Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 10154: Ask for lost property (first shift)

The roar spread across every corner of the cave within a short time. It was obvious that the mineralized monster was provoking the evil beast leader, the wolf-headed scorpion, and if the other party had a little dignity, he would desperately come out to fight the powerful enemy.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~ The body, the scorpion tail, the body is more than ten feet long, and looks very vicious.

"Humhhhhhhhh!" The enemy was jealous when they met, and the mineralized monster immediately strode towards the other side, and the scorpion mink was very scrupulous about it, as well as Guan Heng and others behind, but at this moment, we should not fight. It's not working.

"Hey!" In the light of the fire, the wolf-headed scorpion scorpion vowed to make a strong move first, and suddenly jumped on the monster, and threw his scorpion tail to its body. "He!" The scorpion tail penetrated the body of the monster. But it didn't care, still flying forward.

"Boom!" A vigorous fist hit the opponent's door fiercely, and the scorpion spurted blood mist.

The mineralized monster gained power and was unforgiving. He blasted out with heavy fists again and hit the body of the scorpion mink one after another. This guy was so unlucky that he couldn't avoid it because his scorpion tail was still stuck in the body of the monster. , I can't pull it out.

"Crack, puff!"

In order not to be passively beaten, the wolf-headed scorpion scorpion gritted his teeth and bit his scorpion's tail. The blood spurted out in an instant, "Bang!" That's the case, the monster's fist still fell on it for the last time. Shake it out of ten feet, causing the scorpion marten to spurt blood again.

Fighting is like this, once the momentum is not as good as the human, you lose more than half of it. At this time, the wolf-head scorpion mink is like this. This guy's wounds are very painful, and he is trembling and constantly soaking blood, but the mineralized monster hates him extremely. Pounced frantically at this guy again, punched again.



The thunder, fire, lightning, and strong winds one after another, the hurried wolf-headed scorpion moved away, and quickly moved away from the monster. This guy knows that he is much weaker now, and he will kill him again. At this moment, he is not concerned about dignity. When I thought of this, Scorpion Mink Butter wanted to go.

"Oh oh!" The next moment, the mineralized monster roared wildly, and then slammed his fist on the ground, "Ping pong pong pong! Rumble--" In the blink of an eye, several huge dirt walls appeared in front of the scorpion scorpion retreat. Can't stop this guy's way.

The original mineralized monster did not have this ability, but after swallowing the earth profound aura given by Guan Heng, this guy's strength has been greatly improved, and the confidence of beating the scorpion mink has increased sharply, so he can use the earth wall. Surgery.

"Bang!" The embarrassed boss of the evil beast slammed into the dirt wall and ended in a **** end.

"Pump!" The seriously injured wolf-head scorpion sable collapsed in place, the monster was not polite, and flew forward, punching and kicking at this guy, and the guy wailed and screamed constantly.

Immediately afterwards, the mineralization monster stopped and picked up the scorpion mink and yelled: "Oh, oh!"

Qing Huang next to him was a little puzzled, and asked casually: "A Heng, what exactly does it want to do? It caught the scorpion and didn't kill the opponent."

"Listening to what it means, it seems to be scolding this scorpion for stealing something from himself before." Guan Heng explained: "Now the monster wants to get the stolen thing back."

"Oh, it turns out that's the case." After hearing this, the companions all nodded, and then watched how the mineralized monster solves their own problems.

At this moment, when he heard the monster roar, the scorpion mink hesitated at first, and was unwilling to explain the situation. The monster became anxious and slapped this guy's face.

The scorpion with swollen cheeks and bleeding from the corners of the mouth was so painful that it was so painful that it wailed, and had to lift its paws, trembling and pointing to a dim cave behind him, which meant that what you wanted was in there. , Don't hit me again!

"Pop!" The next moment, the monster slammed the wolf-headed scorpion sable to the ground, and the opponent's limbs broke immediately. The scorpion squat groaned and passed out, while the monster took a big step and hurried into the cave. Away.

"I'll go with it and have a look. You stay here and wait."

With that said, Guan Heng had already followed the mineralized monster into the dim cave. The area of ​​this cave is not large. The monster looked left and right, and finally found a dark object placed on the stone platform, but after that, the monster gave a low growl, appearing very anxious.

Guan Heng stepped forward and asked, "What's the matter?"


Holding the dark thing in front of Guan Heng, the monster's face was full of crying, he rubbed the thing with his hand, then frowned and said, "This is something that is derived from your body and is similar to the core? I didn't expect to be evil. The head of the beast snatched it."


Hearing this, the mineralized monster gave a embarrassed low growl. It meant that he was not strong back then, was entangled by the opponent's little guy, and lost the core of the monster after being sieged. Now it all depends on it. Guan Heng helped, and then snatched it back.

"But the aura in this core has been drained, and it's almost gone now. If you want to regain its vitality, unless..." After a little thought, Guan Heng said: "Don't worry, I will find a way for you. ."

After listening to Guan Heng's words, the monster nodded repeatedly, and it seemed that it had pinned all its hopes on Guan Heng.


Suddenly, a large amount of earth profound aura appeared in Guan Heng's palm, which suddenly covered the surface of the monster core. These profound auras were too strong to be absorbed by the core. It's hard to beat.

In this way, carefully let the core absorb the profound spiritual energy, until after ten breaths, this thing finally absorbed all the spiritual energy.

"Here, take it." Handing the core to the mineralized monster, Guan Heng further exhorted: "Return it to the body. In the near future, it must be warmed up day and night. Don't slack off. A little negligence will cause it to crack. The core will be incomplete by then."

Hearing Guan Heng's words, the monster nodded cautiously and stuffed this core into his body. Just when Guan Heng wanted to take it away, he suddenly noticed something: "Hey, this rock wall seems to be weird..."

As he said, he stretched out his hand and rubbed the rock wall, and immediately noticed something was wrong, and then said, "This rock wall is very weak. Punch through it to see what's inside."

"Bang! Rumble—" At the next moment, Guan Heng immediately shot, hitting the rock wall with his fist, causing it to collapse and shatter, and the area behind immediately appeared in front of him.

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