Imperial God Emperor

Chapter 314.315

Chapter 314 – The Other Shore

Everyone's heart jumped up when they looked in the direction his finger pointed at. On the blood red ocean surface there seemed to be something floating over in the distance.

"Let's go take a look," Ximen Yeshui said curiously.

The boat rowed closer.

As they neared, everyone saw clearly that floating in the ocean was a half corpse of a person.

What remained was the lower half of his body. The blood red water had eroded the clothes and mottled copper armour was covering the important areas. But what shocked them the most was that this half of a body that was found soaking in the blood water had not corroded yet, and the skin and pores were clearly visible…

"Look at that foot…"

The armoured old man suddenly pointed to the right foot of the corpse.

Ye Qingyu looked down at his right foot that only has three toes. It seems that his toes were not chopped off, but he was born with three toes.

"Could it be Mo Lingfeng?" Qin Zhishui, inwardly shocked, could not help but speak out.

Mo Lingfeng?

Ye Qingyu was taken aback.

The armoured old man carefully examined the body before letting out a long sigh, "This little brother is right, it is indeed the remains of senior Mo Lingfeng… I saw Senior Mo Lingfeng enter the shrine gate before us. He possesses an earth-shattering cultivation level. A hundred years ago he was already an expert of the Bitter Sea stage. He has many accomplishments in his life, how… did he die here? What happened?"

"How do you know him so well?" Ye Qingyu asked in a surprised tone. "What if you're mistaken?"

The armoured old man cast a glance at him. "I won't be wrong. A while ago I had the privilege of meeting Senior Mo, Senior Mo was born with a deformed right foot.

"Isn't there a rumor around that Senior Mo Lingfeng had entered the Bitter Sea stage a hundred years ago and may have reached the Heaven Ascension level by now?" Qin Zhishi was more talkative now.

"It's not a rumour, he has indeed entered the Heaven Ascension state," Ximen Yeshui said firmly. "Fifty years ago, the old man came to my master's door and I met him. At that time, he was already at the level of ascending heaven. He has a profound cultivation, but is also a good person, unfortunately he died here… The Heaven Ascension state is known as a completely different state and level. It seems that only the people of the Ascending Heaven state can withstand the corrosive power of the blood red sea."

Ye Qingyu could not help but cast a surprised glance at Ximen Yeshui.

This dark and reckless scholar's master really had an extraordinary background.

"Even an Ascending Heaven state has died here…" The middle-aged swordsman's face was coloured with despair.

Ye Qingyu stretched out the oar and took the half body out of the blood red water.

"What are you doing?" the middle-aged swordsman shouted.

Ye Qingyu looked at him, saying faintly, "Since he is my senior, I cannot let his body drift about and be humiliated. Of course I have to take his body back to bury."

"Little brother is right, we were negligent." The armoured old man's eyes had a glimmer of appreciation when he looked at Ye Qingyu.

"Humph, who knows what is on his mind," the middle-aged swordsman said coldly. "Maybe he is eyeing up the treasures on Mo Lingfeng. That piece of copper armour that did not corrode even in the blood red water must be a valuable treasure…"

"Shut up. Do you think everyone is as despicable as you?" Ximen Yeshui stood up all of a sudden. "I dare you to say another word."

The middle-aged swordsman immediately and resentfully shut up.

Ye Qingyu paid no attention to him. He fished up the half of the corpse and after a little cleaning, stored it in the interdimensional pouch with the other corpses.

"Since the body of Senior Mo appeared here, it shows that we are heading in the right direction. There is no mistake, the people that entered the shrine gate before us must have also gone straight ahead on a boat, just that an accident happened…" Ye Qingyu stated.

"That's right." The armoured old man nodded. "Now that we have come here, we should accept it. There is no way out. No matter what happened in front, we have to take a look."

The group of people had a short discussion before continuing on.

It was just that everybody's heart was getting heavy.

A day and a night had already passed.

Fortunately, all the people here were of a profound level of cultivation, possessed extraordinary strength, and did not feel tired. The boat sped along without stopping for any rest.

At this time, Ximen Yeshui, who has been standing at the bow looking around, suddenly exclaimed.

"Ah, in front… it's like… there's something." He pointed at a distant place.

Everybody tensed up.

The armoured old man jumped to the bow, carefully looked around, before he suddenly excitedly cheered. "It's the other shore, I see the other side of the shore, we have arrived…"


"It wouldn't be a mirage, right?"

Almost all the people were jumping in excitement.

Ye Qingyu stood up and looked ahead.

Indeed, faintly but visibly, the distant seawater was becoming shallower and mountains were coming into view, dotted with faint shades of green. It seemed that on the coastal land, there was plant growth.

"Quick, paddle over there, hahaha…" The middle-aged man laughed, unable to contain his excitement.

