Su Ruochu used strength and strangled He Anqi's neck tighter. He Anqi's cold eyes reminded him of the look Huo Sheng had given her when he slapped her in Heyuan.

Just as cold as Su Ruochu, and the same sight makes people tremble.

The two of them had been separated for seven years, but there were times when they were so similar.

"He Anqi, do you think I dare not?" Su Ruochu sneered, "There is no difference between being in jail and being locked up on the top floor."

Seeing He Anqi's face flushed, Su Ruochu used strength again.

He Anqi stared at Su Ruochu in fear, she felt suffocated.

When she was almost out of breath, Su Ruochu let go of her. He Anqi coughed violently and uncomfortably. She moved her hands and feet, thinking that when Su Ruochu strangled her neck just now, she could resist and hit Su Ruochu.

Su Ruochu's strength may not be greater than hers.

At that time, Su Ruochu strangled her neck, and when she saw the cold eyes again, she forgot about it.

He Anqi slowly sat on the ground against the wall. After coughing several times, she felt comfortable. She raised her head and looked at Su Ruochu and said, "Su Ruochu, you have no idea how much I paid for Brother Sheng!"

She endured hardships to make money for Huo Sheng, sacrificed her body for Huo Sheng to please others, and lived an abnormal life for Huo Sheng.

At the beginning, everything she did was to make Huo Sheng's life easier. When Huo Sheng said she didn't need it, she said she wanted to and didn't need anything in return from him.

In the end, her dedication was like a demon and she couldn't stop at all. She even gave Huo Sheng everything she had.

Because she knew very well that Huo Sheng did not accept her kindness because he was afraid that she would lose too much money and would not be able to repay it, and it was because the woman in his heart was Su Ruochu.

So the more Huo Sheng refused to give in, the more she helped him.

Until she hooked up with her own people, she didn't regret it when Su Ruochu didn't show up.

He Anqi thought that Brother Sheng would definitely be able to see her sincerity. She had made herself look like this just for Huo Sheng. If Huo's mother was so moved, Brother Sheng would also be moved.

If seven years doesn't work, then ten years. If ten years doesn't work, then twenty years is the worst.

But ten years have not come, Su Ruochu appears, breaking her dream.

"Su Ruochu, you don't love Brother Sheng as much as I do." He Anqi sat on the ground and whispered with a smile.

As she spoke, she raised her head and looked at Su Ruochu with a smile.

"You've been crazy for seven years because of him. Besides being crazy, what else have you done for him!"

"It was your Su family who broke his legs." He Anqi added mockingly. It was your Su family who drove him out of Ningcheng and forced him to leave his home. "

"Su Ruochu, you are no match for me. For seven years, I have taken care of him, and I have cared for him heart and soul." He Anqi sneered, her eyes staring at Su Ruochu resentfully, "What about you?"

"When Brother Sheng was helpless and suffering in Yucheng, I was the one who worked to earn money to take care of Aunt Huo. When his mother was sick, I stayed up all night to take care of her."

"Su Ruochu, besides holding a pillow on the top floor of Su's house and calling 'A Sheng', what else have you done for him in the past seven years!"

As He Anqi spoke, tears fell one after another. She glared at Su Ruochu angrily. She never felt that Su Ruochu was pitiful. Su Ruochu had paid a lot for Huo Sheng.

Therefore, she did not feel sorry for Su Ruochu.

"I was the one who took care of Su Ruochu, and I was the one who paid the most for him." He Anqi stood up from the ground as she spoke. Her eyes were red because of grievance and anger.

She had paid so much for Huo Sheng, and Huo Sheng should be responsible for her. The person she married was the one she loved.

"Su Ruochu, what qualifications do you have to snatch away Brother Sheng?" He Anqi asked coldly.

She approached Su Ruochu, who stood motionless, listening to He Anqi's crying accusations with a calm expression.

He Anqi's words sounded very reasonable, which made Su Ruochu even wonder if he didn't love A Sheng enough and if he didn't pay anything for A Sheng.

"You did nothing to help him or do anything for him."

"Su Ruochu, your biggest advantage is that you charmed Asheng with your face."

"In ten years, when Brother Sheng gets tired of looking at you, you will be nothing." He Anqi's words became more and more confusing. She just said this because she was unwilling to let Huo Sheng be snatched away by Su Ruochu.

"By the way, I forgot. Su Ruochu, you got married behind Brother Sheng's back."

He Anqi thought Huo Sheng didn't know about this.

When Su Ruochu got married, He Anqi in Yucheng was overjoyed when she received the news. For this matter, she specially bought a lot of vegetables and asked Mother Huo to cook a delicious meal for Brother Sheng.

Although Brother Sheng later heard that it was the food she bought, he didn't use his chopsticks to pick up the food and just ate white rice.

"You said you love Brother Sheng so much, why did you marry behind his back?" He Anqi mocked with a smile.

She looked at Su Ruochu's unchanged face and slowly squeezed her hands.

"Su Ruochu, how could you marry someone else?" she asked, "and you were sent to someone else's house for a week."

"What did you say?" Su Ruochu was stunned. Her memory of the time when she was married and sent to Mr. Yu was very vague.

She remembers what happened before she went mad, and also what happened after she went mad.

Su Ruochu couldn't remember much from how he went mad to the early stage of madness.

"Why are you pretending to be stupid?" He Anqi sneered, "Su Ruochu, you lived with someone else for a week and nothing happened during this period. Who would believe it?"

"I guess you definitely didn't tell Brother Sheng about this." He Anqi said happily, "Did you already fall in love with him? So you couldn't bear the blow and became even more stupid when you returned to the Su family?"

When Su Ruochu was sent to Mr. Yu, He Anqi learned from He's mother that she was no longer normal at that time.

Listening to He Anqi's words, Su Ruochu was also thinking about what happened before and after she went crazy.

Her mind was empty, she couldn't think of anything, and she even felt a headache.

There was a memory that was too painful for her, so she automatically ignored it and didn't want to think about it.

The lost memory made Su Ruochu feel uncomfortable, her heart ached, and tears fell directly from her eyes.

Su Ruochu was much more beautiful when she shed tears than He Anqi. He Anqi saw the sad and beautiful Su Ruochu, and she said bitterly, "Why are you crying, Su Ruochu!"

"What are you wronging? My mother has taken care of you with all her heart in the Su family these years. She has repaid what we owe you."

"If it weren't for my mother, Jiang Mei would have starved to death and froze to death on the top floor of the Su family, and no one would have known."

"My mother gave you a chance to live. Instead of being grateful to us, you turned around and fought against me for Brother Sheng. Su Ruochu, you are such a cruel woman!"

He Anqi scolded Su Ruochu harshly, no, she also felt that she didn't scold Su Ruochu harshly enough.

Su Ruochu is a shameless bitch and a vixen.

Why did she lure Brother Sheng away as soon as she came back?

When He Anqi opened her mouth to curse him with more unpleasant words, the tears in Su Ruochu's eyes had disappeared. She stared at He Anqi with cold eyes and smiled sarcastically, "So what?"

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