Imperial God Emperor

Chapter 309.310

Chapter 309 – Shrine Gate Opens

"You arrogant bastard!" A killing intent flashed across the grey-haired middle-aged swordsman's eyes.

This man was of a high level swordsmanship. With a slight flick of his wrist, a resplendent sword light shot out, several times more oppressive than the sword light from before.

The arc of light of sword qi slashed across the air, and wherever it went, the air split like the waters of the sea were parted. It tore through space.

But all this, in front of Ximen Yeshui's fist, was like nothing but an illusion. His punch smashed everything in front of it to pieces but his fist did not weaken and the power did not fade. It instantly arrived before the middle-aged swordsman's body.


Startled, the middle-aged swordsman drew his sword up in front of his chest, one finger pressing against the blade of the sword, and directly caught the blue fist.


Powerful qi exploded.

The clear spiritual sword suddenly made a loud clanging noise that rang through the air as it broke into five or six pieces. The middle-aged swordsman tried to stabilize his body, but was propelled back by the tremendous force, ploughing up the earth and broken stones with his feet. However, he still could not stop his body, stumbled back dozens of meters and tore two shockingly deep grooves in the ground

The people around were all gasping in shock.

The majority of the people were aware of the background and cultivation level of this middle-aged swordsman. He was definitely regarded as one of the strongest people among the Heaven Wasteland Domain. The crowd knew that none of them could have sent him flying with one punch like the scholar did.

Just what was the scholar's background and why was he so strong?

There were all sorts of thoughts running through the minds of these people. The eyes they looked at Ximen Yeshui with were all filled with fear.

Even Ye Qingyu, who was following behind Ximen Yeshui, was thought to be Ximen Yeshui's servant. The people present could basically determine Ye Qingyu's qi and cultivation level with one glance, so they did not place too much attention on him.

Only Qin Zhishiu who was standing at the side by himself, had a light flickering in his eyes beneath his sword-like brows, as he nodded to Ye Qingyu.

But he didn't say anything.

Ye Qingyu did not expect that the silent and cold swordsman would greet him. After slightly being taken aback, he furtively nodded back.

"I thought it was some master, but it was an appetizer." Having succeeded in one move, it was unavoidable that Ximen Yeshui looked a little smug. Looking at the furious face of the middle-aged swordsman, he smiled, "Your strength is so weak, but you want to test the strength of latecomers. This really is an old man eating arsenic, wanting to commit suicide. You're lucky that you're still alive."

His mouth was so vicious.

The middle-aged swordsman was trembling with rage. Bloodstain was on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes gleamed with sinister resentment.

But he did not attack again and bitterly retreated to the side.

Ye Qingyu secretly remembered the face of the middle-aged swordsman. To be able to resist making a move in such a situation, this person's mind was deep – he must not be underestimated. He obviously retained a strong resentment against Ximen Yeshui, and also him. If he found the opportunity, he would definitely retaliate.

"Why are you standing here? Are you waiting to rob us?"

Ximen Yeshui's gaze swept across the crowd.

Someone snorted coldly and did not look at him.

Someone pretended that they did not hear his words.

But there were those that evidently wanted to make friends with this young scholar. An elderly clad in armour with crazy hair like withered grass, looking extremely fierce like a lion, walked out with a smile. "We are waiting for the gate of the Imperial Residence to open. Little friend, do you not know about the secret?"

"The gate of the Moving Imperial Residence?" Ye Qingyu asked.

The armoured old man cast a glance at Ye Qingyu and ignored him, turning around to face Ximen Yeshui. "This may be the real Moving Imperial Residence. Just a while ago, when the residence appeared and the gate was opened, some people managed to enter. Just that every time it opens, only 12 people are allowed in, so everyone is waiting here for the gate to open again…"

Before he finished talking, he caught sight of silly dog Little Nine hanging at the heels of Ximen Yeshui, and he became speechless.

This scene was too comedic. Can you imagine a scholar, who was regarded as a powerful master, being bitten at his heel by a fat pig-like dog? The armoured old man thought he must be seeing things.