Everyone's face glowed with excitement and their enthusiasm was rekindled.

They had reached the shore.

[Formation Emperor] Luoso's legacy was right in front of them.

But at this time——

"Bad!" The armoured old man suddenly screamed, pointing below. "Boat… there's a leak… this… what's going on?"

Everyone looked down and immediately, their bodies tensed up.

It was unknown when but blood red water had seeped into the cabin. The boat was already very small, and although the water was not much, but with the crowd trying to avoid the blood water from staining their body, the boat suddenly appeared very crowded.

"Hurry up and paddle, hurry up and paddle… What are you doing staring blankly?"

The middle-aged swordsman screamed in panic, pointing and cursing at Ye Qingyu.

At this point, the distance from the shoreline was at least dozens of miles. In normal times, everyone could have crossed such a distance in the blink of an eye, but now they were lacking in yuan qi. By simply relying on strength, they could not leap as far as before. The shadow of death made everyone tensed up.

"What the hell are you saying…" Ximen Yeshui clasped his three-pronged spear. His face grew stern and cold.

"No, no… I mean, hurry paddle the boat or everybody's going to be done for," the middle-aged swordsman said, cowering.

Ye Qingyu also did not speak. He swung the paddle back and forth, and in coordination with the armoured old man, the boat, like an arrow released from a bow, darted towards the shoreline.

Everyone's heart was in their throat.

There were constantly fresh red water seeping in.

"At this rate, before we reach the other shore, we would sink into the water and be killed…" the middle-aged swordsman mumbled to himself, his face ashen.

The people on board stood up and huddled together.

No one could stand at the cabin area anymore.

Seawater continued to seep in.

"No, our boat is too heavy… Too heavy, must think of a way…" the middle-aged swordsman shouted.

"Then what? Why don't you jump down and lighten the weight of the boat?" Ximen Yeshui said with a cold smile.

The middle-aged swordsman dared not answer, his eyes swept around the circle of people, and finally fell on Qin Zhishui when a fierce smile curved his lips. "You are by yourself, right? You're, too heavy, jump off."

Qin Zhishui's complexion was calm, clasping the red silk hilt of his blade firmly.

"What, you want to fight?" Eagle hook nose snorted. "Here you have no companion. Obediently roll down and we can leave your corpse intact. Otherwise, I will tear you to shreds and you won't be able to beg for your death."


The middle-aged swordsman clasped his sword and walked towards him threateningly.

Just then——

"Who says he has no companions, we are together."

Ye Qingyu who was swiftly rowing the boat suddenly opened his mouth and said calmly.

"You…" The middle-aged swordsman looked startled for a moment, then suddenly a scowl of rage was upon his face.

Eagle hook nose growled, "Kid, the only reason you can safely stay on this boat is because of the power of others. Do not meddle so much, be satisfy with what you have."

While paddling the boat Ye Qingyu smiled a cold smile. "This is what I wanted to say to you two. Brother Ximen and I, as well at that beautiful lady there, can sweep away you two scum at the snap of our fingers. We let you sit all the way here, you should be content. If you're that discontent and think the boat would sink, you might as well jump off yourselves."

"You… who do you think you are, you…." the middle-aged swordsman yelled.

Ximen Yeshui humph coldly, pointing the three-pronged spear at him.

In the middle of Song Xiaojun's palm, a dark flame also faintly emerged.

The middle-aged swordsman instantly shut up.

"Crazy, all crazy…" The eagle hooked nose grumbled through gritted teeth.

Qin Zhishui stared blankly for a moment then looked strangely at Ye Qingyu. He did not expect Ye Qingyu to help him, but he still nodded and gave a cupped fist salute, as though saying that he will remember this favour.

As they talked, the level of blood red sea water that seeped into the boat was already as deep as the palm of their hands.

"No, this boat is not going to hold…" the armoured old man said in a disappointed tone. "Everyone, you are on your own, good luck!"

At this point, the distance from the shore was more than 2000 meters.

Once he finished his words, he leaped up, jumping over the blood red sea.

The crowd gaped in shock.

The next moment, as the armoured old man was about to fall into the water, he suddenly struck the blood water with the oar in his hand, using the force to bounce back up again and leaping over a distance of nearly hundreds of meters…

After a few times, he had jumped over thousands of meters.

"Yes, the oars are not afraid of the blood water, we can borrow its force…This old thing is too cunning… crafty old fox, he has a kind old face but in fact, had already planned this, he managed to escape himself…"

Ximen Yeshui stared with his eyes fixed and his mouth wide-open.

Chapter 315 – Dragon Transformation Attack

At the same time.



A shaft of sword light burst out.

The middle-aged swordsman launched a sudden attack at Ye Qingyu.

