Gu Mocheng's brother, Gu Beichen, is the eldest son of the Gu family. If he had not died in a car accident, he would have been the person in charge of the Gu family.

When Gu Mocheng was young, he fooled around with Xiao Yan. In the eyes of Gu Zhen and Mrs. Gu, Gu Mocheng was far less obedient and filial than his brother.

When Gu Beichen was born, Mrs. Gu and Gu Zhen separated due to a misunderstanding. He was obedient and obedient, so that Mrs. Gu, who raised him alone, had no worries.

After Mrs. Gu and Gu Zhen reconciled, Gu Beichen went to elementary school, got excellent grades, went to college smoothly, and then graduated and entered the Gu family.

Gu Beichen's wife was his first love. The two met when they were in college. After Gu Beichen took the position of general manager of the Gu family, they got married and gave birth to Gu Ziming two years later.

Gu Beichen's life was smooth, and he encountered no setbacks in career or love.

He is the well-behaved son in the eyes of Gu Zhen and his wife, the powerful brother of Gu Mocheng, and the good husband in the heart of his wife. If nothing unexpected happens, he will be Gu Ziming's beloved father.

When Gu Ziming was a child, he and his wife were traveling. There was a car accident on the road. The couple died at the same time, leaving Gu Ziming alone.

After Gu Beichen's death, Gu Mocheng took on the responsibility of taking care of Gu Zhen and his wife and taking charge of the Gu family's power.

When Gu Beichen was not dead, Gu Mocheng was naughty and hung out all year round. He would go home two or three times a year. Every time he came back, he would always be against Gu Zhen, causing trouble for the Gu family.

Gu Beichen had told him, and he had also said that with him supporting the Gu family, he could just go outside and do what he liked.

Gu Mocheng thought at that time that the Gu family would be managed by his brother, and he and Xiao Yan would work together to create their own world.

Looking at the two similar faces in the photo, Gu Mocheng put away his memories and looked at Mrs. Gu.

"Mo Cheng, there is something I have never dared to tell you."

Gu Mocheng looked at Mrs. Gu. He was not in a hurry to ask Mrs. Gu anything.

"There are five major families in Ningcheng, the Gu family, the Xiao family, the Lu family, the Han family and the Jiang family."

"The Jiang family has been taken over by you and Xiao Yan, and the Mu family will not be able to prosper."

Mrs. Gu talked about the five major families in Ningcheng, and Gu Mocheng knew that she was not just talking about family matters.

"In your father's time, the Gu family was as powerful as the Jiang family. He and your uncle Jiang Jun were the best brothers."

"The two of them had a good relationship, but later they fell out over a woman."

This woman is Mrs. Jiang.

"The Xiao family is following the underworld. They were late in getting involved in legitimate business. That's why the Xiao family is so powerful in Ningcheng but is still suppressed by our Gu family."

"Lu family, no, there was no Lu family in your father's time." Speaking of Lu Zhou, Mrs. Gu's lips showed a disdainful smile.

"Lu Zhou married the richest daughter in Ningcheng back then and annexed his family business, which is how the current Lu family came to be."

After Mrs. Gu finished speaking, she looked at Gu Mocheng and asked, "Mocheng, do you know why I mentioned this?"

"The Xiao and Lu families are eyeing our Gu family!" Gu Mocheng said.

It wasn't that he was unclear, he had already seen Ningcheng's situation clearly in his mind.

Both Xiao and Lu want to remove the Gu family from the position of boss in Ningcheng. Once the Gu family falls into decline, the Gu family will definitely be divided among them.

The shopping mall looks like there is no smoke, but in fact the struggle for interests is more terrifying than the bloody battlefield.

"Mo Cheng, I know that you and Xiao Yan are friends, and I also know that Xiao Yan has been on your side these years." Mrs. Gu continued, "Didn't your father also have a close relationship with Jiang Jun back then?"

"Mom, Xiao Yanzhi is not in the business world."

He and Xiao Yan, one on the white side and the other on the underworld, have always cooperated very well with each other.

It is also for this reason that the status of the Gu family and the Xiao family is very stable in Ningcheng.

"Xiao Yan doesn't want to, then his father will do it!"

After Mrs. Gu finished speaking, Gu Mocheng pursed her lips and said nothing.

"In the case of Ziming and Su Ya, it's obvious that someone is deliberately digging a hole for the Gu family."

"If we handle it well, we will not attract more criticism. If we handle it poorly, the Gu family will be trapped in public opinion and unable to move forward."

"Our Gu family has a big tree, and I don't know how many people are secretly trying to trample the Gu family under their feet." When she said this, she thought of what Old Mrs. Jiang said in prison.

What Mrs. Jiang said was vicious and unpleasant, but what she said was also the truth.

"I heard you talk about that girl Su Ya. She is really scheming. She can pretend to be weak and deceive men. But first she got close to Ziming, and then she got pregnant with his child and wanted to enter the Gu family."

Mrs. Gu said calmly, "For this kind of thinking, someone must have taught her."

Link after link requires not only strategies, but also enough patience and determination not to be afraid of offending the Gu family.

Su Ya, no matter how much she hates the Gu family, without full confidence and support from others, will she dare?

What Mrs. Gu said was what Gu Mocheng thought.

"Mo Cheng." Mrs. Gu called Gu Mocheng seriously. She looked at Gu Mocheng seriously.

Gu Mocheng couldn't help but ask, "Mom, do you have anything else to tell me?"

What Mrs. Gu just said could have been said in front of Su Anan and Gu Ziming in the restaurant downstairs.

She called him to the study alone, maybe she had something more important to talk about.

Mrs. Gu didn't answer his question immediately. She turned around and walked to the cabinet.

She took out a key from a book in the cabinet and used it to open the drawer in the middle of the desk.

Mrs. Gu took out an envelope from the drawer. Gu Mocheng took it with doubts. He opened the envelope and took out the list inside.

It's the inspection report after the car was damaged.

When Gu Mocheng saw the car model on the report, he immediately understood. He looked down continuously. The further he looked behind, the darker his face became.

"Your father and I have been hiding this matter for eight years."

It has been eight or nine years since Gu Beichen's death.

The car on this inspection report was the one his brother drove on the day of the accident.

"Brother's death was not an accident." Gu Mocheng said with certainty.

He had doubted it, but only for a fleeting moment.

"Do you know who it is?" Gu Mocheng asked.

"Do you have someone to suspect?"

"Yes." Mrs. Gu responded.

Mrs. Gu looked at Gu Mocheng and shook her head, "We began to suspect Yu Yun."

Yuyun, Mrs. Jiang’s name.

Mrs. Gu said she was beginning to have doubts, so it must not be Mrs. Jiang,

"After your father died, I originally wanted to go with him." Mrs. Gu mentioned Gu Zhen, with sadness on her face, "On the one hand, it's because of you, and on the other hand, I still don't know the truth about your brother's death. Who did it?"

"From the time your brother died to the time when you and An An were together, the Gu family was in peace." Mrs. Gu added, "until An An had an accident and almost died in the sea, the Jiang family was destroyed by you, and Mrs. Jiang entered After leaving prison, the people behind this began to emerge.”

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