Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1029: Mysterious person

"If it wasn't for your brother to see it with your own eyes, I would have been in the dark." Merty slowly shook his head. "Well, since the two **** things have set a trick, we want our two team captains and Huo Chairman Jia ’s life, then we must take precautions and be prepared. "

"Not just to defend, but to fight back."

Guan Heng said to Merty at this time: "I will pretend to be stupid in the shortest time, and let the two guys relax their vigilance, thinking that they can use me to achieve the purpose of assassinating everyone. By then, they will I will definitely exhaust all the comrades in the Iron Blood Mercenary Regiment, and I will attack you, and then we will go to one net and fight forever. "

Merty nodded slightly. "Well, brother, this is a good idea. Let's start our counterattack."

"Okay, but this matter must be kept strictly secret. Now it is better only for the two of us to know." Guan Heng immediately said, "According to the plans of the two guys I overheard, the assassination operation is estimated to be in these two or three days. Let ’s hurry up. ”

As a result, Guan Heng and Merty formulated a series of anti-assassination action plans in the tent. It was only in the middle of the night when no one was there that Guan Heng quietly returned to his residence.


In the next two days, the two behind-the-scenes men who tried to use tricks to calculate the iron blood mercenary regiment really tried Guan Heng repeatedly. In the end, they concluded that Guan Heng was a fool who was very easy to use, and had a temper. Cranky, the ignition is on.

One of the behind-the-scenes gangsters did everything they could to seduce Guan Heng tirelessly, and finally "purchased" Guan Heng as he wished to complete the task of assassinating the other team captains and heads of Hoja. In fact, he never dreamed that Guan Heng was intentional. Bought off.

That night, the person who bought off Guan Heng said to him, "Recently, the leader ’s health is getting better. Tomorrow he will hold a banquet in his own account, to torment everyone, when you will be responsible for pouring wine to everyone, and walking to the Hoja When you are around, do it immediately. "

"Uh ... can you tell me why you want to kill the leader?" Guan Heng asked deliberately, "My mother said that killing is wrong."

"Stupid pig, don't put your mother's words on your lips anymore." The man yelled, "Don't forget, you have already collected a lot of money, and you must do as I say."

"Look, as long as you shoot quickly and send the short sword into the head of the regiment, everything else will be easy." The man's tone softened, and he said in a low voice: "You also want to live a lifeless life in the future. Don't worry, you can eat every day, right? Just do what I say and be obedient. "

"Eh, all right." Guan Hengzhuang said stupidly: "Look at you who have been asking me to drink and eat meat for the past few days, I, I will do it."

"Hey, that's right." The man patted Guan Heng's shoulder pretending to be affectionate: "You go back to rest first, keep your spirits up, and I will come to inform you of the past tomorrow."

Guan Heng turned out of the camp and disappeared in a blink of an eye. At this time, a dark shadow flashed into the tent. This person was the fourth leader of the mercenary regiment, the fourth leader of the fourth division, Smith.

"You are here, have you heard what the boy and I said?" The mysterious man in the tent said, "Success or failure, I will see tomorrow at noon."

"I always think this kid named Guan Heng is not very reliable." Smith said to the man in the tent. "When you arranged the mission to kill Hoja just now, the kid was hesitant."

"Hey, hesitancy is just human nature. Because of this kind of thing, that kid is doing it for the first time." The man sneered sneerly: "If he agreed, I would have doubted him. "

"But we didn't make other preparations," the man asked. "Smith, have those helpers arrived?"

"Just rest assured, this is a matter of life and death, of course I will be fully prepared."

Smith patted his chest and assured: "Our two-unit confidante mercenaries, coupled with high-priced killers, a total of 150 people, will ambush outside Hoja's tent tomorrow. After the kid's successful assassination , Our helper will rush in, and click the remaining team captains ... "

With that in mind, Smith shot his eyes fiercely and made a gesture of "wiping his neck". The man in the tent nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, tomorrow is you, I'll take the Iron Blood Mercenary Regiment into my bag. Timing, everything, will belong to us !!! "


Time flies, and at noon the next day, there is a lively scene in Hohja's huge battalion, head of the Iron Blood Mercenary Corps.

Several waiters brought large plates of dishes and jugs to the table, and they shuttled back and forth, including Guan Heng, while he was working, his eyes were watching the movement on the table.

Hoja, head of the regiment, is a mighty old man with thick eyebrows and short jaws covered with jaws. Although he was recovering from a serious illness, he was very spirited. He kept drinking the wine to keep the waiter in high spirits.

The four team captains had different expressions. Merty smiled and chatted with the head of the team. Liang Ke toasted and sipped a glass of wine and talked to them from time to time. Marcuri gorged himself to eat, but a pair of tigers watched. He looked around and seemed to be paying attention to something.

At this moment, Smith, who seemed impassive on the outside, began to feel a little restless in his heart. Smith was secretly wondering: "Somehow, I always feel that there is something wrong with today's action. What went wrong? What about? "

However, now that everything has been arranged, Smith is helpless and has to eat and drink there silently, watching the next development of the situation.

At this moment, the head of the commander Hoja raised his wine glass, and he exclaimed, "Dear me, during the time when I was sick and bedridden, the Iron Blood Mercenary Regiment thanked you as a team leader to appease your mercenary brothers. That's why our big family hasn't fallen apart. This glass of wine, I respect you, come, everyone will drink this glass! "

Since the head of the group made a toast, who would dare not drink this cup? Everyone raised their glasses with joyful faces and said in unison: "Respect the leader, respect the heroic and fearless mercenary regiment, and respect all the mercenaries who have died!"

After several people said this, they tilted their necks and gurgled and drank the wine in the glass.

"Uh ... it's old. I just drank a few glasses, and now I'm dizzy." Hoja supported the table with his palm at this time, his body was shaking, and Mertie next to him quickly hugged him: "Yifu, you At the beginning of a serious illness, pay more attention to your body. "

—— [2016.3.30 The second change, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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