Imperial God Emperor

Chapter 299.301

Chapter 0299 – Treacherous Little Sword

Perhaps it was because this matter involved his parents, but Ye Qingyu felt that the beast tide was hiding some sort of secret, and that this secret may be related to their deaths.

With the call of Ye Qingyu, the silly dog Little Nine reluctantly came to help.

Wherever he went, the horde of demonic beasts would scurry and hide.

The situation of the demonic beast horde that was like a flood was finally brought into a bit of control.

But the overall situation remained as bleak as ever.

A large shadow was suddenly projected on the ground.

The [Bright Sword Ship] had finally arrived.

The body of the huge battle ship obstructed the sun, casting a large shadow on the ground. The light of the formation cannon flickered in the bow of the ship, a terrifying energy filling the air, beams of light like a fire snake jetting out from the cannon.


The earth trembled.

With the launch of this barrage of cannon fire, the countless monsters beneath were immediately turned into dust and ashes.

A huge hole appeared in the ground.

Rocks and dust hurtled in all directions

The small formation energy cannons on both sides of the [Bright Sword Ship] were constantly shooting out lights of destruction. Although they were not as powerful as the huge cannon, but its firing frequency was faster. Against these low-level demonic beasts, they also had a frightening destructive power. Every time the huge cannon at the bow of the ship stored up power, it needed at least 20 breaths of time.

There were also black armoured soldiers jumping down from the battleship, arriving at Ye Qingyu's side.

These were the elites of the Vanguard. The battle power of each person was at least at the twenty Spirit springs level. These were warriors that had undergone a hundred battles that Liu Siufeng had carefully picked. Their battle strength was not low, and they had extensive battle experience. These twenty people, with Ye Qingyu at the center, formed a drill that parted the oncoming rush of demonic beasts.

Time slowly passed.

Even if Ye Qingyu and the others obstructed them with all their strength, but the advancing speed of the beast tide far exceeded their imagination. In the blink of an eye, the distance between them and the fleeing crowd was less than a kilometer awy.

"Go back and help the refugees." Ye Qingyu bellowed.

The troops accepted the order and disappeared.

They were all martial experts. High up in the sky, their speed was much faster than the soldiers of Deer City. Without exhausting the strength of their body, they could carry dozens of people at a time. Their rescue efficiency was several times higher.

Ye Qingyu constantly controlled the icy cold yuan qi, sending a frightening chill over. A layer of frost spread across the ground and the demonic beasts that were within 500 meters of Ye Qingyu's body were immediately frozen. The demonic beasts that were frantically running behind turned into a complete mess seeing the sight of the monsters in front.

"Marquis, all the people have entered the city," a Youyan soldier reported loudly in the distance.


Ye Qingyu called out to Wen Wan and Hon Kong.

Just then——


A beam of light suddenly without warning shot up from the horde of demonic beast, aiming at the space between Ye Qingyu's eyebrows.

An assassination had arrived.

That beam of light came extremely sudden and the speed was as fast as lightning, almost beyond the limit of Ye Qingyu's reaction.

In a flash, all the hair stood up over Ye Qingyu's body.

It was a frightening feeling, like death approaching.

In that instant, Ye Qingyu could only vaguely see that the light was a small sword.

A small sword exhibiting a terrifying killing intent.

When he wanted to defend against it, it was already too late.

"The demonic beasts have low intelligence, I have never heard that they can use weapons…" Ye Qingyu's face did not reveal a panicked expression. Seeing the little sword that was about to stab into the space between his eyebrows, the silver dragon hairpin jerked forward. A ball of silver light gushed out from the dragon head hairpin, spurting exactly onto the little sword.

The little sword slowed to a stop at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was covered with silvery ice.

Ye Qingyu raised his hand, clasping the hilt of the little sword.

As though gripping onto a mountain.

A little sword only the size of a fist was so heavy that Ye Qingyu had to use all his strength to barely be able to hold onto it. He glanced down at it, his heart pounding with shock and he almost exclaimed out loud.

"This sword… before father died, the hilt on his forehead…

Ye Qingyu's mind was buzzing, and then it went blank.

