The two men looked at each other, each with a frown, and there was a middle-aged man with a mustache wearing a flowery shoulder in the corner of the ring. Like a referee, he opened his mouth and shouted: "Since it is decided that the ring will be won, let's start . "

"Yeah!" The two strong men yelled at the same time, their muscles suddenly swelled up, and the soldier's body-building technique had been exerted to the extreme. "Bang, bang!" The short-handed mace and copper stick collided fiercely. With fierce mutual killing.

But at this time, Guan Heng saw a lack of interest: "Hey, they are ordinary characters, their skills are average, and there is nothing to look at."

Guan Heng turned around and was about to leave, at this moment, suddenly changed suddenly!

"Oh, ooh! When ooh-huh!" The two contestants on the stage were shaking each other, and they didn't hold their weapons, two maces and a copper stick, brushing together 挟Wrapping the wind to the stage, many onlookers were about to be smashed with blood.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Guan Heng rushed forward, his hands stretched forward, and he held the two maces, but the copper rod was too far away, but Guan Heng had no time to stop.

"Hoo--slap!" Speaking time and time, a snakeskin whip appeared suddenly in the oblique spurs, and the electric light and flint caught the copper stick that was about to fall to the crowd, and immediately threw this thing back on the stage. Suddenly, the floor of the platform crashed.

"This whip is ... haha, it's a coincidence." Guan Heng was about to step forward, and he heard a rough, high-pitched male voice next to him: "Little white girl, really good skill, hey, Otto admire."

At this time, a young girl in the crowd shouted impatiently: "Why are you again, Brother Lan, drive this **** away, don't let him approach me."

"Hey, silly big man, haven't you heard Xiaobai let you get off?" A teenager said furiously with a fist, "If you don't get out of here, I'll hit you."

At this time, when the crowd saw the end of the competition, they gradually dispersed and walked away. Three steps were taken and two steps were taken. They hurriedly walked over and asked, "Little white and blue brother, who are you angry with?"

"Hey? It's the young master here." Xiaobai turned to see Guan Heng and called out immediately: "Young master is coming, there is a bad guy here, always entangled us, for several days."

"What ?!" Guan Hengwen heard this, and immediately sank his face: "Which **** is not long-sighted, dare to bully my sister? Impatient to live!" After saying this, Guan Heng also left When they arrived in front of them, they saw a tall figure standing as if they were towers.

"This guy is so tall, is it a tiger ?!" Guan Heng made a rough calculation. The 20-year-old tiger orc was over two meters tall, strong and muscular, with long muscles. It must be more modest and somewhat heroic.

"Young Master, Young Master." Xiaobai ran to Guan Heng and took his arm, and said with a smile: "I miss you so much, by the way, you can help me settle this shit."

"Who is this guy?" Guan Heng looked at the young tiger orc and asked casually, "why is he asking you for trouble?"

"Oh, how would anyone know? Just a few days ago, Lan Di and I came to Dulang City and met this guy named 'Otto' on the street."

Xiaobai frowned: "He has been following us stupidly, without saying what he wants to do, and he has talked to me for no reason. Who knows where the rogue came from?"

"Well, Bacheng sees Xiaobai, right?" Guan Heng glanced at Tiger Orc Otto and thought to himself, "Boy, you have a vision."

"Hey, who are you?" Tiger orc Otto saw Xiao Bai and Guan Heng look intimate, suddenly angry: "Give me away from Little White Girl! Otherwise I ..."

"Otherwise, what do you want? Idiot!" Said Guan Hengmian Shen Sishui. "Xiao Bai is my family. Do you dare to harass her? Believe me or not, I disassembled your bones to make tiger bone wine?"

"How can this be true!" This tiger orc Otto was also a young, grumpy young man with a fire on his arm, and shouted, "Are you provoking me?"

"What about provocation?" The blue-collar rabbit whispered beside him. "Don't say provocation. I want to stab you now?"

"Brother Lan, don't need your shot this time." At this moment, Guan Heng, attentively, taught the unsavory Tiger orc, so he snorted and squeezed his fist into a quack. "This time, I will take care of myself. This guy."

"That's okay." Brother Lan retired behind Xiaobai when he heard this, Guan Heng nodded behind the ring with his thumb, and said disdainfully, "Boy, if you want to be beaten, go to the ring, master. I'll give you a fat meal today! "

"Uh ah!" After hearing this, Otto shivered with anger, and Xiaobai said scornfully without losing the chance. "Why? Don't dare to accept the challenge of my master? Huh, coward."

"Okay, fight!" Although Otto's father forbids him to fight with others in private, today Otto said in front of Xiaobai that he could not swallow this breath, so he strode to the ring. Guan Heng also leapt forward at this time, landing lightly on the ring.

"Boy, the sword weapon has no eyes, and I don't want to kill you." Guan Heng smiled on the ring with his shoulders at this time: "I look better than fists, I don't bully you, your attacks can touch me Even if you win. "

When Otto heard his words, he suddenly became angry and covered his eyes, and he yelled, "Dunk, how dare you look down on me ?!"

"You die for me!" Tiger Orc Otto is a talented man. He is already a strong man at the top of a senior warrior at a young age. When he sees himself being despised, his anger in his chest suddenly erupts.

"Huh!" The blow from the air was like thunder, and he hurled at Guan Hengqianxin, but Guan Heng was not afraid. He murmured in his eyes: "It's a strong punch, but it's a pity ... it's almost worse than me!" "

Guan Heng's left fist has been rushed up, "Bang!" Otto's heavy fist was intercepted by Guan Heng, and his entire body suddenly vibrated, and his action could not help but stagnate.

"Hey, don't turn into a bag, because my attack has just begun." Guan Heng said, his fists suddenly attacked, dozens of powerful punches covering the whole body of Otto.

"Bang, bang!" Otto's skill is good. The first ten punches that he attacked were steadily blocked by him, but Guan Heng's punches became heavier and the speed did not slow down, making Otto retreat involuntarily. .

"This guy is so tricky, I only have the force to fight it ..." Tiger Orc Otto, after many battles, of course understands that he has been completely suppressed by the other party, he doesn't feel irritable, and his movements slow down.

—— [2016.3.28 The second more, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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