Imperial God Emperor

Chapter 326.337

At the same time, the news of the demonic beasts disappearing, was like it had grown wings. It spread out madly throughout the entire Deer City. They were able to hear all sorts of cheers and applause, and then the sound of fireworks madly exploding in the streets all around unendingly. The smell of sulphur caused the entire city to seem to be undergoing a festival, the aura incomparably festive.

There were more and more people appearing on the streets.

Those civilians who hid in their houses afraid to come out, were already in the streets, celebrating and running with joy.

At the entrance to the Ye household.

“Brother Xiaoyu…” Little Grass was the first person who rushed forward.

Tang San and Qin Lan brought all the people of the Ye household and waited there silently at the entrance. Evidently, the military had already sent someone to notify them. When Ye Qingyu and the others were on the street, news of this had already arrived in the household.

Seeing that Ye Qingyu had returned safely, Qin Lan’s worried heart could finally return back to her chest.

The household instantly became bustling.

Bai Yuanxing, with Little Grass’s support, came to the courtyard. His eyes were still covered by a cloth, and herbs had been applied. His entire person seemed much more vigorous than before, and spoke and laughed with several children of the household. His entire vitality seemed much better.

Qin Zhishui only remained in the Ye household briefly. After attending the evening meal, he rose and said his farewell.

Ximen Yeshui acted as if he was friends with everyone. Quite soon, he and the entire household became extremely familiar.

When Qin Zhishui had not left for long, Wen Wan excitedly came running, carrying two bowls of noodles. When he was outside the courtyard, he screamed loudly, “I hear that Marquis has returned. Wahahaha, is there any change in Deer Mountain? Did you discover anything? The demonic beasts have retreated, and the rumours amongst the military and civilians is that you have killed the king of the demonic beasts, and scared away the demonic beasts…”

“Brother Xiaoyu is in closed isolation.” Little Grass guarded the courtyard, blocking Wen Wan.

“Isolation?” Wen Wan was taken aback. Could it be that he has had some new breakthrough in the battle within Deer Mountain?

He turned his head and saw a young person with dark skin and wearing a strange and quirky scholarly outfit hiding under the desk. On the other side, there were several little children of the household excitedly playing hide and seek. Stunned, he pressed his lips together, “Who is this idiot? I haven’t seen him before…”

“You’re the idiot, who are you insulting?” Ximen Yeshui said angrily.

But once he spoke, the little kids instantly found him. He could only act as a horse, and let the little kids ride him as they held his neck.

“His ears are quite sensitive.” Wen Wan was shocked, and carefully inspected. The more he looked, the more stunned he was. He discovered that even he himself could not discover what Ximen Yeshui’s cultivation was. He could not help but be taken aback; could it be that this fellow’s cultivation was even greater than himself?"

As he thought of this, he saw a maid bringing people to enter.

“Uncle Wen, this auntie said you haven’t paid for your food yet, and you’ve also taken away two of her bowls,” the little maid said sweetly.

Wen Wan’s face was filled with embarrassment.

These days he had walked the streets of Deer City and found a noodle stand that he had fallen in love with. He went to eat noodles everyday. It was like when he was at Youyan Pass, he ate tens of bowls everyday. Hearing the news that Ye Qingyu had returned, he was so moved he went straight to the Ye household without paying…

Seeing the owner of the stand with an expression that said ‘I’ll be able to find you no matter where you flee, so don’t think you can get away’, Wen Wan’s face was a bit red. He turned to ask Little Grass, “Girl, do you have any money, I forgot to bring any…”

Little Grass found some little change from within her little pouch.

“Who is this grandson? He wants to scam a little girl’s money? He’s that shameless?” Ximen Yeshui watched this scene unfold, his face filled with contempt.

Wen Wan nearly spat out blood.

This was his first time meeting Ximen Yeshui. They both did not seem to like each other too much.

This caused the way that Wen Wan and Ximen Yeshui interacted in the future, to have a strange foundation.



The next few days, it could be said that Deer City had completely calmed down and restored its former activities.

In the outbreak of the demonic beast horde, there were injuries and death, but compared to five years ago, they could largely be ignored. Apart from those explorer groups and merchant companies who died without warning to the beasts, the civilians were nearly unharmed. As for the great loss for the military, it was the death of a military leader.

The entire Deer City began talking about Marquis Ye’s contribution.

That day, when he appeared at the head of the city, he had already confirmed this entire matter. No matter how the government would later explain this matter, all the commoners agreed conclusively that it must be because the Marquis Ye who came from the Youyan Pass had demonstrated his might. He had killed the demonic beast king and scared away all the demonic beasts. At this time, there were many civilians who even erected a plaque in worship of Ye Qingyu in their home.

The people asking to see him at the Ye household became more and more.

At the entrance to the Ye household, there were many people carrying gifts and many items, causing it to be completely saturated with people.

It was only that in these days, Ye Qingyu had always remained in isolation training, not leaving to see anyone.

Even the City Lord Qin Ying had brought his youngest son Qin Wushuang twice. Although he was allowed through the gate of the Ye household, he was ultimately not able to see Ye Qingyu.

The rear courtyard of the Ye household.

Within the wooden building, Ye Qingyu sat in a meditative position with his legs crossed.

There was a formation around the little house that hid away all aura, isolating his aura when he cultivated. A hundred yuan qi silver dragons encircled around Ye Qingyu’s body, light glowing everywhere. It completely submerged him from within. Within his dantian world, the hundred yuan qi springs were boiling over .The clear yuan qi springs were like water pillars that spurted out, nourishing the grains of sands of the desert.

Ye Qingyu's entire person was immersed in cultivating, not paying the slightest attention to anything else.

The cultivation of the yuan qi martial path began with refining one’s body as the foundation. Then it would excavate a yuan qi spring. This was a slow and drawn out process that transformed the lifeless and desolate world. Using the yuan qi spring, it would bring about life. This was the second stage of the yuan qi martial path. When the yuan qi springs had reached a certain level, and reached the limit of a person, this would be when the Spirit spring stage was fully completed.

What was above the Spirit spring stage, was the Bitter Sea stage.

The so called Bitter Sea stage was to create a sea, an ocean within one’s dantian world, The ancient people had called this the Bitter Sea. This was referring to the ocean within the dantian world. This was the sea of bitterness within a martial artist, but also the sea of hope. Only after traversing this Bitter Sea could you reach the other shore.

According to the experienced classification of those ancient people, the Bitter Sea stage could be separated into five great stages; Streams, Rivers, Lakes, Sea, and Ocean. This was referring to the process in which the Bitter Sea was formed.

The [Stream] stage was referring to the yuan qi springs overflowing from the desert martial world of a martial artist. As it flowed throughout the dessert, it would form stream after stream. When this progressed a step further and the streams became roaring yuan qi rivers, and the yuan qi became fuller and fuller, this was the [River] stage.

Above the [River] stage, was when yuan qi would become vaster and vaster. Within the dantian world, it would turn into yuan qi lakes, this was the [Lake]. The yuan qi lake would continue to grow bigger and bigger, turning into a yuan qi sea, and begin connecting with each other. This was known as the [Sea] stage. The last stage was the [Ocean] stage, and this was when the great seas connected and became one. It turned the entire dantian world into an endless ocean, turning one into a true Bitter Sea stage expert. this was one’s largest achievement within the Bitter Sea stage.

Ye Qingyu had been able to obtain the exquisite Spirit qi from the books of is Majesty Luo So. He was able to complete a feat that other martial artists would not even dare to dream of. He had created a hundred yuan qi Spirit springs within his dantian world.

Normally speaking, the number of Sprit springs one could create, apart from one’s will determining it, it was also limited by one’s talent. Not every person could always suppress their strength and not enter the Bitter Sea stage. Creating a hundred Spirit springs was something that exceeded the number of springs one could have. People would either fail to suppress it and go on towards the next cultivation stage, or suppress it and ultimately explode, dying.

Ye Qingyu had dragon blood within his body. He was known as the [Holy Body of the Dragon’s Blood], and had numerous fortuitous encounters. The [Supreme Ice Flame] and the [Body Refining Lightning] had refined his body. That day, when he had absorbed the Spirit qi from the books of His Majesty Luo So, the power and toughness of his body could already be compared to a typical Bitter Sea stage expert. With the mysterious person protecting him, as well as the miraculous of the nameless breathing technique, he was able to accomplish a feat no one had been able to do.

But he had only just created a hundred Spirit springs. At that time, yuan qi was surging around Ye Qingyu’s body and it was extremely unstable. Therefore, he had returned to the Ye household immediately and entered closed door training. He began organizing and stabilizing the yuan qi within his body, shoring up his foundation.

At this time, the hundred Spirit springs were distributed extremely evenly around his dantian world.

The clear yuan qi springs spurted, like water pillars hooting to the sky. It emitted clear yuan qi springs everywhere around it.

This time, when Ye Qingyu had entered isolation, he wanted to use this opportunity to cause the yuan qi springs to overflow and spill into the the area outside of the eye of the Spring. He wanted to make it form stream after stream, and completely enter the first stage of the Bitter Sea level, the [Stream] stage.

Last time, he used the leftover Origin crystal from when he had cultivated in Youyan Pass. In these three days, he had completely refined it and absorbed it.。

Even the Origin crystal sent by the Lin family was nearly entirely absorbed by him.

Such an expenditure of Origin crystal was the same as burning paper money for fuel. Even those great families and sects with extreme resources would not be able to withstand such a course.

But Ye Qingyu did not care about such things currently.

Within his body, the yuan qi madly surged and flickered. There was yuan qi constantly rumbling everywhere throughout his body. His muscles became as translucent as jade, his body already reaching his most optimal stage. Within his dantian world, every one of his yuan qi springs were madly spurting everywhere, like divine dragons soaring into the heavens…

But a mysterious power suppressed these clear Spirit springs. Ye Qingyu activated his mysterious breathing techniquea, trying many times. But he had no way of causing the yuan qi Spirit springs to flow outside its area and form a river, spreading it about the depths of this desert world.

“It was due to the fact that my foundation is still not vast enough. To go from the Ordinary Martial level to enter into the Bitter Sea stage in just one year and a bit, this is too ridiculous.”

Ye Qingyu knew, this was the reason why the level of his yuan qi had not reached its pinnacle.

The number of a hundred Spirit springs was unheard of, but the amount of yuan qi it needed was also unheard of. Ye Qingyu was able to obtain pure and untainted Spirit qi within the divine palace. When he was excavating the Spirit springs, he had used this reservoir of Spirit qi largely up, but the leftover, although it could supply Ye Qingyu with the spirit qi needed to breakthrough to the Bitter Sea stage, but it was not enough to be perfect.

Ye Qingyu could only temporarily abandon the idea of breaking through, and focus his whole attention in refining the last pieces of Origin crystal.

Another half a day passed by.

The Origin crystal were completely absorbed.

But something still seemed to be lacking.

Ye Qingyu used up all the [Mysterious Heaven Pellets].

Yuan qi rumbled within his body, like a released wild horse. But ultimately, it seemed there was an invisible rope that constricted this wild horse. Ye Qingyu focused entirely on his body, and carefully examined the medicinal power of the [Mysterious Heaven Pellet] travelling throughout his body. He was able to sense his yuan qi growingsteadily, was able to feel the thunderous noise of his yuan qi Spirit springs…

The medicinal power of the [Mysterious Heaven Pellet] was completely used up in his dantian.


An invisible surge began surging outwards with the hundred Spirit springs at the center.

The originally dead desert world within his dantian world was like there was an invisible hurricane sweeping over the entire world. It covered all of the desert.

It was as if there was some sort of obstacle that was abruptly broken at that instant.

It was as if there was a thin layer of substance, like an eggshell, that cracked at that instant.

Like a fish swimming against the current and leaping above the water, transforming into a dragon.

It was as if this entire world halted briefly at this very moment.

The sound of the streams were soundless.

Finally, there was a stand of yuan qi Spring, like a coiling silver dragon, that began flowing away from the set area of that Spirit springs. It was clear and free, flowing into the desert dantian world.

What followed after was more and more streams of yuan qi that begin flowing away from the set radius of their Spirit springs.

Although these little streams were about as thick as one finger, he had finally broken through and opened the door. As long as he continued to endure, the water would constantly flow into unknown areas, like a traveller in the desert.

At this moment, Ye Qingyu was completely immersed in such a beautiful feeling.

He did not just solely feel such a beautiful feeling when he was within his inner vision. At nearly the same time, he could clearly sense that there was something he had never noticed before in his own body breaking. An invisible barrier was broken by tens of thousands of rays of light.

This was a delightful feeling that was hard to describe using words.

It was like a gust of wind that completely blew away all the sands on his own body. The clouds in the sky were completely blown apart and all the barriers that were blocking the true face of this world was dispersed. Everything that he could sense suddenly became clearer and brighter, as if he was entering into a completely new world.

Such a feeling was as if the world he previously was in was enveloped by a layer of cloth, where everything was not real.

And right now, this layer of cloth was revealed. The true world came into his eyes.

Ye Qingyu opened his eyes, looking at the sunlight entering from the crevice of the window. It was like a golden sword of light landing next to him. He looked at the dust dancing in that ray of light; the world was unprecedentedly clear. He moved his hand and he was able to see the air currents moving around the fingers in his palm, as if it was a flow of sand. He was able to sense that there was an incredible power existing in this world that restricting every living and dead matter in it.

This… was the power of the laws.

An expert of the Bitter Sea stage could already faintly interact with the power of the laws, the laws of the world.

But to truly understand and comprehend it, and use such laws, one must wait until they reached the Heaven Ascension stage.

If one did not ascend to Heaven, one was ultimately still a mortal. How would they be able to control the power of the laws?

But for some experts of the Bitter Sea stage, they could already sense faintly the existences of the Laws. This was already enough to make them undefeatable amongst other Bitter Sea stage experts.

Ye Qingyu slowly stood up.

A powerful energy surged from within his body, making him feel slightly comfortable.

“The Bitter Sea stage, a realm of entirely new power…”

Ye Qingyu familiarized himself with the powerful energy in his body.

Compared to the Spirit spring stage, after entering into the Bitter Sea stage, the yuan qi was not as tyrannical and powerful in his body. Instead, it became like the stream of a river. There was a faint sensation of power surging within his meridians, as if the qi had already turned into liquid, like it was the blood flowing in his vessels. Although it was soundless, but it was powerful.

Ye Qingyu used inner vision.

Within his dantian, in the desert world, there were yuan qi spring after yuan qi spring, that spread about everywhere, nourishing this dried up world.

The eye of the Spring that was now covered by the Spirit water, was still emitting clear spring water. And below this was the [Cloud Top Cauldron] that was currently being nourished —-the [Cloud Top Cauldron] that had transformed into the size of a fist, emitted faint bronze colours. But the space inside was vast, and it contained the majority of Ye Qingyu’s gains.

