Outside the hospital, Han Longyi opened the car door and turned to look at the hospital building. Thinking of Yu Beibei, who had just been saved by him, his heart felt uncomfortable.

I hope that Yu Beibei will give birth to her child safely, and I also hope that Yu Beibei can be released from prison soon and return to a normal life.

Han Longyi thought so. He found a connection and asked someone to take care of Yu Beibei in prison.

Later, he was busy taking care of the Han family's business and forgot about Yu Beibei.

A few years later, Yu Beibei burned Han Longyi's body and mind like a flame. After they were together through the difficulties of 1981, Han Longyi realized that he had crossed paths with her a long time ago.

Su Anan came to announce the good news, and Fu Xin was happy that Su Ruochu gave birth to a son safely.

She was in a good mood, and seeing her happy, Yi Nan naturally felt better too.

He no longer silently guards Fu Xin, but also changes his routine and squeezes into Fu Xin's life.

One day, it was raining heavily outside, and Yi Nan suddenly knocked on Fu Xin's door, shocking Fu Xin.

His clothes were soaked, his hair was dripping wet, and there was a big box behind him.

"Why are you here?" Fu Xin was embarrassed to let a strange man into her house at night, but she couldn't bear to see him soaked all over. When Yi Nan came in with a box, she didn't stop him. , let him enter.

"I had no money to pay the rent and was kicked out by the landlord." Yi Nan said lightly. He turned to look at Fu Xin, "Do you have a towel?"

Fu Xin thought that when she heard Yi Nan's words, she should understand what he meant and should drive him away.

However, when he looked at her, she turned around and went to the room to get a towel to wipe Yi Nan.

She was still thinking that he was all wet and if he didn't wipe it off, he would get sick.

Yi Nan pursed his lips and watched Fu Xin enter the room to get a towel for him. He looked around, thinking about where he would sleep tonight.

Although he wanted to live directly in Fu Xin's bedroom, he had to do things step by step. If he was too anxious, he would scare Fu Xin away.

Yi Nan actually doesn't have much experience in chasing girls, but he has plenty of experience in chasing Fu Xin.

He knew Fu Xin too well and knew what Xiao Xin's shortcomings were? Know what to do to make her relent?

When Fu Xin came out, she saw Yi Nan putting his suitcase against the wall and had to ask, "Yi Nan, you can't live here."

Fu Xin issued an expulsion order. Yi Nan took the towel from her hand. He looked at Fu Xin and said, "I'm sorry."

"Yucheng, I can only know you."

He told the truth, which made Fu Xin sympathize with him.

Yi Nan, like himself, came to Yucheng from other places. They live in Yucheng and have no other relatives except themselves.

Fu Xin is better than Yi Nan and knows Su Ruochu and Huo Sheng.

"They came to me because of the demolition. The landlord deliberately raised my rent and kicked me out." Yi Nan explained again.

When it comes to demolition, Fu Xin lowers his head. Those people refused to let go of their flower shop, so they came to the door more than once or twice.

Fu Xin felt that she had caused Yi Nan to suffer. When she lowered her head and felt guilty, Yi Nan turned around and walked to the bathroom.

"I'll take a shower first." Yi Nan said after closing the bathroom door.

Fu Xin watched Yi Nan go to the bathroom to take a bath in a familiar manner. She stood outside, thinking about Yi Nan staying at her home.

There is only one room here. She and Yi Nan have been together for a long time and can be considered friends. But they had slept together before, and if a man and a woman who had a relationship lived under the same roof, it would be easy for them to go off.

Fu Xin didn't want to betray Lu Heng anymore, even though it was raining heavily outside, and even though Yi Nan had no house to live in because of the flower shop. But Fu Xin thought that he couldn't even be allowed to live there.

Yi Nan came out and wiped his hair. Fu Xin was close to him and noticed that there seemed to be scars on his face. The scar is so faint that you can't even notice it unless you look closely.

"Xiao Xin, I'm hungry. Do you have anything to eat here?" Yi Nan asked again.

As soon as he said that, Fu Xin forgot about driving him away. She opened the refrigerator and found a pack of instant noodles.

In the past, Yi Nan thought that hot instant noodles were junk food. He didn't like eating it, and he didn't like Fu Xin eating it either. But this time, he couldn't help but be picky.

Many habits change slowly because the person you love changes willingly.

When Fu Xin was making instant noodles, he thought of Lu Heng. Lu Heng, who was born with a golden key and lived in fine clothes since he was a child, does not eat instant noodles, nor does he eat hamburgers and chicken wings from fast food restaurants. He felt that those things were not nutritious. But she likes to eat very much. She can't resist the temptation of junk food and will eat it secretly behind Yi Nan's back.

It was strange that every time she secretly ate instant noodles or other junk food, Lu Heng would always find out.

He wouldn't be angry at her, but would say with a warm smile, Xiaoxin, what did you eat?

Later, when their relationship was exposed, he smiled softer and said, "Xiao Xin, if you dare to eat instant noodles again, I will kiss you."

He kissed her, but she still couldn't resist the temptation of delicious food and went to eat junk food.

When Lu Heng caught him again, he smiled and said, "Xiao Xin, you deliberately wanted me to kiss you!"

He smiled softly, making Fu Xin's heart beat like a little rabbit.

In front of him, Yi Nan was eating instant noodles with relish. There was something about him that made Fu Xin feel like Lu Heng, such as the way he picked fish bones for himself and the way he looked at her.

But when two different faces appeared in his mind, Fu Xin knew that they were not the same person.

She just wanted to sleep with Yi Nan, and felt uncomfortable, thinking that the two of them were one, so that she wouldn't have to feel so guilty.

"My place is small, and it's not convenient for the two of us to live together." Fu Xin said, taking out money from her bag as she spoke.

"Take this money and go out to find a hotel to stay in tonight. I will help you find a rental house tomorrow."

Yi Nan stopped eating noodles, raised his head and looked at Fu Xin, and then at the money on the table.

"It's raining heavily outside." Yi Nan said calmly.

The rain was indeed heavy. Yi Nan had read the weather forecast before going out, saying that it would rain heavily tonight and it would last all night.

"Let me stay one night." Yi Nan said again.

Fu Xin looked out the window. It was raining really hard. It seemed like it was falling from the sky. It was dark outside, and she knew that it was ten minutes away from the nearest hotel. If she went there, Yi Nan would definitely be soaked through again.

Fu Xin didn't speak. She held her hands together, wondering whether she should let Yi Nan stay.

Rationally, Yi Nan could never live in her house. It was easier to ask God than to send him away. She slowly got to know Yi Nan, and realized that this man was not as quiet and cold as he seemed on the surface. He was sometimes as cunning as a fox, and he trapped her in one fell swoop.

But the rain outside was so heavy that Fu Xin was too embarrassed to speak and drive him away.

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