Ximen Yeshui was not self conscious in the slightest. Nodding his head he said, "I see… Oh, I understand. The strong people have already entered the Moving Imperial Residence. You guys must be too weak and could not win against those people, so you had to wait here, right?"

The armoured old man's face flushed with embarrassment.

Ye Qingyu could feel sweat dripping in his heart. Ximen Yeshui's mouth was like a poisonous snake – he was lucky that he was still alive and hadn't been beaten to death yet. It must be that there were only a few people in your so-called sect or he would long have been killed.

"Brat, do you want to die?"

"You're so young, but use your words so carelessly. You are bound to die early."

Among the crowd, people started shouting their discontent.

They were indeed defeated in previous battles, so they had no choice but to wait here. Ximen Yeshui's words were tantamount to uncovering their scars, but also mercilessly sprinkling salt on it. If it was not for the fact that they had already seen his strength, and he was indeed strong, he most likely would have been killed already.

While they were talking, noises echoed from the [Fog of Annihilation] behind them once again.

Someone was coming?

"Humph, there are still people coming. There are so many people that are not afraid of dying," from the crowd, someone said coldly, and the air was thick with killing intent.

When the gate of the Moving Imperial Residence opens, only 12 people could enter. There were already nearly 20 people waiting in front. With another person, the probability of entering the gate would be lower, which is something that none of them wanted to see. Anyone that got out of the fog area would only be killed instantly, or asked to leave if their strength was not up to standards.

Faint footsteps sounded.

A figure slowly appeared.

The instant that Ye Qingyu looked behind, his heart jumped up.

The figure that walked out from the [Fog of Annihilation] was a slim girl, dressed in a dark red warrior robe and a mask with gold engraving on her small white face. Others may not see anything, but Ye Qingyu recognized her at one glance.

If it was not Song Xiaojun, who else would it be?

Ye Qingyu never thought that he would meet Song Xiaojun again.

Because he was blocked by Ximen Yeshui, Song Xiaojun did not see Ye Qingyu at the first instant.

She quietly walked out of the [Fog of Annihilation], keeping her head low, her dark red hair hanging down like drifting clouds. She exuded an aura warning strangers not to come close. As though deep in thought, from beginning to end she had not raised her head to take a look at anyone. As she stepped out of the fog, her footsteps came to a stop and she did not say a single word, waiting quietly.

All eyes fell on Song Xiaojun.

"A little girl?" Someone in the crowd snorted.

But no one was tempted to test her power.

Because the power of the dark flames emanating from Song Xiaojun's body was frightening, making one's heart beat faster. It all showed that this seemingly quiet and cold maiden possessed powerful strength.

Ye Qingyu could not hold back asking, "How did you come here?"

Song Xiaojun raised her head. The moment she caught sight of Ye Qingyu, a bright light flashing in her eyes that was like ten-thousand-year-old ice. Then she seemed to have thought of something, "Where's the little rabbit?"

Ye Qingyu smiled and said, "At my house."

"You don't keep to your words." There was a hint of disappointment that flashed by in Song Xiaojun's eyes.

Here words were abrupt, but Ye Qingyu knew what she meant, because he had promised the little girl that he would definitely take good care of the little rabbit. He hurriedly explained, "Don't worry, my aunt and sister will definitely take care of it. I wanted to come here and it’s dangerous here so I could not bring it with me."

Song Xiaojun answered with a nod, before she lowered her head again and did not speak.

Ximen Yeshui's gaze flickered back and forth between Ye Qingyu and Song Xiaojun, and after a long while he said teasingly in a low voice, "Little Brother, your heart is beating so fast."

Ye Qingyu's lips were pressed together.

He really wanted to sew up Ximen Yeshui's mouth.

At this time, Song Xiaojun looked up again, saying, "In a while, follow behind me."

"Huh?" Ye Qingyu stood blank.

Given Song Xiaojun's personality, she would not say something akin to 'intimacy'.

"I will protect you," Song Xiaojun continued.

