Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1045: Small island

"It doesn't matter," said Guan Heng. "Three elders, please prepare a boat for me and Merty, and we will row by ourselves."

Seeing what they wanted to say about Xia Gan, Guan waved his hand: "Trust us, Merty and I can take care of ourselves."

"Well, I immediately ordered my men to prepare the ship." Xia Gan saw that Guan Heng and Merty had already made a decision, plus that things were imminent, they stopped persuading Guan Heng. They were in a few minutes. Then came a boat.

Guan Heng beckoned to Merty, the two of them rushed to the boat, then quickly waved the paddle and left the shore, heading straight towards the center of the lake.

"Elder Xiagan, they just said that there is an island of more than ten square meters in the center of the lake."

Guan Heng, shaking his paddle, said to Merty: "In the past when there was thick fog, some people faintly heard strange screams on the small island in the center of the lake, but when the fog disappeared, they went to the island to look for it. And found nothing there. "

"Maybe the thing that screams is afraid of being born, and doesn't want to be found by the elves." Merty analyzed it and said, "Let's leave these alone, let's talk on the island."

"Wait a minute first," Guan Heng frowned suddenly, then said to Merty: "Don't scratch, I find that we seem to be spinning in the same place all the time, the fog is too heavy, it is easy to get lost."

"The queen queen, gather the flying insects near the water surface to investigate the direction of the island in the center of the lake." Guan Heng released the queen and immediately ordered: "Then send me the correct position so that we can row the boat over."

"Buzz." The queen slightly vibrated her wings, then summoned a lot of flying insects on the water, and let them rush into the dense fog to find the direction.

After a while, the queen gently touched Guan Heng's forehead and sent back some messages. It was the location of the small island in the center of the lake detected by the flying insects. Guan Heng suddenly found a dark shadow on the island moving slowly. He hurriedly said to Merty: "He found the trace of that guy, let's get over it."

"Okay, let's go." At this time, Merty also heard the voice calling her gradually becoming more and more urgent, and she could not help but pull the oar, and let the boat glide quickly.

But at this time, sudden changes suddenly occurred! A huge black shadow suddenly appeared on the side of the boat. This object was always lurking on the bottom of the water. Merty's oar accidentally hit its back, and immediately made this object burst from the water!

"Boom--wow!" The gigantic waves surged and crashed into a boat, and Merty slammed into the water.

"Merty!" Guan Heng was about to launch into the water to save people at the moment, but the huge monster that just soared suddenly opened his mouth and bit his arm with his fangs. Guan Heng looked at it carefully. Horrifying giant.

"Jack, you get out of me!"

Guan Heng had already covered his eyes with anger at this time, and his single palm was as fierce as a knife and fell into the eyes of the giant crocodile. "Hey!" In the water, my belly floated to the surface within seconds.

At the same time, Merty fell into the water because she took a few sips, her mind was a little fuzzy, and she sank straight down to the bottom of the water. "Grunting ..." A string of blisters suddenly emerged in the water, Merty was confused. At that time, I found that a swift shadow in the oblique spur swam behind him.

"Slap!" The shadow opened his mouth and bit Merty's collar, then quickly moved up the water ...

"Oh!" Merti was suddenly sucked into the fresh air when he was pushed out of the water, panting heavily. At this time, Guan Heng hurriedly reached out his hand on the boat, and dragged her to save her.

"Huh, huh, huh ... brother, something underwater saved me." Merty gasped. "I just don't know who it is."

"Leave it alone." Guan Heng picked up his paddle and paddled. He said, "I don't think the lake is too safe. Let's go to the island first."

A few minutes later, under Guan Heng's strenuous oars, the boat finally rushed to the shore of the small island in the center of the lake.

"Oh!" Guan Heng and Merty jumped onto the ground, and then began to glance around. After a while, Merty shook his head in disappointment: "The voice calling me disappeared, I think it has left this place."

"It's not necessarily." Guan Heng leaned down to look at the ground, he suddenly said: "Look, there are some footprints here."

"Well, this footprint ..." Merty said with a wry smile. "It's too small, it's only half the size of my palm. If it's a green dragon, how can it be so small?"

"Uh, that's what I said." Guan Heng touched his chin and said, "But this footprint is very fresh, it should have just been left, and this small island in the center of the lake is not large, and I haven't found other footprints, which is really strange . "

"Buzz." At this moment, a queen queen in mid-air flew to Guan Heng's shoulder, and then Guan Heng's expression changed.

"Oh!" Guan Heng's figure disappeared in the next moment, and it had already flown behind a large rock between the electric light and flint.

"Sure enough, the queen did not expect it, Merty!" Guan Heng called back. "There is a gap under this rock. There should be a large hole underneath. I want to move the stone, let's go and see."

"Okay, that's it." Merty said and ran over. Guan Heng hugged the huge rock hard, and the sound of squeaking and scratching the ground sounded. The big rock was suddenly moved away for several meters, and a dark hole appeared in front of Guan Heng and Merty.

"Let's go, I'll open the way." Guan Heng said, gathering fire elements in his hand, and using the lighting to see the road, he took Merty into the cave.

The tunnel in this cave is not long. Guan Heng and the two of them have walked for nearly tens of meters and have come to the end. Here is a huge grotto filled with waterside associated plants, Guan Heng and Merty. As you approached lightly, you saw something lying on the water's edge.

The two looked at each other and found out that this was a little dragon covered with green scale armor. The whole body was only over two feet long, the dragon's beak was long, there were a pair of small sharp horns on the forehead, and a pair of wings on its back. At this moment, Xiaolong fluttered his tail and patted him on the water.

"It seems to be it." Guan Heng winked at Merty, which meant that we shot at the same time and caught the little guy. Merty looked at Xiaolong and nodded absently, wondering what she was thinking.

—— [Second more in 2016.4.3, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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