Imperial God Emperor

Chapter 318.319

“These people should be the experts who had arrived previously in the divine gate.”

Ye Qingyu could largely guess as to who they were.

It was only that he did not recognize the majority of the people here.

But those who were able to reach such a stage must be truly important characters in the outside world.

It was only that their current state where they stood there dumbfoundedly, as if their souls had been absorbed away from their bodies… just what was this?

Ye Qingyu attempted to step on one of the yellow stone tiles to allow the blue light marking to shine on his feet. But after stepping on tens of yellow stone tiles, there wasn’t the slightest of effect whatsoever.

“Just what is this?"

Ye Qingyu could not understand.

“Woof, no need to try. You must have came late and missed your opportunity.” Little Nine had a face that said 'Ye Qingyu had failed him' on his face.

That should not be so.

Ye Qingyu did not too believe in this.

He was about to open his mouth and ask Song Xiaojun to try. But he did not imagine, when he turned around, he would discover that Song Xiaojun had already disappeared without knowing when. The girl who had stood on a demon lotus and appeared, had gone completely. He had no idea where she had gone.

Why was it like this?

The situation became more and more strange.

Would the little girl be in some sort of danger?

Ye Qingyu slapped himself in the head, somewhat worried in his heart. But after careful thought, Song Xiaojun did not seem to be restricted by that humongous ‘ordinary’ character in the sky within the [Base of the Formation Sovereign]. With her strength, she should not encounter any problems.

After thinking for a while, Ye Qingyu continued ahead beyond the courtyard.

A hundred meters away, he came to the entrance of the divine palace.

There were stone tiles that had strange inscriptions on it floating above the stone steps, as if it was floating on water and was supported by an invisible energy. He walked on the stone steps, step by step. In total they numbered a hundred and eight, until he was on the stone base of the divine palace.

“Hou Hou Hou…”

There was a series of mad and enraged roars coming from demonic beasts that sounded out.

Ye Qingyu was taken aback.

When he turned his head to look, he saw that the massive silver stone gateway to the main entrance of the stone shrine had two large and incomparably mysterious symbols etched onto it. The curved and wacky brushstrokes on it seemed like the scribbles of a little kid, but also a labyrinth that made one dizzy when one beheld it. More importantly, the two large symbols were scarlet red. There was a light dancing within these brush strokes, that looked like fresh blood. There was a sort of abnormal and sorrowful atmosphere that was throughout.

Every hundredth of a breath, the two large blood red symbols would rapidly flicker.

And every time it flickered, there would be a flood-like tide of beasts that appeared from within.

The forms of these demonic beasts were not the same, being of all sorts and sizes. But they all held a berserk and destructive aura about them. Their bloody red eyes flickered with a terrifying bloodthirstiness. They galloped madly, but after running for less than a meter, it seemed as if there was a water ripple in the air. It seemed as if the barriers of space had melted, the demonic beasts entered into the ripple and would disappear to the other side of the water ripple.

Ye Qingyu suppressed the shock in his heart as he neared and observed.

Right now, he could confirm that those demonic beasts which were running madly to attack Deer City, was namely created from these two massive blood red symbols.

Here was the origin of the demonic beasts.

The two symbols on the massive silver stone gate was the origin of all the destruction.

Ye Qingyu had once thought of countless explanations.

But he did not imagine that the end result would be like so.

Just what were these two blood red symbols, that they were able to create such berserk demonic beasts?

Ye Qingyu neared, wanting to inspect from a closer distance.

But when he was less than ten meters away from the massive silver stone gate, something unexpected happen. The two large and strange demonic symbols suddenly emitted faint mist. It was like an invisible giant hand that lightly smothered it, wiping away these two symbols.

The demonic blood red symbols had disappeared.

The huge silver stone gate returned to normal.

And then there were no more demonic beasts that came charging and roaring out.

The barrier in the air a meter away also disappeared.

The endless roars and howls of the beast also disappeared.

Ye Qingyu still had not yet grasped what had occurred–


The huge silver stone door in front of him let out a rumble, slowly and gradually opening.

A vast power of thunder surged out from the stone doors. Faintly, it was as if they could hear the roars of Gods and Devils fighting. They were able to hear singing of heavenly girls. They were able to hear the laughter of giant demonic lifeforms, hear the noise of life forms killing each other, hear the weeping of divine kings…

There were countless sounds that did not belong to the world.

The vast power of thunder grabbed at Ye Qingyu. He could not even struggle, there was no way of resisting, even if he underwent dragonification. His entire person was slowly being carried into the opened gate.

Little Nine was also similarly dragged inside.

As well as the Little Silver dragon that had transformed into a hairpin.

