for my news." Murong Shanshan said, "These days, you should keep a low profile in the hotel."


Gu Baobao responded.

"What!" Xiao Chen said in shock when he heard what Murong Shanshan said.

"You told the baby!"

He was so angry with this teammate that he wanted to beat him up!

This Murong Shanshan did whatever she wanted without his consent. It was also a tragedy that Murong Feng asked her to be his wife.

"Yes!" Murong Shanshan nodded and admitted, looking at Xiao Chen's anger, she raised her lips and smiled, "That's good, at least she won't commit suicide by taking sleeping pills!"

Xiao Chen looked at her lightly and said nothing. He lowered his head and looked at his legs.

After staying with Murong Shanshan for a while, his foot still had not recovered. He was really worried that his foot would not recover and he would become a lame by then.

He didn't want Gu Baobao to know that he was alive. On the one hand, he was worried about her safety, and on the other hand, he felt that he was disabled and not worthy of Gu Baobao.

Murong Shanshan could see through Xiao Chen's thoughts at a glance.

"Xiao Chen, you are being cruel to Gu Baobao by not seeing her."

Gu Baobao came all the way to Beicheng just to find Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen hid, which was poking her heart out.

"Anyway, you have to meet her now." Murong Shanshan said with a smile, "I think if you are thinking about why not to see her, you might as well think about going to bed early today and then picking out some nice clothes to see her tomorrow."

"Perhaps Gu Baobao ran away with another man when he saw you now."

Murong Shanshan's words made Xiao Chen's face darken. He was not willing to let Gu Baobao leave him.

He had been waiting for her for so many years to finally be together, and something happened to him again.

If she leaves again, does he really want to fulfill her wish?

It was impossible. After escaping from death this time, he saw his heart clearly.

Murong Shanshan watched Xiao Chen stand up from the wheelchair and slowly go upstairs. She asked, "Why are you going!"

"Sleep!" Xiao Chen said softly. Instead of thinking that Murong Shanshan had violated their agreement and let Gu Baobao come, he might as well rest early and recuperate his energy so that he could look more handsome in front of Gu Baobao.

When Murong Shanshan saw Xiao Chen being helped up the stairs by a servant, she pursed her lips and smiled.

Murong Feng always said that she was the most vicious and scheming woman. Look, she is still very kind-hearted.

Lovers should be together. It is so painful to miss each other when we are apart.

When Gu Baobao found out that Xiao Chen was with Murong Shanshan, she became excited and happy.

She told Lu Yiyi and Yan Yan about Xiao Chen, and also said that Murong Shanshan would help her arrange a meeting with Xiao Chen.

Both Lu Yiyi and Yan Yan were a little unable to react. They were still desperately looking for Xiao Chen's whereabouts. Murong Shanshan also said that the person who escaped was not Xiao Chen. This sudden turn of events was surprising and happy.

"Sister Baobao, this is really good news."

"Yes!" Gu Baobao nodded. The most important thing now is Xiao Chen's safety.

"Yan Yan, I'm going to see Xiao Chen. I need your help here."

Murong Shanshan would hide Xiao Chen, which means someone is watching Xiao Chen.

Nothing can happen to her, and neither can Xiao Chen.

"Well." Yan Yan said, "We need to come up with a foolproof plan."

This is Beicheng, and Yan Yan is unwilling to confront them head-on.

"Sister Baobao, do you want to call Uncle Xiao and the others?" Lu Yiyi asked.

Gu Baobao has thought about this problem. The Xiao family is waiting for Xiao Chen to go back. If they know, they will be very happy.

However, without seeing Xiao Chen in person, Gu Baobao didn't want to talk to Xiao Yan in a hurry.

"Wait until I finish meeting Xiao Chen."


Murong Shanshan quickly arranged the meeting. Gu Baobao and Lu Yiyi packed their things and went to the airport that day. They planned to pretend to leave Beicheng, and then before the plane took off, Gu Baobao followed the person arranged by Murong Shanshan alone. leave.

In this way, those who followed them would think that Gu Baobao had left Beicheng and would not suspect her.

According to the plan, Gu Baobao got into the car and went to Murong Shanshan's private villa.

She was very panicked along the way, and when she opened her hands, she saw that they were covered in sweat.

She was sure that she would cry when she saw Xiao Chen.

After arriving at Murong Shanshan's villa, Gu Baobao got out of the car and trotted inside quickly.

Murong Shanshan was waiting for Gu Baobao at the door of her house. Seeing Gu Baobao coming and walking so fast, the corners of her mouth raised and she joked, "Miss Gu, here she comes."

"Come and see my dog, does it look good?"

As she said this, Gu Baobao noticed that Murong Shanshan was holding the dog in her hand.

She is not interested in whether Murong Shanshan's dog is good-looking or not. She is anxious to see Xiao Chen.

"Where is Xiaochen?" Gu Baobao asked first.

Gu Baobao was anxious, but Murong Shanshan was not anxious. She wanted to tease Gu Baobao.

"Miss Gu, what do you think about what we talked about last time?"

"Huh? What's the matter?" Gu Baobao asked doubtfully. She couldn't remember what she promised Murong Shanshan.

"Say, I will take you to see Xiao Chen, and you give him to me."

Well, Murong Shanshan seemed to have said it, but Gu Baobao didn't take it seriously when she said it.

"Mrs. Murong, are you sure?"

"Yes." Murong Shanshan smiled, "Of course."

"I like Xiao Chen, please give him to me." Murong Shanshan continued.

"Mrs. Murong, you are married." Gu Baobao reminded. She didn't believe that Murong Shanshan really liked Xiao Chen, but her heart still hurt when she heard that.

"It doesn't matter if he gets married!" Murong Shanshan said nonchalantly, "I'll support him."

After saying this, Xiao Chen's displeased voice came from behind her, "Murong Shanshan."

Xiao Chen came on crutches. He was waiting around in the villa for Gu Baobao to come over. He was extremely anxious, fearing that some accident would happen to her on the way.

After coming out, when he heard what Murong Shanshan said, he couldn't help but stop him.

"Xiao Chen."

When he was about to scold Murong Shanshan, Gu Baobao's eyes fell on him.

Hearing Xiao Chen's voice, Gu Baobao was stunned. When she saw his face getting clearer in her eyes, she couldn't help but shed tears and cried.

She didn't know how many times she dreamed about Xiao Chen, but when she really saw him, she was still dreaming.

"Xiao Chen." Gu Baobao called again. She walked towards Xiao Chen. As she was walking, she was about to pounce on him when the sound of a car came from outside.

Listening to the sound, more than one car was coming, and Murong Shanshan also heard it.

Then, everyone's expressions suddenly changed. Murong Shanshan saw someone outside calling Mr. Murong, and her expression became even worse.

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