As for the [Fiendgod Titled Chart] in Ye Qingyu’s consciousness, that mysterious bronze book was already transferred over into his dantian world.

After the [Stream] stage of the Bitter Sea stage, the desert world of his dantian was able to incorporate even more. It could already store the mysterious ancient book. But it was only that after it entered into the dantian world, it still could not be like the [Cloud Top Cauldron], where it nourished within a Spirit spring. It was like a fierce sun, hanging in the air, letting out a bright glimmer, as if it was illuminating the whole world.

From the sixty Spirit springs to become a Bitter Sea stage expert at the Stream stage, this represented that Ye Qingyu had excavated forty Spirit springs.

The purification of the bronze book had long occured when they were in the Formation palace. As for the contents of those tens of pages of the ancient book, those could already be read. It was only that Ye Qingyu did not have time to have a look yet.

But right now, he did not plan to have a look immediately.

The number one reason for this was that he had to first stabilize his current cultivation level.

The second was that he had remained within Deer City for far too long. He had already exceeded his original plans, therefore he needed to leave. To want to return the corpses of those dead sentries back to their hometown needed a fair deal of time, and he also needed to ensure he would not be late in answering the call to Snow capital.


Pushing open the wooden door, Ye Qingyu greeted the sunlight bursting through as he entered the rear garden.

The sunlight was bright and splendid.

There was the smell of grass and soil in the air.

Ye Qingyu deeply breathed in, an expression of rapture on his face.

He had finally reached the Bitter Sea stage.

He had finally satisfied the conditions his father had left behind. He could finally righteously head towards the Capital.

Snow capital, the altar of the Imperial family, I am coming.

Ye Qingyu lifted his head towards the sunlight, shouting soundlessly in his heart.



The news that Marquis Ye had finally ended his isolation training quickly spread out throughout Deer City.

The people coming to pay a visit became more and more.

But they were all blocked outside by Gatekeeper Jiao at the door.

And as for the people who did not crowd around the doors of the Ye household and were at the stores and buildings owned by the Ye family, they would coincidentally see the Marquis Ye who was patrolling around his family properties. But they did not recognize him, this youth that was dressed in white, was the Marquis Ye that had saved the entire Deer City from their destruction. There would occasionally be one or two young noble ladies that felt that this young man was especially handsome and exceptional. They only gave him an extra glance or two because of his appearance.

Ye Qingyu had been forced by Tang San to have a look around his own family property.

Marquis Ye had been rather shameless when he had made Tang San, a young man that was around the same age as him, as the manager of several stores and properties. At this time, he had to do some of the responsibilities as the owner, and he could only do a cursory circle and tour around stores like the [Miaoyu Restaurant] and the [Furong Store].

Of course, he had only taken a cursory inspection.

When Tang San came over with the accounting books and introduced the members of staff, Ye Qingyu did not try to memorize anything at all.

He had the power of photographic memory, but it seemed that its only use was in matters concerning martial arts or the martial path.

Those members of staff, hearing their young master was coming over, were all incomparably excited. It was unknown where they found a shadow image formation, but everyone fought over the right to take a shadow image with the young master for a memory.

Tang San was rightly named as a young business genius. The business of the Ye family were managed well and organized by him. In the Deer City today, he was already somewhat famed. The tongue of this fellow was somewhat slippery and flattering, but he was absolutely loyal towards Ye Qingyu. In this past year, he was cautious and conscientious. But with the Ye household today, he no longer needed to endure such hard times as before.

After finishing inspecting his own property, Ye Qingyu thought it over and decided to pay a visit to the City Lord’s residence.

Ever since coming to the Deer City, Ye Qingyu had never paid a visit to the City Lord’s residence.

According to the rules of the Empire, Ye Qingyu had a need to pay a visit to the officers of the local area.

There were still matters he had to do regarding upholding social protocol.

On the way, Tang San seemed to have thought of something. He asked probingly, “Master, in this period of time, the people from the Dugu Financial Organization came to the city and met with me then the Song Merchantile Organization. The emissary that came was very courteous, and seemed they wanted to cooperate with the Ye household…”

Ye Qingyu looked at Tang San and could not give him a kick. Laughingly scolding him, “You’ve wanted to ask this question for a long time, right?”

Tang San chuckled.

He did not mind this kick of his young master at all.

“Hehe, young master, with the scale of the Ye household today, we no longer need to worry about our basic necessities. With you here, no one dares make trouble for us. But if we want to advance a step further, we still need to borrow the power of massive organisations like the Dugu family,” Tang San uttered his plans.

Ye Qingyu’s expression became serious.

After remaining silent for five minutes, Ye Qingyu finally opened his mouth, “This offer of assistance, give it over to the Song family. The Ye household is happy and in harmony currently; that is enough. There is no need to fight over the wealth of the mortal world, just do your best. Aunt Qin and the others does not have any great ambition. As for myself, I have never had any plans on turning the Ye household into a power like the Dugu Finanical Organization. As long as I am able to make the properties my parents left behind prosper, that is enough.”


Tang San hesitated, then slowly nodded his head.

Ye Qingyu knew what he thought about in his heart. He laughed, “There are many matters one must do in one’s life. There are some matters that must be sacrificed… En, as for you, you are definitely a talent of the business world. And you are so young. Remaining in the Ye household and managing such small matters is definitely wasting your talent.

“Marquis, please don’t tease me. If not for your encouragement and the opportunity you gave me, I would still be a ruffian within Deer City today. I…” Tang San jumped in fright, tears in his eyes as he explained himself.

Ye Qingyu gave him a kick again, and laughing scolded him yet again. “Look at you being so nervous… I still haven’t said I’m chasing you out. It’s only that the Ye household is still too small, and I don't have the wish to make it larger. I can’t let a talent like you always remain in such a well. How about this, why don’t I let you go and experience things in the Dugu Financial Organization. When your horizons have broadened and your wings have grown, your methods have turned sharper and your heart more sneaky, then you can return to my side."

“Young master, you mean…” Tang San hesitated, then understood what Ye Qingyu meant. He was secretly excited in his heart, nodding his head in acceptance.

As they spoke, they had already arrived at the City Lord’s residence.

Tang San quickly rushed forward to notify.

Very quickly, there were soldiers that ran out from the City Lord’s office. They formed two rows of troops, neat and orderly uniform in a row. Then Qin Ying and his family walked out from the gate.

“We greet Marquis Ye’s arrival. Your presence brings us glory, forgive us for our tardiness in greeting you.”

There was a smile in Qin Ying’s face, as he greeted from far away with clasped hands.

Such a display quickly attracted the attention of everyone. Very rapidly, a crowd gathered at the entrance to the City Lord’s office.

“City Lord Qin, you are too courteous. I am also a citizen of this city, I should long have came to pay my respects to the City Lord.” Ye Qingyu returned such a display with a smile, heading towards the platform of the entrance.

Qin Ying evidently was very passionate, introducing his own family to Ye Qingyu.

The wife of the City Lord was a thirty-year-old noble woman. Her appearance was luxurious, and had an exceptional grace. When she was young, she was definitely a peerless beauty. She had three children, the elder Qin Wugou was said to have studied in the academy at the Capital and ultimately remained in the Capital. Her second child, Qin Wuchen was a businessman, and remained travelling for most of the year. There was only their youngest child, Qin Wushuang within the residence, and he received the pampering and love of this husband and wife pair completely.

“Senior brother Qin, we meet again.” Ye Qingyu smiled at him.

Qin Wushuang face was complex as he stared at Ye Qingyu. Only after a while did he lower his head, and clasped his hand, “Marquis Ye, you are being too courteous. I don’t dare.”

Within the residence, people quickly prepared a feast.

This time, Ye Qingyu had come to just fulfill an official duty. He did not really plan to converse in depth with Qin Ying. During the feast, Qin Ying changed the subject of conversation towards the Right Minister that was diverted expressionlessly several times by Ye Qingyu. Seeing this, Qin Ying did not raise the subject yet again.

Two hours quickly passed.

Ye Qingyu rose up to say his farewell.

Qin Ying saw him off.

At the entrance, in this process, the Qin Wushuang who always remained silent, suddenly opened his mouth, “Marquis, many of the senior brothers and sisters wanted to see your glory in the academy… will you be able to free up some time to see everyone?”

There was a difficult expression on his face.

Evidently he had had been persuaded by some people in the White Deer Academy to say such words.

For Qin Wushuang, facing the Ye Qingyu today was a feeling that only he himself knew what it was like. What it was like for such a proud and sensitive noble young man who was once a rightful chosen child of the heavens within the members of the students of White Deer Academy. Originally after entering the academy, he would receive the praise and admiration of everyone, he would become the brightest and most glorious student. This was the dream of being a hero that every youth yearned towards.

But when he entered the academy, Ye Qingyu suddenly appeared, causing Qin Wushuang to suffer setback after setback.

But at that time, because of his noble status, he was still able to face everything.

Especially after Ye Qingyu left. Qin Wushuang was finally able to become the strongest student of all the others students. He became the brightest pupil. Everything that belonged to him seemed to have returned into his hands.

But after a year or so had passed, when Ye Qingyu returned from the frontlines, all his pride and success was completely gone.

His last trace of pride also collapsed at this moment.

That poor and common youth could already stand side by side with his father. For a noble young master like him, he had no advantage at all when he was standing in front of Ye Qingyu.

such a feeling was like a toddler facing against a divine warrior who had fought over a hundred battles. Was there any possibility of winning?

Qin Wushuang had already given up all hopes of competing with Ye Qingyu.

“The students of White Deer Academy?” Hearing such words, Ye Qingyu fell silent for a while. Ultimately, he shook his head, “Fine, after all, we were once classmates. This afternoon, I will meet with everyone at White Deer Academy. Thinking back, I really miss the relaxed times within the academy.” ……

He left the Qin residence, walking away thousands of meters.

At this time, a bolt of white lightning shot out, landing on Ye Qingyu’s shoulders.

It was the lazy and relaxed silly little dog, Little Nine.

“Did you discover anything?” Ye Qingyu asked.

Little Nine shook his head, saying with fatigue, “I've searched inside and outside. There’s nothing to be found. I couldn’t smell anything to do with that silver little sword, the Qin residence is very clean

“It’s very clean?” Ye Qingyu said thoughtfully.

Today he had come to the Qin residence. Apart from performing some routine duties, he also wanted to attempt to find some clue regarding that strange and peculiar little sword. That mysterious person had judged that the strange silver sword did not originate from the Formation palace of the crowd of demonic beasts. It had nothing to do with the [Fog of Annihilation]. Therefore, he must return to his original suspect.

Perhaps everything had something to do with the City Lord.

Every since entering the Qin residence, he had carefully examined it. He had even used his consciousness to investigate. Ever since entering the [Stream] stage of Bitter Sea stage, Ye Qingyu’s consciousness had transformed. He could hide from the sentry formation and experts of the residence, and examine. As for the Little Nine with an excellent sense of smell, he was also brought to the residence and hiddenly searched for any clues.

Before entering, Ye Qingyu had given the silly dog the smell of the strange little silver sword.

If there really was a smell of the strange little sword within the residence, he would definitely be able to find it.

But the result made Ye Qingyu somewhat disappointed.

“Could I have suspected the wrong person? Qin Ying had nothing to do with the death of my parents?” Ye Qingyu hiddenly asked himself.

It seemed that all clues were about to break off.

Ye Qingyu’s mood was somewhat down.

Little Nine wanted his reward, moaning with emotion that he wanted to drink alcohol and eat meat. Ye Qingyu could only bring Tang San and him to [Heavenly fFagrance Restaurant]. This was a property that belonged to the Ye family, and it was also one of the most popular restaurants of the city.

At the entrance to the restaurant, Ye Qingyu turned around unintentionally. His vision nearly darkened, and he nearly fell down the stairs.

Because he could faintly see, about a hundred meters away, the Wen Wan with his face filled with his beard, was wearing a smock with his sleeves rolled up. He was at the entrance to a street, eating bowl after bowl of noodles. There was a stack of empty bowls next to him that was nearly two meters tall. This had completely become the spectacle of the street. The countless people in the surroundings looked at him like they were staring at a monster. It was only that Wen Wan, this weird person, had an excited expression.

At this time, the title of [Noodle Eating Monster] had already spread out throughout Deer City.

According to logic, with Wen Wan’s cultivation, even if he did not eat for half a month, he would not be affected whatsoever. According to the same logic, no one would be shocked if he did not stop eating for an entire day and night. However, this idiot, ever since the beginning of the Martial Alliance Meeting at Youyan Pass, for some reason, began to madly eat noodles. Every time he saw the owner of the noodle stand, he became as excited as seeing his own father.

Ye Qingyu felt that he had best keep his distance from this idiot.

He could not be embarrassed along with this person.

Therefore, he dragged Tang San, who was about to go up and greet Wen Wan, directly into [Heavenly Fragrance Restaurant].

Because it was his personal property, they did not have to book a table. They could easily occupy the highest class private room. In but a moment's time, a whole table of delicacies was presented. The originally lazy Little Nine that was lying about, instantly became invigorated. He began stuffing things into his mouth like a hurricane.

“Pour wine, pour wine….”

The silly dog bit into his food, and began ordering the pretty female servants with his paw.

The pretty server laughingly poured more wine.

Those who were able to book such a private room, was definitely rich or noble. But the pretty waitress did not imagine that this entire table of food was prepared for this white dog to eat. But they could not help but say, that this white dog's spirit looked somewhat cute.

“Ah, this is a true dog’s life. This is too enjoyable…” The silly dog licked at the wine, and suddenly frowned. “That’s not right, this alcohol is missing a taste. Let me think… Ah, I know…”

As he said this, he suddenly jumped onto Ye Qingyu’s shoulder. He bit onto the little silver hairpin and threw it into his bowl of alcohol.

“Haha, using a living dragon to submerge into alcohol. Dragon Wine is a true delicacy, wahahahaha!” This idiot began laughing excitedly.

Ye Qingyu was also amused by him.

Little Silver did not mind in the slightest. It began swimming about leisurely in the bowl of wine, and seemed to be extremely sleepy. It suddenly opened his mouth, and drank a mouthful, instantly appearing somewhat drunk.

Tang San was gobsmacked by the side.

The pretty female servers also had their mouth open.

After a short moment, there was a knock at the door.

Tang San was taken aback, turning towards the door. After a while, he entered again. “Young master, the leader of the Two River Gang is asking to see you."

Lang Zhong?