Ye Qingyu suddenly understood. Song Xiaojun's meaning was that she needed to protect him, so that he could stay alive to take care of the little rabbit.

What was this?

Could it be that in your heart, I am not as precious as the little rabbit?

Marquis Ye suddenly felt a little disappointed.

Ximen Yeshui seemed to feel like someone who had discovered a new continent. He began grinning roguishly, "There's something fishy."

Before his voice died away.


A dark flame blasted the place where he stood.

A several meters deep pit appeared, and clouds of dark flame burst upward from the pit.

Ximen Yeshui, who evaded on time, was still recovering from the shock as he hurriedly shouted, "Stop, hurry stop… don't misunderstand. I'm joking. I'm good friends with him… whoa, so violent…"

When the other strong people saw the clouds of dark flames, their expressions changed greatly.

"Unmoving City of Darkness?"

"You are… the holy girl of darkness?"

Someone looked astounded, retreating several steps back.

Given the experience of these people, of course it was impossible for them to not hear of the legend of the Unmoving City of Darkness. A while back, it was rumoured that even Lu Zhaoge was almost killed by this demon woman. Now, the people of Jianghu, at the mention of this name, all had completely different facial expressions.

Only Qin Zhishui's eyes were flashing with a surprised expression.

He evidently was confused why a member of the Youyan Army, [The Leaf of Youyan], would be so close with the woman of darkness.

But at this moment, there was a bizarre change in the air.

Multicoloured light flashing in the sky.

In the originally dusky sky was a majestic shrine slowly emerging, like a mirage, gradually becoming much clearer and visible. The shrine, constructed of pure white bricks, was towering like a mountain that the dome of the shrine could not even be seen. The glistening white appearance gives the whole shrine a dazzling impression and an indescribable feeling of sanctity was exuding from the shrine itself.

All eyes immediately fell upon the shrine floating in mid-air.

In the front of the shrine was a double rectangular white stone gate, slowly rumbling open.

"The gate of the Moving Imperial Residence is finally open," someone shouted excitedly.


Light flashed and shadows flickered.

Countless figures, like lightning, were rushing to enter the slowly opening gate first.

Chapter 310 – Bloody Battle

The shrine gate of the Moving Imperial Residence had been opened. At this moment, the most intense and most dangerous moment descended.

The figures were like lightning rushing to be the first to enter the slowly opening double gate in mid-air.


Boom boom boom!

There was the frantic bombardment of countless strong qi.

There were all kinds of spiritual weapons and treasured weapons whizzing across the air, relentlessly aiming at those people's back to kill.



Tragic screams resounded through the air.

Suddenly, in the air, people were blown to pieces. Broken limbs and severed bones were flying out in every direction.

A strong person that managed to rush to the very front was killed in an explosion by three weapons at the same time. He was not even able to let out a miserable cry before turning into a rain of blood. A little behind him was another strong person that was also affected, his arm blown to pieces, but he was still as before, risking his life desperately as he headed towards the door. Unfortunately at less than 20 meters away, he was also killed by the people behind.

Strong people fell like the rain.

At this moment, the cruel world of martial arts was displayed vividly and thoroughly.

As long as someone dared to be the first to fly towards the gate, they were inevitably attacked by almost everyone else.

"Who dares to rush in front, kill," the armored old man yelled in a stern voice. "The legacy of the [Formation Emperor], only the truly strongest person can obtain it. If some trash wants to enter, they are seeking death."

"Yes, only the strongest can have it," the middle-aged swordsman who was defeated by Ximen Yeshui before echoed loudly.

But at such a chaotic time, when everyone was frantically fighting to go in front, no one listened to them. Everyone wanted to win that chance. Even those that were not as strong also wanted to test their luck. The more chaotic the scene, the better. Who would stop to discuss and compare their strength and determine who is qualified to go through the stone gate?


Another person screamed tragically, their body blown to pieces.

The crowd on the ground also began to attack. The ruthless people directly attacking the people next to them. On one hand, they could make the situation more chaotic, and on the other hand, with another person dead, the number of people fighting to enter the gate would be less and the chance of entering would be greater.