Although Ye Qingyu had been on constant alert, he did not expect that he would dare attack so brusquely like that. As he evaded the attack, the middle-aged swordsman's sword lunge quickly changed direction and the back of the sword struck the oar in Ye Qingyu's hand.


The oar slipped out of his grip.

The middle-aged swordsman grasped the oar and flew out like lightning.

"Hahahaha….You idiots, wait for death here!" The middle-aged swordsman cackled madly, and in the blink of an eye he was already hundred of meters away. Imitating the armoured old man, he struck the surface of the water with the oar, borrowing force to leap across.

"Brother Pei, don't leave me, did we not agree beforehand…" the eagle hook nosed man yelled.

But how can he call back the middle-aged swordsman.

At that time, the boat shook and swayed violently again. Gurgling noises sounded out under the boat and large amounts of blood water leaked into the cabin. Even the sides of the boat were about to sink into the blood red water.

"Dismantle the boat!" Ye Qingyu shouted.

At the same time, Qin Zhishui had pulled out his blade.

The blade light struck the side of the boat.


A metallic impact sounded.

Sparks shot out in all directions.

But the sides of the boat remained fine.

"No, can't tear it apart… The hull of the boat is made from some mysterious material and our yuan qi is sealed, it's hard for us to tear it…" Although Qin Zhishui was calm all along, at this time his expression was different.

"I'll try!"

Ye Qingyu also no longer kept his abilities hidden. Activating [True Will of the Sky Dragon], his right hand instantly formed into a dragon claw. He grabbed the side of the boat and exerted strength. A loud clang echoed throughout the boat as the extremely strong sides of the boat were broken into chunks.


Ye Qingyu threw a piece of the sides of the boat to Qin Zhishui.

"What about you…" Qin Zhishui slightly hesitated.

"Brother, you go first. We have our own way," Ximen Yeshui said, grinning.

"Thank you." Qin Zhishui gave a cupped fist salute, before he leapt up and imitated the armoured old man and middle-aged swordsman by using the parts of the boat to hit the surface of the water and advancing towards the shoreline.

The eagle hook nosed man's expression changed greatly. Today he was blind and did not realize the pretty boy was someone who had concealed himself before. He knew that with his behaviour before, Ye Qingyu would absolutely not help him. Grinding his teeth, he leapt out towards the ocean.

Ye Qingyu was shocked.

Suddenly the eagle hook nosed man leapt towards Qin Zhishui like a meteor.

Ye Qingyu instantly knew what this person planned to do.

"Brother Qin, be careful," he shouted.

On the other side, Qin Zhishui also sensed the danger. The eagle hook nosed man wanted to snatch the piece of the boat away from his hand.

Luckily, Qin Zhishui was calm when facing dangers. While protecting the piece of the boat, he twisted around to directly face eagle hooked nosed man and launched a blow. Borrowing the force of the attack, he was propelled hundreds of meters forward, widening the distance between them.

Eagle hook nose was sent flying back dozens of meters. Wounded and exhausted, and with nowhere to stand, he fell into the sea of blood.

"Ah ah ah ah…"

He screamed frantically like a mad wild dog, took out the meteor hammer, and as he dropped into the water, he pounded the surface of the water. The force propelled him dozens of meters high in the air…

But the meteor hammer itself was very heavy and could not float on the blood water. The effect was obviously not as good as the oar and the boat.

After five or six times, the eagle hooked nosed man plunged into the blood water.

He furiously writhed around in the blood water, but very soon, his flesh began to corrode, emitting bursts of thick and foul-smelling white smoke, and he eventually sank into the boundless blood red ocean.

And at the same time.

Ye Qingyu had repeatedly removed several pieces of the boat.

"Haha, I'll try." Ximen Yeshui tied two pieces of the boat to the soles of his feet, and jumped down onto the surface of the seawater. With a confident and at ease posture he walked across the waves without getting wet. Others were scared of the blood water, but for him, he looked as relaxed as a child playing in the water.

Song Xiaojun looked at the piece of board that Ye Qingyu handed over to her, gently shaking her head.

The dark red flame in her body rose, turning into red demon lotus petals and supporting her body up. She slowly floated up, like the fairy of the ninth heaven, mysterious and graceful.

"Your yuan qi has not been sealed?"

Ye Qingyu was astonished.

Why could Song Xiaojun use yuan qi?

Was she not affected by the tremendous word 'ordinary' in the sky?

Song Xiaojun did not say anything, simply stretched out her hand, motioning Ye Qingyu to come onto the demon lotus petals.

Ye Qingyu smiled. "Haha, this time, I don't need you to help me, I think I can cope… I'm going to collect on a small debt first."

As his voice died away.

The roar of a dragon appeared between the heavens and the earth.

[True Will of the Sky Dragon] was in complete operation.

Ye Qingyu transformed into a silvery white sky dragon.