Ye Qingyu was taken aback, then he instantly remembered that the [Little Shang Sword] was brought to the [Heavenly Fragrance Restaurant] by this Lang Zhong originally. Although they had only met once, but Ye Qingyu had a deep impression of this person. As one of the largest gangs within Deer City, the Two River Gang was not as exceptional or as famous as the Three Schools and Three Sects, but as the saying goes, even a mouse has its ways. Such little gangs also had their value.

It was only that, why did Lang Zhong come to find him at this time?

“Tell him to come in."

Ye Qingyu nodded his head.

Tang San walked out again.

Very quickly, he brought a person in.

It was a young man wearing a purple martial soldier outfit. His figure was heroic and muscular, with bronze skin and scarlet red hair. The sword-like eyebrows were high up on his face, and his eyes were especially piercing. There was a heroicness about him, and an aura formed around him, like a long blade that was half drawn out. The sharpness of the sword made one unable to regard him directly.

Without needing any introduction, this person was naturally the Lang Zhong of the Two River Gang.

Tang San was a person with especially discriminating eyesight. After bringing Lang Zhong inside, he gave a sign to the pretty server.

This server could be counted as clever. She immediately realized, and soundlessly departed after excusing herself.

At this time, she could already largely guess at Ye Qingyu’s true identity.

To be able to make Tang San, who was famed throughout Deer City, to be so respectful towards him and call him young master, apart from the legendary Marquis Ye, who else could it be?

The girl wanted to remain in the private room for a bit longer, but she dared not tarry.

She waited respectfully outside the room. Her exquisite little face was filled with a red hue due to excitement. Her hand was pressed against her chest, resisting the urge to shriek in excitement.

Marquis Ye was really handsome.

The eyes of this girl turned to someone who seemed to have lovesickness.

Inside the private room.

“I pay my respects to Marquis Ye.” Lang Zhong was exceedingly respectful when he entered. He bowed fully, with his knees touching the ground.

Ye Qingyu frowned. With a lift of his hands, an invisible energy surged out, carrying Lang Zhong’s body up. “You don’t have to pay such great respects, Leader Lang. You are not someone of the military. As someone belonging to the Jianghu, you are not restricted by the greetings of the government. You don’t have to be so courteous in front of me.”

Lang Zhong shook his head. “I did not pay my respects because of your military identity. I did it because you are my young master."

“Young master?” There was a questioning light that flashed by in Ye Qingyu’s eyes.

Lang Zhong could not bow down anymore, but he still didn’t dare be disrespectful. He straightened his body, took out a faint yellow letter, and handed it over with both hands, his body bowing over with an emotional expression.

Ye Qingyu’s gaze landed on the letter. Elegant and powerful black brushstrokes entered into his eyes.

His heart, suddenly thudded.

Such penmanship…

Ye Qingyu quickly stood up, an expression of shock on his face. At a quick speed, he nearly tore it from Lang Zhong's hands and looked at the letter. He could clearly see the elegant characters at the front of the letter.

“For my beloved child, Ye Qingyu.”

It was as if there were millions of bolts of silver lightning that struck Ye Qingyu. Ye Qingyu’s brain suddenly overloaded, turning completely blank.

How could this be possible?

It was the penmanship of his mother.

It was absolutely the handwritten words of his mother.

Ye Qingyu was really too familiar with his mother’s handwriting. He could tell it was her with just with one glance. Such elegant characters had once played an extremely important part of Ye Qingyu’s life. Ever since he could remember and understand things, it was his mother Li Ying who had taught Ye Qingyu to read and write. There were not any private teachers that were hired in the Ye Household, and all that Ye Qingyu knew about literature was taught by Li Ying.

In an instant, countless memories rushed into Ye Qingyu’s heart.

Once, he had followed beside his mother as they recited poems.

Once, he had learned to recognize characters with his mother in the martial dojo.

Once, his mother had taught him how to write.

Once, he was scolded by his mother when he made a mistake when writing a character.

Once, his mother had tightly hugged him because he had written his first intact verse of a poem.

Once, he had helped his mother copy books to sell.

Once, under his mother's smiling expression, he had finished reciting the book of reflection that was written when the Empire was founded.

He had once…

Countless images began rushing out like a flood from his memories. It completely submerged Ye Qingyu. In those four years when he remained at the cemetery, Ye Qingyu had once buried the love and memories he had of his parents deep within the depths of his heart. He thought he could greet these memories that would not come back with a smile, but when his mother’s writing appeared before him once again, Ye Qingyu’s eyes dampened unstoppably and nearly instantly.

Ye Qingyu bore the surging emotions in his heart. He slowly turned around, staring out the window, tears streaming down his face.

Lang Zhong seemed to have guessed at something. His expression was also moved, his body faintly shaking.

Tang San did not know the reason why his young master was so emotionally moved. Although he did not see Ye Qingyu’s tears, but he could faintly feel something. He could not help but be curious. It was unimaginable just what did Lang Zhong bring, that would make his young master turn into such a state. After all, he was a person who would not even flinch if an ancient divine mountain collapsed in front of him.

After a while.

The entire private room was wrapped up in silence.

Ye Qingyu ultimately was not able to bear it. Under such familiar and tragic emotions, even he himself with his Bitter Sea stage of cultivation, was not able to control his emotions.

Only when his tears touched his garments, did he gradually begin to get a grip on his emotions.

With shaking fingers, he opened the letter.

"My child, if you’re reading this letter, then this represents that Lang Zhong has already judged that the you today, is powerful enough to hold on your own. You have the ability to protect yourself. Your parents are so proud, that such a day has finally arrived… Mother has left you this letter because there are so many things that I want to say to the you today. I wonder just how tall and how long you will have cultivated when you read this. Your mother and father cannot imagine, just what you look like at this time…"

Such familiar characters. Ye Qingyu once again wiped away the tears at his sleeve.

Such a letter was like his mother’s gentle hand coming to wipe away the dust on his memories. It made him unable but return to the memories of the past.

Such a letter was like a sharp blade that caused Ye Qingyu’s layer of defense and disguise to be instantly cut apart. The most bitter but also the sweetest memories in his heart, once again appeared clear and crystal-like in front of Ye Qingyu.

“I know that you have many questions in your heart. I don’t have time to speak too much. Mother and father have received orders of enlistment to protect the city. It is hard to even tell whether we will even be able to return. Child, remember several things. Number one, there is noble, majestic blood flowing through your veins. The second, you can entirely trust in Lang Zhong. The third, don’t go investigating the matters regarding that little silver sword. Fourth, if you have time, then go often to walk around White Deer Academy. The fifth, before you leave Deer City, shift the graves of me and your father. Don’t create a new grave, just sink the coffin into the river…"

“My child, your mother really can’t bear to part with you.”

“My child, you have to be obedient.”

“My child…”

Such last words were like the normal, nagging worlds of his mother towards his own child. It was both warm and mired in minor details. But there was a goodbye of life and death like the cut of a blade contained within. There was an unwillingness to part that was impossible to describe using words. And at the last parts of the letter, there was a crumpled part, with messy ink stains. It was as if tears had wetted it and it had dried once again.

When mother was writing this letter, she was definitely crying.

Perhaps it was not only his mother who was crying. His father—in his memory a mighty and powerful man, had perhaps also shed tears.

When Ye Qingyu read to the last parts, his eyes were already completely wet.

it was as if he could see the scene of his mother and father donning armour, with battle blades in his hands stepping onto the city walls to do battle in his bright and glimmering tears. It was as if he saw the scene of his mother ordering someone to hand this letter to Lang Zhong. He thought of himself nervously waiting at the entrance to his family household for ten days and ten nights, but ultimately what awaited him was the news that his parents were heavily injured…

It was unknown just how long time had passed.

Ye Qingyu’s emotions, gradually began to settle.

His heart faintly moved, and then all the tears on his face and clothing instantly evaporated.

He carefully folded the letter into the envelope, then cautiously place it into his embrace. Thinking it over again, he once again took it out, and placed it into the [Cloud Top Cauldron] in the desert world of his dantian —this was Ye Qingyu’s space that was the most secure and safe.

Then, he slightly turned around.

Ye Qingyu gave a deep bow to the Lang Zhong.

Lang Zhong’s expression greatly changed, his face helpless. Quickly, “Young master you… don’t make things hard on me.”

“Brother Lang, you must accept my bow,” Ye Qingyu said with emotion. “You’ve preserved this letter for over five years. Today, you’ve handed it to me. For me, Ye Qingyu, this is a great debt. After seeing this letter, I suddenly understand. Two years ago, when the Two River Gang took away the [Little Shang] sword, in reality you were secretly protecting this Spirit weapon, to prevent it from falling in the hands of others. When I entered into White Deer Academy and had the power to protect myself, you then returned the [Little Shang] sword at the first instant. You’ve also kept hiddenly protecting me, without appearing. I, Ye Qingyu, thank you for your loyalty.”

Lang Zhong had an expression of fear. “Young master, you have exaggerated. When I was a beggar, and was like a rat in the sewers, and was held in disdain by others, it was mistress who saved me and my sister. It was mistress who hiddenly taught us martial arts and assisted us. Her debt is great towards me. The Two River Gang was also created by mistress. It was only that mistress did not appear, and just managed matters in the background. The way she did things was cautious, so no one of the gang knew her true identity. The mistress gave the position of the leader of the Two River Gang to me. I did not dare slack, and walked on thin ice in these days, but I could not cause the Two River Gang to advance any more. I have failed the responsibilities mistress gave me…”

As these words were said, not only Ye Qingyu, but Tang San was also shocked.


The Two River Gang was created by Ye Qingyu's mother?

This was far too inexplicable.

Ye Qingyu did not know of this matter at all.

In his memory of his mother, she was a gentle and quiet woman that was calm, neat and orderly. Although she knew martial arts, but she would only show herself briefly in the martial arts dojo. She could not be said to be powerful… Although not long ago, Wen Wan and Hon Kong both admitted the strength of his mother was not any less to them, but Ye Qingyu did not place too much thought in this.

Chapter 330 – Blurred past events

At this time, listening to Lang Zhong mention the origin of the Two River Gang, Ye Qingu found it difficult to connect the image of his mother from his memory and the former leader of the Two River Gang.

His mother was such a mysterious woman?

Ye Qingyu's heart swelled with pride but there were also bursts of sadness.

From that letter, and the tone of his mother's words, he believed that before his parents went into battle they must have sensed something and felt that the battle of defending the city pointed to disaster. Therefore, they hastily left behind a letter.

What sort of danger was it, that his extremely powerful parents knew that they would die, but still courageously proceeded ahead?

Among this, there must be something extremely strange behind everything.

What was it that his parents sensed back then?

"Brother Lang, please continue." Ye Qingyu composed his emotions.

"Yes, it was five years ago. The sixth day of the demonic beasts outbreak, and also the first half of the month when lady and master were called to guard the city walls. Lady suddenly went against the opinion of the masses and handed down the position of the leader of the Two River Gang to me. Because Lady had secretly arranged for me to make great achievements in several group operations, everything seemed natural, but I had always felt that Lady's plan was strange and that something would happen. As expected, half a month later, I received two letters secretly sent by the lady, one for you young master and the other was addressed to me…"

Lang Zhong recounted what happened back then, one by one, without hiding anything.

After that, he took out another letter from his bosom.

This was the letter that Mother Ye, Li Ying, wrote to him.

Without hesitation, Ye Qingyu received the letter and immediately began reading.

The letter generally explained some things to Lang Zhong, but mainly repeatedly urged Lang Zhong that, no matter what, he must not reveal the relationship between the Two River Gang and the Ye Family. No matter what kind of attacks the Ye Family suffered, no matter the degree the Ye family deteriorated to, no matter how much difficulty Ye Qingyu experienced, and even if he became a beggar on the streets, he must absolutely not help him.

She also requested that he go try his best to grow and expand the Two River Gang and not to have any contact with the Ye residence.

Even taking away young master's sword was also part of her arrangements.

Finally, she requested Lang Zhong that, if one day, Ye Qingyu could soar to the sky, has the power to defend himself, and the very Jianghu trembles at his name, then that was the time he could give the second letter to Ye Qingyu. It was also at that time that the Two River Gang could officially reveal its relationship with the Ye family and listen to Ye Qingyu's commands.

When Ye Qingyu finished reading the letter, he felt as though there were mountainous waves tumbling in his heart.

There was so much more to this matter.

Mother Ye's arrangements were seemingly cold-blooded, but with careful understanding, it felt as though it was some sort of last resort, like there was some kind of undefendable force in front and she had no other option but to take such a path.

Having read the two letters, Ye Qingyu was more confused than before.

What actually happened back then?

Why would his mother have such arrangements?

And secretly establishing a faction like the Two River Gang did not seem to be like his mother's character and interest. All the evidence pointed to the fact that his parents were secretly preparing for something, silently planning and preparing for the arrival of something. Unfortunately the city defense battle, which was something they had not anticipated, completely disrupted their plans.

"Brother Lang, do you know anything else?" Ye Qingyu asked, passing the letter back.

Lang Zhong shook his head. "The way Lady handles matters was cautious, not one drop of water leaked out. Although I was secretly brought up by the lady, but things that should not be asked, I never asked. After the city defense battle, I abided by Lady's arrangement and dared not to expose anything. All these years, I had not investigated what happened in the past, and instead, according to Lady's command, I had been trying my best to expand the Two River Gang, so…"

Ye Qingyu listened carefully, nodding along.

It could be assumed that Lang Zhong didn't know much, with his strength he could have participated in the affairs back then. Moreover, the existence of the Two River Gang should be a choice that his mother made back then in preparation for a time in the future when it might be needed. Unfortunately, the city defense battle had disrupted everything.

Since his mother wrote to him that Lang Zhong can be trusted and the Two River Gang was founded by his mother, they would be a great help to him in entering the imperial capital this time.

Ye Qingyu's emotions calmed down a little. "The coverage of the Two River Gang, how big is it now?"

"Young master, ever since five years ago, the Two River Gang had begun to extend beyond Deer City. Now, in the northwest martial arts community, we have 38 information sentry posts and my younger sister has set out for the imperial capital of Snow Empire five years ago. Today, it can be said that we have a stable position in the central area of the imperial capital of the Snow Empire. We lack military strength, but we are adequate in the collection of information. As for the southwest and northwest areas, we have not yet had the time to expand to there."

"Such a wide area?"

Ye Qingyu was shocked.

Was it not said that the Two River Gang only operates within the area of Deer City?

They had reached their hands into the area of snow capital without anyone noticing?

This made Ye Qingyu greatly surprised.

It seemed that all these years, Lang Zhong had put in a lot of effort.

But this was actually good news.

