Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1038: Diwu tribe (first)

At this moment, Elder Jia complained: "We have sent hundreds of clan people these days, looking for the traces of those guys, but obviously I can see them in the woods, but I can't catch them, but I'm furious! "

"So let me tell me where the little witches are." Guan Heng said at this moment: "I'll go and see for myself and see if I can catch them."

"Well, since Mr. Guan Heng is willing to help, of course we are sincerely grateful."

Elder Gui called an elven archer at this time and said to him: "Dika, you take Mr. Guan Heng to go around the areas where the little witches are located. Pay attention to safety. If the sky is too dark, they will be mixed up. Something sneaked in. "

"Observe, elder." Dika saluted Elder Gui respectfully, and then said to Guan Heng, "Mr. Envoy, please follow me."


Moments later, the elven archer Dika took Guan Heng and Merty to a thorny, wormwood-covered depression.

Dika pointed to the ground full of potholes in front of him and said to Guan Heng, "We are here. The areas where the **** little witches are infested are here. Sometimes they ..."

As soon as Dika had spoken here, the sound of the wind rose tens of meters away, and several flying axes made of stone rushed towards his door.

"Mr. Dika, be careful!" Merty whispered, the cold light in the palm suddenly appeared, only when the snoring sound continued, her dagger was already in front of Dika, and the stone axe smashing towards the opposite door was hit!

"Good danger ..." Dika is a long-range archer. He is used to sniping enemies. His weakness is to deal with attacks close at hand. Dika gave Merty a grateful glance and then whispered, "Thank you, May. Miss Gerty. "

"It's just a hand." Although Merty was answering Dicka, she still looked around alertly, which was a good habit she left when she was a mercenary.

"There!" Guan Heng's eyes caught the moving shadow in front of him instantly, his figure moved, and he fluttered to the front.

"Slap!" Guan Heng reached out and immediately pulled a little guy out of the hole.

"Oh oh!" The little man caught by Guan Heng screamed, his limbs kept scratching, and he tried to bite Guan Heng's arm with his mouth. Alas, the guy fell over and fainted.

"Ah, this is the little witch!" Dika ran over and said with a gritted tooth. "It was they who messed up the elders' conference room and stole it ..."

"Ahem, Dika." Guan Heng cleared his throat, and then whispered, "Don't mention those things in the wilderness, pay attention to confidentiality."

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Dika knew that Stealth's bow and arrow pot had been stolen by the little witch, so he closed his mouth immediately. At this time, Merty asked Guan Heng. "Brother, what about this little witch? Is it going to be taken back to prison?"

"No, I can't take this guy back yet. I'm going to fish a long line." Guan Heng slowly shook his head and said, "This way I can find the whereabouts of the bow and arrow."

"You two come here, I have a plan ..." Guan Heng called Dica and Merty, and whispered a few words. After listening, they nodded again and then turned away.

Guan Heng stood in place, summoned the queen, and then said, "Gather all the obedient flying insects nearby and closely monitor the entrances and exits of all the burrows here."

The queen queen nodded slightly, then flew into the air, began to summon all nearby flying insects, and immediately gathered them together in a black pressed piece. These insects then flew away and hid in the grass, stone gaps, Everywhere between the trees.

At this time, Guan Heng slammed the groundless little witch, and the guy was shaking with great tremor, and he would wake up in a blink of an eye. Guan Heng saw that, and immediately flickered to hide in a tree. Rear.

After a few seconds, the little witch sat up and shook his head. He stared at the two thieves and glanced around. After confirming that they had not traced them, he turned and drilled into a hole in the grass. Go in.

This little witch was so cunning. He was afraid he would be followed, so he ran through the caves in the ground in all directions, and tossed for a long time. Then he found a small cave and went straight.

After a while, the little witch crawled into a huge cave. There were one hundred and ten little witches in the cave. They waved axe, javelin and spear around a huge bonfire. Howling cried.

On the high **** in front of the fire, stood a witch holding a wooden staff with a leather collar on his head. He was three times stronger than the rest of the same kind. This guy was the head of the witch tribe.

This group of scary monsters is born to like pranks and hunt other weak animals and Warcraft. They are the enemy of peace and nature-loving elves, but they live together in the elven forest.

At this time, the chief of the Diwu tribe screamed at his own people. Under the reflection of the firelight, his expression was extremely embarrassing. With a wave of the wooden staff, he brought a few small devil to come over and look very beautiful. Long bow and arrow pot, and then signaled the little witch to throw the bow and arrow into the fire ...

"Hey, junk stuff, that one can't be burned!" At this time, a sudden roar suddenly sounded, followed by a ray of shadows flashing in an instant, as he passed by several little earth witches, Bows and arrows have been snatched.

"Huh, it's dangerous. I don't know if the bow of the elven **** and the arrow pot are fireproof." Guan Heng quickly hung the arrow pot around his waist, and he glanced at the elven god's patriarch with a sharp glance at the bow : "You lunatic, let the heartbreaker destroy the treasures of the elves, it is really heartbreaking."

Guan Heng just let the queen control the flying insects and follow the little witch all the way. This found the hiding place of the witch tribe, but their entrance was too small. It took Boss's effort to squeeze in. .

"Oh!" I do n’t know if Guan Heng was scolding himself. The prince of the Diwu tribe was so angry that he immediately blame the little geoman who directed his commander to throw flying axe and javelin. The sound was endless, and the overwhelming throwing objects all rushed around Guan Heng.

"Yeah, anger and anger." Guan Heng sneered slightly, his body suddenly gathered countless fire elements, and instantly formed dozens of fireballs. "Yeah!" These fireballs all greeted the flying axe and other things. , Burn them completely into fly ash!

"Oh!" The fireball remained unabated, bursting out among the crowds of little earth witches, burning them to their heads, and screaming to scatter their heads.

—— [2016.4.1 the first change, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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