Ximen Yeshui's entire body was whizzing with the noise of a body moving swiftly, like the sounds of tide and thunder, which shocked the people around to retreat away from him.

"Let's go!"

As Ximen Yeshui spoke, he grabbed Ye Qingyu's hand, his body soaring to the sky and pulling Ye Qingyu toward the shrine gate.

But how would the other people let them off so easily? almost at the same time, countless murderous qi as well as various weapons were rumbling and whirling toward the back of Ximen Yeshui and Ye Qingyu, mercilessly bombarding them.

"Get lost!"

Ximen Yeshhui roared, turning around and throwing out tens of punches.

The blue watermark fist was like a meteorite shooting across the air, strong qi booming behind, expelling all attacks.

In an instant, the two men had almost reached the shrine gate.

Just then——

"Get the hell back!"

With a bellow of rage, a strong person that had been keeping quiet in the crowd suddenly attacked. A black meteor hammer rumbled, hurtling toward the two people that were almost reaching the gate.

Ximen Yeshui looked back, from his eyes, a blue light shot out, as he bellowed, "You want to die?"

Another punch was thrown out.


The azure blue fist collided with the black meteor hammer.

"Huh?" Ximen Yeshui had a sudden change of expression, feeling the earth shattering power of the meteor hammer, he exclaimed, "It's a Dao tool?"

This black meteor hammer was actually a Dao tool?

Majestic power erupted.

Even with the strength of Ximen Yeshui, he could not completely counteract this power. He relaxed his hold on Ye Qingyu's hand, bloodstain at the corner of his mouth, as his body was sent flying away at a rapid speed, directly landing through the shrine gate…

Ye Qingyu was not as lucky, the frightening strong qi had caused a disturbance of blood and qi. Blood was gushing out his mouth and nose as he was propelled back across the air to where they started…

The crisis was not over.

After Ye Qingyu was blown away by the force of the weapon, almost all the other murderous forces were directed at his already slightly out-of-control body.

To kill him.

With another dead, they would have a higher chance of entering the shrine gate.

This was what everyone was thinking about at that moment.

"Woof, Master!"

Little Nine, who was always biting onto Ximen Yeshui's heels, screamed sharply. In the split second of Ximen Yeshui's leg almost passing through the gate, he flew back like lightning, desperately grabbing onto Ye Qingyu's body. With a loud roar, his body expanded, protecting Ye Qingyu from the constant bombardment.

"Little brother, you…"

The light of the divine gate swirled. Ximen Yeshui's voice sounded out from beyond the gate.

"I'll come collect you… Ah… you bastards, how dare you attack my brother… I'll come out to kill you… I want to come out…"

He seemed to be frantically struggling out of the shrine gate to help Ye Qingyu again, but the gate had an irresistible force that drowned him, and finally, his voice and breath were smothered.


A black flame flashed across.

Song Xiaojun finally made a move; black flames turned into the petals of a dark red demon lotus, wrapping around Ye Qingyu and Little Nine, and slowly returning them to the ground.

"Woof, which bastard hit me? I will bite him to death."

Leaping out from the demon lotus, Little Nine grimaced in pain, and at the corner of his mouth were dark red bloodstains.

Although he was known for his thick skin, but being attacked by so many masters at the same time, as well as various weapons and the power of the Dao tool, Little Nine also had to pay a price. It was the first time he was injured.

Ye Qingyu's mouth was covered with blood and his clothes were torn when he came out from the demon lotus.

His face was unsightly.

Rage burning within his eyes.

But this was not the time to try to be a hero.

"Let's go." Song Xiaojun reached out her slender white hand and took Ye Qingyu's hand, her entire body burning with dark coloured flame. A terrifying dark force broke out, black flames transforming into lotus petals and wrapping around them and silly dog Little Nine. The flower floated up to the shrine gate.

And at this moment, there was a figure that flew up with a strong force, evading the dangerous attacks one after another, heading straight for the shrine gate.

This time, there were 12 places altogether.