These fellows felt something was wrong, and did their utmost to struggle. The figure of the silly dog expanded, his paws gripping the stone door tightly. The Little Silver dragon also exposed his true form, his draconic talons grabbing at the door, wanting to help drag Ye Qingyu out together. But ultimately, they were all pulled within the stone door, entering into the divine shrine.

Then the large silver stone door shut.

Nearly at the same time.

A strange light ripple, with the divine palace at the center, surged out towards the open yard.

Those experts who were dumbly standing where they were, gazing at the heavens, had the light wave flicker through their body. Instantly, it was as if they awakened from their dreams, recovering to normality. There was joy as well as shock on their faces. They looked at their surroundings, then became cautious…

“What happened?”

“Could this have been an illusion?”

“I seem to have gained something.”

“Is the formation palace in front of us?”

“The Legacy of his majesty Luo So should be within the divine palace."

“But we have no way of entering.”

“We’ve only just reached the open yard, but we could not help but stay here and comprehend the Dao. Then within the divine palace, there must be something even more ridiculous?”

There was a series of low discussion.

Those experts who had been awakened from amidst their enlightenment, comprehended what they had been able to obtain. They were all overjoyed. They had not imagined that there would be such a fortuitous encounter within the formation yard. Only they themselves knew what they had obtained, but from the expressions of everyone, one could determine it was something great.

The yellow stone tiles below their feet flickered.

Those strange blue markings and patterns disappeared from the yellow tiles, and appeared on their palms.

Those blue patterns were like they were etched onto their skin. It would appear and disappear as they willed it.

At the same time, the ‘ordinary’ character floating above the air completely disappeared.

The restrictive power also disappeared that had suppressed them previously.

“Ah… I can use my inner yuan once again.”

“The power of yuan qi has returned."

“Hahaha, this is too great. I can finally recover my normal strength.”

This unexpected event caused everyone to become excited. Power had once again returned to their bodies, returning a sense of security to everyone.

There were some people who looked at the strange blue markings that had appeared on their palms.

They attempted to insert a strand of yuan qi into the blue markings.


A huge blue light shot towards the sky, like a sharp divine sword. It tore through space, even slicing apart the fabric of space.

“This…” Even the person himself was shocked.

He had only inserted a tiny portion of yuan qi, but it had displayed such a powerful offensive ability… this, was this the legendary legacy that the [Formation Sovereign] had left behind?

Boom Boom!

There were blue lights that constantly tore through space.

Evidently, the others had also discovered the frightening ability of the blue pattern on their hands.

“Hahaha…” There were people madly laughing.

Ximen Yeshui also looked at his own palm, his heart overjoyed.

The blue light pattern in his palm was exactly the same as the blue under his feet on the yellow stone tiles. In other words, after such a temporary experience and comprehension, he had obtained the power of that seal on the yellow tile.

Although he had not tried it yet, but he could be sure that the blue light on his right hand had not yet demonstrated its full power. As he continued to examine and mull over it, it’s power would definitely increase.

Was this the legacy left behind by the [Formation Sovereign], his majesty Luo So?

The Qin Zhishui by the side held his blade in his right hand and activated the formation light in his hand. The blue light instantly wrapped around the red silk battle blade in his right hand. A powerful blade will instantly spread about everywhere.

He did not strike out.

But the power was already evident.

Even with Qin Zhishui’s calm demeanour, he could not help but smile.

This exploration had risk their lives several times over. He had finally received a reward in the journey to the formation palace.

He and Ximen Yeshui had ran here madly. When they reached the open yard, they could see the crowd of people standing therir dumbly. Before they could notice anything, the yellow stone tiles below their feet suddenly let out a blue light. Then their body, as if it could not be controlled, like their souls had left their body and entered into a strange environment, was met with a series of test. Hence, they began their enlightenment.

Such a process, seemed long, but also fleeting.

From the current situation, it was evident the people of the yard had unintentionally activated the blue light on the stone tiles and each received their fortuitous encounter.

Such a result, was something no one had expected.

They originally thought, when they reached the formation palace, there would be a great bloody battle. Only those with the strongest strength or perhaps the greatest fortune, would be able to obtain the legacy of the [Formation Sovereign] after paying a certain price.

Who would have imagined everyone would receive something.

This great battle should be able to be prevented.

“Oh? Where's my brother? I can’t see him?”

Ximen Yeshui evaluated his surroundings. Within the crowd, he could not see Ye Qingyu at all.

As Qin Zhishui heard this, he also hurriedly began searching amongst his surroundings.

There were only about twenty or so people on the yard. Sweeping his eyes everywhere, he really did not see Ye Qingyu’s figure.

“My silly brother, will he still be burying the dead people below the mountain?” Ximen Yeshui’s face had gone green. “At this time, how can he not even be the slightest hasty, and act so slow and leisurely… But thankfully, there are at least over ten thousand yellow tiles below us. Even if he comes late, he will definitely be able to obtain a piece, and obtain the formation light seal."

