Imperial CEO Sweet Sweet Love (CEO Hubby's Sweet Love)

Chapter 788: Brother, where have you been?

Biquge, the fastest update. Husband doting on his wife is so sweet!

Lu Mingzhu hurriedly followed and passed by Fu Wan. She glared at Fu Wan fiercely and expressed her anger at Fu Wan for telling Yi Nan Fu Xin's location.

Fu Wan lowered her head, feeling very conflicted and uncomfortable.

The room was opened and it was very quiet inside. Yi Nan didn't hear Fu Xin's answer. He was worried that something would happen to her and strode inside.

The bed was messy. It looked like someone had slept on it. Then I looked around. Where was Fu Xin's shadow?

Fu Wan and Lu Mingzhu followed in. They were not surprised to see the room.

"What about Fu Xin?" Lu Mingzhu turned to ask Fu Wan.

Fu Xin disappeared, and Lu Mingzhu thought it was Fu Wan who got people out of the Lu family.

Fu Wan shook her head. She didn't know that she was still there when she came to deliver food to Fu Xin at noon.

Within half a day, Fu Xin had disappeared.

Yi Nan's eyes fell on the half-drawn curtains. He stared at them for a while, wondering how Fu Xin left the Lu family.

Thinking about the attitudes of Fu Wan and Lu Mingzhu, they didn't know Fu Xin disappeared.

That means Xiaoxin escaped on his own.

Yi Nan turned around and went downstairs. He wanted to leave the Lu family first and then find a way to contact Xiaoxin.

Lu Zhou, who was sitting in the restaurant, felt strange when he saw Yi Nan coming down alone. But considering that Lu Heng's room was on the second floor, and the Lu family was deliberately unprepared, it was entirely possible for Fu Xin to climb down from above and sneak into the Lu family.

Yi Nan came down and walked directly to the door without saying hello to Lu Zhou.

Lu Zhou looked at Yi Nan's back and did not speak to stop him. He thought of the marriage certificate Yi Nan took out and slowly clenched the wine glass in his hand.

He actually got married to Fu Xin without telling him!

Lu Zhou was angry. When Lu Heng disappeared, he should have put Fu Xin under surveillance instead of looking for Lu Heng. Things were out of his control. If the marriage certificate was valid, Fu Xin would already be with Lu Heng.

The more Lu Zhou thought about it, the angrier he became. He was only thinking about his son's future, but Lu Heng went in the opposite direction to what he had imagined. Both of them were disobeying him.

He was so angry that he smashed the wine glass on the ground, and the floor of the restaurant was suddenly covered with red wine stains and fragments.

Fu Wan and Lu Mingzhu went downstairs and saw Lu Zhou smashing the wine glass. Lu Mingzhu is not afraid. Fu Xin's disappearance has nothing to do with her.

She glanced coldly at Fu Wan beside her. When she heard the wine glass hitting the floor, Fu Wan's body trembled and her face turned pale.

When Fu Xin left, Fu Wan was most affected.

Yi Nan came out and called Fu Xin, but no one answered the phone.

After Fu Xin's cell phone arrived at Lu's house, Fu Wan took it away and turned it off. Seeing that he couldn't get through to Fu Xin, Yi Nan called his own people.

"Brother Nan, I just wanted to call you and tell you that my sister-in-law was taken away by a strange man."

"What does it look like? It was too late and we didn't see clearly."

After hearing this, Yi Nan's heart sank again.

"But my sister-in-law should know that man."

Yi Nan wondered who took Fu Xin away in Ningcheng City.

Fu Xin felt very guilty and uncomfortable about what Lu Mingzhu said in Lu Heng's room.

Lu Heng loved him deeply, but she betrayed him and was with other men. But this cannot be what Lu Mingzhu said. She had to obey the Lu family's arrangements to marry and help the Lu family gain benefits out of guilt and compensation.

She is not that kind and has to control her own life. Although she feels sorry for Lu Heng, she does not feel sorry for the Lu family.

The Lu family raised her, and Fu Xin could repay this kindness in other ways, but he could no longer betray his love and life.

So after knowing that the Lu family invited Mr. Chen over at night, Fu Xin was worried that the Lu family had set some trap and Fu Wan didn't help her, so she could only escape.

Lu Heng's room was on the second floor. During the day, she looked down from the window. Even if she fell, it wouldn't kill her.

As soon as it got dark, Fu Xin took out the sheets he had made in advance, and then climbed down to the second floor when no one was coming.

In addition to the main entrance, the Lu family also has a small door for exiting.

If that doesn't work, Fu Xin knows that there is a big tree at the wall of the Lu family. He can climb the tree by himself, and then jump off the wall through the trunk to get outside the Lu family.

Fu Xin is most familiar with this method. In the past, she and An An played out late. She came back late, didn't have the keys with her, and was too embarrassed to call Lu Heng, so she had to climb trees and walls to get back to Lu's house.

When Fu Xin left the Lu family, Lu Heng happened to arrive at the Lu family, and the two of them were separated.

The small door of the Lu family was closed, but Fu Xin climbed a tree and jumped off the wall to leave the Lu family.

She hadn't climbed in a long time, and when she jumped down, she stepped on a stone and accidentally twisted her feet.

The pain in her ankle made her take a breath of air, and she endured the pain and slowly walked outside.

Rich people always live far away from urban areas, and so does the Lu family.

There are quite a few roads from here to the city, and it's night time again, and Fu Xin doesn't have a mobile phone on her. She's thinking about how to get back!

Her feet were in excruciating pain even if she took a step. If she were to walk back, she would have to walk for days and nights. Fu Xin limped to the opposite side. She walked slowly. When the car came, she had no choice but to stand on the road and wait for the car to pass.

The car was traveling very fast. Seeing Fu Xin stop, the driver quickly stepped on the brakes and turned to the side.

The car did not leave, but slowly stopped on the side of the road.

Fu Xin was walking with one foot when she heard the sound of the brakes and thought that she had stopped just now and the driver was angry and wanted to get out of the car and scold her.

She was prepared to be scolded, but there was really nothing she could do. Her feet were too swollen. When the car came, she would be fine if she speeded up and passed by, but it was too painful.

"Miss." The man's voice came, and Fu Xin raised her head to apologize to him.

"I'm sorry." As soon as she said these three words, she cried.

Tears fell down one by one from my eyes and I couldn't stop them.

The man was frightened. Fu Xin suddenly stood in the middle of the road. He was really annoyed. When he got out of the car, he found that her foot was injured and was about to ask if she needed help.

Before he could say anything, he saw the girl looking at him with tears streaming down her face.

Fu Xin looked at him in disbelief. The familiar face made her feel like she was dreaming. She couldn't restrain her inner excitement, ignored the pain in her feet, and threw herself at the man opposite.

"You're back!"

"Brother, where have you been?"

Fu Xin cried and said, the man was stunned when he was held by a strange girl.

It's not like he hugs her, nor does he push her away.

Fu Xin cried, and she hugged the man tightly.

Under the black night, the lights on the roadside were on, and there was a car parked on the roadside. The girl was holding the man and crying very sadly.

In the car, Fu Xin was still sobbing, and she slowly calmed down. After hearing the man she was holding ask her, "Miss, did you admit the wrong person?"

Fu Xin reacted suddenly. She pushed the man away and looked at him carefully through the light. She found that the man in front of her was similar to Lu Heng, but the two faces were not exactly the same.

There are also eyes.

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