He planned to enter the Imperial Snow Capital, and the situation that he would face there was unpredictable. Although the Dugu Group and the Ouyang family, such powerful forces, were there to help him, but he still needed external forces. Also, the Two River Gang can be regarded as the Ye's family direct subordinate. For some secretive matters, as well as the tedious collection of information, they could prove to be of assistance.

On the other side, Tang San stood dumbfounded, terrifying waves setting off in his heart.

He knew that he had inadvertently become aware of the largest secret of the Ye family.

He was an intelligent person, and the implied information he could gather from just this one exchange was very many.

Father and Mother Ye did not seem so simple on the surface, and this young master was most likely not an ordinary descendant of an average martial arts family of Deer City.

"It has been hard on Brother Lang all these years," Ye Qingyu said, bowing respectfully.

Lang Zhong quickly interrupted, "This is what a subordinate should do. Even if I was beaten till my bones are broken, I still cannot repay Lady's kindness back then. Not only me, the number of people of the Two River Gang that was able to survive because of Lady's and Master's kindness are countless. Everybody has been waiting eagerly all these years."

"I understand." Ye Qingyu nodded.

He invited Tang Sand and Lang Zhang to take a seat, and asked the beautiful servant outside to come in, set up the table, and to serve up the food.

Because of his relationship with Father and Mother Ye, Ye Qingyu's feelings and opinion of Lang Zhong were also very good. The atmosphere turned lively and he did not ask about the past anymore. Instead, he carefully inquired about the current internal situation of the Two River Gang.

Lang Zhong told all he knew without any reservation.

Very quickly, an hour of time had passed.

On the other table, both the silly dog and little silver dragon were already drunk and in deep sleep.

Calculating the time, it was time to drop by White Deer Academy. Since he had promised Qin Wushuang, he should be punctual. Ye Qingyu asked Lang Zhong to take care of a few things. Lang Zhong wanted to make the best use of his time and so left the feast early.

Lang Zhong rose and said goodbye, before turning around and leaving.

Ye Qingyu and Tang San stayed for a short period of time before also leaving.

The beautiful little servant was so excited that her little face was blushing red as she led the way in front.

"Ah that's right, pretty girl, please do not tell any of the matter of seeing Lang Zhong today." Ye Qingyu warned with a smile.

The more people, the more gossip. The nosiness of girls this age was the most strong. If she bragged to her friends later, then the fact that he had met Lang Zhong would soon spread across the whole Deer City and cause an uproar.

"Ah?" The beautiful little servant was surprised for a moment, before she realized that Marquis Ye was talking to her, and her heart suddenly fluttered. "Marquis Ye don't worry, even if I have to face a mountain of swords or sea of fire, I will not say half a word."

"Haha, it's not that serious. It's enough if you just don't deliberately mention it in public, if someone really forced you to say it with a sword, then say it," Ye Qingyu teased her.

The little girl blushed red.

After leaving [Heavenly Fragrance Restaurant], Ye Qingyu headed towards the intersection at the far corner and took a glance at the street stalls.

Wen Wan the [Crazed Noodle Demon] was still there.

Ye Qingyu covered his face, leaving from the other side, taking a farther route towards White Deer Academy to avoid Wen Wan. He was really afraid that this maniac would see him and greet him from afar, which would cause his good reputation of a lifetime to be ruined instantaneously.

With a grin on his face, Tang San carried the drunk silly dog and little silver dragon, and closely followed behind.

[Heavenly Fragrance Restaurant] was not far from White Deer Academy.

In the time needed to burn half an incense, the two people arrived at the entrance of the academy.

This was the first time that Ye Qingyu came to White Deer Academy ever since he returned to Deer City. Looking at the familiar but somewhat foreign school gate, Ye Qingyu also could not gather how he felt, thousands of thoughts crowding his mind. The scene four years ago of him participating in the academy's entrance examination once again emerged in the forefront of his mind.

The guards naturally had to come to inspect his pass.

Fortunately, Ye Qingyu's student status had not expired. He handed over the identity plate, the guard checked it as usual, and let him through.

Ye Qingyu went in by himself.

Tang San carried the silly dog and little silver dragon and went back to the Ye Mansion directly.

That guard stared at Ye Qingyu's back view as he entered into Academy, murmuring, "This student, he looks unfamiliar. I haven't seen him before, but there wasn't a problem with the identity plate… Hey? Wait, the nameplate, what's his name? It was…Ye Qingyu?

The guard's pupils shrank.

He suddenly realized something.

Ye-Ye-Ye-Ye-Ye Qingyu?

Is that not… Marquis Ye's name?

The young man… he was Marquis Ye?

The guard suddenly screamed, jumping straight up like crazy.

The others, with the gaze like looking at an idiot, stared at him.


The place that Qin Wushuang and the others decided on was the Residence of Heaven's Will.

This was the most magnificent and prestigious independent villa situated in the fourth year area, a place that only the top noble White Deer Academy students were allowed to enter, and also the place that countless White Deer Academy students dreamed to be eligible to enter.

Chapter 331 – Zhou Guhan

Because entering here signified that one has already entered the core student social class of the Academy.

A year ago, Ye Qingyu surprised everyone, defeating the students of the same year, but he did not receive the eligibility to enter the Residence of Heaven's Will.

And now, all the noble students of the Academy, and a number of students from humble families were standing in front of the arch bridge of Residence of Heaven's Will, waiting for the arrival of Marquis Ye.

Qin Wushuang, Han Shuanghu, Han Xiaofei, Bai Yuqing…

The famous geniuses of the White Deer Academy had a tense and complicated expression on their faces as they waited quietly.

Originally, this place was where only noble students could appear.

However, considering the fact that Ye Qingyu was also of a humble background, so this time Residence of Heaven's Will made an exception and opened the doors to students from humble families. The four most outstanding students that are from a humble background were also among the crowd.

Dressed in a fiery red and delicate combat outfit, Jiang Xiaohan stood at the very back of the crowd.

At a further distance, there was a dense mass of students of White Deer Academy gathering like the tide——even many of the Academy's teachers were present, squeezing in between the students, eager to catch a glimpse of the graceful appearance of [The Leaf of Youyan] Marquis Ye, whose name was now well-known all over Youyan Pass. Towards this genius from White Deer Academy, many of its students had a complex sense of pride. On the one hand, Ye Qingyu is the most outstanding genius in the history of White Deer Academy, but on the other hand, Ye Qingyu had only been studying in White Deer Academy for one year and many teachers had not even seen him before.

When the white-robed youngster as beautiful as jade, appeared in the distant pavement, stepping on the thin grass, countless eyes shifted towards him.

At first, there were low voices of speculation and discussion.

But then when someone shouted out that 'it's Marquis Ye, I've seen him before', the quiet crowd suddenly stirred and voices rose from all sides.

A ripple of excitement passed through the crowd.

There was no cheering, screaming, or yelling, but within every pair of eyes there was glistening reverence, adoration, and yearning… and even an awe-inspiring expression.

Han Shuanghu was the first to come up to greet him, "I pay my respects to Marquis Ye."

The other students at the entrance of Residence of Heaven's Will also hurried over to greet him.

Because this event was decided by the students, there were no academy teachers present, and Dean Kong was familiar with Ye Qingyu's personality, so had not arranged any official activities in the academy.

"I pay my respects to Marquis Ye."

"I pay my respects to Marquis Ye."

The students, one after another, bowed their heads.

Ye Qingyu smiled, saying, "Senior brothers and sisters no need to be so polite, this is just a private catch up. There is no Marquis of the empire here. I came to meet everyone with the identity of a student of White Deer Academy. Don't regard me as an outsider."

In the crowd, Ye Qingyu could also see Song Qingluo.

After the talk that day in the Ye residence, Song Qingluo eventually returned to the academy to continue her studies.

And because there was news that the relationship between the Qingluo Merchant Company and the Ye residence was very good, and there was a person that saw Ye Qingyu personally walking Song Jiannan and Song Qingluo, father and daughter, to the door as they left Ye Mansion, so now no one dared to bully or make things difficult for this beautiful girl in White Deer Academy. Song Qingluo's status in the academy was much higher than before.

And today, Song Qinglo was faintly seen in the core of the crowd in the people that came to greet Ye Qingyu, besides Han Shuanghu, Bai Yuqing and the others.

Ye Qingyu and the former acquaintances greeted each other one after another.

"I pay my respects to Marquis Ye." A young man wearing a robe made from coarse materials stood out, looking in great spirits and exhibiting a strong aura. One glance and it was obvious that he was a powerful character. He said very confidently, "I am Zhou Guhan, the president of the Poor Society of the academy, the members of the poor society come from a similar background to Brother Ye." As he spoke, he pointed over to the two students who were also similarly wearing ordinary clothing. "These two are junior brother Song and junior brother Li, both members of the Poor Society."

Poor Society?

Ye Qingyu nodded. He had heard about this society before.

It is said that the Poor Society is an organization consisting of students of the White Deer Academy from humble backgrounds. There have been several outstanding members that are now famous. In White Deer Academy, the number of students from humble families was far less than those from noble families. Their status was also very low, so they have no choice but to gather together to fight for their own interests. The genius of the first year Yan Hangtian, was also the seedling that the Poor Society focused on cultivating, but later went missing during training, and now his whereabouts were unknown.

But when Ye Qingyu was at White Deer Academy, he was always alone and independent. At that time, he was considered to be from a humble background, but he did not have too many interactions with the Poor Society. The few contacts he had with the society were not friendly, and they were not considered as on good terms. For example, he had reprimanded a student of humble background Quan Yalin.

At that time, Ye Qingyu had always thought that the students from humble families, perhaps because of their inferiority complex, or the fact they were too self-confident, would always go astray on the path they walk.

"Nice to meet you." Ye Qingyu smiled and responded, when his gaze fell on the last student of the Poor Society.

He was a handsome young man with fair jade-like skin and elegant brows and eyes, exhibiting a natural noble air. He was dressed in a shabby linen robe with several patches, more than that of Zhou Guhan and the other three, but he was very clean. His slender body was giving off elegance, and the feeling his whole person gave was very comfortable.

"Junior brother, you are?" Ye Qingyu asked.

Zhou Guhan's eyes flashed a glint of belittling intent. "This is junior brother Li Chenzhou, a freshman of White Deer Academy."

So he's a freshman. He must have entered the academy after Ye Qingyu left, because such a handsome person would have left an impression on him. Ye Qingyu suddenly realized something. He felt some sort of familiar feeling with the youngster called Li Chenzhou, but he did not display a reaction, instead smiled and nodded at the youngster.

Li Chenzhou also nodded with a smile spread across his face, his expression very calm.

"Brother Ye, there is a feast organized in the Residence of Heaven's Will. Please go ahead." Han Shuanghu smiled.

This person was once the number one of White Deer Academy and looked down upon the entire White Deer Academy. Even when Ye Qingyu was in White Deer Academy, he also could not compete with this senior genius, but now, standing in front of Ye Qingyu, he appeared very respectful and hid away his air of arrogance.

The rest of the noble students were the same.

Only Bai Yuqing, who was known as the most beautiful goddessin White Deer Academy, looked at Ye Qingyu from beginning to end with a complex expression on her face, without saying anything and also without the initiative to greet him. Dressed in a long white dress, she was quietly standing in the crowd, like a forgotten snow lotus flower. For the first time, she experienced the feeling of her own light being shrouded by others.

And the similarly silent people were Qin Wushuang and Jiang Xiaohan.

Once known as the double wall of the first years, Ye Qingyu's name was now known throughout the Snow Empire, while Qin Wushuang was still an academy student. The gap between them was huge and difficult to calculate. The more there was this sort of occasion, the more Qin Wushuang's expression was dim. The thought that had been buried in his heart in these days, was like a vine finally breaking the layer of soil to begin to germinate, and to grow wildly.

In Qin Wushuang's heart, weeds were spreading.

But Jiang Xiaohan's heart was like pieces of ashes.

She had coldly stood at the door of the Ye Mansion for half a night, but was still as before, unable to receive the eligibility to enter through the door. She was already very clear of Ye Qingyu's view towards her. All kinds of remorse and anger could not describe his feelings towards her. He was one of the best cards, but was personally smashed by her. Who could she blame but herself?

These days, Jiang Xiaohan also suffered a lot of slander and mockery.

She had no idea which busybody that had vividly spread the relationship between her and Ye Qingyu, including their childhood stories, and also the fact that she later abandoned Ye Qingyu and criticized Ye Qingyu at the entrance examination…

In the past few days, countless people looked at her with a pitying and sympathetic gaze.

The male students that were usually glued to Jiang Xiaohan's side like her tail, those that treated her like a goddess, one after another disappeared from her side. Even Han Xiaofei had more than once publicly claimed that there was nothing between himself and Jiang Xiaohan, but just that he was a little more familiar with her…

In the past, the so-called achievements and glories that made her proud and conceited, and the sense of superiority like stars surrounding the moon, had all vanished in the twinkling of an eye.

Everyone avoided her like they were fleeing from a snake or a scorpion.

The fame and status that she had worked painstakingly hard to build all these years were wafted away at once like smoke.

And all of this was what she deserved.

Looking at the countless classmates pleasing and surrounding around Song Qingluo to win her favour, what the daughter of the merchant company had originally belonged to her. If she had not abandoned Ye Qingyu, repeatedly belittled him, embarrassed and even framed Ye Qingyu, then perhaps, the entire White Deer Academy——No, the goddess of the whole Deer City would be her, Jiang Xiaohan, right?

Standing at the rear of the crowd, Jiang Xiaohan kept silent.

"Brother Ye, please go in," Han Shuanghu made an inviting gesture.

On the martial arts path, the first to enter would become the more senior person. Although he entered the school earlier than Ye Qingyu, but now Ye Qingyu's name had spread across the Snow Empire and his strength was a profound mystery. Han Shuanghu obviously could not call Ye Qingyu a junior brother, so senior brother sounded right.

Ye Qingyu smiled, nodded, and was about to step onto the arch bridge to Residence of Heaven's Will, when——


Zhou Guhan, who knitted his brows in a frown all this time, suddenly opened his mouth. All eyes were cast upon him.

The quiet but proud member of the Poor Society looked up at Ye Qingyu, his eyes flashing with the colour of the sharp point of a sword, as he said in a very serious tone, "Senior brother Ye, forgive Guhan for saying this, but with your identity today, you should not step on this arch bridge into the Residence of Heaven's Will."

Chapter 332 – Use you to gain fame


As the words came out, the expressions on the people's faces around him changed.

"Zhou Guhan, what are you talking about now?" Han Shuanghu's face was twisted with an embarrassed look. "Usually you are weird and say strange stuff, but when you heard that senior brother Ye would come visit the Academy, you said that you want to meet senior brother Ye. The arrangements for the welcome of senior brother Ye, I already told you before and you had no objection. Why are you causing trouble now?"

