Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1065: Daval (first)

"It's a pouting food," Guan Heng whispered, and then asked, "what then?"

The dragon continued: "After swallowing the flesh of the alien beast, I feel like I haven't changed at all, so I didn't take it to heart. Who knew it for a few months ..."

According to the dragon, after a few months of devouring the flesh and blood of the alien beast, the body gradually changed, and its eyes could see the dead souls of Warcraft, and it could devour the beast souls.

After engulfing the beast soul, the dragon apparently felt that his strength had greatly increased. In the internal competition of the dragon family, it even won the championship in one fell swoop, and was given the title: Daval by the then dragon chief.

Daval, the name in the Dragon language means "the brave and powerful warrior". After that, Daval has swallowed more and more beast souls, and its strength has become stronger and stronger, but ambitions have begun. Got bigger ...

"At that time, I wanted to raise my strength to the highest level, and then I lost my head for a while and went to the idea of ​​playing the dragon tomb."

The dragon Daval laughed bitterly, and continued, "Because I have swallowed too many ordinary beast souls, and the power to grow is insignificant. I think that the most powerful beast souls in this world are the dragon souls of the dragon race. So I wanted to sneak into the tomb of the dragon to devour the souls of those who died. "

Hearing this, Guan Heng murmured holding his shoulders: "Wow, this seems a bit wrong, uh, it's not just wrong, it seems to be a bit mad."

Hearing the ridiculous words of Guan Heng, the dragon Daval whispered, "Oh, you're right, I was really fascinated at that time."

The dragon's tomb was guarded by the four strong dragons at the time. It is said that if they joined forces, even the dragon's patriarch could kill the spot. Of course, Daval did not want to fight with them, so he thought about a trick and secretly opened it. After four guards, they sneaked into the dragon tomb.

Who knows, the four guards guarding the tomb of the dragon are just pretending to be tricks. When Dawal just swallowed a dragon soul in the tomb, the four guards fell from the sky, saw Dawal's heartbroken devouring the dragon soul, and the four guards shot angry. Suddenly Dawal was seriously injured.

After all, Daval was also a rare strong among the dragons. Under the stubborn resistance, he struggled to escape and immediately fled to the sea of ​​fire in Xiqiao. At this time, the patriarch of the dragons chased with anger and brought this Da Waller was stuck in the canyon.

Dawale saw that his life was not safe, so he cried with a snot and a tear, begging the patriarch to raise his hand to save his life for the many contributions he has made to the Dragon for many years.

The patriarch of the Dragon clan couldn't stand Dawa's repeated petitions. In addition, this guy was the nephew of the patriarch. With such a layer of relatives, the patriarch was really difficult to start.

So, the patriarch finally opened a net, tied Daval with a thick iron bucket, and imprisoned him in the cave in the belly of the active volcano. Let the boy meditate, and at this point, Daval was in the cave. After hundreds of years.

"So, is it worth it for you to be chained here?" Hearing here, Guan Heng spread his hands and said with a serious face, "I can't save you any more."

"Please!" Daval screamed with tears in his eyes, and yelled angrily: "I'm exhausting my lips, and my throat is smoking. Do you want to pat your **** and leave? Is it moral?"

"Really, you are a criminal dragon at all. Why should I ask you to release you now?" Guan Heng simply found a stone and sat up and raised Erlang's legs. He said slowly: "When I ask others to do something, at least I think Think about what benefits you can give each other, you know? "

"Uh, after all, you still want to blackmail me," Daval said angrily. "I have been imprisoned here for many years, and I don't have a long body. What do you want?"

"Hehehe, what do I want ..." Guan Heng said, blinking: "Daval, your soul-melting power should be strong?"

"What's the matter?" Dawale saw Guan Heng staring at himself with a sense of indignation, his hair suddenly felt a little hairy, and he whispered, "Are you the idea of ​​hitting my soul-melting power?"

"Hey hey, you're so smart." Guan Hengyin smiled: "Contribute a part of your soul-melting power, I'll break the chain for you, how?"

"Don't be kidding. The soul-melting power has long been inseparable from me. If you want to share a part of it, it will be equal to the death of Ben Long." Daval shook the dragon's head like a flute: "No, no. I would rather not be free than to lose my life. "

"Huh, I didn't say it's necessary now." Guan Heng handed a stand: "So, if you promise to share a part of the soul-melting power for me, after saving you, you will immediately go to the Sun Temple to find the light **** Darakund. At that time, I will ask if there is any way to strip your soul-melting power. If he can't, I will save you for nothing, and no other reward. "

"Is that so?" Daval looked down for a moment, then asked uneasily, "are you telling the truth?"

"Rest assured." Guan Heng patted his chest loudly, he said: "I dare to pack tickets. Among the humans you know, we are the most honest person."

"Well, anyway, this ability to melt souls and beasts has brought me a lot of benefits. It has made me look good, but it has also made me depraved ..." Daval slowly sat in place and said: "Since you are all Carrying out the name of the **** of light, it seems that I cannot refuse, and let the **** of light decide together. "

"Okay, the conditions are settled," Guan Heng stood up and said, "come over and let me see, what's the secret of your chain."

"Bang, bang, bang, bang ..." Guan Heng slashed with the axe of the Berserker for a dozen times, but the chain that tied Daval was just crashing into Mars without moving.

"Huh, what are you looking at?" Guan Heng glanced at the dragon who was smirking, and he said angrily: "You must know that the chain was not cut so easily, but he was watching my joke there."

"You're wrong," Daval said quickly, "I just want you to confirm the strength of the chain yourself, there is no other meaning."

"This **** thing is really strong." Guan Heng asked casually, "You haven't thought about how to break it after wearing these chains for so many years?"

"I have been through countless methods in these hundreds of years, and they are useless," Daval said. "According to the dragon patriarch who caught me and laid down the two iron chains at the time, the iron chains were attached with the highest depth. Dragon mantras and divine power, the general power must surely keep on this chain. "

"Oh, is that so?" Guan Heng lowered his head in thought. "It seems that the ordinary method is not very powerful ..."

—— [2016.4.10 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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