Imperial God Emperor

Chapter 406.408

As she finished her words, the voice of Aunt Han utterly disappeared.

Ye Qingyu attempted to make contact several times more, but there was no reply.

“She must have done it deliberately. She left out something at the end, to intentionally invoke my curiosity…”

Ye Qingyu was speechless.

This Aunt Han, really seemed to like playing pranks.

But Ye Qingyu could clearly sense the good will of this Aunt Han.

Without knowing why, in his subconscious, he trusted this white-clothed woman that he had only seen just once very much.



On the way.

The ship received layer after layer of inspection. After approximately one hour, they left the outer area of the ancestral land. This trip to the Temple of the Imperial family could be said to have temporarily ended.

Ye Qingyu hurried to return to the great building of the military department. Because the promised three days had already passed, the new missions entrusted to the eighteen young experts by the military department should already have been distributed.

It was unknown what sort of news Xing’er heard from the mouths of the golden armoured soldiers, but when she came out from the cabin of the airship, she seemed somewhat down, as if she was grumpy about something. She did not seem to want to speak, and Ye Qingyu, seeing this, did not go and incite this spoiled princess.

Thankfully Xing’er did not forget the matter of sending Ye Qingyu back. The ship turned towards the direction of the military building, taking special care to give Ye Qingyu a lift.

As they watched the military department building appear from far away, the ship found a sentry post nearby to stop at. Ye Qingyu jumped down, and waved towards Xing’er in farewell.

“I’ll find you later.” The mysterious ship shot towards the sky. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared in the blue sky. At this moment, the impulsiveness of the Imperial family was demonstrated fully. If it was other formation airships flying at such height and speed, it would have instantly been destroyed by the formation cannons on the ground.

“The great building of the military department, I’ve finally returned!"

There was a familiarness in Ye Qingyu’s heart.

Ye Qingyu took quick, fast steps towards the direction of the great building of the military department.

There were many people rushing about to and fro there. As the heart of the military of the empire, there were countless numbers of military orders being sent out everyday. In the tens of provinces of the empire, even a little military order, had the power to affect the lives of several hundred if not thousands of people. It was even a place where it could decide the fate of a well known military noble.

This place was the pride of the people of the empire.

For any soldier of the empire, the great building of the military department was a sacred and authoritative place.

Ye Qingyu jumped up the stairs, his gaze scanning at the people he passed.

His footsteps were hurried because he was rushing to find out what the missions assigned to the eighteen young experts were.

But when he had just finshed ascending the stairs and was about to push and enter, Ye Qingyu frowned. His footsteps stopped.

A figure attracted Ye Qingyu’s attention.

It was a normal man. He did not have anything that anyone would pay particular attention to. No matter whether it was appearance or his figure, he was someone that people would not be able to find once he was lost in the crowd. But compared to the people rushing in and out of the great building wearing military uniform, this person was in casual green clothing stood out. His movements were leisurely and unhurried, as if he was strolling the streets. He did not fit in at all with the surrounding environment.

When Ye Qingyu’s gaze looked towards the green-clothed man, his gaze also shot towards Ye Qingyu.


Ye Qingyu was faintly taken aback.

Because in the gaze of this man, there was a shred of enmity, as well as some sort of mockery and disdain.

Under Ye Qingyu’s watch, the right hand of the green-clothed man that had always been hidden by his sleeve, suddenly waved about.

Then he turned and left.

Ye Qingyu’s complexion greatly changed.

Because he could clearly see, there was an item like a white belt held in the hands of the green-clothed young man. No matter whether it was material or style, it was something Ye Qingyu was very family with—–This was part of the clothing of one of the eighteen young experts that he had trained with on the fifty-fifth floor of the great building of the military department.

“[Avalanche’s] sleeve!”

Ye Qingyu could instantly recognize it.

Because on the sleeve was the special red mark of [Avalanche].

The miltiary uniform of the eighteen young experts were largely similar. But the only minute difference was that it all had their own marking relating to their title. For example, for [Avalanche’s] title, his marking was a miniature meteor hammer.

Apart fro this, there was a series of startling characters written with fresh blood on half of the sleeve—-

“If you want to save him, then follow me along alone!”

Ye Qingyu’s complexion changed. He was about to open his mouth and speak, but the person did not give him the chance. In an instant, he had turned around and left with his head lowered.

“Ever since [Avalanche] accompanied Qiu Fenghan back during the night, he has not returned… could it be…”

There was a misfortunate feeling rising in Ye Qingyu’s heart.

