She didn't control or allow herself to control her tears, she cried out.

Fu Xin cried whenever she wanted, with tears in her eyes, and said to Yi Nan, "You are stupid!"

If the driver of the car just now couldn't stop in time, it would definitely hit Yi Nan. Even if his luck is worse, what if he is hit, crippled or dies?

"Xiao Xin, just hope you're okay." Yi Nan said in a soft voice.

In his heart, Fu Xinzao was more important than his life.

Fu Xin choked up and looked at Yi Nan not knowing what to say. Finally, she stretched out her hands and threw herself into Yi Nan's arms.

"You really don't have to be so nice to me, I can't afford it."

"No need to pay it back." Yi Nan said, his eyes looking into the distance, "If he wants you when he comes back, I will quit."

"If he doesn't want you, I will accompany you."

When a man said something like this, Fu Xin knew that he couldn't refuse.

"What do you like about me?" Fu Xin asked him.

Yi Nan hugged Fu Xin tightly in his arms, "Xiao Xin, you are everything to me, don't push me away because of Lu Heng."

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Lu Heng loves you so much and wants you to be happy. He won't blame you."

After Yi Nan finished speaking, Fu Xin cried even harder.

She hugged Yi Nan tightly, feeling indescribably moved and uncomfortable in her heart.

Both Lu Heng and Yi Nan were so kind to her. Since she and Lu Heng are not destined to be together, she must cherish the person in front of her.

Fu Xin thinks more broadly and has a deeper relationship with Yi Nan. She felt that she had fallen into the whirlpool of love again.

She fell in very quickly this time, and she didn't regret it, and she couldn't regret it.

The two of them imagined the future. Fu Xin said that after returning to Yucheng, she would run the flower shop well and then make a lot of money to bring her grandmother back.

"I want to throw the money at the Lu family's door." Yi Nan followed Fu Xin's words and said jokingly.

"How much money do you need to make?" Fu Xin replied seriously.

Yi Nan touched Fu Xin's head, and the corners of his mouth curled up, smiling happily.

"Xiaoxin, do you know what I like about you?"

His eyes were very gentle, and every time he looked at Fu Xin, his eyes were shining brightly, making Fu Xin's heart beat extremely fast.

"I don't know." Fu Xin still answered seriously, but her voice became softer.

"Stupid." Yi Nan smiled and said one word.

Fu Xin thought she couldn't guess what Yi Nan liked about her, so she called her stupid. She realized when she saw the smile on Yi Nan's lips getting thicker.

He is stupid for liking her!

No, he was calling himself stupid!

"Yi Nan." Fu Xin became annoyed and reached out to hit Yi Nan. Yi Nan smiled and ran away, and Fu Xin chased after him.

The afterglow of the sunset is particularly beautiful, falling on the flirting couple, which is very heart-warming.

Yi Nan turned around and held Fu Xin's hand in his palm.

"Xiaoxin, I hope you will be happy all your life, and I hope we will always be like this."

He only wanted Fu Xin in his life, and as long as he was with her, he had done so many things, and he was afraid that something would happen to his relationship with her again.

Fu Xin didn't want to, so she nodded towards Yi Nan.

Fu Wan's call came and Fu Xin picked it up. She wanted to hear what Fu Wan had to say to her.

Fu Wan was the first to say sorry to Fu Xin.

sorry? Fu Xin was tired of hearing this.

She couldn't help but taunt Fu Wan, "You shouldn't say to me, I'm sorry. You should say, I believe you."

In the hotel suite, when Fu Wan heard Lu Mingzhu's words, she decided that she had seduced Lu Mingzhu's "boyfriend" without even thinking about it.

Fu Wan was so speechless by Fu Xin's words that she didn't know what to say.

"Xiao Xin, is he good to you?" Fu Wan asked.

This him refers to Yi Nan.

"Mom wants to see him, and so does your uncle."

"In the evening, come to Lu's house for dinner, okay?"

Fu Wan begged.

She and Lu Zhou broke up Lu Heng and Fu Xin, and now that Fu Xin has found a new boyfriend, Fu Wan is happy and relieved.

Fu Xin sneered, "Do I still dare to eat the Lu family's food?"

"Xiao Xin." Fu Wan called, "No more."

She promised, but Fu Xin didn't believe her promise.

After talking to Fu Wan on the phone, Fu Xin went to the Lu family.

It was not that she forgave Fu Wan, but that Yi Nan said to go see Fu Wan.

Fu Xin thought about it and felt that it was time for Yi Nan to go see Fu Wan and Lu Zhou and tell them not to disturb his life anymore.

She has a boyfriend of her own, so don't mess with her casually.

Fu Xin agreed to come over, and Fu Wan immediately started making arrangements. She asked the kitchen to cook Fu Xin's favorite dishes.

Fu Xin hasn't been home for a long time, how could Fu Wan be unhappy.

When Lu Mingzhu came back, she learned from the servant that Fu Xin and her boyfriend were coming for dinner. She thought of that young and elegant man. Didn't Fu Xin look for her brother based on her standards?

However, that man is not as good as his brother no matter how you look at it!

When Fu Wan saw her coming back, she immediately stared at her, fearing that Lu Mingzhu would poison the food again and harm Fu Xin.

Lu Mingzhu disdained the trick of drugging, and she had to find an unworthy man to come back.

Fu Xin paired her with Mr. Chen, and she was always trying to climb higher.

After inviting Fu Xin and Yi Nan to dinner, Lu Zhou postponed the party outside and came back early.

This is the first time in this period that he has returned to the Lu family so early.

Lu Zhou ordered the kitchen to cook some seafood dishes.

Seafood is not popular in the Lu family. After hearing Mr. Lu's arrangement, the servants were stunned. They thought of Lu Heng.

Lu Heng is allergic to seafood, so seafood rarely appears on the Lu family's dinner table.

Not to mention, Lu Zhou ordered that seafood take up most of the dinner table.

The servants guessed that since the eldest young master was away, the husband served seafood to the guests.

Fu Xin and Yi Nan bought fruits. They were not as wealthy as the Lu family, but they still had to do the etiquette.

Fu Wan hurried over to greet Fu Xin. Everyone was unhappy after the last dinner. This time, Fu Wan wanted to get Fu Xin's forgiveness.

"Mom, my boyfriend——Yi Nan."

Fu Xin has established a relationship with Yi Nan, and she has nothing to hide in front of Fu Wan and Lu Zhou.

And last time they saw themselves with Yi Nan in the hotel suite.

"Come in, come in." Fu Wan was extremely happy.

In the hotel suite, Fu Wan had a weak impression of Yi Nan. Now Fu Wan looked at Yi Nan seriously. Yi Nan doesn't look as good as Lu Heng, but Fu Wan looks very good.

As long as it's not Lu Heng, that's fine.

"Yi Nan, this is Xiaoxin's uncle." Fu Wan took Fu Xin and Yi Nan in and introduced them to Lu Zhou.

Lu Zhou said nothing, his eyes fell on Yi Nan's feet.

Yi Nan was wearing slippers, and Lu Zhou raised his head to look at him again.

"Hello, uncle." Yi Nan called with a faint smile.

His smile was cold, completely different from when he looked at Fu Xin.

"Sit down." Lu Zhou said.

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