The little sword hilt did not have any signs or markings, only a pale silvery appearance. It was less than the length of a palm and seemed to be made from coarse materials. The lines were rough and the texture was uneven. It was not anything exquisite nor had any formation patterns engraved on it. It was not anything glamorous, but the hilt of the sword and the hilt of the dagger that was inserted in Ye Qingyu's father's forehead was almost exactly the same.

At that time, seeing his parents lying in a pool of blood, Ye Qingyu felt deep pain like a knife being twisted in his heart, particularly the small sword pierced into his father's forehead, which had became his nightmare almost every night. In those years that he guarded the grave, how many times had Ye Qingyu dreamt of the little sword being pierced into his father's forehead, blood dripping down his face, and was jerked awake from his nightmare!

Within Ye Qingyu's pair of eyes, a frightening light was emitted.

He stared in the direction that the little sword originated.

Apart from the demonic beasts surging forward, there was no other human or demon figure hidden among them.

"No, no, demonic beasts can't use weapons. Then at that moment, exactly what happened?"

Ye Qingyu's body, like a lightning, directly darted over.

But he did not find the slightest of clues.

His consciousness expanded throughout, but there was no strange fluctuations of energy at all.

Where did this little sword come from?

"Marquis Ye, hurry retreat!"

The voice of a Youyan soldier echoed in the distance

Ye Qingyu cleared his head and glanced around. The horde of demonic beasts was like a flood and he knew there was no way he could investigate anything. He could only seal the small sword with the force of the little silver dragon and then confine it in the [Cloud Top Cauldron]. It was to be stowed away for now to slowly examine later.

In the distance.

Once the last refugee had entered into the city, the second heavy door began rumbling shut.

In the depths of City Lord Qin Ying's eyes, there was a glimmer of disappointment that flashed by.

In that split second of the heavy door closing, Ye Qingyu, Wen Wan and others all entered into the city.


With the huge sound, the gates of Deer City finally joined up to become a gigantic metal panel. Almost at the same time, the horde of demonic beasts crashed into the walls. The ground shook, but fortunately the city walls had survived countless years of operation. Combined with the strengthening from the formation and the protection from the [Million Knots of Earth and Glass], it easily withstood the impact of the attack.

Tens of thousands of monsters incessantly rammed into the city walls, until they were bruised and bloodied and their limbs were broken.

The smell of blood filled the air, becoming denser and denser.

The soldiers on the wall grew pale as they watched what was happening below.

In a short period of time, all sides of Deer City had been surrounded by the horde of demonic beasts. Looking down from the ship, the city looked like an isolated island in the middle of a brown ocean. It was a possibility it could be engulfed by black waves at any time.

Beneath the west city gate tower.

Everyone did not look too good.

Ye Qingyu also had his eyebrows lowered in a tight knit frown, still thinking about the treacherous little sword.

People that saw him with this expression thought that he was worried about the situation of Deer City and dared not say anything.

But the tremendous power that Ye Qingyu exhibited when he fought the horde of demonic beasts had greatly boosted the confidence of the soldiers. In Deer City, there were also the four military leaders, but compared to Ye Qingyu, the difference between them was too great. Especially the scene of the frost silver dragons roaring out from his body; it was like a scene of a god of war descending. When had the soldiers of Deer City ever seen such a power existence.

"The letter requesting reinforcement has been sent, reinforcements should arrive soon. Everyone stay in your position, you do not have to worry," Qin Ying looked around at the people and said calmly.

The surrounding soldiers all replied loudly.

Looking out at the beast tide washing over like waves, no one would be in a good frame of mind. The scene of the city almost being destroyed five years ago once again surfaced in everyone's mind.

"Marquis Ye do you have anything you want to say?"

Qin Ying looked at Ye Qingyu, not knowing what he was thinking deeply about.

Ye Qingyu glanced back at him. In his mind, a faint light flashed across, but he could not grasp it. He shook his head, saying, "Deer City is the area that City Lord Qin governs. I have no right to intervene. City Lord Qin should be in charge. Just now I was eager to save people so I hope you do not mind. I'm also from Deer City, if there's anything that you need me, please do not hesitate."

Qin Ying smiled. "Then on behalf of the people of the whole city, thank you Marquis Ye."

"Thank you Marquis Ye!"

All the soldiers in the city bowed.



Ye Qingyu arrived at his parents' grave.