With a thought, he followed after the man with gritted teeth.

The footsteps of that person were neither fast or slow. After leaving the courtyard of the building of the military department, he burrowed under a series of little streets between a series of tweets. His footsteps were slow, but his speed was rapid. Evidently his strength was not low. When he turned his head back to look, he let out a sinister smile and continued on. Clearly he was waiting for Ye Qingyu to catch up intentionally.

Ye Qingyu quickly continued after.

Under the lead of this person, the two gradually left the luxurious and bustling streets and passed through a series of interconnected and interweaving alleyways.

Ye Qingyu evaluated this person’s strength and whether he should act now.

If [Avalanche] was really in their hands, then he could not strike now. Since they had sent someone to find him, they must have made their preparation. Even if he acted and captured this person, he would not be able to save [Avalanche]. It was best not to disturb the snake in the bushes, but observe and see what will happen.

As he thought about this, Ye Qingyu suppressed the urge to act.

“Xiu, xiu, xiu…”

There seemed to be no limit to the area covered by the capital.

It was not that everywhere there were streets and constructed buildings. Within the Capital, there were many interweaving mountains as well as clustered forests.

After approximately fifteen minutes later, that person finally left an alleyway.

Ye Qingyu took two quick strides forward. After chasing him away from the alleyway, the scenery around quickly changed. The number of buildings became less and less, and the greenery as well as trees became more and more.

Without realizing, Ye Qingyu had already followed this person to near a swathe of towering mountains.

After reaching the wilderness, the speed of this person suddenly became extremely quick. Like an arrow leaving the bow, he stuck to the ground as he covered ground like lightning, heading towards the vast forests on the foot of the mountains.

Ye Qingyu had confidence due to his skills. Furthermore, he had a card up his own sleeve that enabled him to escape as he wished so he was not fearful. Closely following behind the green-clothed man, he did not give any opportunity for the opposing party to shake him off.

Xiu Xiu!

The figure of the two, streaked past the land three or four meers above the ground like arrows. Their speed was quick, and there was the sound of sharp explosive air being pierced. Everywhere their figures passed, the grass would suddenly shorten, as if invisible blades had cut it. Rocks would split apart and wood would turn into powder.

From high up above, it was as if some terrifying power was cutting apart two clear and distinct trails.

After approximately fifteen minutes had passes.

The figure of the green-clothed man suddenly halted.

Ye Qingyu's figure flew like an eagle, landing on a boulder twenty meters away.

“Where is he?”

Ye Qingyu’s gaze was like lightning as he stared at this person. An invisible frosty aura had already began emanating from Ye Qingyu's body.

“Tut tut tut tut…” There was an icy sinister laughter coming out from the mouth of this green-clothed man. The expression on his face was extremely peculiar, as his figure took one or two step backwards. Then like a bubble, he disappeared, his entire person completely gone from the air.

Ye Qingyu was startled. His figure shot forward like a bolt of lightning instantly, but he was already late by a step.

Suddenly, there was the fierce sounds of crows sounding.

The surrounding scenery should be within a mountain valley. Everywhere around them was clustered forests. And within the forests, there were humongous ancient trees that were about as wide as five people wrapping around it. It shot from the earth towards the sky, shrouding the heavens so much that not a gap could be seen. It gave off an extremely suppressive sensation.

The place they were in right now was a little depression in the valley.

It was different from the surrounding clustered forests. There was not the slightest hint of any greenery, and strange shaped boulders were all around.

Deep within the depression, there seemed to be some derelict old buddhist temples appearing within the darkness. When wind blew past, there would be the painful moaning and creaking of the boards. The walls had fallen over and tiles were scattered over. It was like an old man about to die with half his body in the soil.

There were several strange shaped ancient trees growing in front of the old buddhist temple. It had long withered away. From far away, it seemed like sinister demons trying to crawl out from the midst of hell.

“Wu wu wu….”"

Exactly at this moment, a chill wind blew out from the depths of the depression .It was like the curses of viciosu ghosts roaring at the them. Landing on a person, it could not help but cause the person to shiver all over.

“It’s already dark…."

Ye Qingyu lifted his head. Looking at the sky, the sun let out the last shred of sunlight before being swallowed in the dark clouds in the air.

The layers upon layers of dark clouds did not allow any sunlight to past. Suppressing everything in the heavens, it let out a killing aura.