Qin Zhishui nodded his head. “En, brother Ximen is correct. He does not need to be too impatient."

The greedy people near them had already began to see if they could activate other yellow stone tiles, to see if they could obtain other formation seal lights nearby. But evidently, they were not successful. No matter how hard they tried, they had no way of activating a second yellow stone tile.

If their guesses were not wrong, although there were over ten thousand of these tiles, each person could only obtain a single tile.

When the blue seal light was transferred to the person’s palm, the yellow stone tile they were standing on before would become empty. There would not be any trace left behind.

“That’s not right, this should not be the entire legacy of the [Formation Sovereign], his majesty Luo So,” here was someone that suddenly shouted.

Everyone turned to look at him.

This was an old man that seemed especially fierce. He had long hair, half completely black like ink and half completely white like snow. It was like yin and yang, and seemed extremely strange. His eyebrows stood like steel needles, nearly forming a straight ‘one’ character, a completely horizontal line. There was a blood red blade scar on his right eyebrow, and his aura was as piercing as an eagle, his gaze extremely sharp.

“Everyone, if my guess is not wrong, the true legacy of his majesty Luo So, is within the divine palace. What we just received is just a little appetizer. Don’t be satisfied yet, we still need to work together to enter into the divine palace to truly obtain the absolute treasure,” the fierce yin and yang old man advised.

“Haha, [Yin Yang Monarch], don’t you always act alone? Why is it today you suggested that we should work together? Could the world have completely changed?” Someone sneered as they stood out. It was an old man that was chubby and short, like he was a meatball. There was a pair of half moon shaped shields behind his back, that when joined together, would look like a turtle shell. His aura was equally powerful.

"Haha, Turtle Shell immortal, yesterday is not like today. When the matter concerns the absolute most sacred treasure of the Human Race, we must be more cautious. If we cooperate, we will have a higher chance of obtaining the treasure…” The [Yin Yang Monarch] laughed like he was chuckling at a retard.

“Hmph, you know best what kind of intentions you yourself have.” The Turtle Shell immortal said with a snort.

But many people were moved by the words of the [Yin Yang Monarch].

The human heart would never know when to be satisfied.

After they obtained something, they would want to obtain more.

Everyone’s gaze turned towards the divine palace.

When they had previously arrived at the open yard, when they stepped onto the yellow stone tiles, they could not help but enter into a state of comprehension. Therefore, they still had not entered the divine palace.

Seeing the divine palace now, everyone’s eyes were filled with an excited glimmer.

“My little brother, why have you still not appeared. If you come later, not to mention meat, you can’t even drink the soup.” Ximen Yeshui was so impatient that he stamped his feet, pacing back and forth. Seeing that Ye Qingyu had not appeared yet, he was somewhat worried that he might have encountered some sort of danger.

Qin Zhishui also tensely looked about.

There were already people heading towards the divine palace.

Everyone very quickly arrived at the entrance to the divine palace.

There were people who were about to step onto the stone steps, but then was rejected soundly backwards by an invisible energy.

“En? What is this?”

There were other people that attempted to do this, but was similarly rejected from the stone steps.

“There’s a restriction?”

The [Yin Yang Monarch] also tried, but was also rejected by the invisible power. There was absolutely no way of stepping onto the stone steps. Leaping past the stone steps was absolutely impossible. Everywhere around the divine palace was a strange energy protecting it, there was no way of traversing it.

“Let’s just blow it open.” An expert coldly snorted. A powerful energy emitted from his hand, and struck towards the stone steps.


An energy that was several times greater came rebounding backwards.

“Puh… Chi!”

This expert was sent flying backwards, blood spurting out from his mouth.

“This is the palace of the [Formation Sovereign]. It is not a wise choice to choose to attempt to forcefully enter it. If he wants to give it to you, you will obtain it. If he doesn’t want to give it to you, you won’t be able to forcefully gain it.” The expert that had the lower half of his body destroyed opened his mouth, “It seems that only those who are destined will be able to step onto the stone steps, and obtain the absolute treasure of the legacy.”

This person had a head of messy hair, dried up like wild grass. His muscles were engorged, and one could tell he was once incomparably muscular. But his lower half had been destroyed, and seemed devastating. However, the blue light seal in his palm emitted blue light, transforming into his legs and supporting his body.

“Haha, cultivation is going against the heavens, everything can be obtained. Crippled old bastard, your words are somewhat false,” the [Yin Yang Monarch] coldly sneered. “Could it be that you are about to leave the crowd, and give up on gaining something?”