Since the Ye mansion had been returned to Ye Qingyu, he bought this cemetery. People would regularly come sweep the tombs and repair the graves. In the year that Ye Qingyu left the city for Youyan Pass, Qin Lan often came to pay respect with her daughter, pull out weeds and paid people to repair the entire cemetery.

The surrounding weeds were withered and yellow, the roots were a faint verdant green.

Each year it would dry up and wither.

Ye Qingyu knelt in front of the grave, silent for a long while.

"My father back then, what was his strength like?" Ye Qingyu asked in a quiet voice.

Standing behind him was Wen Wan and Hon Kong.

"Brother Ye's strength was not below mine," Wen Wan, who was silent for a moment, finally gave an answer.

Ye Qingyu was slightly startled.

He still had no way of discerning Wen Wan's strength and what level of cultivation he was in. If his father's strength was stronger than Wen Wan, then he should not have died in the demonic beast siege. There must be something that they did not know.

"Then what about my mother?" Ye Qingyu asked again.

"Yingying"s strength… was on par with Big Brother Ye," Wen Wan replied again.

"What happened back then?" Ye Qingyu suddenly stood up and turned his head around to face Wen Wan, asking irritably, "You said that you fought alongside my parents back then so you should know what happened. Can you tell me just what happened?"

Wen Wan let out a long sigh, not knowing where to start.

The scene back then surfaced in his mind, and wisps of murderous spirit permeated out of Wen Wan's body. Standing behind him, Hon Kong's eyes were also filled with a strange scarlet colour of blood—-

Chapter 0300 – Plan

"About this, we had investigated it later, but there was not a single clue left behind," Wen Wan explained, his face filled with shame. "The attack came soundlessly and without warning. It obviously had been planned for a long time. On that day, I saw a wisp of silver light, which shot out from the horde of demonic beasts and there was a black figure, like a ghost, that suddenly appeared, surrounding big brother Ye and Yingying. When I tried to run over and help, everything was already irreparable! "

"Silver light? Shadow?"

Ye Qingyu's hand clenched into a tight fist.

In his mind emerged the scene of when his parents had died.

The silver light was undoubtedly the treacherous little sword, and that shadow… which he had not encountered today was obviously something more terrifying than the little sword.

Demonic beast tide outbreak, just what secret was it hiding?

"Father, mother, I have touched upon what happened back then. You should rest in peace. I promise you that what happened back then, I will investigate thoroughly and regardless of what kind of existence the murderer is, I will make them pay with blood!"

Ye Qingyu's purpose in coming here, was to open the coffin and examine their corpses and compare the small sword on his father's forehead to the one he seized today and see whether they are the same—— Of course, when his father was buried, it was arranged by someone because Ye Qingyu could not make the decision. He vaguely remembered that his parents' corpse had not been moved, and in accordance with his father's wishes, the weapon was buried underground.

But since Wen Wan had told him these secrets, there was no need to disturb the peace of his parents.

Without the need to inspect and verify, Ye Qingyu has been able to confirm that the two little swords must be exactly the same.

"I'm going on a trip to Deer Mountain."

Ye Qingyu kept quiet for a long while, before opening his mouth and speaking again.

Wen Wan and Hon Kong seemed to have known that he would have such a decision since they did not look surprised. After all, the demonic beast tide suddenly broke out from Deer Mountain without any signs. Five years have past, but everything seemed to be the same as in the past. If there was any astonishing secret, then this secret may be hidden in the source of the demonic beast horde outbreak——Deer Mountain.

This time, it must not be the same as last time.

Five years ago, everyone waited until the demonic beast horde had disappeared before heading up Deer Mountain to investigate, but in the end, came back empty-handed.

"We'll go with you," Wen Wan said.

Ye Qingyu shook his head. "The beast tide suddenly broke out, the mountain must have a mysterious secret. You and Headmaster Hon should stay to help protect the city. After all, there are countless of people in Deer City. If we only relied on the power of the City Lord and the four military leaders, it won't be enough and reinforcements may not necessarily arrive in time."

"But we do not know about the situation up the mountains, there might be danger…" Hon Kong said worriedly.

Ye Qingyu smiled. "It's okay, If I want to go, there is nothing that can stop me. Even the greatest villain of our generation, Yan Buhui, could not stop me. I naturally have my own ways of protecting my own life."

