Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1017: Important message (fifth outbreak)

"Master, don't talk nonsense to him." The grumpy Gen Luo shouted holding the mallet in his palm: "Catch him, break it first and then interrogate other things." After saying this, Gen Luo took the lead and threw down the sledgehammer to cover his face.

"Huh, the pig's head is the pig's head, it's a veritable name." Guan Heng sneered, flashing his opponent's hammer slightly sideways, and then showed the Berserker's axe and rushed over.

"Kill!" Guan Heng yelled, the tomahawk edged the wind, and turned into a ghost image toward the gate of Gen Luo.

Although the head of the pig clan is not very bright, he has a very powerful fighting force. Gen Luo suddenly pushed his own mallet in front of Guan Heng's axe, only to hear a loud noise, and the two heavy weapons immediately collided fiercely. Get out of countless Mars!

"Hey, there is still a stupid energy in the pig's head." Guan Heng laughed longly: "Come on, today Master will accompany you to have fun."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I am going to smash you! Genro roared, and the mallet in his palm suddenly smashed a hundred shots.

"Okay, then I'll have a hard time." Guan Heng was not afraid of Gen Luo's sledgehammer, and the axe of the Berserker in his hand suddenly fluttered like wind, and the light and flint and the other side shook each other hard.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Gen Luo couldn't help himself every time the Tomahawk and the mallet hit him. He took a step back, his face turned into a purple sauce, apparently unable to resist Guan Heng, and had reached the end of the crossbow.

"Hum, this pig is only brute force, can't use his mind, he doesn't realize that he is not the opponent of the person in front of him." The magical messenger suddenly thought at this moment: "Let's just let me help him. "

Thinking of this, the man suddenly took off a pair of huge sickles behind his body, and suddenly flung towards Guan Heng.

"Cut!" A pair of giant sickles of the magic domain messenger suddenly wrapped up the dark black gas and attacked behind Guan Heng fiercely. In fact, when Guan Heng waved his axe to attack Gen Luo, he watched with six eyes and listened to all directions. He had long realized that someone intended to attack. .

"Mixed ball, you're looking for death!" Guan Heng waved an axe and forced to retreat Gen Luo in front of his feet, his feet suddenly staggered, and he cracked the ground out of the crack crater, and the opponent's giant sickle staggered across Guan Heng's head. Go short.

But at this moment, Guan Hengren turned with the axe and only heard a whistle, the huge sharp axe wind swept across the attacker's waist.

"Ah, not good!" Never before did the messenger of the magic domain expect Guan Heng to dodge and counterattack so quickly. This person could not steal the chicken, but he was slow to avoid himself. Half of his left leg had been brushed. The brush's shaved fly.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" since the magical messenger fell down, Guan Heng no longer cares about him seriously, turned and continued to pounce on Genro: "pig head, it is your turn now."

"Abominable, give it to me!" Even though Gen Luo was stupid, he knew that his brother couldn't beat him at all, so he ordered all the pig-orcs to gather up and want to win more with less.

But Guan Heng was too lazy to do anything with these guys. He raised the axe of the Berserker and shouted, "Go to death, pigs!"

"Boom!" Berserker's axe shattered the ground under the force of Guan Heng's full strength, and dozens of pig orcs smashed red mist and fell out, and fell off a horror, while Guan Heng It was sneer and went to Gen Luo step by step: "Pig head, you have become the patriarch of the bare pole, now I will send you to hell!"

"Oh! I fight with you!" The roaring Gen Luo's arms were swollen with blue muscles. His muscles suddenly expanded several times. As a soldier, he also had dignity. Although he was reckless and foolish, it was time to fight. It's also clear.

The orc's overwhelming physique and strength, at this moment was fully exerted by Gen Luo, and the giant mallet in his palm burst into an open air and fell directly.

Far away, Guan Heng already felt how terrible the power of this giant hammer strike, he laughed aloud: "Okay, let's use this strike to determine the outcome, let me take you on the road!"

Guan Heng twisted the axe handle of the Berserker's axe, this huge tomahawk suddenly spun up, and a strong storm of power suddenly formed. This is exactly the trick that Guan Heng improved based on the orc royal axe combat skills.

"Drink! Hurricane's crazy axe dance!" With a violent drink, Guan Heng attacked, and the fierce and violent giant axe storm swept up to Gen Luo mercilessly, first smashing the pig clan chief. Sledgehammer, followed by his arms and his whole body ...

Under the attack of the Hurricane's Raging Axe Dance, Gen Luo didn't even have any scum left, and he was completely killed. "Oh!" Guan Heng gathered up the Axe of the Berserker, turned and walked to the angel of the demon domain.

"Bang!" Raising his foot and stepping on the wound of this guy's broken leg, immediately drew a terrible cry from the emissary of the demon domain: "Yeah!"

"Well, if you want to survive, it's best to explain some information that will let me pass you off." Guan Hengsen asked: "Where did you come from these magical messengers? Ashton mainland has Without your stronghold and hiding place? "

"Uh ... don't think about it ... keke ... get any message from my mouth!" This magic domain messenger had a hard mouth, he struggled and cried, "Even if I die, I won't let you ... oh!"

Having said that, the messenger of the demon domain suddenly bit his tongue, spit out a half of the red thing, suddenly his head was awkward, and he died on the spot!

"Damn, this kid is really a hard bone."

Seeing that the other party did not give him the opportunity to question himself, Guan Henggang was a little bit regretful. He saw a black gas rushing out of the remains of this magical messenger. Body, there is no intelligence I can detect. "

"Oh!" Guan Heng suddenly grabbed the opponent's ghost with a swallowing beast, and immediately began searching for the memory of the emissary of the demon domain, but what surprised Heng Heng was that this guy's memory was almost blank!

"What's going on?" Guan Heng felt somewhat inexplicable. "Is this guy just an empty shell?"

"No!" Guan Heng thought for a moment, realizing the key point: "Bacheng is a guy directly controlled by the Lord of the Demon Realm. He has been completely washed away by the other party and became a puppet."

Thinking of this, Guan Heng just wanted to give up his memory search. At this moment, a sudden accident happened. Guan Heng even found a place name in the almost blank ghost memory, that is, the Grand Canyon of Warcraft.

According to a trace of this ghost's remaining memories, he is from a teleportation array in the Grand Canyon of Warcraft, not an indigenous people native to Ashton mainland.

—— [Fifth more on March 27, 2016, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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