"The person with the surname Han, I have no such intention. I just spoke my mind. If I had objected to your plan before, if I had refuted your arrangement, then would I have had the opportunity to stand in front of senior brother Ye and say the words that I want to say?" Zhou Guhan continued with a smile, "I humoured you in order to, under the power and influence of the noble people, fight for a chance to speak. What is wrong with that?"

"You…" Han Shuanghu's face changed colour, "That's a bit too despicable."

"Oh, despicable? Isn't that what you noble students have been doing?" Zhou Guhan retorted.

Han Shuanghu suddenly changed to the colour of displeasure, about to say something.

Ye Qingyu waved his hand, motioning him not to say it, and then looked at Zhou Guhan. "Junior brother Guhan just say what is on your mind. I also want to know what kind of advice the president of the Poor Society has."

Zhou Guhan's face lit up with a positive look, saying, "Senior brother Ye, about the conflict between the noble families and the humble families in the empire, you are aware of it, right?"

"Slightly heard about it." Ye Qingyu nodded.

"Ever since the Snow Empire dynasty began, the conflict between the nobles and the humble families had never stopped. Us descendants of humble families, generations after generations, have been loyal, shed blood for the empires Human Race, fought many hard battles and achieved notable merits, but those aristocratic families that neglect their duties, how do they treat the people of humble families? Within three years of the start of the Snow Empire, the left minister Jiang Min, who had worked hard and performed a valuable service, was framed and put into prison and the 13 men of the Secretariat that were from humble background were all demoted…"

Zhou Guhan shouted, enumerating the cases of conflict between the noble families and humble families in the history of the Empire.

All of a sudden, the look on everyone's face did not look too good.

These huge cases had a very bad effect on the history of the Human Race of the Snow Empire, and were like its scars. Even though many years had past, only a few were willing to speak out.

"Shut up," Han Shuanghu yelled. "Junior brother Zhao, what exactly do you mean? How much do you know about these murder cases? How dare you talk about the empire's situation like that here? Back then, the empire already had a resolution, even if the humble families suffered hardship they were compensated, you…"

"Oh, compensation? A person's life, what are the compensations that can recover a person's life?" Zhoa Guhan smiled coldly. "You nobles, the blood debt you owe is too much, you will never make up for it, not to mention that have you never really repented?"

"Junior brother Zhou's words are a little too extreme," Bai Yuqing, who had remained quiet all along, suddenly opened her mouth. "As far as I know, what had happened back then was not entirely the fault of the nobles. The noble families and humble families both made mistakes. The Emperor of the Snow Empire back then demoted the 13 men of the Secretariat because these 13 people were involved in factional activities for personal interests, discussed official businesses with resentment, and disregarded the overall situation of the country. The high rank general Xie Jian died from the evil scheming of these 13 people…"

"Oh, well said, it was you nobles who made a big mistake first, but you do not allow us to counterattack?" Zhou Guhan said with a cold smile. "Killing the high ranking general Xie Jian was just to rid the emperor of evil ministers. Xie Jian deserved it…"

"Rid the emperor of evil ministers? You dare say that?" Bai Yuqing smiled lightly. "The humble families just want to acquire more power and the right to speak in the Empire, no need to splash dirty water on the nobles' body. The number of despicable things that people of humble background have done is not few. Why must you fish for undeserved fame and compliments?"

"Hah, a woman's words. Us humble families have worked hard and achieved notable merits for the Human Race and the Empire, what is the problem with acquiring more power?" Zhou Guhan's face was the colour of contempt. "Compared to the people that neglect their duties yet still hold onto their post and rely on succession to dominate the official circle of the empire, they are much better."

"You are talking about notable merits, right?" Bai Yuqing's look also became fierce, evidently enraged by the 'women's words'. She said aggressively, "Before the establishment of the Empire, how many high ranking noble military officers had led and fought in battles north and south of the country? After the establishment of the empire, how many noble high-ranking military officer generals had been standing guard at the borders fighting the enemy? How many generals were from humble families? How many noble generals were killed? How many generals from poor families were killed? Nobility was not decided by the heavens, it also relied on them to work hard and fight with their sword and flesh. They performed deeds of valour in battle, then they naturally should gain status and reward. What is wrong with their children inheriting their nobility? Go take a look at the list of heroes issued by the empire over the years and carefully count the numbers. If the number of death of heroes of noble background is 10 times less than that of heroes from humble families, then I, Bai Yuqing, swear to heaven that I will leave my nobility status behind and become a commoner this life, and be a poor person in all my lives. Zhao Guahan, do you dare?"

This remark was like administering an attack with a sword.

In the air, there was the atmosphere of a battlefield that was brewing.

"You…" There was no way Zhou Guhan could refute. The heroes list of the empire is as Bai Yuqing had said, the number of death of nobles was 10 times more than that of people from humble families——of course, this does not refer to ordinary soldiers. He said coldly, "All people are equal, if the ordinary people who sacrificed their life for the country could be on the Empire's Heroes list, the number of people from humble families would be far greater than that of nobles by far."

"Hah, can't say anything, so you change your meaning?" Bai Yuqing disdainfully smiled. "Ordinary people are of humble background? It can only be said that your face is too big, you think that you're speaking on behalf of others, but the ordinary civilians? They may not think so. They are not crazy people that fight each other for power and self gain, but they want to defend the dignity of the Empire and the Human Race…"

"I just said what's on my mind." Facing the beautiful senior sister, Zhou Guhan did not budge an inch. Today was the day that Marquis Ye came to visit White Deer Academy, and so many people have gathered from all sides. It was definitely a good opportunity for him to make his view public. Zhou Guhan had prepared for too long for this day, so he certainly would not miss this chance. Loudly, he said, "In the current Snow Empire, who does not know that the Right Minister, who is of noble birth, controls the affairs of the state and persecutes virtuous people…"

"Right Minister is the Right Minister, nobles are nobles. Junior brother Zhou has been pestering on this subject, are you not tired? The Right Minister does not represent all nobles, just like you can't represent the whole population of humble background. As far as I know, the Left Minister Zhou Ru back then also did the same thing as the Right Minister?" Bai Yuqing asked.

Neither of them was prepared to budge an inch, fiercely refuting each other.

Han Shuanghu and the other people could not add any words in between their argument.

The crowd was amazed that Bai Yuqing was suddenly so fierce and sharp today. In the past, the goddess of the academy was always quiet and cold, and she was never involved in even the hottest topics of the Academy. Why was she like another person today, and her words were like blades, refuting Zhao Guhan, who was usually the most eloquent, to the point that he couldn't open his mouth.

Ye Qingyu was watching calmly at the side.

The occurrence of this scene was beyond his expectation, but seemed to be reasonable at the same time.

The conflict between the nobles and poor families had a long history.

One of the best academies in the empire, White Deer Academy, was also involved in it despite the fact it was declining. Back then, when Ye Qingyu gained fame in White Deer Academy, he had also experienced the great waves from this conflict. At that time, because of Song Xiaojun's matters, he was dispirited. At the same time, to avoid this pointless infighting, he went to Youyan Pass.

He didn't expect that after one year, he was once again unavoidably involved in such a conflict.

"This little fellow seems to be looking for a chance to be famous. He wants to be a fanatic intellectual, he has wild ambition…" a familiar voice came from behind Ye Qingyu.

Startled, Ye Qingyu twisted around to take a look.

A handsome man with long sky-blue hair and a languid demeanour appeared behind him, chewing a grass stalk in his mouth. He displayed a playful attitude and was casually dressed with stubble around his mouth.

Blue Sky.

This guy finally showed up.

Seeing the expression on Ye Qingyu's eyes, Blue Sky smiled, saying, "Junior brother Ye, long time no see."

Ye Qingyu was overpowered by his demeanor. "Some days ago, didn't we seen each other at the Formation Palace? It's only been a few days."

"Well, now that you said that, I do remember. The one chosen by the heavens, how remarkable. You ignored me and pretended not to know me, you really don't have a conscience. Don't forget that it was me who led you the first time you went out for training," Blue Sky spat out the stalk in his mouth and said causally.

Ye Qingyu grumbled, "Who was it that kept winking, desperately signalling me to pretend that I don't know you? If I had not misinterpreted the meaning, the expression of your face squeezing together should have meant that, right."

"At that time, I just did not want to be remembered," Blue Sky said cheerfully. "You, Marquis Ye, need the world to tremble at the mention of your name, while I, Blue Sky just want to live a life of ease and leisure in White Deer Academy, sitting around waiting to die. If someone remembered my name, there would most likely be trouble later."

"Is it just that simple?" Ye Qingyu said in a sceptical tone, "Why do I feel that your expression at that time was like a weasel stealing a chicken, an expression of being afraid of being caught."

"You must have got it wrong," Blue Sky said in an upright tone.

These two people's strength were far beyond the level of the people around them. The other people could not hear their dialogue at all. The people's gaze were instead fixed on the battle of words between Bai Yuqing, who had a change in personality, and Zhou Guhan.

"The conflict between the nobles and the poor, when will it be over," Ye Qingyu lamented.

"Knowing that there's trouble, you still came to the academy. You deserve such a conundrum," Blue Sky said in a tone as though he rejoices in other people's misfortune. "This Zhao Guhan, his background is not simple. I underestimated him, six months ago, he suddenly came and very quickly gathered all the students of the Academy from humble families, and very soon they would form an united force. His mind went wild one day, and because you came here today, it has given him the opportunity to rise to fame."

Ye Qingyu understood what Blue Sky meant, lightly nodding his head.

In truth, Ye Qingyu did not have too much adverse or familiar feelings towards the poor or the nobles. What he felt averse to was such despicable and shameless internal struggles between the poor and the noble for power. The situation of the Human Race was precarious as it was, and it was currently in a downturn. Even if they united together, it would be difficult to struggle against all the other races. When it was splintered like so, it was most likely that sooner or later, the Human Race would turn into the slaves of the other races.

When Ye Qingyu was the White Deer Academy, he did not show the slightest of mercy towards the provocation of the nobility. As for the plots and schemes of the poor, he was also merciless. In the eyes of other people, he was a person who always acted alone. In the end, no matter whether it was the poor or the nobility, none of them took further action towards him to bring him to their sides.

If one was to discuss Ye Qingyu’s background, he possessed the heroic military badge, but his family had fallen. He had lived like a beggar in the cemetery for four years. Although he was not of the nobility, but to say that he was a commoner was also not quite right. After all, the Ye family could once be counted as a well-off family, and once possessed many properties within Deer City. Furthermore, Ye Qingyu’s mother had also secretly created a Two River Gang, so he could even more not be classified as part of the poor.

Just now, when Bai Yuqing and Zhou Guhan were exchanging words, there was a phrase they used that attracted Ye Qingyu’s attention.


Thats right, Ye Qingyu felt that he was a commoner.

A commoner of the Human Race.

Since everyone was a commoner, why must they distinguish between the poor and the nobility?

Ye Qingyu did not understand the reasoning behind the policies of the Snow Empire ever since it was founded.

But one could be sure, the Imperial family of Snow Empire played a huge part in causing the struggle between the poor and the nobility by their intentional incitement and division. As the ruling class, the Imperial family seemed delighted to see two forces struggling against each other like so.

In front of the bridge.

Every word of Bai Yuqing was like a blade humming, pressuring towards people. A powerful aura and atmosphere suffocated everyone, making everyone’s heart palpitate.

Zhou Guhan did not show weakness, arguing once again. He constantly changed the focal point of his argument, standing his ground against such a powerful aura.

Originally, this was a celebration that was meant to welcome Ye Qingyu to the academy. However, it turned into a battle of words. It was a result no one expected. Furthermore, the conflict between the two was exhilarating, it attracted the attention of the surrounding people.

Han Shuangfu was somewhat angry in his heart. He paid careful attention to Ye Qingyu’s expression.

One must know, this meeting of classmates was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

Han Shuangfu had a mission

He was the representative of the group of nobles in White Deer Academy, and the Han family was one of the major families in Deer City. They had a certain influence in the entire Empire. Ever since arriving in Deer City, Ye Qingyu had absolutely not interacted with any noble families. Therefore, there were naturally people who wanted to use the connection between classmates, to obtain the good feeling of the newly promoted Military nobility from the younger generation. This was a devious strategy.

It was not only Han Shuangfu. Even Qin Wushuang, Han Xiaofei, Zhouyu had received the instructions of their parents, to make connections with Ye Qingyu.

A third class Marquis was not that important within the Empire.

But a sixteen-year-old military Marquis, a third class Marquis that was treated as a shining example in the entire army, a sixteen-year-old whose cultivation was enough to kill Zhao Shanhe and force Li Qiushui to die, was absolutely exceptional. His potential was limitless.

Such a character was someone both the nobles and the poor wanted to bring into their faction.

And because of Ye Qingyu’s background, both the poor and the nobles were able to see some hope of dragging him into their faction.

Han Shuangfu and the others had painstakingly arranged a meeting, but who would have thought that Zhou Guhan would use this opportunity for his own gain.

But seeing Ye Qingyu’s expression remaining calm throughout, Han Shuangfu and the others let out a relaxed breath.

Looking at the argument between Bai Yuqing and Zhou Guhan, Ye Qingyu sighed in his heart. Without question, the name of Zhou Guhan would quickly spread around after today. There were so many people present, there would definitely be people who would talk about the contents of this debate. Zhou Guhan would be treated as the representative of the poor in Deer City, and attract the attention of all parties.

Bai Yuqing was also somewhat rash.

Every word that she said was organized and logical, and was well-evidenced. Therefore in this debate, she pressured over Zhou Guhan, and exhibited the aura of the number one goddess of White Deer Academy. It made everyone impressed. But namely because of the fact that the words she said were too organized, they could not escape this debate.

Bai Yuqing was a noble. Of the Snow Empire of today, the noble faction was controlled by the Right Minister. They had significant power, and their status was stable. In such a debate, the noble Bai Yuqing raised issues that the Right Minister has failed in. There was a hint of opposition held within the Right Minister’s words. Such a position had already diverged from the beliefs of the Right Minster.

One could imagine that the contents of today’s debate would be spread about. For Bai Yuqing, this was not a good matter at all.

Bai Yuqing would win this debate.

But she would lose to matters outside of this debate.

Perhaps this was something that Zhou Guhan expected.

Ye Qingyu was somewhat curious. With Bai Yuqing’s intelligence, there was no way she would not realize. Her performance today was out of the ordinary.

Looking at the Zhou Guhan who had a smile curling at the corner of his mouth, Ye Qingyu was somewhat annoyed.

His gaze suddenly fell on the youth called Li Chenzhou

He was also a youth that came from the poor, but he was not like his comrades of the Poor Society, tensely following the debate and would intercept with a phrase or two to demonstrate they still existed. In fact, he was yawning tiredly, his eyes closing, an appearance of someone about to fall asleep.

