Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1042: inherited

"Miss Merty ?!" Ahan, who was preparing to respond under the outer wall of the underground palace, saw this situation and immediately cried out, "Are you all right?"

However, Merty just reclined beside the stone platform and did not answer Ahan's shout.

"Oh!" At this moment, Guan Heng's several landings quickly ran there, then climbed up to Shitai.

"Merty, sister, wake up." Guan Heng gently lifted her, and Merty slowly opened her eyes at the moment and said, "Brother ... I think ... so tired ..."

"It's okay, our things are all settled, you should rest for a while." Guan Heng smiled, took out a bottle of berry wine randomly, opened it and handed it to Merty's mouth: "Drink two, you can quickly Physical recovery."

After a moment, Guan Heng took the goddess's scepter, and lifted up Merty, who had recovered some physical strength, and returned to the residence of the elders of the Southern Territory with Ahan. Elder Su Lun was shocked when he heard the story of Ahan taking the lead, taking Merty to the goddess' scepter, and performing the natural magic of the purification tree.

"It's so unexpected, I can't believe this kind of thing will happen to a half-elf girl."

Elder Su Lun murmured to himself: "That is the extremely difficult natural magic-the tree of purification. Even our elders who are proficient in all kinds of natural magic, as well as those of their own senior magicians, cannot master it. This spell, Merty, why can she use it? "

"Child, come here." Elder Su Lun, who was curious, beckoned Merty: "Come, tell me, why do you use this magic of purification tree?"

Merty tilted his head and thought, and then replied: "I don't know what's going on, just remember the moment when I pulled out the goddess' scepter, there were many magic spells I didn't know before. Infused into my head. "

"Is that so?" Elder Su Lun took the scepter from Guan Heng's hand at this time, put a slap in his palm, and said, "But the old man didn't feel that way, it was strange."

"Elder Su Lun, I think the scepter may be the one who chooses to accept the magical inheritance." Guan Heng analyzed at this time: "After all, Merty was the first person to contact the goddess scepter. She may Already selected. "

Having said that, Guan Heng paused and continued: "Think now, I have one more thing I want to confirm." Elder Su Lun asked curiously, "What is it?"

"This is the turquoise flower crown we got from the elf territory of the East."

Guan Heng said, taking things out, he said to Merty: "Sister, since the scepter of the goddess has instilled in you the inheritance of natural magic, then you can try on this turquoise crown and see Is there anything different? "

"Well ... now that the older brother has said so, I will try it." Mertie said here, and looked at Elder Su Lun again, the other side also slightly jaw head to encourage, so Mertie gently held up The turquoise corolla put it on his head.

Time ... seems to be silent, but in the next moment, the turquoise corolla will bloom with golden light, originally only the turquoise corolla decoration, now attracted by countless strange magic elements around it.

"Uh ... my head ..." At this moment, Merty frowned, covering her forehead with both hands, and murmured in her mouth: "Some bloated, some fever ..."

"Merty, you—" Guan Heng worried about his sister and was about to help her, but was stopped by Elder Su Lun's arms. The elder said in a deep voice: "Wait a minute, if you can't stand even a little pain, how can you What about her Goddess? "

"Hmm ..." Guan Heng sighed slightly. "Sister, I can't help you now, just rely on your own perseverance and luck."

At this moment, Merty sat slowly on her knees, and those rushing magical elements lingered around her body, then slowly flew into the corolla.

"I ... heard the cry ... that was the wailing of flowers and trees ... while dying ..."

At this time, Merty spoke nightmare-like words, tears shed in the corners of her eyes, and tremble said: "These plants are also living spirits. When they died, they left countless forces of nature. Turned into my source of magic, I thank you, my friends, my compatriots, my loved ones ... In return, I will always guard you ... "

"This is it?" Elder Su Lun's expression changed suddenly when he heard what Merty said, his eyes were cloudy, joyous, shocked, and full of incredibleness.

"This is the motto of the elf goddess ..."

Elder Su Lun murmured to himself: "It is said that when the commonwealth of our tribe created these elven and elven forests, from then on, all the elven strong who had been taught by Herilia Will chant these words in memory of Her Majesty's teachings. "

"Guan Heng, listen to me."

Elder Su Lun suddenly looked dignified, and then held his shoulders horizontally with his hands. He said, "From now on, you must be more careful to protect Merty, and never let her be subjected to any Hurt, I have a hunch that she will be a key figure to awaken Herilia. "

"Relax, Elder Su Lun." Guan Heng said without hesitation: "I will protect Merty wholeheartedly until the Elven Goddess is awakened and everything is clear."

"That's fine. I can see that you treat this child as a true relative." Elder Su Lun said, "This is a rare and unbreakable bond between you. You must remember to cherish it all. "

Looking at Guan Heng's solemn nod, Elder Su Lun smiled again on his face: "I am very optimistic about the child Mertie. She must have an endlessly bright future in the land of the elven forest. For one thing, I can be sure, because the vision of an elf elder is definitely not wrong. "

At this moment, Merti, wearing a turquoise flower crown, seemed to have completed a solemn ceremony. She opened her eyes sternly, and two different gods, Mount Man, shot out suddenly.

"Brother, this turquoise flower crown is so magical." Merty stood up and said to Guan Heng, "I feel my magic power is advancing by leaps and bounds, as if it has grown three times more than before, and now it is full of endless power."

"Okay, Merty." Guan patted her on the shoulder, then smiled and said, "This big opportunity should have belonged to you, you must cherish it, okay?"

—— [Second more in 2016.4.2, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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