Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1010: The Snake Tribe (Third)

Among the orcs, the tigers, lions, and wolves are the royal family, and other tribes like the leopard, dog, rat, and rabbit are all vassals of the three royal families. The royal family called as slaves.

Because the Rat Orcs are low-powered and weak and timid, Guan Heng is basically not wary of them.

"Stop!" The leader's Rat woman waved, and the team behind her stopped immediately, she said at this time: "Now take a break here, and then continue on your way."

"Yes, listen to the instructions of the young lady." After hearing this, everyone jumped off the mount and began to feed the animals to drink water.

There are orcs in the caravan, and there are traces of ordinary human races, because they are a mixed caravan. They are all businessmen from all directions. They all come together for safety.

In the territory of the Orcs, there is not no human presence. After all, these merchants will sell some things that the Orc tribes do not have. As long as they pay some customs duties, the Orcs will generally not embarrass them.

At this point Guan Heng had finished eating his dry food. He didn't bother the horses and businessmen, turned around and took the Hurricane Wolf to leave. The leader's rat girl suddenly stared at Guan Heng and said, "Please wait. a bit!"

"What's the matter with you?" Guan Heng glanced back at the Rat Clan female and felt the other party familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

The Rat Girl stepped in two steps and ran to Guan Heng and said, "Engong, do you remember saving our sister and brother from the hoops of Warcraft in the gorge?"

"Ah, I remember it!" Guan Heng suddenly cried out, "That's what happened in the Duron Canyon. You were the rat-woman at the time."

"Yeah, my name is Lanyi." The mouse female Lanyi immediately pulled over the boy beside him and introduced: "Engong, this is my brother, Shule, and you saved him at the time."

"Oh, I never met you here again." Guan Heng smiled and said, "I remember because I was in a hurry to avoid the rushing Warcraft group, I didn't even have the name to say it, now introduce myself, my name is Guan. horizontal."

"Guan Hengen, you saved our sisters and brothers at the time, I did n’t express my gratitude in time, I ’m so sorry." Rat female Lan Yi said, "Well, please go home with us, my parents I also want to meet the salvation benefactor, but I have been suffering no chance. "

"Well, I'm so sorry." Guan Heng said with a little embarrassment. "I'm in a hurry to rush to Dulang City now, I'm afraid I'll reject Miss Lanyi's kindness."

"You're going to Lone Wolf City ?! Mr. Guan Heng, this is a coincidence."

The mouse rat next to him smiled, "In fact, my family lives in Lone Wolf City, and my dad is still the current mouse clan and the city guard of Lone Wolf City. Please go home with us, my father must be You will be gracious. "

"Yes, Gong." Lan Yi also advised: "Anyway you want to go to Lone Wolf City, it is better to walk with us."

"Well ... that's fine." Guan Heng thought to himself: "I want to enter the core territory of the Orc, Doranguth, I'm afraid it's not that easy, after all, the Orcs and humans have been hostile for a long time, if I can get to know a few more A prominent figure of the orc race will save many unnecessary troubles. "

"Okay, then I'm going to disturb." Guan Heng accepted the invitation from Lan Yi and Shule sisters at this time, and immediately went on the road with the caravan.

In the afternoon, everyone hurried nearly a hundred miles on this plain again. At night, they started camping next to a forest. Just when everyone was preparing dinner, Guan Heng and Lanyi and Shule sisters chatted. A sudden change occurred not far away.

At this moment, on the road thousands of kilometers away, there were countless bright silver-colored shadows crawling forward, accompanied by a hissing murmur, and the smell of dizziness that was dizzying enough to spread in the air. gas.

"The situation seems to be wrong," Guan Heng said to Lan Yi and Shu Le. "You must quickly alert the caravans. I'll go over and take a look."

"Brother Guan Heng, I'll go with you." Lan Yi said, winking at his brother again, and whispering, "You and other people are here, don't act lightly."

Guan Heng did not refuse to follow Lan Yi. The two ran to the crawlers in a few moments. Guan Heng looked up and found that there were thousands of white snakes in front of him.

At this time, the weird snake group was quickly climbing to the side of the woods, the cliff position in the northwest direction, but the direction of the snake group did not pass by the place where the caravan was stationed, which made Guan Heng relieved.

"Yeah? It's a white-scale viper!" Lan Yi, who was next to him, apparently recognized this kind of snake, and whispered to herself, "It's strange that the white-scale viper should be extinct decades ago. Why did it appear here again? "

"What's the matter?" Guan Heng heard something strange and involuntarily asked, "Lanyi, what is the origin of this white-scale viper?"

"That's the case. Actually, the orcs had a very unpopular ethnic group," Lanyi explained. "Those are the snake orcs."

"Snake orcs are greedy, vicious, and ambitious. Not only that, but they often bully clans that are weaker than them."

Lan Yi said with a bit of disgust: "Especially for our orcs, they are unscrupulous hunters and killers. At that time, when we talked about the snake orcs, we would all tremble."

"You mean ... the snake orc ?! I don't seem to have heard of this group." Guan Heng blinked and asked, "Where do these snakes inhabit?"

"Well, the snake orcs have been dead for a long time."

Lanyi replied: "A few decades ago, the patriarch of Snakefoot and their high priests ambitions expanded. They conspired to try to overthrow the rule of the three orcs of tigers, lions and wolves. As a result, the orc royal family was furious. The entire snake clan has been wiped out. "

"Oh, it seems that these snakes have nothing to attract people to see." Guan Heng murmured with a smile: "The destruction of other orcs by them should be clapping and applauding?"

"Yes, especially our rat and rabbit orcs, we are even more ecstatic." Lan Yi said: "Because everyone was oppressed by the snakes before, it is really miserable."

"Brother Guanheng, look at the white-scale viper." Lan Yi pointed to the snake group that was crawling away: "These guys were formerly Warcraft specially raised by snake orcs."

"After the destruction of the snake orcs, this white-scale viper snake has basically disappeared in the territory of the orcs." Lanyi said with some doubts: "At least there have not been such a large-scale snake group for decades. Now. "

—— [March 3, 2016. Good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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