From the outside, Li Chenzhou had no interest towards the debate that attracted countless people’s attention.

This Li Chenzhou was different from Zhou Guhan.

A thought occurred to Ye Qingyu. With a smile, “What’s this, doesn’t junior brother Li want to add anything to this debate?”

Since Marquis Ye spoke, the debate between Bai Yuqing and Zhou Guhan abruptly stopped.

At this time, everyone’s gaze focused on Ye Qingyu and Li Chenzhou.

“Eh? What?” Li Chenzhou shook himself and opened his eyes in confusion. He subconsciously wiped away some drool from the corner of his mouth, his face completely lost. After stuttering for a few seconds, “What? You’re speaking to me? What’s happening…”

He really had fallen asleep while standing right now.

Ye Qingyu instantly added the word ‘eccentric’ in his evaluation of Li Chenzhou

The other people nearly had a speechless expression.

Those who were familiar with Li Chenzhou's actions quickly began laughing.

Ever since Ye Qingyu left White Deer Academy, there had been several geniuses and weird people that had arrived in White Deer Academy in these past days. Li Chenzhou, was namely one of them. There were even many people who referred to him as the second Ye Qingyu.

Because he was the same as Ye Qingyu. Not only was his talent and strength exceptional, his personality was also strange.

But Li Chenzhou’s strangeness was different from the loner-like attitude of Ye Qingyu.

This strangeness of this fellow, in summary, was that he fell asleep far too easily. In a day, he spent two thirds of it sleeping. He slept while he was in class, he slept while he was cultivating, and he would also sleep when they were outside training and practicing. it was even that he would be able to sleep when he was fighting in the arena.

Therefore people called him the [Sleeping Deity] Li Chenzhou.

It was only that they did not imagine that this fellow would even be able to sleep in front of the Marquis, Ye Qingyu.

Zhou Guhan’s lips twitched at seeing this scene.

If not for the fact that Li Chenzhou came from a poor background, and had huge potential and influence amongst the students, Zhou Guhan would not have wanted to add him to his faction. Therefore, he had brought him to participate in the matters today. It was only that they did not imagine… why was he so unreliable.

Ye Qingyu felt amused. He repeated what he had just said.

Li Chenzhou pretended he was incomparably alert, but could not help but let out another yawn. Then he said, “I don’t even know what’s being said. Arguing is so tiring, and there’s no point in arguing back and forth. Why don’t everyone lie down and take a nap. When everyone has slept, everyone’s mood will definitely improve, and they won’t argue anymore… Life is meant to be enjoyed…”

Ye Qingyu had lines running through his face.

Why were there so many weird people around him?

“Senior brother Ye, such a debate will never end. If this continues on, no conclusion will be reached. Why don’t you first enter into the Residence of Heaven’s Will and have a seat and converse there,” Han Shuangfu said tentatively.

Zhou Guhan contradicted him, “These words are wrong. Senior brother Ye also came from the poor. According to what I know, the Residence of Heaven’s Will does not allow students of the poor to enter. I think that senior brother Ye will definitely not lower himself to enter such a place.” As he said this, he looked towards Ye Qingyu.

Ye Qingyu smiled, “It seems like junior brother Zhao will definitely not allow me to enter into the Residence of Heaven’s Will today?”

Zhou Guhan shivered, then quickly lowered his head. “I don’t dare. I am only using my identity as a student of the poor, to plead with senior brother Ye to protect the dignity and pride of the poor. As someone of the poor, we are upright people with pride and we will never lower our heads to the noble or the rich. Senior brother Ye’s success today was something you fought for with your blade. Why must you lower your head towards the nobles after climbing by yourself to such a height? If such a matter was spread out, it would most likely invite the laughter of the entire world.”

“You… Zhou Guhan, just what do you mean?” Han Shuangfu was enraged.

Zhou Guhan did not even pay him a glance

Ye Qingyu’s gaze was as sharp as lightning, as it fell on Zhou Guhan’s face.

Zhou Guhan had fear on his face, but he bit his teeth. Cold sweat dripped down his forehead. He was not willing to retreat in the slightest.

“Junior brother Zhou, your heart may be too narrow. This time, it is only a simple meeting between students, how could it invite the laughter of the entire world? According to what junior brother Zhou previously said, the people of the entire world are in a precarious situation that needs to be saved by you. Just where would they have the energy to pay attention and laugh at such a small matter?"Ye Qingyu said calmly.

Zhou Guhan bit his teeth. “Senior brother Ye, you mispoke. Although the people of the entire world are engrossed in their own problems, but they will still pay attention to justice and righteousness. right now, this is the righteousness of the entire world, how could it be a small matter. Please rethink Senior brother Ye.”

“It seems like you really don’t understand me.” Ye Qingyu looked towards Zhou Guhan, shaking his head faintly.

Zhou Guhan’s heart shivered for some unknown reason.

There was suddenly a feeling of misfortune that rose in his heart.

But he felt that he had done no wrong. Everyone’s personality had its weak points deep within. And these weak points were often linked. Fame was a trap no one could escape from. Especially for Ye Qingyu, a person that was already famed as an expert. He would be tied down by his fame, just like this.

No one would really not care about the cursing of the people of the world.

Therefore he straightened his body, trying to make it seem that he was as upright and as righteous as possible. In a loud voice, “I understand Marquis Ye. You have a heart that cares about the whole world, you are modest and open-minded, and you are a great hero that acts for the greater good of the Human Race. If you think I’ve understood wrongly, then I Zhou Guhan really have no words to say…”

Ye Qingyu shook his head. “I feel that you are wrong. I’m not any sort of great hero. Being a hero is so tiring. There are many people that refer to me as a butcher, as a crazed killing madman. You should find out for yourself what the Jianghu describes me, Ye Qingyu, as. If I am enraged, I kill. If I see something I don’t like, I kill. If I see something unusual, I kill. I kill demons, I kill devils, I kill beasts, I also kill humans… En, that’s right, it’s these seven words – kill kill kill kill kill kill kill. You haven’t been to Youyan Pass so you don’t know that my title of the third class military Marquis was gained through killing.”

Zhou Guhan was taken aback.

“Junior brother, in truth there’s something I feel opposed to. It’s that fact that you refer to the entire world in every word you speak. Haha, do you think that you can represent the people of the entire world with a pair of hands, a brain and two balls? There’s something senior sister Bai Yuqing said rightly; the Right Minister cannot represent the nobles of the entire world. By the same logic, you cannot represent the people of this entire world. The Poor Society of Deer City, furthermore cannot represent the poor of the entire world. Junior brother Zhou, you may have overestimated yourself.”

Ye Qingyu stated, word by word.

“But…” Zhou Guhan’s body suddenly shivered.

“There is no but. Any action that uses the excuse of morality and righteousness to disguise the private goals of a person is despicable. Like today, you said I cannot enter the Residence of Heaven’s Will. Alone, it does not signify anything, but you must accuse me of such a crime and create such a excuse. You would use such an insignificant matter to destroy something or perhaps some people, this is the method that a plotter would imagine. Junior brother Zhou, do you regard yourself as a plotter?”

Ye Qingyu conversely asked.

“Of course not, how would this be possible…” Zhou Guhan acted outraged as he argued back.

Ye Qingyu smiled. “Therefore, at sometimes, you have to have some self-confidence. Like you today, you regarded me entering into the Residence of Heaven’s Will as surrendering to the noble faction. In truth, I feel that is an interpretation that is pitiful and lacks self-confidence. If the poor is really so independent and moral, why would it not even dare to enter a tiny little Residence of Heaven’s Will, and fear it like a snake?”

“This is not the point of the matter. Marquis Ye doesn’t think it means anything, but this does not mean the people of the entire world will treat it as nothing…” Zhou Guhan had a red face as he argued.

“Haha, its the people of the entire world yet again. Just why do you think you can represent the people of the world?” Ye Qingyu countered.

“This… I… I… I stand on the side of morality and righteousness. I just judged from normal logic. From ancient times, the wise have said… I…” Zhou Guhan’s speech was somewhat stuttery.

Ye Qingyu chuckled. “Fine, junior brother Zhou, I understand what you mean. You want to become famed through stepping on me. In truth, I do not mind. However, the words you have said makes me feel too much displeasure. Haha, today it is not only you that has decided to grasp this opportunity and become famed. This is a really pitiful thought. However, as you wish, I shall imitate the ancients once, and use wine to debate with white deer. Just now, I spoke of seven killings, then I will pour seven cups of wine, and see whether fortune falls on you.”

Before he had finished.

Ye Qingyu took a step on the bridge.

The power of his palm lightly sucked in.

The waters of the lake below the bridge suddenly emitted a silver glimmer. Ice pillar after ice pillar made of crystal ice rose from below the water, constantly changing it’s form, constantly rising. Under the shine of the sunlight, it let out a resplendent light, emitting a dream-like colour. the ice platform and ice pillars rose twenty meters from the water.

Under everyone’s regard, an ice throne gradually floated and appeared.

A faint white mist spread about everywhere, causing the temperature of the lakes surroundings to drop rapidly.

Such ice was like it was living, or as if it was being carved by a divine hand. It constantly changed its form. In less than ten breaths' time, a twenty-metertall ice sculpture of a huge throne appeared within the lake, seeming unreal.

Beside the main throne, there were also seven star seats that surrounded it.

It was as if there was a Fiendgod arena that suddenly descended from the sky, letting out a mysterious light.

Everyone had their mouths open in amazement, their eyes wide.

They could not believe in their own eyes.

This was… using ice inner yuan to create a vast and divine Fiendgod Palace?


Just how terrifying and deep must one’s inner yuan be?

The high stages of the Spirit springs?

Or… the Bitter Sea stage?

Previously, they had only heard of Ye Qingyu’s impressive battle records from rumours. But most people’s memories were still locked on to that young youth who was a first year at White Deer Academy a year or so ago. They did not imagine when Ye Qingyu’s true power exploded, it would be so terrifying. They saw with their own eyes, an ice crystal Fiendgod palace being constructed and created in a breath. Such a shock…

the surroundings were entirely silent.

It was especially so for the people that had interactions with Ye Qingyu in the past; Qin Wushuang, Jiang Xiaohan, Han Shuangfu, Bai Yuqing and the others. There were huge waves that crashed on their hearts, their minds completely blank. They nearly completely lost the ability to breathe or think.

This, just what sort of power was this?

There were some people who tentatively walked towards the ice throne, but instantly felt cold running throughout their whole body. Even their blood was about to be frozen.

Only until right now did people truly, truly realize, just what did the name Ye Qingyu represent. They had heard about him from the rumours of the Jianghu, from the mouths of their parents, from the words of their teachers. At this very moment, they finally realized just who this third class military Marquis was, this [Leaf of Youyan] that completely changed the situation in the martial alliance meeting. They finally comprehended just how heavy such a title was.

They finally understood that they had still not walked out of the academy, the students that had still not experienced the power of the mortal world, just how weak and feeble they were in front of this huge figure who shook the martial way of the entire world.

Such a feeling was like a speck of sand staring at a towering divine mountain.

Zhou Guhan’s heart was shocked.

The two other members of the Poor Society next to him were also stunned.

Even the [Sleeping Deity] Li Chenzhou did not have any trace of sleep in his eyes anymore. His eyes were open wide, and in his pupils that were as black as a deep lake, there was the first flicker of light that flashed through…

Ye Qingyu’s figure flashed, instantly reaching the peak of the ice crystal seven stars throne.

Seven ice snow dragons roared out from his body, roaring in the air.

The roar of the dragons shook the heavens.

A pressure that seemed as if it was real, spread about in all directions.

Within White Deer Academy, everyone shook with fear.

“Seven cups of dragon blood wine. Those who can drink it are the prodigies, are fated. Whether you believe it or not, decide for yourself.” As Ye Qingyu’s voice sounded, the seven snow dragon illusions split and shot towards the seven star seats surrounding the main throne. The shine of the ice shot towards everywhere, and transformed into a coiled dragon ice cup. Inside, alcohol was glimmering, and it sat above the ice table. A strange and bizarre smell began emitting from within the coiled dragon cup.

Seven cups of wine, seven dragons, seven rays of light.

In an instant, everyone’s gaze was attracted by this.

“Only true heroes of the Human Race can lift these seven cups of wine. Only they can drink it. The profoundness of these cups of wine will be known by the people who drink it. Everyone, the meeting of today will end now. I hope that these seven cups of wine will be able to create a legend in White Deer Academy. The seven heroes of White Deer will be able to become the pride of Deer City."

As Ye Qingyu’s voice sounded, a light glimmered, and his entire person disappeared.

White Deer Academy was still and completely silent.

The gazes that regarded the seven cups of wine gradually grew fiery.

At this time, even an idiot would understand what Marquis Ye meant—there was fortune and opportunity held within these seven cups of wine. it should be something that was able to raise their cultivation or change their foundation, or perhaps it was some sort of divine liquid treasure. The benefits would be endless as long as they drank it.

From what everyone knew, one year ago when Marquis Ye left White Deer Academy, he was still at the second spring cultivation level.

But one year after, when he returned, he was already famed throughout the world, and his strength was unfathomable. He was able to kill Zhao Shanhe, who was most likely already an existence at the Bitter Sea stage.

The speed at which his cultivation increased had never been heard of even in history.

Without need to guess, he must have obtained some peerless fortuitous treasure.

Then would the material within these seven cups of wine have something to with this peerless fortuitous treasure?

If they drank a cup of wine, would they become the second Ye Qingyu?

“Let me try…” From far away in the crowd, someone’s figure shot towards the air, heading towards the seven star thrones. the person was in the air, his hand outstretched towards one of the cups of wine in one of the guest thrones.

As he acted, many people were jolted into action. They all shot out, figures in the air, every one of them like a large bird that shot towards the seven star guest thrones like lightning—



there was a series of grunts.

The figures that flew towards the seven star ice crystal thrones were all sent flying backwards. All of them were covered in frost. As they landed on the ground, they could not stand stably, shock on their faces.

“Why is it like this”

“It’s impossible… to even get near it.”

“Near the thrones, there is a vast power… this, it’s completely impossible for us to pass through.”

“Could it be that we must rely on strength to breakthrough?”

Everyone’s complexion changed.

There were people who were not willing to give up, that continued to shoot towards the thrones. However, they were still rebounded by this invincible frost power. They were impacted so much that their blood was surging inside their bodies, their faces pale.

“This shouldn’t be. If only powerful experts can enter, then how can it be called a fortuitous encounter?” someone screamed.

There were people that constantly tried, and there were people constantly being rebounded.