This was the so called dark night with high winds, perfect for killing someone.

Within the depression, Ye Qingyu could clearly sense that strange fluctuation of the qi of heaven and earth. Evidently there was a hidden formation within here. The reason the green-clothed man suddenly disappeared, was not because of the fact that his strength exceeded Ye Qingyu’s expectations. It was only that he had long borrowed the formation array hidden here to hide traces of his departure.

It seemed like the opposing party was prepared before they came.

They wanted to use a formation array to surround and kill him?

There was a shred of a smile exposed on Ye Qingyu’s lips.

Such a thought, was perhaps too simple.



A bolt of lightning, shot across the skies nearing.

That bolt of lighting brightened the entire land for a brief moment, before it once again returned to the bizarre state of endless darkness gradually

The alarm and caution within Ye Qingyu’s heart was fully aroused. His gaze evaluated his surroundings, as he looked around, fully prepared. In a loud voice, “Such a cowardly fellow. To lure me here, but not dare show yourself. Is [Avalanche] in your hands? How is he? If you have guts, then show yourself!”

 His words had suddenly finished.

  There was a series of sinister and strange laugher that suddenly sounded in the endless darkness, reverberating all around. It was as if there was a vicious ghost: “Tut tut, [War God], you are already a fish on a chopping board, a turtle in a jar. There’s only death waiting for you. And you still have the energy to care about the life and death of others. Why don’t you think about your own death instead.”

  As these words were said, the surrounding yuan qi rapidly changed in the air around, becoming explosive and in turmoil!

  It seemed as if the entire valley was acutely shaking, like an earth dragon was turning around. Rocks rumbled everywhere. In the ground beneath Ye Qingyu, it suddenly let out an extremely piercing light. Layer after layer shot out from the earth, into the Heavens!

  ”Fu fu fu!”"

  Within the air, there was a strong gust surging.

  Countless light transformed into strands of string that swirled within the ground, spiralling. In the blink of an eye, a tight and clustered pattern had already appeared that caused the yuan qi within Heaven and earth to move. The fluctuation in the air was like a vortex that madly vibrated in all directions, separating the scenery on the outside completely. This terrifying air fluctuation seemed like it was alive, destroying everything. In but a moment’s time, it had already formed a great killing formation.

  And Ye Qingyu’s position was at the most central part of the killing formation.


  Ye Qingyu’s heart faintly moved, but he did not taken any action.

  The moment such a sudden change arrived, he was already prepared. If he expended all his efforts, there was the possibility of breaking free. But he was worried about [Avalanche’s] safety, so he crisply decided to do nothing in response to the changing situation. He entered by himself into the killing formation, and then was completely sealed by the light within the killing formation.

  Ye Qingyu legs stepped through the light barrier, causing a ripple.

  Then his figure slowly descended to the ground, his eyes cold as he looked forward.

  Following his gaze, there was a dense black mist that surged out from the killing formation and began to spread out, constantly enlarging.

  After the black mist spread out, Ye Qingyu frowned slightly.

  A series of black figures gradualy appeared. Their shape and figure was gradually drawn out within the black mist, appearing in front of him.

  With one look, they seemed completely endless and one had no way of taking them all in their eyes. There were at least several hundred, and was like a terrifying wave in the night sky that could swallow Ye Qingyu at any time!

  This group of black figures had black glinting armour fitted on them from top to bottom. There was not even a shred of skin exposed, with a ghost faceplate covering their face. The sinister ghost mark had curved facial features filled with killing intent.

  These several hundred black armoured people stood where they were, as unmoving as statues. The sharp swords and blades in their hands would let out bolts of lighting that split across the air, emitting a cold light.

  The dense killing intent emitted from their pupils was enough to make one shiver in fear.

  ”A group of killers? Your strength is decent, but you are just a group of Spirit spring cultivators. You cannot pose the slightest of threat to me.” Ye Qingyu let out a cold snort, expressing his emotions. He swung the robe at his back and said in a deep, loud voice, “Just who was it that lured me here. Are you willing to show yourself?”

  Within the endless darkness, there was a cold laugh that sounded.

  Then a cold and hoarse voice slowly sounded, holding a hint of mockery within, “To want to see me, kekekeke, why don’t you survive first…”

  As he heard this voice, Ye Qingyu faintly felt that he had heard this voice somewhere before.

  ”Kill.” This word was lightly emitted from the voice in the darkness.