"That's true." Wen Wan thoughtfully nodded. "As they say, good people do not live long, but a scourge remains for thousands of years. This kid is ruthless and has killed countless people. He is a great scourge; how would he die so easily."

Ye Qingyu looked at him with a stern, gloomy face and said through gritted teeth, "Forget it, I'll just take it that you're complimenting me."

Hon Kong thought for a while before replying, "Take Little Nine with you, he may be useful."

Ye Qingyu subconsciously wanted to refuse; this dog had always been unreliable and often caused trouble for him. It was unknown what would happen if he took him. But he suddenly remembered that today outside the city when he was obstructing the demonic beast horde, the demonic beasts fled when they encountered Little Nine, like hiding away from snakes and scorpions. They seemed to be extremely afraid of this dog…

Ye Qingyu was tempted.

"En, okay," he accepted Hon Kong's suggestion.



The news of the attack of the demonic beast horde on the city had spread throughout Deer City.

The town was suddenly in a panicked and anxious state.

The extremely lively and bustling streets and lanes that were seen with people weaving in and out of each other's way previously, did not even have a single person in it now. Every house had its doors and windows tightly closed, and the people all hid away. The City Lord Residence had sent out soldiers, patrolling everywhere, and at the same time the guards and private soldiers of the noble families were also asked to help protect the town.

The skilled masters among the students and teachers of White Deer Academy also participated in the protection of the city.

The City Lord Qin Ying had set up the headquarters in the west city gate tower, and all the orders were continuously sent out from there.

As the local ruler that had governed Deer City for decades, Qin Ying demonstrated his power and strategy at this moment. No matter how everyone felt about him, they must admit that Qin Ying was indeed a very capable nobleman; whether it was in governing people or directing troops, both in peace and in wartime, he was fully qualified to become a wise leader.

Deer City under the orderly command of Qin Ying was, for the time being, as stable as a boulder.

Even until nightfall, the defensive perimeter of each of the city gates did not reveal the slightest of flaws.

But for the people in the city, it was like living in a nightmare.

An endless number of terrifying demonic beasts were continually crashing into the walls. The ground shook and the crazy bloodthirsty demonic beasts stepped on one another, piling up like a mountain of meat, almost reaching the top of the city walls. If the city was not protected by the [Million Knots of Earth and Glass] formation, the demonic beast horde only need to assemble into a pyramid using their bodies and they could have easily cross the seventy-meter wall and entered into the city.

Due to the stack of demonic beasts, they had crossed over the wall and climbed onto the orange-yellow protective film of the formation. Looking up from inside the city, they looked as though they were crawling in space. The countless fierce and ugly-looking demonic beasts, separated by a layer of glass, were wriggling in the air, gradually obscuring the sky.

They used their own claws, teeth, scales, horns and body to strike the thick protective film of the [Million Knots of Earth and Glass] formation. Although they looked like an army of ants attacking a person, but the people peering out into their own courtyard were filled with fear and anxieties, worried that the formation would be smashed and then these frightening demonic beasts would rain down on the city.

If so, it would be a catastrophe.

As time went by, the sky of the whole Deer City was almost blanketed by the crazy horde of demonic beasts.

The sunshine was blocked off and the whole city was immersed in eternal darkness, not able to distinguish between day and night.

The experts and soldiers protecting the city had to bombard the demonic beasts that were climbing on the protective film of the formation to reduce the pressure of the [Million Knots of Earth and Glass] formation protection and to reduce its energy loss from time to time.

At the sky above.

The [Bright Sword Ship] would also use the formation yuan qi cannons to strike the demonic beast horde at the edges of the city, aiding the military.

But as time passed, among the horde of demonic beasts, monsters that have the ability to fly began to appear. They formed a large group and covered the sky like a black tide. The ship could only continue to rise higher into the sky, keeping at a level higher than the flying demonic beasts to avoid being besieged.

There was a boundless terrifying feeling of witnessing an endless number of demonic beasts. People that have not experienced it would not be able to imagine the scene that caused one's heart to shudder with fear.

Ants gathered into an army could also kill an ancient demon elephant.

Once they break into the city, only an expert like Ye Qingyu may be able to survive.

But the other ordinary strong people would be eaten alive by the terrifying beast horde.