Some people even tried to use the power of Spirit weapons to attack the defence, but they were still not able to break through.

"Let me try."

Zhou Guhan, who had already calmed down, activated the powerful yuan qi surging within his body.

He had entered White Deer Academy for four years. In the previous three years, he did not have any exceptional performance. But in the fourth year, he rose abruptly, and rapidly became a leader that directed the entire Poor Society. The power of this person also gradually began to be exhibited; with his four Spirit spring cultivation, he could be counted as a powerful expert amongst the students.

Everyone saw that he intended to compete. Everyone’s gaze focused on him.

A shred of invisible qi began encircling around Zhou Guhan, shimmering outwards. Xiu!

His figure disappeared, turning into a bolt of lighting that headed towards the seven star icy thrones.



On the surface of the lake, the silver-coloured frost aura expanded. Countless frost light spread about, like a silver-coloured chrysanthemum blooming instantly. Zhou Guhan’s seemingly powerful figure was like an ant heading towards a surging tide in front of such a cold qi. He was completely insignificant.


A spurt of blood containing cold qi jetted out from Zhou Guhan’s mouth. Before the blood fell to the ground, it turned into blood red ice crystals.

He flew towards the ground.

And took stuttering steps backwards.

“This… how could it be? Haha, it seems that this fortuitous opportunity is just a lie to fool the crowds.” Zhou Guhan’s expression grew hard to regard upon. “If he really doesn’t want someone to obtain the so called divine liquid, with senior brother Ye’s strength, who could break through his restrictions amongst any of the students?”

There were constantly people trying. There were constantly people being sent rebounding backwards.

At the end, even a teacher of the academy attempted to act out. But the situation did not change at all. The strength of some teachers were at the thirty or forty Spirit springs, but they were still like ants trying topple a large tree. It could not break apart the cold qi protection at all.

“It’s a fortuitous encounter that is impossible to obtain.”

A group of students from the Poor Society shouted.

“Let me try."

Li Chenzhou, after rubbing away the sleep in his eyes, suddenly grew interested. As he said this, he stepped towards the seven star ice crystal throne.

He did not use his yuan qi to leap towards it, but instead took step by step towards it.

“I think that junior brother Li, you had best not seek your own humiliation. You…” Zhou Guhan looked at the back of Li Chenzhou with a faint smile.

But his words suddenly stopped.

It was not only Zhou Guhan, the other people were also dumbfounded.

Because under the gazes of everyone, Li Chenzhou was like a monkey that jumped across the water. His palm touched one of the ice pillars of the seven star thrones, and he agilely got on top of one of the seven star guest thrones. With a swipe of his hand, a dragon wine cup was in his hands.

Throughout the entire process, he did not receive any obstruction whatsoever.

It was as if the cold qi had lost all its effect.

Under the gazes of thousands of people of disbelieve and astoundment, Li Chenzhou laughed.

“It doesn’t seem to be that hard. ”

He muttered to himself.

When such words were heard by the numerous surrounding people, they nearly wanted to beat him to death —-this was especially so for those people who had attempted to get there but failed without gaining everything. They had no way of believing what they saw. Just what was this? Why was it only Li Chenzhou who was able to obtain that cup of Dragon’s wine?

One must know that the invisible cold qi of the seven star guest thrones had rebounded many people away. Within this group, there were older students that had greater strength than Li Chenzhou, and there were even the teachers that were even more powerful that had tried.

Could it be that the ice crystal thrones did not solely test strength?



Could it be that you must jump across from the water and climb step by step, to truly be able to reach the peak?

Everyone began imitating him.

Countless people gave up on the idea of leaping directly to the seven ice thrones, but followed the actions of Li Chenzhou. They jumped over the water and began climbing from the bottom of the seven star icy thrones.



An invisible power exploded and rebounded them backwards.

Countless people were struck into the cold lake. Like dumplings falling into water, they shouted and screamed. But their yuan qi was sealed away by the cold qi, so they could only swim towards the shore and looked to be in an incomparably sorry state…

“Dragon wine, just what kind of taste does it have?"

Li Chenzhou held the cold white jade cup in his hands, but he could not sense the slightest of cold whatsoever. Instead, there was a shred of warmth that was within the ice cup. The dragon scales flickered with light. When one lowered their head to look, it was as if there was a little silver dragon swimming in the cup.

Li Chenzhou’s heart was slightly excited.

Under countless gazes of envy, he lifted his head and drank the cup of Dragon’s wine into his stomach. Within the air, there was a divine saintly sound of dragons roaring.

“What’s happening?”

“He drank the Dragon’s wine?”

“Will he instantly be able to breakthrough?”

There were questions appearing out of everyone’s heart.

But the next instant.


Li Chenzhou seemed to be suddenly incomparably tired. He directly stood on one of the seven star guest thrones, with an empty cup of wine in his hand and his other hand hanging loosely, with saliva dripping at the corner of his lips and fell asleep. There were clear noises of snoring coming from his nose and throat, like it was the rumble of thunder.

Everyone was speechless.

He was definitely the [Sleeping Deity].

At this time, to think he would still be able to sleep.

As Li Chenzhou’s snore grew clearer and clearer, there was another several hundred people that tried to ascend the seven star thrones, but they were still rebounded onto the water. Finally, the second person able to ascend the seven star throne also appeared.

It was a person no one would have imagined.

Qin Wushuang.

The moment he stood on the seven star guest thrones, Qin Wushuang somewhat did not quite believe it himself.

Qin Wushuang did not hold any great hopes, but just tried it as a tentative attempt. He jumped through the air, but he did not suffer any invisible energy that rebounded him backwards. Without any restrictions, he lightly landed in front of the ice crystal throne.

The white jade ice cup easily fell into his hands.

“Why is it like this?”

Qin Wushuang was incomparably moved, but he was also somewhat confused.

With Ye Qingyu’s background, with the relation between him and Ye Qingyu, thinking back to the fact that he had opposed and struggled with him in the past, to think he would be able to obtain a part of this fortune.

Qin Wushuang lifted the jade cup high up in the air, and drank the silver dragon liquid within the wine cup.

At that instant, he understood that by accepting Ye Qingyu’s gift, he had turned himself forever into a follower, the defeated. He was a person who had lowered his head to Ye Qingyu’s position, he had abandoned all the pride and superiority he once had over Ye Qingyu, and lowered his head.

Furthermore, Qin Wushuang understood that by lowering his head, everything would have to begin anew.

The cold liquid ran down his throat, and instantly entered and dispersed throughout his body. It turned into a strange power that began running rampant throughout meridians. A powerful aura that was inconceivable began to be born in his dantian. Within the desert world of his dantian, something strange was happening…

“Powerful energy, it can be compared to the power of Origin crystal. No, there seems to be other special effects…”

Qin Wushuang was stunned.

He had originated from a noble family that was ranked number one throughout Deer City. He had been well-loved since he was young, and had ingested a great variety of medicinal herbs and pills. He had never seen something that would have such an incredible effect after he ingested it. The worry in his heart that originally existed, dispersed like smoke.

“My previous thinking was right. A calm lake cannot cultivate a truly powerful expert. After the matters today, I will imitate Ye Qingyu and enter into the Youyan army. I will undertake the iron blooded training of the military. Only within the army can true experts with powerful battle strength be born. I want to know, just what happened to Ye Qingyu that made him so powerful… There will definitely be a day where I will have the requirements and strength to stand in front of him, and challenge him once again."

Qin Wushuang swore in his heart.

He drank the Dragon’s wine and sat in a meditative position.

Qin Wushuang directly ingested the energy of the Dragon’s wine on the seven star ice thrones, and began cultivating to breakthrough.

Such a scene was seen by everyone.

This was especially so for the powerful fluctuations of qi that surged out from his body after drinking the Dragon’s wine. It caused everyone around them to go crazy. It was different from the Li Chenzhou who fell asleep after drinking the wine, and where it seemed like no great change had occurred. The Dragon’s wine exhibited a mark on Qin Wushuang’s body that made everyone understand just how tempting was the fortune Ye Qingyu left behind.

Countless figures shot through the air, madly flying towards the seven star ice throne.


The cold qi exploded.

There were constantly people being rebounded.

The third lucky person was born.

It was a student that was not noticeable at all normally. He had a burly figure and was a first year today. His strength had just entered into the Ordinary martial level, and there were many students of the same class who had not even remembered his name yet. They only remembered his silly smile. He was a fellow that was personally evaluated by the teacher of the first years, as a pitiful fellow who would have no choice but become a guard of some mercantile companies or become a wandering expert.

But right now, such a fellow inexplicably became the third person to ascend onto the icy thrones.

The teacher who had evaluated him as a fellow with no future, was struck by the ice qi away, and was struggling like a wet chicken in the waters.

The burly student was so stunned he was somewhat incomprehensible.

"I… My name is Li He, I’m called Li He…”

It was like he was expressing all the suffering he had normally. With a shout, he drank the Dragon’s wine in the white jade ice cup.

An orange light glimmered, instantly appearing on Li He’s body.

It was yuan qi.

It was a vast yuan qi that was surging with the endless power of the earth.

The scene was different from the scene of Qin Wushuang drinking the Dragon’s wine. But it similarly made people mad with jealousy.

The surrounding students instantly understood what the fortune in Ye Qingyu’s words meant.

Such a fortuitous opportunity was not simply Spirit herbs or medicinal pills.

It was not a gift that would simply increase one’s cultivation.

This was an opportunity that completely awakened the slumbering talent and potential within your body.

this was an opportunity to change your fate.

To completely be reborn and transform yourself.

The crowd grew even more crazy.

Those people who were rebounded to the water, once they returned to the shore, did not rest at all, but once again headed towards the icy thrones even more madly. Like moths rushing to the flame, they did not even care about the fact that they might be frozen to the death by the icy qi.

Seeing such a scene, those old elders and teachers who had not participated to protect their status, also acted right now.

In truth, the fortuitous opportunity that Ye Qingyu had left behind was far too shocking and tempting.

As long as one was a martial expert, and yearned towards the martial path, one would not be able to resist such a temptation.

There were once again people who successfully ascended onto the seven star thrones. ——–

Chapter 336 – Looking For The Thin Old Man

Zhou Yu and Song Qingluo also occupied two places.

As one of the representatives of the group of nobles, Zhou Yu was another surprising person after Qin Wushuang. Because, before this, he and Ye Qingyu had very little interaction, yet he also got a chance.

This scholarly student who reads books and poems intensively and was known as possessing a magnificent army of thousands of men and horses in his stomach, drank the Dragon's wine in the white jade ice cup in one gulp. His whole body exuded a faint silver-like glow, sitting upright on the throne, and entering into a state of cultivation and enlightenment.

The fact that Song Qingluo succeeded on sitting on the throne once again confirmed the intimate relationship between the Song family and the Ye family, which was what many people expected.

Having experienced the most difficult test of her life, the formerly dainty Song Qingluo exuded an aura that seemed out of this world, like the female saint of war had seen through the world of mortals. There was a hint of solemnity within the delicateness, and she appeared more and more beautiful.

There were two seats remaining.

Many people were frantically vying for it.

Some fought until they were spurting out blood, constantly falling into the ice water, shivering in the cold, and their complexions were ashen pale. Some people were crying out in despair and looking in distress, especially Zhou Guhan and the two members of the Poor Society. The latter two were like drenched dogs, dripping wet and helpless, while Zhou Guhan seemed like he had been slapped in the face constantly.

The scheme that he worked hard on for today was to, with the help of Ye Qingyu, attract attention, elaborate his prestige, and build his reputation and image in such an occasion.

He had almost succeeded.

The first half of the whole plan was already enacted, and everything seemed to be in the palm of his hands.

Even though Ye Qingyu, a new noble well-known across Jianghu and the Empire, clearly expressed his dislike for him, Zhou Guhan was not the slightest disappointed or dispirited, because what he wanted was absolutely not Ye Qingyu's appreciation— —On the contrary, if Ye Qingyu treated him and the Poor Society badly, Zhou Guhan's gain would be more tremendous.

But in the second half of the plan, there was a sudden change in the situation.

Ye Qingyu, intentionally or unintentionally, took out the seven cups of ice dragon wine and the seven-star ice thrones, and completely attracted all eyes and attention. The entire White Deer Academy went into madness and no one paid attention to the previous incident he had caused.

Without a doubt, after this incident, the memory of today would always be the seven-star ice throne, the seven lucky people that eventually emerged, the opportunities that they have, and the powerful strength that Ye Qingyu displayed in the process.

Zhou Guhan's efforts would be diluted, would be forgotten.

This was obviously unbearable for Zhou Guhan.

"Was it unintentional, or did he see through my thoughts, fought back with such a method, and deflected my attack?"

Zhou Guhan thought hard about this matter.

Among the crowd, there was a person as calm as ever.

Bai Yuqing quietly stood in her original place. No matter how the people around her frantically fought for the opportunity of the seven-star ice throne, she did not move in the slightest.

The most outstanding goddess of White Deer Academy since the establishment of the Academy was dressed in a white jade combat outfit, her long black hair reaching her ankle. Under the sunlight, she seemed like a pool of dark water, quiet and still, and full of a mysterious atmosphere.

Her delicate and almost invulnerable face was wearing an indifferent smile.

Standing aloof from the world and quietly watching the surrounding people scrambling to get the seven-star ice throne like they had lost their mind, Bai Yuqing's figure was like the only motionless boulder, looking imposing as though everybody was drunk except her, there was a kind of steely determination that made the heart beat faster.

Then she turned around slowly, walking against the flow of people.

"Everyone should compete for this, except me."

Bai Yuqing walked away slowly.

"If I accept his gift, won't I be… forever his junior, and will always be behind him? I don't want such a thing," Bai Yuqing said to herself in her heart.

And then she really left.

At the very far side of the rockery.

Two shadows appeared quietly.

Like a faint mist drifting and floating across the air, completely isolated from the breath and light of the world, and although other people were by their side, they could not sense their existence.

It was Ye Qingyu and Blue Sky that had disappeared.

"Just what is your cultivation right now? To think that you would still play such a childish prank, I th?" Blue Sky shot a despising look at Ye Qingyu and said sarcastically.

In fact, he was also eager to give such a thing a try. This type of method seemed very amusing, and he wanted to try it himself in the future. Hahaha, a scene like that, from the distance, was like sugar being sprinkled in front of the ant's nest, and then the entire nest of ants turned crazy.

Ye Qingyu smiled and did not speak.

If you want to create a disturbance, you might as well make it massive.

As one of the students of White Deer Academy, he should send a little gift to his junior brothers and sisters. If he was behaving arrogantly and had never visited White Deer Academy, then over time, he really would not leave any impression in White Deer Academy at all.

Towards White Deer Academy, Ye Qingyu still had some feelings.