  In an instant—

  ”Boom boom boom!”

  Those black armoured figures that were gathered like a black wave, began surging violently at this moment, heading towards Ye Qingyu doing their utmost to kill him. They were like a black flood that could instantly drown anyone.

  The shadows of swords and blades berserkly spread throughout the killing formation.

  ”To want to use your claws and talons to kill me, the difference is too great!”

  As the black tide headed towards Ye Qingyu, he let out a roar, no fear on his face. He gathered power where he was, his right fist slowly striking out. In an instant, there was a berserk fist of wind that emerged in the air. Before the fist had even truly struck out, under the might of the [Dragon Fist] mantra, there was the sound of the air breaking apart and being crushed together. There were sounds of explosions inch by inch.

  ”Che Che Che!”

  The sharps swords of tens of armoured people did not even touched a corner of Ye Qingyu’s clothes, before they were sent flying by the gust of wind caused by the punch. They spitted out blood and struck against a series of black armoured figures behind them.

  But very quickly, there were even more black armoured figures appearing and striking.

  These black armoured ghost-faced people did not seem to fear death, or were like machinery that felt no pain. They surrounded Ye Qingyu from all sides, their figures pressing together and creating a bizarre cooperative attacking formation. The power of a hundred people added onto each other, their aura constantly rising, several hundred like one person.

  ”Fu fu fu!”

  The glimmer of the blades that constantly exploded besides Ye Qingyu’s ear were extremely piercing.

  There was cold disdain on Ye Qingyu’s face.

  He closely examined the formation of these black armoured figures, then promptly lost interest. The right fist held at his waist, fiercely but slowly pushed forwards. There was the sound of dragon roars in the air, and the fluctuation in the air was like divine dragons soaring past. With a swipe of his arm, it was like there was an avalanche force pressuring forwards.

  But he did not yet strike to kill, and only struck with thirty percent power.

  ”Che Che!”

  The formation of those black armoured ghosts instantly collapsed.

  There were tens of black armoured ghosts that spat out blood and was like rice paper in the wind. They were sent flying back by the gust of the wind.

  But there were even more black armoured ghosts that were not afraid of death that charged forward.

  ”Kill Kill Kill!”

  ”Sa Sa Sa!"

  Those killing cries were accompanied by the clanking of armour against each other. It was like a song emitting from hell, that encircled around the ears of the surrounding people for a long time.

  ”This is a bunch of death warriors. They aren’t afraid to die at all.”

  Ye Qingyu made such a judgement.

  If he continued showing such mercy to these death warriors, then the person that would be at a disadvantage would be he himself.

  Although there was the possibility that [Avalanche] was still in the hands of the enemy, but he was still here. They would definitely not do anything overboard to [Avalanche], they had to preserve his life to threaten him. Therefore, at this time, he had no need to show mercy to this group of death warriors.

  As he thought of his, there was a surge of electric light shining in Ye Qingyu’s eyes.

  He suddenly took half a stride forward, another fist beginning to strike slowly.

  The power of ice qi surged out. There were many black armoured ghosts that had not even charged in front yet, before they were frozen into ice crystals, staying where they are. They were like statues, still maintaining the position of charging with their blades held high.

  ”Hand over [Avalanche], or I’ll slaughter all your dogs.”

  There was cold qi emanating from around Ye Qingyu, with a hint of rage flashing between his brows.

  ”Keke… you’re so concerned over him. Hahaha, if you really wish to know, then I’ll grant your wish.” The sinister and hoarse voice within the darkness had a hint of mockery in his tone, “[Avalanche] has already gone on his way. Wait a bit, and I’ll send you to hell to meet him.”

  ”[Avalanche] has died? Haha, that’s impossible! You want to disrupt my mentality. Such a method may be far too childish.” Ye Qingyu chuckled, the rage in his heart rising. There was a viciousness glaring out from within his gaze, not showing anymore mercy as he left out a shout.

  An extreme cold yuan qi began spreading out in all directions like the tide, accompanied by dragon roar after dragon roar. Every fist striking out was like the wrath of heaven descending. Everywhere, there would be large swathes of black armoured figures being cut down.

  ”Chi lah chi lah!”

  Ye Qingyu’s current level of which he exhibited the [Dragon Fist] had already reached a pinnacle master state.

  Every fist striking out had limitless power. It was extremely strong. How could it be possible for the black armoured people that were only at the forty five Spirit spring level to contend against this?