Everyone was living on edge. In this situation, if the reinforcements from the Empire did not arrive and this continued on, the energy and the city resources would be depleted sooner or later, and the city would collapse soon after that.

"Do what you can do, leave things to the heavens," Qin Ying said to those close to him.

It was said that there were some nobles in the city who were secretly preparing to active teleportation formations to leave Deer City.

It was at this time that Ye Qingyu and Little Nine appeared at the western city gates.

"City Lord Qin, I plan to go and head to Deer Mountain to investigate. Maybe there is something to be discovered there," Ye Qingyu stood in front of City Lord Qin Ying, stating his intention. "A horde of demonic beasts had appeared for no reason, something must have happened up Deer Mountain. If we can solve the root of the cause, we may be able to cut off the beast tide. Otherwise, if we continue defending like this, people will eventually die within the city."

"The mountain is too dangerous…" Within Qin Ying's eyes flashed a strange colour, as he attempted to dissuade him.

Ye Qingyu smiled, "It's okay, I naturally have confidence."

"In that case," Qin Ying nodded and did not discourage him any more. "I wish everything will go smoothly for Marquis Ye. I have limited skilled masters on my side and we do not have enough people. I cannot send soldiers to assist Marquis Ye."

"I am fine alone, I do not need any assistance."

Soon, under the arrangement of Qin Ying, when the group of beasts that were clinging onto the protective film was struck once again, a gap was broke open on the [Million Knots of Earth and Glass] formation and Ye Qingyu soared to the sky. Transforming into a stream of light, he left Deer City and disappeared with a flash.

"He… is not going to use this an excuse to escape, right?" Someone muttered in a low voice.

"Nonsense!" Qin Ying twisted around, his fierce eyes fell on the soldier's face, yelling, "Marquis Ye is a heroic person. How could he abandon the city and escape? Besides, with Marquis Ye's identity, he has no obligation to stay in the city. Anyone who dares to say such a thing again will not be spared from punishment."

The people all kept quiet out of fear and dared not to say anything.

But City Lord Qin's words, under careful reflection, seemed to imply something.




The moment he got out of Deer City, Ye Qingyu's face was filled with a look of astounded shock.

The horde of demonic beasts had reached an indescribable level.

As if they were really a tidal wave, black current crashed down from afar up the Deer Mountain, like a vast body of water, completely submerging the whole Deer City. And the strangest thing was that the horde of demon beasts was obviously directed at the city. They lingered around the surroundings of the city, but at ten miles south of the city, there was not the slightest trace of the beast tide at all.

Those mad and berserk demonic beast, did not seem to have any plans to take a step further into the Empire.

“There must be some sort of mysterious power, that is controlling these killing beast that doesn’t have any intelligence!”

Ye Qingyu shot to the sky, breaking free from the entanglement of the demonic beasts. Activating his yuan qi, he shot towards the direction of Deer mountain like a bolt of lightning.

The distance between Deer mountain and Deer city was only tens of miles.

With Ye Qingyu’s speed, he reached it nearly instantly.

Although the mountain terrain hundreds of mile around Deer Mountain could not be compared to the heart of the deer mountain range, but there were still many towering slopes and precipitous ledges. There were deep valleys, and clusters of wild forests. Because it was near the Northern borders ,the temperature was very low. On many of the mountain peaks, there were white snow covering the very top. Only when you were in the outskirts, would you see verdant green shrubbery amongst the yellow and withered plants.

From high up in the air, the main peak was like a dragon spreading out from South to North. and these peaks were like the child of the dragon, encircling it.

The demonic beast horde below shrouded everything.

Ye Qingyu was four or five thousands high in the air, above the tide of demonic beasts. Very quickly, he arrived at the most central part of the Deer mountain range.

A large swathe of silver mist, had already completely enshrouded this area.

The endless demonic beast horde, ran out from this area covered by silver grey mist.

Ye Qingyu descended as he gradually neared.

A terrifying aura, emanated from the area covered by silver grey mist.

“This is……Chaos Fog!”

Ye Qingyu was stunned.

The so called Chaos Fog, was a formless substance left behind when the domain was born. There was a frightening destructive power contained within it. Any power within this world, could be found within the Chaos Fog. There were countless complicated strands of energy that was entangled within it that was constantly born, destroyed, born and destroyed yet again. Within the Chaos Fog, there was an awakening that was between the power of creation and destruction. Even a Bitter Sea stage expert had the possibility of perishing if they entered into the Chaos Fog.

