Imperial CEO Sweet Sweet Love (CEO Hubby's Sweet Love)

Chapter 638: Accompany her for examination

You clearly have someone you love in your heart, and you know where your loved one is, but you dare not love her or be with her. You will regret it when you grow old.

Following what Mrs. Xiao said, Xiao Yan really didn't dare to think about it further.

His future, without Xu Qingqing's participation, would definitely be lonely.

Bits and pieces of life with Xu Qingqing slowly came back to his mind. He remembered that he was very happy when the two of them were together.

"Yan'er, don't regret it until you lose it."

Xiao Yan was lying on the bed thinking about Mrs. Xiao's words. He couldn't sleep. He clicked on WeChat and found the photo Xu Qingqing sent and the messages she received from others below.

He couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to numb himself with wine. He got up and started drinking. When he drank, he found that he didn't want to drink.

What does he want? Do you want to go back to your previous life of being obsessed with life and dreaming of life?

No, he doesn't want to! Although the muddled days passed quickly, it made him feel lonely in his heart.

He still has a choice now and can still pursue Xu Qingqing back, so why give up?

All the questions suddenly came to mind. Xiao Yan did not hesitate anymore. He returned to the room, shaved himself and washed his face, and then changed into clean clothes.

Although he looked thinner in the mirror, he looked in good spirits. His eyes were bright and he seemed to be alive.

Xu Qingqing went out in the morning and met Feng Zhiyuan again at the door of Xu's house.

Xu Qingqing didn't know when Feng Zhiyuan became so obsessed with him.

I told him that she was pregnant with Xiao Yan's child, why didn't he give up!

It can only mean that the Xu family is too tempting, and it can only mean that the Feng family's life is really difficult.

"Qingqing, I don't care."

Feng Zhiyuan said continuously as soon as he saw Xu Qingqing coming out.

He heard Xu Qingqing say yesterday that she had Xiao Yan's child, and he immediately disliked Xu Qingqing in his heart, so he did not block Xu Qingqing's way anymore.

After returning, he went to Xiaoyou and told her about Xu Qingqing's pregnancy.

Xiaoyou said that it was a good thing for Brother Zhiyuan and Sister Qingqing to be pregnant. If you stay with her at this time, she will definitely be moved.

When Xiaoyou said it, Feng Zhiyuan immediately understood.

The birth of Xu Qingqing's child will not affect his ability to control the Xu family in the future.

This thought made me want to understand again.

When Feng Zhiyuan said this, he reached out to hold Xu Qingqing's hand.

"Qingqing, I love you, and I really don't care if the child in your belly is his."

She said she didn't care, but actually she felt disgusted in her heart.

Xu Qingqing dodged his hand, preventing Feng Zhiyuan from touching it. How difficult must be the life of the Feng family to make such a respectable man like Feng Zhiyuan lose his dignity and come to beg her.

However, seeing Feng Zhiyuan's face, Xu Qingqing was glad that he dumped her in the first place.

Otherwise, she must be the one who is crying now.

Feng Zhiyuan saw Xu Qingqing avoid him, and his face turned pale. Xu Qingqing had watched a movie with him two days ago and took the initiative to hold his arm. What does she mean by doing this now?

Play hard to get?

Or because of Xiaoyou! I already told her that Xiaoyou would leave Jingcheng, what else could she do?

Feng Zhiyuan became angry and felt that Xu Qingqing was not giving him face. He called out in a calm voice, "Xu Qingqing."

When he called, he went over to grab Xu Qingqing’s hand again.

When Feng Zhiyuan went to hold Xu Qingqing's hand, a car driving from a distance suddenly accelerated and sped over.

Xu Qingqing thought that if the car hadn't suddenly hit Feng Zhiyuan, Feng Zhiyuan might have done something to her.

The car didn't hit Feng Zhiyuan, it hit Feng Zhiyuan.

When Xu Qingqing's car stopped in front of them, her eyes fell on the people in the car.

He came faster than he thought.

Feng Zhiyuan was suddenly touched by someone, and he immediately turned around and asked angrily how this person drove.

When he saw Xiao Yan's face when the car window was rolled down, Feng Zhiyuan was stunned, "It's you!"

Xiao Yan didn't even look at Feng Zhiyuan. He only looked at Xu Qingqing and said, "Get in the car."

Xu Qingqing looked at Xiao Yan who was not very happy, but she still walked to his car obediently.

Feng Zhiyuan saw that Xu Qingqing was gone. He stretched out his hand to hold Xu Qingqing's hand, "Qingqing, don't leave with him."

"If you dare touch it, try it!" Xiao Yan, who was sitting in the car, threatened Feng Zhiyuan in a cold voice.

He was sure that as long as Feng Zhiyuan's hand touched Xu Qingqing's hand, he would chop off that hand directly.

Fortunately, Feng Zhiyuan became afraid under Xiao Yan's cold eyes.

He couldn't resist Xiao Yan's threat and quickly retracted his hand.

"Qingqing and I truly love each other."

After Xu Qingqing got in the car, Feng Zhiyuan said something.

Xiao Yan turned to look at Feng Zhiyuan. He raised the corners of his lips and asked Feng Zhiyuan, "Really love each other?"

"You are telling my wife that you love her!"

Xiao Yan really wanted to curse, Feng Zhiyuan, you are not tired of living!

As he spoke, one hand deliberately reached into the pocket of his coat.

Feng Zhiyuan thought of the last time Xiao Yan fired a gun in his restaurant. His face suddenly turned pale, he swallowed and backed away in panic.

Xiao Yan was obviously smiling, but Feng Zhiyuan was so afraid of him that his legs were trembling.

Seeing that Feng Zhiyuan was interested, Xiao Yan put his hands on the steering wheel again, started the car and took Xu Qingqing away.

In the car, neither person spoke.

Xiao Yan didn't know how to speak, let alone what to say.

He arrived at Jingcheng by an early morning flight. He spent the first half of the night thinking about coming to Jingcheng, and the second half of the night was on a plane to catch up. He didn't sleep much all night.

However, he didn't feel sleepy.

Xu Qingqing didn't speak either, she was waiting for Xiao Yan to say.

She lowered her head and glanced at Xiao Yan from the corner of her eye, just in time to see Xiao Yan's chin.

How many days have they not seen each other? It was her fourth day back in Jingcheng, so when she saw Xiao Yan suddenly appearing in front of her, she felt particularly uncomfortable and her eyes became sour.

Four days, just four days, but she lived like a year. She was so afraid that he really didn't want her.

Xu Qingqing moved her mouth. She looked up and looked out the window to distract herself, otherwise she would really shed tears.

"Where to go?" Xiao Yan asked.

He opened his mouth anyway and thought for a long time before thinking of something to say.

"Hospital." Xu Qingqing said two words.

Xiao Yan suddenly became nervous. He glanced at Xu Qingqing and continued to drive, "What's wrong with you?"

"You also went to the hospital yesterday."

Hearing Xiao Yan talk about her going to the hospital yesterday, Xu Qingqing felt happy. He knew whether this was his whereabouts in Jingcheng, and he had been paying attention to it.

"It's nothing, I just feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach." Xu Qingqing said calmly.

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