  As the fist struck out, the sound of breaking bones were unending.

  Everywhere the gust of wind caused by the fist passed, the chests of the black armoured figures would sink in, spitting out blood. They would fly back and hit the light screen of the killing formation, causing ripples to be formed. Then their necks would promptly break, losing all life in their bodies. Before the bodies had even fallen to the ground, they had turned into blocks of ice that fell, scattering into blood red ice scraps everywhere.

  In the blink of an eye, there were tens of people that were killed by one strike of Ye Qingyu.

  It was only that the black tide that surged over to kill Ye Qingyu did not notice this… Those corpses that lay on the ground gathered together and blood began dripping out. There was fresh blood constantly gathering and pooling together, nearly forming a river!

  ”Fu fu ful…"

  Fro the ground, the killing formation formed a sunken pool. Shreds of light that were like greedy locusts or the claws of vicious ghosts began devouring this blood unrestrainedly, constantly replenishing the energy of the formation.

  Everytime it ingested some and decayed it a bit more, the tentacles of light would become even brighter. The light barrier also gradually became more and more resplendent.

  Ye Qingyu’s martial heart was the Asura Killing Martial Path. After he made his decision, he would not show the slightest hint of mercy. Every breath, there would be black armoured figures turning into ghosts.

  The difference between cultivators was demonstrated fully at this instant. For a low class martial artist to want to challenge a high class martial artist was an action that was tantamount to seeking death in the majority of instances. The advantage of numbers could not even change this fact a little bit.

  ”Appear. If you don’t appear, all your dogs will be killed.” Ye Qingyu calmly stated.

  Within the darkness, there was cold laughter resounding throughout.

  ”Haha, kill as you wish. I have many of such killing tools under my command.”

  There was a cold brutalness exposed in such words. Evidently, he did not regard these black armoured death warriors as important at all.

  Ye Qingyu carefully examined the voice of the opposing party as well as the direction where it originated from.

  It was only that the opposing party ued a formation to hide his tracks. In such a short time frame, even Ye Qingyu with his strength had difficulty distinguishing this person’s true location.

  ”Since it is like this, I also want to find out just how many of such killing tools you command.” Ye Qingyu shouted, the dragon fist completely exploding.


  There were black armoured ghost face death warriors that constantly charged forwards, not fearing death that constantly exploded.

  Ye Qingyu attempted to rip apart the ghost masks on these figures face. But he discovered that these masks were grown into their faces by some sort of brutal and evil technique. If the masks were ripped off, this would be tantamount to ripping off half their face. Those figures that had their masks ripped over were half dead, howling constantly.

  ”Some sort of evil techniques must have been used to refine them into human dolls. They’ve already lost all their intelligence and had no difference to the dead. They’ve lost all their knowledge and judgement, and can only be controlled to kill. A pitiful group. Perhaps, death, for them, will be a release.”


Ye Qingyu sighed.

  Was this the brutal fate of these martial artists?

  To be played around by the noble and powerful.

  These martial artists must have been people with talent to be able to cultivate to the fifty or sixty Spirit springs stage. However they were ultimately forced to become flesh puppets, tools for someone to use. They must have been unwilling, but how could they avoid this. Even if they resented this even more, what could this do?

  Ye Qingyu grew increasingly furious regarding the person controlling everything from behind the scene.

  Therefore when he acted, he no longer showed any mercy.

  ”I’ll release you all.”

  Wit a loud shout, the might of the [Dragon Fist] completely exploded. Everywhere the powerful force of the fist passed, there would be countless black armoured figures exploding and dying.

  The fresh blood from these corpses would turn into a river that flowed from all directions. Such blood was completely ingested cleanly by the tentacles of light manifested by the killing formation.

  After absorbing the blood essence that were like a fountain, the tentacles of light that were all throughout the ground madly began drawing out the killing formation that was not yet completed. It seemed that three quarters of this formation had already been created.

  The black armoured death warriors remained, although their comrades were already piled up like a mountain, there was still not the slightest hint of fear in their eyes. Blood had already completely filled their eyes, that they would fight to their last breaths. They rushed like moths to a flame towards Ye Qingyu. Evidently, they had ingested some sort of medicine that made them lose all reason.

  As the number of black armoured people in the killing formaiton grew less and less, the corpses beneath Ye Qingyu’s feet grew more and more. The ground of the killing formation was covered by sticky blood, dyeing it completely red. It seeped into the ground, and even dried up earth transformed into mud!