It was rumoured that when Heaven Wasteland domain was newly born, a large proportion of its boundaries was covered by such Chaos fog.

Afterwards, through the exploration of all sorts of races within Heaven Wasteland domain, the area that the Chaos Fog covered gradually shrunk. There were many areas that were excavated so that lifeforms could exist. Currently, after the passing of several thousands years, the chaos fog surrounding the large majority of the continent had already disappeared. It was rumoured that there was only the existence of Chaos Fog in those legendary forbidden areas.

This destructive substance was in an extremely unstable state. But because it had a destructive power that even Bitter Sea stages experts would be wary of, it was collected by some vicious people. Using secret techniques and refinement, such fog transformed into weapons that caused people's faces to pale at the mere mention of it.

Ye Qingyu could be sure, that there had never been the existence of Chaos Fog within Deer mountains.

But why would it appear right now?

Staring at the Chaos Fog that was like the sea below him, he did not know what to look at.他

The more he neared, the most he could sense the terrifying nature of this chaos fog.

Within the silver grey fog, there was lights flickering like the stars, as if it was like a night sky that was covered by dim clouds. There was a complete aura of mystery around it. As Ye Qingyu stared down, he suddenly had a feeling, that all his sense of direction was lost. Even if he was staring down from high up, he felt that he was staring up at the stars of the endless universe.

Shreds of silver fog stretched out from within the Chaos Fog.

If a shred neared, and Ye Qingyu touched it slightly, he would feel a sense of pain like being sliced apart by a divinely shar weapon. He activated his yuan qi to the extreme, his silver frost yuan qi forming a one metre light barrier that prevented the Chaos Fog from touching his body.

“This is troublesome. With my current strength, I have no way of passing through the area covered by the Chaos Fog….”

Ye Qingyu’s brows locked together.

He tried several other approaches, but there was no other path.

At this time—-


Another ray of light neared rapidly.

Ye Qingyu stealthily came to one side to observe.

The light was like lightning, that instantly came to before the Chaos Fog, then stopped. It turned into two figures, one tall and one short. they both wore the attire of the sects. Ye Qingyu was still lacking in experience, so he did not udnerstand the other sects apart from the Three School and Three sects. Just on the basis of clothing, he had no way of discerning what sects they came from.

But he could largely feel, that the strength of the two was roughly equal to each other, around the forty spirit springs.

“Senior brother, we’ve finally arrived at the centre of Deer mountain. According to the rumours of the Jianghu, there is a treasure that is about of be born in Deer mountain. It should be here. We were the first to receive such news, so we came early. We should just enter and try our luck, why are we stopping here?"

The short person regarded his surroundings with caution.

“Let’s first observe a while. I still feel that our trip is filled with perils. We are not even too clear just what kind of treasure it is…..” The tall person said with hesitation.

The short person did not agree, arguing: “Just where is it not dangerous in Jianghu. We are quicker than other people, that means we have more chance than other people. If we just continue waiting on blindly, we will lose our opportunity. We won’t have a next time.. The most we’ll do is die. If we really are lucky enough to obtain something, perhaps we can make the Flowing Dust sect prosper again. If Master knew from the yellow river below, he will have a smile on his face. If the sect is strong enough, then we can protect the lives of the surrounding civilians, to prevent them from suffering under the bandits.”

The tall person hesitated for a while. Finally, biting his teeth, he said: “Fine, we’ll risk it all.”

After a brief period of discussion, they made their preparations. They both summoned a battle robe that was like armour and donned it. Activating their yuan power, the formation enscripted on the armour began fluctuating with light. The patterns of the formation were like little tadpoles that protected their entire body.

Xiu Xiu!

The two directly entered into the Chaos Fog.

Ye Qingyu appeared from the side.

“It seems those two people are not malicious people, they wanted to protect the commoners…..En, but for their strength, they dared to enter into such danger, entering into the Chaos Fog?” Ye Qingyu was greatly surprised.

Although the two donned armour before they entered, but one could clearly see the black coloured suit of armour were not any Spirit class protective garment. According to reason, it should have no way of withstanding the destructive power of the Chaos Fog.