Ximen Yeshui took one of the places, and now there were only eleven left.

The crowd grew more and more frantic.

Qin Zhishui, who has not made a move at all until now, finally attacked.

Both his hands formed a blade seal, and the red silk blade began shaking. With a flash, a strong and extremely powerful blade will shot towards the divine gate…

Everyone thought that he was intercepting other people and did not stop his sword light.

But before the sword light had passed through the gate, Qin Zhishui's figure on the ground gradually grew fainter, and eventually vanished like a bubble.

"Crap, that sword light… He transformed into sword light and entered the shrine gate," someone yelled.

"The sword light escape method of Matchless Blade City… too careless, he took a place."

Many people were infuriated.

And at this time, a dark demon lotus also floated across to almost at the shrine gate.

"Attack the demon girl."

"I can let it pass if she's entering herself, but she wants to bring a pretty boy along with her."

The increasingly fretful crowd bellowed, countless strong qi in the form of streaks of light bombarded the dark demon lotus.

The black meteor hammer that appeared before was activated again, silently hurtling toward the dark demon lotus.

Song Xiaojun suddenly looked behind, seeing the black meteor hammer, her bright clear eyes suddenly flashed a dark red lotus light and an extremely quick and forceful light shot out. She stretched out her slender lily-white hand and gestured lightly with her hand.


The meteor hammer shook and propelled back at a much faster speed.

Among the crowd.

The strong person controlling the meteor hammer let out a roar, his body flashed away and avoided the counter strike. The meteor hammer scraped his skin before it exploded and the surrounding four or five of people were instantly blown into pieces of flesh.

And at this time, Song Xiaojun, along with Ye Qingyu, had entered the shrine gate.

"Ah Ahh…" The person that was controlling the meteor hammer gave a furious bellow, retrieving the meteor hammer, yuan qi rushing through his body, and the black meteor hammer suddenly grew to dozens of meters in size. A ray of black light enveloped his entire body as he rose into the sky towards the gate.

The scene grew even more chaotic.

As the number of places for entering the gate was reduced again, the rest of the remaining people were going berserk.


"Kill, kill you all!"

"Dare to fight with me? Die!"

"Who dares stop me, I will kill them all."

Fresh blood and bones flew in all direction,

The front of the shrine was like a slaughterhouse.

Then, someone came out of the 18th fog area and before he understood what was going on, he was involved in this massacre. All the people had gone berserk, attacking anyone that was near them. Like a moth flying into a flame, they headed straight for the shrine gate in mid-air, but almost all of them could only fly half the distance before they were ruthlessly attacked and fell down.


Time was up.

In space, the mirage of a shrine began to fade and the double doors also began to close.

The crowd was even more frantic.

Finally, someone succeeded in entering.



There were constantly lucky people escaping from this madness.

When the tenth person finally managed to charge in front towards the almost closed door, shivers of excitement were all over his body as he threw himself forward toward the shrine gate…



An elastic force burst forth from the shrine gate, directly hurling him away.

"No… what's going on?"

He roared in despair.

At the same time, someone had reached the shrine gate after going through innumerable difficulties.

But with no exception, he was also catapulted away.

"What's the matter?"

"There were two more places, why can't we go in."

"Isn't there a total of 12 places? Only 10 people went in…"

"Ah, that dog, that dog of the little pretty boy? Can a dog take a place?"


In the midst of blood splattering everywhere, countless people were yelling in despair and anger.

More people darted towards the slowly closing gate, but in the end they were rebounded back and could not get close to the gate. They had completely wasted their time and effort.

Then, suddenly, there was a cry of surprise.

"What is going on? The fog zone is dispersing…"

"The [Fog of Annihilation] is disappearing…"

"Damn, that is our route of retreat, with the fog gone, how do we get out!"

"What happened?"

"This place is changing, the opportunity is gone… No, what are we going to do? Should we hurry back before the fog zone completely dissipates?"

"I am unwilling."

"That batch just now was the last batch that could enter the Moving Imperial Residence."

The people that have missed the opportunity cried bitterly and loudly.

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