  After ten of breaths.

  All the black armoured death warriros had died in battle.

  Ye Qingyu’s eyes were like lightning as he swept his surroundings.

  ”You’re still not scramming out, all your dogs have been slaughtered.”

  There was a hoarse voice sounding out “tut tut” accompanied by a disdainful laugh. “You are the [War God]. This is only the appetizer. There is still more coming…”

  The voice was faint, and there was no way of determinng the location of the speaker.

  But Ye Qingyu frowned. His brain kept dwelling on this familiar voice, and suddenly a thought surged across his mind. “Could it be young master Du from the Imperial Du household? Such a voice is similar to young master Du a little bit… but it’s not exactly the same!”

  There was instantlythe image of young master Du as well as his voice appearing in Ye Qingyu’s mind.

  ”Similar! Really similar! Just who could he be?”

  Ye Qingyu constantly guessed in his heart, but there was no way to be sure.

  At this time the sinister voice of that person in the darkess amongst the killing formation once again sounded out. It’s location was still unable to be determined —–

  ”Fine, let’s end the appetizer. This is the main course. Hahaha, [War God], enjoy it to your utmost."

  There was a madness and cruelty wihtin the voice that gave a sensation that it was a wild beast who had lost reason uttering such words.

  Within the black surging mists, there was suddenly a change occurring.

  A series of heavy footsteps sounded, like thunder striking. Everyone’s heart lost a beat.

  Very quickly, a muscular and brutish figure was drawn out in the black mist, that ultimately clearly papeared in front of Ye Qingyu.

  It was a bald man. Just solely from his figure alone, he was taller than Ye Qingyu by at least three heads. He held a blood red huge axe in his hands, and the muscles on his chest were sturdy and exploded out. Clearly, he had terrifying power.

  His gaze regarded Ye Qingyu ferociously. Everytime his eyes met Ye Qingyu, there was a viciousness that would be exposed. The aura surrounding him was extremely tyrannical.

  Within the eyes of this muscular man there was an emotionless light flickering within. It was as if there were two blood pools that were so deep you could not see the bottom. His aura was like a wild beast, and his strength was many time greater than the black armoured death warriors. He was at least a Bitter Sea stage existence.

  Furthermore, Ye Qingyu could sense on the body of this muscular man the killing aura that came from a machine.

  He had more life when compared to those black armoured death warriors. But without question, he was also also a form of human puppet tool.

  A Bitter Sea stage expert becoming a flesh puppet formation tool?

  Ye Qingyu was hiddenly surprised in his heart.

  Just what sort of existence had lured him here today?

  Even in the capital, there should not be many people able to bring out so many human flesh formation puppets with such strength.

  The Du household absolutely did not have this ability.

  Could it be the Right Minster?

  Or the Imperial family?

  There was a shadow casted over Ye Qingyu’s heart.

  But within his eyes, there was a dense battle will flickering within.

  No matter who it was, since they extended their fangs and claws towards him, then they must make preparations for losing it.

  When he completely eradicated these killing human machines, it would be a question whether that person would still be as patient as to hide in the darkness.

  As such a thought occurred to him, Ye Qingyu could no longer wait. He acted.


  The power of the [Dragon Fist] exploded, the flame of his fist like a light pillar.


  The bald muscular man seemed to have been completely provoked and enraged by Ye Qingyu.

  There was an extremely vicious killing intent emitting from those terrifying blood pool like eyes. There was strange and evil blood patterns flickering on his body that had unreal muscles, as if they had came alive at this instant. They exploded with a power like the blood sea, the blood axe in the hands causing a mad berserk bloody wind.

  This bloody gust transformed, turning into a hurricane that swirled with great force towards Ye Qingyu!

  Within the hurricane, there were thousands upon thousands of swords moving about. The power of the Bitter Sea stage was demonstrated completely.

  Everywhere this bloody wind passed, the corpses on the ground, stones, rocks, or ancient branches , it all turned into powder!

  Meat paste, crushed rocks as well as fresh blood swept about in the skies in all directions, causing a shocking scene.

  Facing this bloody hurricane, Ye Qingyu did not fear in the slightest. HIs figure did not move, like a bell. When the bloody hurricane was right in front of him, he struck with his fist.

  The roar of dragons.

  ”Boom boom!

  With such a powerful strength, there was a clear fist apparent in the air that appeared, the size of half a person. It struck directly against the blood hurricane.