The true meaning of martial arts was a kind of enlightenment, a kind of power of one's spirit and will. So it won't be suppressed by the mysterious force of the word 'ordinary' that appeared in the sky. Ye Qingyu had secretly tested this before.

If a dragon entered the sea, the blood water cannot penetrate in the slightest.

A dragon can soar high into the sky. Flying is a natural ability of the dragon clan, the word 'ordinary' in the sky cannot inhibit its skill.

Ye Qingyu, who had transformed into a dragon, roamed the sky and the sea, as if he had returned home.

In the blink of an eye, he had travelled thousands of meters.

The middle-aged swordsman was already next to him.

"What? Where did it come from… Sky Dragon?" The middle-aged swordsman turned pale with fright.

"Haha, tiny being, I said before, you are dead. You snatched my Master's oar, now my master has transformed. Ahaha, do you still feel superior?" Little Nine stood above the dragon's head, holding the two horns with his paws and looking up at the sky, barking with excitement.

"What, you are…." The middle-aged swordsman finally came to understand. "Impossible… it's impossible… The word 'ordinary' in the sky compressed all yuan qi, how can you still perform such remarkable ability, unless… unless… it's the true meaning of martial arts? It's impossible…"

His heart was bitingly cold.

"Woof hahahaha, what is impossible, woof's master is capable of doing anything. Small thing, I said that I will bite you to death, quickly roll over here, let woof bite you…" silly dog Little Nine said smugly.

Ye Qingyu let out a low roar.

He felt strange.

Isn't it supposed to be the pet carrying the master?

But why had the silly dog jumped on his head, spoke out all his words and snatched his lines… Why does he feel that he is the pet and the silly dog is playing the role of the master?

The middle-aged swordsman's face turned ashen.

He frantically yelled, slapped the blood water surface with the oar and desperately leapt ahead.

But no matter how he exerted his strength, he still could not escape the sky dragon.

"Fend for yourself."

Ye Qingyu's huge dragon tail flung gently, knocking the red oar out of the middle-aged swordsman's hands and taking it back.

"No…" The middle-aged swordsman roared in despair,. As his body was dropping into the blood water, he looked at Ye Qingyu imploringly. "Little brother, please, spare me… ah, no, save me…"

Ye Qingyu ignored him.


The middle-aged swordsman ultimately plunged into the blood water of terror.

"Ah ah ah, no, save me…" He struggled madly, his body emitting foul-smelling white smoke and his flesh started to corrode, as if he was a live pig who had fallen into boiling water.

But no one cared about him.

The silver sky dragon's slender and graceful body twisted and turned, returning back to the place before.

The blood red boat had already sunk, leaving behind only a broken side of the boat on the surface of the water.


Ye Qingyu dived into the blood waves, water splashing in all directions.

After transforming into the sky dragon, Ye Qingyu felt free, free to move anywhere and do whatever he wants. Not even the blood red sea can cause him the slightest bit of trouble. He dived down several hundreds of meters into the blood red sea, the dragon eyes snapped open, shooting out a divine light that was able to see everything clearly in the blood red water within thousands of meters.

"It's a dead sea, not a shred of life whatsoever… No fish, no living creatures."

There was no sign of fish or shrimp around.

Ye Qingyu transformed into a dragon and entered into the sea, like the emperor had return to his own territory.

He could see that the boat that they were on before was releasing tiny bubbles, slowly sinking down into the deep sea. In the boundless ocean, it was like a grain of sand, gradually sinking little by little.

Ye Qingyu's tail slightly moved and he had arrived at the boat.

"This boat, what material is it made from that blood water can't corrode it. It is incomparably hard and can float on the blood water, perhaps it is a rare treasure." Ye Qingyu thought, and without hesitation, stored the entire boat into the [Cloud Top Cauldron] of his dantian world.

The powers of [Supreme Ice Flame] could still be used. Ye Qingyu's powers were not completely suppressed, so he could still store the little boat into the dantian world.

The [Cloud Top Cauldron] was a mysterious pill cauldron that came from ancient times. Just the hundred and eight ancient characters etched on the outside was priceless. If it had fallen into the hands of a Pill Master like the [Pill God of Snow Empire] Dugu Quan, it would instantly become his most sacred treasure. But in Ye Qingyu's hands, it was only a means of storage.

Calculating the time that he had patrolled around the depths of the sea, Song Xiaojun and the others have probably reached the shoreline. Ye Qingyu was ready to come to the surface.

Just then——


Suddenly there was an extreme feeling of his heart pounding all around his body.

Ye Qingyu felt all the dragon scales extending and looked down at the bottom of the deep sea, where an incomparably vast shadow was slowly drifting over in the depths of about thousands of meters. However, even with the eyesight of the dragon, he still could not see the shadow clearly, or what it was, although he was certain that it was a creature.

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