Could he have been mistaken?

Ye Qingyu thought about it for a while, and retrieved a longsword from White Horse tower. He placed the sword within the silver fog for a moment then retrieved it.

The originally clear sword that was like a mirror with light fluctuating around it, was like metal dipped into corrosive acid. It became speckled and degreated, like rusty metal. With a little strength, it was like rotten wood, falling apart.

There was a shred of surprise in Ye Qingyu’s eyes.

Although this sword was not any sort of Spirit weapon, but if the fog below was truly Chaos Fog, then the sword should completely be destroyed and turned into dust the instant it contacted the Chaos Fog.

“It seems like I was wrong. This silver fog, is not true Chaos Fog….This is really embarrassing. Thankfully that big mouthed Wen Wan and Hon Kong is not here beside me. Otherwise, if they saw me make such a big fuss over nothing, they would definitely laugh till their teeth fall off!"

Ye Qingyu had black lines all over his head.

Ye Qingyu had obtained all he knew about Chaos Fog, from the library of White Deer academy.

Although he had the ability to remember everything he saw, but things on paper were shallow, and some matters could only be realised when truly undertaking it. Without truly experiencing it, it was hard to prevent a mistake in judgement.

“Woof, what are we waiting for?” The Little Nine that had always silently lay on Ye Qingyu’s shoulder like a beauty dog, finally could not help but be impatient anymore. It jumped about impatiently: “I smell something delicious down there, go quickly…”

Ye Qingyu nodded his head.

Frost qi like a burning silver flame, expanded around him and enveloped him and Little Nine within it. It was as if his entire person was walking amidst flames, letting out a misty silver flame. It covered other people’s gazes, preventing them from seeing his true appearance.

Just when Ye Qingyu wa about to enter into the fog…..

Xiu Xiu!咻

Another two or three rays of light flickered from far away.

There were more people from the sects that had arrived.

Two rays of light did not slow in the slightest, charging straight into the silver grey mist and disappearing.

The third ray of light neared, then halted slightly. There was a faint appearance of a figure wearing blood red armour that appeared, smelling of rot and decay. Without even speaking, it launch an attack. A cruel and blood red blade, shot out from the hands of the figure, piercing through the sky and striking towards Ye Qingyu’s direction, aiming to kill him.

He evidently wanted to kill Ye Qingyu.

Ye Qingyu was enraged in his heart. The Supreme ice flame formed around his right hand and he grabbed the blood red blade. With the activation of the ice flame, the blood red blade instantly turned into smithereens.

“Eh? It’s someone tough. Fine, wait until you enter, I’ll care of you then….” The blood red figure let out a snort of disdain, talking to himself. Then it turned into a blood red light, that entered into the grey mist and disappeared.

“LIttle brat, if you don’t want to die, then don’t follow me."

HIs voice, sounded out from amongst the grey mist.

Ye Qingyu’s complexion was extremely ugly to look at.

He did not even know this person at all previously, but he struck to kill on their first meeting and made such a threat to him. He evidenly was an expert of the sects that was vicious and merciless, and it was likely that he did many of such matters normally. From his cultivation qi and aura, the cultivation path he practiced in must be some sort of evil demonic technique.

“Woof, woof. This trash, for him to so arrogant. I can’t bear it anymore. Master, let’s quickly enter, I’ll bite him to death.” The silly dog Little Nine was so indignant his body was shaking, a growl emitting from his throat."

“Let’s go!”

Ye Qingyu charged into the grey mist.

In an instant, killing qi like a substance of form, pressed against him from all side. Although this mist was clearly not the [Chaos Fog] that was said to destroy everything, but it contained an extremely similar destructive energy. Within, there was immense pressure, as it millions of swords was stabbing into his body, or like millions bolts of lightning was striking him!

Even with Ye Qingyu’s eyesight, he cold only see the area a hundred metres around him.

He could not see any hint or trace of the people that entered before him.

Ye Qingyu guessed at the approximate direction, and continued exploring.

He faintly felt, that this matter was not simple. Without knowing why, the officers of the Empire seemed not to have received any news whatsoever, but the sects had such an extensive news channel. This was the news the two short and tall people had leaked out.

Just what sort of treasure, was within Deer mountain?

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