  The powerful currents that contained wind blades, fists spread about everywhere. Like blossoms scattering, it split apart and struck the light barrier, letting off ripple after ripple with Ye Qingyu at the center. Everything tens of meters away from him, corpses, rocks, was completely destroyed by the resounding impact!


  Within the bloody hurricane that was scattering, there was a golden glimmer that was shaped like a bloody moon, striking towards Ye Qingyu’s head.

  Such a power was like splitting apart a mountain. If he was struck, Ye Qingyu would definitely turn into two pieces.

  ”Somewhat interesting!” Ye Qingyu let out a cold snort. His left leg fiercely struck the ground. The next moment, there was a clear gust of wind appearing, and his figure moved, agilely avoiding the bloody axe.

  He stuck probingly with both his fists, a transparent air current forming around his fists. The power of the dragon fists were not in any way less than that of the blood axe of this man.

  With the force of dual fists, he struck to kill towards the head of this muscular man.


  The powerful force of the blood axe caused there to be a three meter axe scar where Ye Qingyu was originally standing. The glimmer from the axe crushed everything, causing the scar of the axe to last as far as to the ancient buddhist temple tens of meters away.

  But it had not hurt Ye Qingyu in the slightest.

  ”Che Che!”

  Ye Qingyu pressed both his fists together. One left, one right, it was like two dragons had been born that struck at the chest of the muscular man near his left arm.

  But at the crucial moment, a strange change occurred.

  Within the killing formation, there was a dense killing intent that was so chilly that it could freeze one’s heart.

  Such a killing intent completey enshrouded Ye Qingyu.

  The moment he struck with his fists, Ye Qingyu could feel a cold feeling attacking him. His body froze, and there was cold qi everywhere within his body. The power of his dual fists had already shortened by over half.

  But even with the fall in the strength of Ye Qingyu’s [Dragon Fist], but was not something the muscular man could block…


  A series of dull muffled sounds of bone cracking emitted from the left arm of the muscular man. He let out a grunt, and his body that was like a steel wall retreated several meters before stabilizing his figure.

  His entire left arm was already in a strange position where it looked snapped.

  Ye Qingyu frowned, staring at this muscular man. “If not for the killing formation, that punch was enough to instantly take your life.”

  The ice yuan qi fluctuated within his body. t that instant, he turned the killing aura that had seeped into his body into nothing.


  The facial features of that muscular man twisted. Evidently, he felt pain. But as the blood red formation flickered on his body, the broken arm instantly recovered. There was not the slightest of wounds left behind.

  Ye Qingyu was surprised at seeing this.

  ”For a Bitter Sea stage expert, their flesh bodies are so strong that they can recover instantly from most wounds. But an injury such as a broken arm, they need at least tens of breaths to recover from. It also expends a lot of yuan qi. For him to instantly heal, it must be something to do with the blood red patterns… This is strange. This human flesh formation tool must not be treated as a normal expert. Unless I destroy the core formations, he is an existence that cannot be destroyed. Thsi is troublesome.”

  Within the scattered books in White Deer Academy, Ye Qingyu had once read rumours regarding these battle puppets created using the formation arts.

  But normal formation puppets were made from metal or stone. One had to use extremely high smithing and refining arts before it could be completed. It was extremely difficult, and the materials used were also expensive. Only those true top families of the Empire or perhaps powerful sects could create such a thing.

  Using someone’s body as material and creating a flesh puppet formation tool from this was comparatively easy.

  But such a method was incomparably evil and was forbidden under the laws of the Empire.

  But such a restriction was only something to be seen on the surface by normal people. There were many noble families that hiddenly did such an evil thing. At first they used death row prisoners, then they progressed to capturing vagabond cultivators…

  The power of this bald muscular man was at least at the peak of the Spirit spring stage. He had taken half a step into the Bitter Sea stage. When he was further refined into a human flesh puppet formation tool, his strength had further increased and he had taken a step into the Bitter Sea stage.

  Such evil arts, had some strange similarities to that Yan Buhui of the Demon Race who had inserted a demon bone into his own body.

  ”But a machine is still a machine. It has the ability to do battle, but lacks true intelligence during battle. Even if his body is indestructible, but it only has brute strength. It cannot create a miracle. But such an opponent is hard to come by. Why don’t I use it to try out new martial techniques, especially the newly obtained [Divine Emperor Sword Mantra]."

  Ye Qingyu slowly formed a plan in his heart—


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