Yi Nan was so kind to her, and the scenes between her and Yi Nan in Yucheng kept drowsing in her mind, and it was impossible to get those scenes out.

Fu Xin was attracted to Yi Nan, mostly because Yi Nan made her feel so much like Lu Heng. They both treat themselves equally well.

But Fu Xin wouldn't know that the two of them were!

Regarding her grandmother's phone number, Fu Xin never called her again after leaving Ningcheng.

It's not that she doesn't miss her grandma, it's that she feels that she has no face to see her grandma.

After Fu Xin called Yi Nan, she mustered up the courage to call her grandmother.

Her number had been changed, but Fu Xin didn't say it was her. Grandma had already guessed her.

Grandma anxiously asked where Fu Xin was, and scolded Fu Xin for having no conscience for not calling her for so long.

Fu Xin let her grandma scold her. She really had no conscience. For Lu Heng's sake, she didn't listen to Fu Wan and almost got her grandma in trouble.

Grandma didn't curse a lot. She mostly asked about Fu Xin's condition. When Fu Xin said yes, she was slightly relieved.

Fu Xin promised to visit her within half a month.

With Fu Xin's assurance, grandma's mood became better.

She brought up Fu Xin. She has deep feelings for Fu Xin, and so does Fu Xin.

Grandma talked about Fu Wan again and asked Fu Xin and Fu Wan to have a good talk. There was no overnight feud between mother and daughter.

Fu Xin said hello to her grandmother, but in her heart, she was very conflicted.

Regarding Lu Heng's matter, Fu Wan hurt her too deeply.

The next day, Fu Xin was going back to Yucheng in the afternoon. At noon, she received a call from Fu Wan, who said he wanted to treat her to a meal.

Fu Xin's first reaction was to refuse.

Fu Wan also expected that Fu Xin would reject her, so she quickly lowered her voice and said to Fu Xin, "I'm sorry."

"Xiaoxin, give mom a chance to make it up to you, okay?"

"Just a meal."

"Lu Heng has left. It's impossible for you to stay away from your mother for the rest of your life."

On the phone, Fu Wan said these few words were sad, but she still coughed repeatedly. Fu Xin felt soft and agreed.

After she hung up Fu Wan's phone, she changed the ticket time to around nine o'clock in the evening.

She wanted to have this meal with Fu Wan and finish it at eight o'clock in the evening, and then she would go directly from the hotel to the station.

Ningcheng is a place with beautiful love and sad stories. Fu Xin still likes Yucheng better. This city alone gradually feels like home.

Fu Xin told Su An'an about having dinner with Fu Wan in the evening. Su Anan thought, Fu Wan is Fu Xin's mother after all, and Fu Wan prefers the Lu family. Now that Lu Heng is missing, it is okay for the mother and daughter to sit down and have a good chat.

Fu Xin was hurt not only because she and Lu Heng were separated, but also because Fu Wan did not stand on her side.

Fu Xin arrived at the hotel where Fu Wanshuo was staying. She walked into the hotel lobby and met the person she least wanted to see.

Lu Mingzhu walked out from the rest area next to her with a man, and she saw Fu Xin smiling attentively.

"Sister, long time no see."

Lu Mingzhu's smile grew stronger, but Fu Xin felt that this smile was hypocritical.

Before this, I had never heard Lu Mingzhu call her sister.

When Fu Xin was thinking about it, she felt a look that made her uncomfortable. She followed it, and the man next to Lu Mingzhu also looked at Fu Xin with a smile on his face.

The look in his eyes made Fu Xin feel disgusted.

"This is my boyfriend, Mr. Chen." Lu Mingzhu introduced to the man next to her with a smile.

Fu Xin was surprised that Lu Mingzhu's vision had become so bad after she had been gone for a year.

This man is wearing gold jewelry around his neck and hands, so he is a wealthy man. But he is in his thirties, with a bulging belly and a chubby appearance. At first glance, he looks like a nouveau riche with little cultivation.

"Mr. Chen, my sister is pretty," Lu Mingzhu said to him with a smile.

Mr. Chen smiled with satisfaction and said, "Beautiful. You two sisters have your own characteristics."

Lu Mingzhu's beauty is dazzling. Her parents have good genes and have been well-fed and well-dressed since she was a child. How could she be ugly?

Fu Xin is also beautiful, but she is very attractive. The way she occasionally lowers her head makes men feel affection in their hearts.

Fu Xin didn't want to talk to Lu Mingzhu anymore, and she didn't like Mr. Chen's gaze. She first walked to the box where Fu Wanshuo was.

Fu Xin went to the box and found that not only Lu Mingzhu and her boyfriend were here, but also Lu Zhou.

"Hello, uncle." Fu Xin felt embarrassed and unhappy when she saw Lu Zhou, and she called lightly.

The person behind why he and Lu Heng got to where they are now is Lu Zhou.

When she saw Lu Zhou again, Fu Xin didn't know what to say. She thought that Lu Zhou should also hate her. His only son was missing and it was his own fault.

However, Lu Zhou did not look cold, but looked at Fu Xin with a smile.

"Just come back."

Lu Zhou said, asking Fu Xin to sit down.

The happiest person at the dinner table was Fu Wan. She was indescribably happy when she saw Lu Zhou accepted Xiao Xin.

Through this meal, it would be great if I could reconcile with Xiaoxin and let Xiaoxin return to the Lu family.

"Thank you, uncle." As soon as Fu Xin sat down, the door of the box was pushed in again, and Lu Mingzhu walked in with her boyfriend.

Lu Zhou frowned when he saw the man next to Lu Mingzhu.

Fu Wan's eyes were even more shocked. Lu Zhou showed her this man's photo. His family was very rich, but he didn't have much ability. He was just a rich second generation who loved eating.

If the Lu family was not being dealt with by Gu Xiao, Lu Zhou would not be willing to introduce his daughter to this rich second generation.

"Dad, do you mind if I bring my boyfriend over to the family dinner?" Lu Mingzhu asked with a smile.

Lu Zhou watched Lu Mingzhu arrange Mr. Chen to sit next to Fu Xin, and then turned to look at Lu Mingzhu who was smiling at him.

"Pearl." Lu Zhou called softly.

He understands his own daughter.

Lu Mingzhu smiled and said in a sweet voice, "Dad, I know you specially invited your sister for this meal. But I just got a boyfriend and I want to bring him out to you to meet him."

"Sister Xiaoxin, don't you mind."

Fu Xin couldn't bear to hear Lu Mingzhu keep saying "sister". She was the same age as Lu Mingzhu, but she was older than her in terms of months.

Lu Mingzhu treated her so attentively because she wanted to show her courtesy to her boyfriend.

Fu Xin didn't continue thinking. She didn't like the eyes of the man next to her.

Lu Mingzhu also noticed the man staring at Fu Xin. She smiled and said, "Mr. Zhang, is my sister much prettier than me? Why do you always stare at her."

Mr. Zhang looked back and smiled sheepishly.

"No no."

Of course Lu Mingzhu is beautiful, but Fu Xin is also beautiful.

The two sisters of the Lu family are the flowers that every man wants to get his hands on together.

Lu Mingzhu pursed her lips and smiled, drinking the tea in her hand. Fu Xin and Fu Wan were chatting, but it was actually Fu Wan who asked Fu Xin what happened outside.

Fu Wan asked, and Fu Xin answered in one or two words.

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