That place was the beginning of the changes of his fate.

His martial arts path started from there.

Whether it was Wang Yan, Wen Wan, Hon Kong, the mysterious thin old man of the Grievance Hall, the former old Dean that had left White Deer Academy, or even Blue sky, they were all Ye Qingyu's benefactors. It was their help again and again, whether intentionally or unintentionally, that brought about the Ye Qingyu today.

These seven cups of Dragon's wine contained elements of the [Mysterious Heaven Pellet], but most importantly its mysterious effect was because Little Silver had bathed in it.

At first, Ye Qingyu didn't know why that when the silly dog drank alcohol, he liked to let Little Silver soak in it first. After careful observation, Ye Qingyu noticed that the wine liquor that Little Silver had soaked in unexpectedly contained a pure and incomparable power, and especially for cultivators of the Ordinary martial stage and the low levels of the Spirit spring stage, like the froth of liquid jade, it has the effect of washing the marrow of the bones, and helps cultivators develop to their full potential…

No wonder that many people like to use snakes, insects and other things to infuse in wine.

These things really do have miraculous effects.

After discovering this mystery, Ye Qingyu and the old doctor Li Shizhen discussed and developed a formulation for Dragon's wine with the pot of dragon wine that Little Silver had bathed in several times before. A part of it could be used to improve the body condition of Bai Yuanxing, and help Little Grass, Qing Qing, Li Ying and Li Qi these little fellows. The other part could be kept as reserve.

His visit to White Deer Academy was the right time to use the Drago's wine.

Of course, in addition to the effects of the Dragon's wine itself, the seven cups of Dragon's wine on the seven-stars ice throne also contained a trace of Ye Qingyu's martial spirit, which would help martial artists understand and cultivate. Even the entire seven-stars ice throne contained Ye Qingyu's martial thoughts, which could contribute to a cultivator's training and breakthrough.

When Ye Qingyu just reached the Bitter Sea stage, he vaguely became aware of the laws between the heaven and earth, and came to understand these mysteries.

Of course, in addition to this, Ye Qingyu also had other considerations.

In the letter that Ye Qingyu obtained from Lang Zhong, he was urged repeatedly to come often to White Deer Academy. There must be a very deep meaning within such a request. Although Ye Qingyu was temporarily unable to grasp his mother's meaning, but to do something for White Deer Academy was absolutely a right choice.

Seven cups of Dragon's wine should allow seven little geniuses to emerge in White Deer Academy.

In the future, the White Deer Academy could possibly be able to slowly redeem its reputation and status in the Snow Empire.

"Come on, let's go to Grievance Hall to have a look." The second that Ye Qingyu turned around, he saw the goddess of White Deer Academy Bai Yuqing walking against the flow of people. He did not expect that this beautiful woman would not fight for a cup of Dragon's wine.

In fact, in Ye Qingyu's original plan, there was a cup of Dragon's wine that belonged to Bai Yuqing.

Who knew that…

"What? What are you going to the Grievance Hall for? You've been confined there for three months, and I am there every few days. It's chillingly cold there, what is there to see?" Blue Sky disagreed.

Ye Qingyu ignored him and headed directly in the direction of Grievance Hall.

He remembered the mysterious thin old man in the Grievance Hall.

Back when Ye Qingyu was in Grievance Hall, this mysterious thin old man gave him a beating every day that caused blisters and pain to appear all over his body, but his inner yuan grew with each passing day, and the internal injuries that were left on his body from forced cultivation also disappeared with the beating of the mysterious thin old man.

Even until now, Ye Qingyu had not figured out this mysterious thin old man's identity and background.

After several meetings, Ye Qingyu even more felt that the thin old man was hiding a great secret. He was not that simple.

Could it be that the reason his mother wanted him to come often to White Deer Academy was because of this mysterious thin old man?

Unfortunately, this thin old man was too mysterious. He came without a shadow and left without a footprint, and even Dean Kong did not know about the existence of such a person. Ever since Ye Qingyu had reached the Bitter Sea stage, his sensing capability had grown incredibly strong, yet he was still unable to find the thin old man.

Thinking over and over again, Ye Qingyu still decided to go to the Grievance Hall.

He thought that perhaps, at the place he first met the thin old man, he could see him again?

As the time of departure approached, Ye Qingyu felt a faint feeling of reluctant to part. He realized that he still had a deep attachment towards White Deer Academy.

A moment later.

The two people's figures, appeared in Grievance Hall.

It was still the quiet, serious and cold place, and the black courtyard walls were surging with rune formation. Several small halls were isolated from each other, most of them were empty and only a few had students inside reflecting on their mistakes.

With Ye Qingyu's good memory, he found the hall that had once confined him.

Chapter 337 – Moving the Grave and the Little Sword

Although not one year had past, seeing this small dark hall, Ye Qingyu could not help feeling emotional.

Unfortunately, having searched the entire Grievance Hall, Ye Qingyu still could not find the mysterious thin old man.

"It seems he is deliberately avoiding me."Ye Qingyu guessed.

The thin old man's power was inscrutable. If he did not want to see him, then it would be too difficult to find him.

Realizing this, Ye Qingyu reluctantly turned around and left Grievance Hall.

When he returned, the seven cups of dragon wine on the seven-star ice throne already had a master each.

The effects of the Dragon's wine, for the higher-level experts of the Spirit spring or Bitter Sea stage were average. But for the students of White Deer Academy who had just begun their martial path, the effects were as good as a miracle medicine.

Li Chenzhou, the first to grab the throne, was still in deep sleep.

Qin Wushuang, the second one to go up, was sitting cross-legged on top, eyes closed, concentrating, and a fierce aura exuding from his body.

It was the same with everyone else.

On the seven ice crystal chairs, everyone sat with their eyes closed.

Of the seven people, two of them Ye Qingyu was not familiar with.

But it didn't matter.

Ye Qingyu, with the martial spirit and will of the Bitter Sea stage, set the test, and only the students in line with his mentality would ascend to the seven-stars ice throne and drink the Dragon's wine. Since those two students could go up there, then that means their aptitude and mentality were absolutely not a problem.

He casually glanced around, realising that Zhou Guhan and his two confidants had left.

Among the crowd, Jiang Xiaohan's figure was also gone.

Ye Qingyu then went to the Dean's office, and greeted Hon Kong, before leaving White Deer Academy.

Blue Sky was still a fourth year student of White Deer Academy, and had to return to his own dormitory to train. About this blue-haired handsome guy's background and identity, Ye Qingyu still knew nothing, but this did not affect the friendship between them. Ever since reaching the Bitter Sea stage, Ye Qingyu's response to other people was much more sharp and accurate, and intuition told him that Blue Sky was a person that could be trusted.

But then again, there had not been many interactions between the two of them.

Ye Qingyu obviously was in no position to ask about the true identity of Blue Sky.

Everyone had their own little secret, and some people are reluctant to mention about their past.

Ye Qingyu was very satisfied with the result of this trip to White Deer Academy.

Because of the disturbance caused by Zhou Guhan, the aristocratic students had not had the opportunity to discuss with Ye Qingyu and to draw him over to their side. Among the students of humble background, an excellent student like Li Chenzhou was discovered, which made Ye Qingyu gratified,

After leaving the Academy, Ye Qingyu first returned to the Ye mansion.

Apart from the matters of moving the grave, everything else on his mother's letter was completed.

Because of the unexpected delays, the time was a bit rushed. Ye Qingyu, Wen Wan and other people had a discussion and on that night [Bright Sword Ship] set off ahead of time. Led by Wen Wan, Mother Wu, Bai Yuanxing and other people, along with the body of the Sentinels, headed for Qing Luan Province to look for the relatives of the Sentinels. While Ye Qingyu stayed behind to find a feng shui master to calculate a good time for the moving of a grave. Following the instructions in the letter from his mother, he needed to move his parents' grave.

The schedule of the whole trip was fully packed.

When Ye Qingyu finished dinner with Qin Lan and the other people, he returned to the backyard to continue to cultivate.

It was just the beginning of the Bitter Sea stage.

Ye Qingyu needed to constantly transform his own strength, understand the force of the laws of heaven and earth, and convert the yuan qi that was flowing in the meridians completely into liquid. Only then would he truly master and possess the strength that an expert of the Bitter Sea stage should have.

Two days later.

It was the time.

Moving the soil, shifting the grave, praying to it.

Ye Qingyu and the entire Ye family's household came to the cemetery, and according to the ancient rituals and traditions of the city, began to move the grave.

The monks of the North Shek Kwu Temple, under the leadership of the Master Yuantong, were performing a Taoist rite on both sides of the dry lands. The chanting sounds were solemn and respectful, and besides the people of the Ye household, all well-known people of Deer City had come to offer flowers. The City Lord and the four military leaders also ordered people to send a wreath.

Ye Qingyu was already grown up. No one in the city dared to treat him with neglect.

Especially the Qingluo Merchant Company. President Song Jiannan personally came and had invited the monks of Shi Gu Temple.

Dressed in plain white clothing, Song Qingluo was also present.

At the time of the moving of the grave, the entire Ye household were in tears.

Ye Qingyu was in plain white mourning garb, kneeling in front of the grave.

He didn't cry.

He did not like and was not used to expressing his emotions like that in front of so many people. That day, when Ye Qingyu read his mother's letter, his feelings had been turned upside down. Right now, he could already control his emotions.

Dust was swirling in the air.

The burial mounds with green grass growing all over was broken open and a white jade stone coffin was finally revealed.

Buried for five years, the jade stone was as new as ever. Looking at the two stone coffins that were buried together, the scenes of the past emerged once again on Ye Qingyu's mind, and his emotions were unstable again.

The coffin was lifted.

The funeral music was long and loud.

A burst of cries.

Master Yuantong and his disciples circled around the stone coffins, chanting and performing the ceremony to help the soul find peace.

Then the stone coffins were lifted onto the hearse that was prepared. Monks cleared the way, and Ye Qingyu held the portraits of his parents, and behind him were servants holding up white death flags. The hearse began to move in the direction of Deer River.

These were the things that were ordered in the letter.

Finally, the hearse was to be sunk into Deer River.

Originally, Ye Qingyu planned to open the coffin, and personally tidy his parents' body, and add more funerary objects, but because the letter told him not to, he never opened the coffin in the end.

Very soon, they arrived at Deer River.

The waves of the river rolled across. It was currently the spring season, the time of snow and ice melting. Consequently, it was the time of the year that the river level rises sharply, and looked abnormal muddy. There were also large chunks of ice floating across the surface, colliding with each other, constantly smashing into pieces, floating and drowning, and misty water vapor filling the air all around.

Ye Qingyu thought for a brief moment, before personally inscribing formations on the stone jade coffins.

Although the stone coffins were incredibly hard, but if it sunk into the river and was struck by the broken pieces of ice, then the body of his parents could not be preserved, and would eventually become the food of fish and snakes, which was unacceptable to Ye Qingyu——In fact, his parents' request that their stone coffins be placed into Deer River was also something that Ye Qingyu was extremely confused about.

With Ye Qingyu's level of cultivation, the carving of a formation was incredibly fast.

In less than the time to burn half an incense stick, everything was ready.

In Ye Qingyu's palm were rays of light. An invisible force lifted up the two stone coffins and slowly flew them toward the center of Deer River. In the blink of an eye, the coffins had reached the center of the thousand of meters wide river, and were slowly lowered, closer and closer to the water surface.

"Father, mother, as you wish, rest in the midst of this surging river. Your son will fulfill all your wishes…"

Ye Qingyu silently swore in his heart.

Watching the two stone coffins sink into the muddy water, an unexpected change that no one would ever thought of, suddenly appeared——


A dim silver tip, under the cover of the pale yellow misty water vapour, silently shot toward the stone coffins.

Ye Qingyu was instantly on the alert.

"Rat, you dare? Die."

Ye Qingyu bellowed, and at the same time he arrived at the stone coffins, his palm filled with silver ice crystals, and with the raise of his hand, he immediately captured the dim silver blade.


A clang of metals meeting resounded.

The dim silver blade tip was tight in Ye Qingyu's hand, then suddenly there was an extremely powerful qi that erupted out, and even with Ye Qingyu's strength, he was unable to contain it no longer. The crystals shattered, the skin of his palm was slashed, his hand instantly turned red.

Ye Qingyu remained calm at the time of danger, and activated his [Supreme Ice Flame]. A terrifying force exploded, tightly squeezing the dim silver tip in his hand.

Clang Clang Clang Clang!

There were fierce loud resounding noises constantly erupting from Ye Qingyu's hand.

Like a wet, slippery metal fish, the dim silver tip frantically struggled, wanting to break free of Ye Qingyu's palm, but with [Supreme Ice Flame], which could restrain all forces, it slowly quietened down and was eventually frozen into a layer of ice.

The light in Ye Qingyu's pupils fell on his palm, his heart suddenly shook like an earthquake.

Treacherous little sword.

Another treacherous little sword.

Frozen into ice on his hand was a simple and unadorned dim silver little sword.

Whether it is the shape, appearance, design or size, it was exactly the same as the little sword that Ye Qingyu encountered that day among the demonic beast horde. Just that the material looks slightly rough, and in which it contained a trace of treacherous strength and has the ability to struggle, but unfortunately, in the end, was confined by the [Supreme Ice Flame], and could not struggle or escape.

There's this sort of little sword?

Ye Qingyu activated his yuan qi, the light in his pupil shot toward the opposite shore like lightning. Vaguely, he could sense that in the distance there was the aftermath of the activation of yuan qi, but there were no signs of people. Evidently, when the person's attack did not succeed, the person immediately fled far away. The escape method was amazing and Ye Qingyu for now could not determine the person's whereabouts.

The person who attacked had already fled.

In Ye Qingyu's heart, there was a monstrous wave lifting into the sky.

What's going on?

Why did the treacherous little silver sword appear again at this time?

And this time, it was directly attacking the stone coffins. Its purpose, just what was it?

Everything just now happened at lighting speed. The other people did not know what had happened, only felt that everything was blurred for a second, and Marquis Ye had reached the surface of the river and there was the sound of metal. They had not realized that there was a sneak attack by a skilled master, but simply thought that Marquis Ye was performing some kind of ritual, and all looked above the river.

Ye Qingyu stared at the side of the stone coffin, and was suddenly a little hesitant.

The person that can activate the treacherous little silver sword, their strength was absolutely terrifying, and most likely in the Bitter Sea stage. Such a existence, no matter where, was an incomparably respectable existence. But such a top expert would attack the stone coffins of two dead people… this was so abnormal.

Could it be that, inside the stone coffins, there was a greater secret?

Could it be…

A light flashed across Ye Qingyu's mind, he suddenly grew excited, that even his breathing became rapid.

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