“This person, is the [Heavenly Crippled Legs] Mo Lingfeng.” Ximen Yeshui had an expression like he had just seen a ghost, grabbing at the Qin Zhishui next to him.

Qin Zhishui was stunned. “That can’t be. Did we not just see his corpse in the blood red sea…”

“That was only half his body. Those monsters of the Heaven Ascension stage, even if they have lost half their body, they won’t die. They are really hard to kill…”

“Did you not say you have once seen him before?” Qin Zhishui suddenly thought of something. “You said, a hundred years ago, elder Mo had once appeared to your sect. In other words… you are already over a hundred years old?”

“Eh? No, I am only just twenty…” Ximen Yeshui stammered. “I said I had seen him, but he did not see me. I have many people in my sect… eh, why are we concerned with such unimportant matters. Right now, we should decide whether we should go back and find that bastard that likes to bury people, and help him get something from this place?”

Qin Zhishui gave this fellow a glance, about to nod his head.

At this time—

“The day that the divine palace will open has already passed. The fated person has already stepped into the divine palace. Everyone has already gained their own fortuitous encounter, so don’t trespass on the divine palace any longer. When the time is right, you will be sent away from the palace.”

There was a strict and authoritative voice that suddenly sounded out in the skies.

The voice appeared without any warning, like it was an absolute monarch that ruled over all life. There was an authority within its voice that could not be questioned.

Everyone felt their consciousness quaking, their hearts moved. They had no way of controlling themselves.

When the voice disappeared, the experts all looked at each other, shock in their eyes.

“Could it be… the voice of his majesty Luo So?”

“Impossible, his majesty Luo So has already… already passed. This… how?”

“No, perhaps it means… that his majesty Luo So did not perish. Heavens, if news of this was to be passed on…” There was someone that became moved.

The complexion of the [Yin Yang Monarch] changed constantly. He had a dark face, saying, “Hmph, don’t be so positive. It might not be his majesty Luo So, perhaps it is the voice a part of his consciousness has left behind, or perhaps… someone is pretending to be him?”

As these words were said, everyone’s heart was moved.

With such an absolute treasure in front of them, who would be willing to patiently wait and watch others obtain such a fortuitous encounter?

“Who is it? Who entered into the divine palace?"

“That’s not right. Those who entered at the start are all here… could it be someone that came later?”

People began discussing.

The experts who were able to come here were all people who had experienced countless killings. They had danced in endless mountains of corpses and oceans of blood. Their battle experience was unspeakably full, and they were all people who had absolute self confidence. They naturally would not act like obedient children after a sudden voice sounded out from the sky, and be willing to wait patiently.

There were still people who constantly attempted to break through the protection of the divine palace and forcefully enter.

There were even people who used the blue light seal in their hands, to attack the invisible barrier of the divine palace. But there was not the slightest hint of progress.

Ximen Yeshui and Qin Zhishui were behind the crowd, not attempting to even try to break past the protection of the divine palace.

“Hey, do you think the fellow who entered into the divine palace is my brother?” Ximen Yeshui spoke with a low voice.

Qin Zhishui was taken aback, “This… is hard to say.”

“Haha, if in the end the legacy of the [Formation Sovereign] was obtained by that fellow that likes to bury people while everyone bitterly ran everywhere, this would be really far too amusing.” Ximen Yeshui had a tone of delighting in others misfortune.

Qin Zhishui had an exasperated tone as he said to him, “Could it be that you do not want to obtain your own fortuitous encounter?”

Ximen Yeshui laughed at him, spreading his hands wide. “I have already obtained the blue formation seal. My limit for fortuitous encounters has already been reached. Humans have to know when to be satisfied. Haha, furthermore, my brother obtaining it is the same as me obtaining it. I am only curious, just what sort of fortuitous encounter it is. Could it really be the inheritance of his majesty Luo So?”

The two spoke in suppressed voices.

But they were still heard by people beside them.

The [Yin Yang Monarch] ‘s gaze landed on Ximen Yeshui. He frowned, saying, “Your brother is who? What’s he called?”

The aura of a Heaven Ascension expert instantly descended.

Qin Zhishui felt like a stone was pressed against his heart. When the gaze of the [Yin Yang Monarch] landed on him, he had a feeling of suffocation.

But Ximen Yeshui did not even pay the [Yin Yang Monarch] a look. Pressing his lips together, “That’s none of your bloody business.”

The gaze full of wisdom instantly became poisonous and sinister.



“Elder, it’s you?”

Ye Qingyu was surprised.

When the gates of the divine palace had opened and he was dragged in by the power of thunder, Ye Qingyu bitterly struggled but was not able to escape. The power of lightning was not the same as normal lighting. It constantly traversed throughout Ye Qingyu’s body, like it was a heavenly punishment, nearly tearing him apart.

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