Imperial CEO Sweet Sweet Love (CEO Hubby's Sweet Love)

Volume 4 Things about the Gu family (312)

After Jin Cheng finished speaking, he looked at Sister Han lowering her head in silence. He didn't know how much of what he said was heard by her.

He is not an old man, nor is he really rigid.

If Sister Han wants to fall in love, she will acquiesce as a guardian within the appropriate scope, but only acquiesce.

The girl in front of me is different from those people. There are only a few people who are born with a golden key. Not only does she have a good family background and a high IQ, she completed all her studies early, and she also completed them at home.

The first public place she entered was not a school, but the Han Group.

She was not afraid in front of dozens of shareholders and directors, and her conversation and temperament did not look like an underage girl.

She is said to be mature, but she still has the nature of a child at heart.

"Uncle Jin, where is yours?"

Sister Han's sudden words interrupted Jin Cheng's thoughts. Jin Cheng raised his head and looked at her. The girl's facial features were very beautiful. When she smiled, she looked like a cunning little fox. Her eyes turned red. Some are cute and some are pitiful.

"Me what!"

"You are so young, why haven't you fallen in love yet?"

Sister Han asked.

She doesn't understand that if someone like Jin Cheng has good looks and a good figure, there must be a bunch of girls chasing him, but he is single!

Being single, this is very important!

"Is there something wrong with you?" Sister Han made a bold guess. Jin Cheng's face darkened. He was wondering if he had been too indulgent to the girl in the past two days, so that she dared to pry into his privacy.

"After dinner, wash the dishes and clean the kitchen."

Jincheng obviously had servants working here, so after she came, Jin Cheng treated her as a servant.

Just a moment ago, she regarded him as a close uncle who spoke her true feelings, but then she turned around and turned against him. Damn it! ?Ms. Han gritted her teeth with hatred, but after dinner, she really went to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

Jin Cheng was a little uncomfortable with Sister Han becoming so good. He was just thinking about whether he should go upstairs to deal with things or wait for Sister Han to finish washing the dishes and then the two of them go for a walk outside.

Several "dang-dang-dang" sounds came from the kitchen fiercely. Jin Cheng frowned and went over to take a look. The kitchen floor was a mess. When Sister Han saw him coming, a trace of panic flashed on her face.

"I did not do it on purpose."

She really didn't mean to do it today. It stands to reason that she fell out of love today, but except for being a little uncomfortable at the beginning, she felt that her first love ended after a day. She didn't react to any of the feelings, so she said they broke up.

When she came back, she saw Jin Cheng and chatted for a few words. Although she didn't fully understand what he said, she didn't feel uncomfortable anymore.

So I asked her to wash the dishes, and she did it like a mess.

But the bowls were too slippery, so she accidentally smashed one, and all the bowls placed by the sink smashed to the ground. They were so broken that she dared not move around, and stood there looking at Jin Cheng at the door.

Jin Cheng patted his forehead. How could he forget that the girl in front of him was the leader of the Han Group? If he asked her to wash the dishes, he might as well buy a room full of dishes and smash them for her.

"Be careful when you come out."

Seeing that she had gotten into trouble, Sister Han did not dare to think about it. She slowly walked out from the debris toward the door on tiptoes. When she was about to reach it, her feet suddenly slipped, and she lost her center of gravity and threw herself forward.

The person in front of her was Jin Cheng, and Sister Han thought to herself that he would eventually catch her. Who knows, when Jin Cheng saw someone rushing towards him, he subconsciously turned sideways and prepared to dodge, waiting for him to react. The person who rushed towards him was Sister Han. He quickly reached out and grabbed her hand without grabbing his arm. , and quickly grabbed Sister Han’s clothes


Fortunately, okay, he grabbed the strap of her apron, but the strap was tied with a slip knot. He pulled hard and she fell to the ground again. This process lasted about ten seconds. When Sister Han saw Jin Cheng move away, she had finished thinking. He reached out and grabbed her apron string, pulling her neck hard, thinking that he should be able to pick herself up. Who could Knowing that the belt was untied, her person was facing

She hit the ground and fell hard, and she fell from the front, so the pain caused Sister Han's nose to collapse, and her nosebleeds flowed out.

Being "played" like this, Sister Han felt more uncomfortable than breaking up and losing love. She glared at Jin Cheng angrily and cried angrily, "Why are you bullying people!"

You can obviously catch her, why should you get out of the way!

Jin Cheng was also upset when he saw Sister Han bleeding.

He knelt down and quickly took out a handkerchief to wipe away the blood for her, "Go to the sofa and lie down with your head up."

Sister Han's tears were about to fall, but because she was holding her head up and being supported by Jin Cheng, her tears quickly disappeared.

However, she felt particularly aggrieved.

Jin Cheng went to get a towel for Sister Han. He turned to one side and got into a bit of trouble.

It's really too much to throw this little girl until her nose bleeds!

Soon, Sister Han's nosebleed stopped, and she glared angrily at Jin Cheng opposite.

"I'll clean up the kitchen later."

He is compromising!

"Why are you moving away!"

On this issue, Sister Han wants to get to the bottom of it.

Jin Cheng stood up and had no intention of answering this question.

This is related to his many years of habits.

Women pounced on him too many times, so as long as they were women, he would avoid them if possible. In addition, he had mysophobia and didn't like others pounced on him.

Allowing Sister Han to live here is the biggest concession.

"Hmph!" Seeing that he ignored her, Sister Han's temper grew. "Jin Cheng, you made me bleed today. I want to tell my parents about this."


She has been bullied by him since she entered here.

"It's late at night, you throw me out of the door and let me show my shoulders."

"You asked me to get up early to do housework at five o'clock. Don't you know that I don't go to bed until early every morning?"

"Slept in the early hours of the morning?" Jin Cheng remembered that in the schedule he had set, it was stipulated that Sister Han should not sleep beyond ten o'clock, but she failed to do so every time.

Seeing that she had accidentally exposed herself, Sister Han simply stood on the sofa and looked down at this hateful man, "You are a grown man and you still want to fight with me. You beat me until my hands hurt now."

Jin Cheng was embarrassed to hear these accusations. How could he bully such a little girl?

"Is there more?" Jin Cheng asked quietly.

Sister Han was stunned. According to logic, Jin Cheng should not bow his head and admit his mistake, and then promise to treat her as a little princess in the future and not arrange her to do work at will.

Obviously, Sister Han is overthinking this. Jin Cheng looked at Sister Han who was contradicting him. He paused and said, "If not, I would like to apologize for not helping you in time today!"? "Is it okay to apologize? What if I fell today?" I'm disfigured. What should I do? Will you support me?" "Yes, I'll support you."

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