Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1022: Royal Tombs (fifth more outbreak)

So the three hurriedly ate something and left the restaurant, heading straight for the palace of the royal court in the city of Dorungus.

Just halfway through, Guan Heng heard a rush of horseshoe sounds on the street behind him. When he turned his head to watch, it turned out that a luxurious twin carriage was galloping like crazy.

"Hey, all passers-by flashed away, be careful!" The driver was a sweaty lion orc. He shouted and yelled as he raised his whip: "Driving--"

Who knew that at this time, the sudden change suddenly occurred, and the cricket on the right side of the carriage suddenly rolled over a broken brick in the middle of the road.

The strong inertia threw the driver away. His body smashed a fruit stand after a loud noise, and the driver with blood on his face fainted.

"Well, save him." Guan Heng, who was not far away, slowly shook his head, and then threw a cure to let the driver recover slowly.

At this moment, Xiaobai exclaimed, "Young Master, there is an unconscious old man in the car."

"Where?" Guan Heng took three steps and ran to the broken car hood in two steps. He took a deep look and then sighed, "It's not saved, this old man looks like a lion orc, but he should It was the poisoning that caused the death, not the wagon accident. "

"What?" Xiaobaiwen was surprised at the words. "This grandpa with white beard was poisoned. It's no wonder that his face is blue and purple, and blood is still dripping from the corners of his mouth."

"Huh? This old man ..." Guan Heng just glanced at the old lion man, and saw the black gas surging from this person's remains, and something was about to happen.

"This lion old man must gather ghost spirits!" Guan Heng turned his lips up, and said secretly in his heart, "Well, let me see your death, what hidden things are hidden."

The swallowing of the beast suddenly appeared, and suddenly caught the ghost of the old lion, and his memories of his life suddenly poured into Guan Heng's mind.

After half a minute, Guan Heng's eyebrows gradually tightened, and he whispered, "That's what happened ..."

This old man of the lion tribe turned out to be the brother of the lion king, one of the three kings of the orc tribe, Jiali. For thousands of years, the orc tribe has always adopted the "three tribal" royal family and three kings to jointly govern the territory, which has continued to this day.

The kings of the three races are the tiger king, lion king, and wolf king. In the past, the orc royal family has the biggest power of the tiger king family, sitting firmly at the head of the three kings, the lion king family, and the wolf king family last.

However, the royal pattern in the orc territories is gradually changing.

Decades ago, Caesar, the strongest **** of the Tiger King family, was besieged and robbed by people while traveling to the territory of the Kalulu Kingdom. Tuo, although Wu Yong is superior, his brain is lacking in strength, making it difficult to give high hopes.

The lion king was old, and his two sons were killed in wars with Warcraft and the human race in previous years. Nothing happened. Since then, the lion king has withered.

Carrie, the brother of the old Lion King, had a young child, who was adopted by the Lion King, and intended to train a new successor, but this was only an expedient measure and the next policy.

But at this time, the ambitious wolf king Garnett gradually showed his fangs. Over the years, the wolf king has been threatening to lure the spies of the tiger and lion tribe, and let them use poisoning, assassination and other means. Gradually reduced the power of the two royal families, and now the poisoned hand finally reached Jiali.

This morning, Carrie ate a plate of dim sum from his servant in the house, and he felt unwell immediately. Although the servant was killed by the guard on the spot while he was running away, no antidote was found on his body.

Carrie felt that something was wrong, and immediately ordered someone to take a horse-drawn cart and take him straight to the palace of the imperial court. He wanted to remind his brothers, Old Lion King Vincent and Tiger King Tiger, to be careful. He did not expect that he was already screaming halfway.

"Well, I really don't want to worry about the internal affairs of these orc royals." Guan Heng suddenly thought for a moment, "Yes, let's just do this."

Guan Heng turned his head and said to Lan Di: "Hurry up with this Lion Orc coach and go to the palace to see Prince Otto and tell him ..."

So Guan Heng told the Garry memory he had just found, simply and Xiaobai told them again, and then commanded: "Xiaobai, go to remind Otto, tell him to be careful, hold him and everyone by the way, I Take this opportunity to make a quick trip to the mausoleum. "

"Uh, although I don't want to see Otto's stupid big man, but since it's a matter of life and death, then I can only make things difficult for him." Xiaobai shrugged helplessly, and asked Lan Di to faint the lion driver on the back. Rush to the palace of the imperial court.

Guan Heng made a detour to the orc royal cemetery. According to the route provided by the restaurant waiter, he went straight to the cemetery.

In fact, the orcs are crude and not yet fully civilized, and their royal tombs are not as luxurious as the human monarchs. They are just a circle of towering walls with a large iron gate in the middle.

Guan Heng silently bypassed several guardians of the orc tribe, and easily crossed the wall and walked around the tombstones. He came to the front of the tomb group dedicated to the Tiger King family.

The tombstones one after another are the names of the powerful tiger kings of previous generations. No matter how strong they were before their death, they still occupy an inch of space after death, so that people will miss them slightly during the sacrifice.

"I found it, the King of the Tigers, the tomb of Caesar. Over the years, his life and death are unknown. It is estimated that this is also an empty grave."

Guan Heng looked at the tombstone, remembering that he had fought against Caesar's bones in the underground cell that day, and he mumbled to himself: "Oh Caesar, no matter whether you died before my life, I think you are definitely a powerful fighter. So, I traveled thousands of miles to bring back the pale gold spirit bones for your burial. May your soul rest in peace from now on. "

Having said that, Guan Heng took out the pale gold spirit bone left by Caesar, and held it up with his hands and placed it in front of Caesar's tombstone.

I saw that piece of spirit bone gradually blooming with pale gold light, getting brighter, and finally slammed into countless golden powder, fell on the ground around the tombstone, disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Thank you ... unfamiliar and familiar friend ... you ... what I wish ..."

A burly tiger orc phantom appeared in mid-air. It was Caesar's last remnant in the world. He said softly, "I know, you are here to find my ancestor, the beast **** Gobinus. Your Majesty's sleeping place, in order to repay your kindness, let me guide you for the last. "

If there were no words, they drifted about at the same time as the breeze, and Caesar's remnant vanished into a bright floating object, flying all the way to the northwest corner of the cemetery.

—— [Fifth more on March 28, 2016, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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