The thing in front of me was lying on the ground and falling asleep. Even if I was lying down, its body was more than ten meters high. This thing gave birth to a pair of large fan-like ears, but the eyes, nose, and mouth were too small. He gave birth to four roomy pillars with thick legs, a three-foot-long tail, and lonely dangled behind, which looked extremely ridiculous.

"My God," Guan Heng murmured to himself in shock. "Is this an animal? Warcraft? Or something else?"

At this moment, the dormant behemoth suddenly shook his head slightly, opened a pair of small green bean-like eyes, and suddenly saw Guan Heng, an uninvited guest. The beast seemed a little panicked, and in the face of Guan Heng, a thunderous roar : "嗷 ——"

"Eh ?! Ahhh! Noisy!" Guan Heng quickly covered his ears, and he shouted angrily: "Mixed ball, why are you so loud?"

The roar of the monster can directly attack the opponent's inner brain, but it has no effect on Guan Heng. At this moment, Guan Heng waved and shouted, "Black Iron Thorns, Binding!"

"Oh!" Seven or eight buckets of thick thorns appeared out of nowhere at once, quickly tangling around the giant beast.

"Patter!" Who knows, the black iron thorns suddenly entangled in an empty space, the beast was like an invisible shadow, and the thorns couldn't hold it at all.

"It turned out to be just a soul!" Guan Heng understood what was going on in an instant: the black iron thorns could only bind physical things. This monster was just an invisible soul, and of course it couldn't hold it.

"But since it's a soul, it's better to deal with it." Guan Hengxi suddenly showed the back of his hand, and the three evil eyes that swallowed the ghost and beast opened in an instant, and the three cold lights flashed fiercely as they burst through the air. On the beast.

"Roar!" The bombarded by the power of the evil eye, the giant monster of the invisible soul uttered a terrible cry, and fell to the side like a mountain. The huge invisible giant in the blink of an eye suddenly shrank and suddenly changed to Only half a person tall.

"Uh ah ... what exactly do you want to do?" The smaller "monster" suddenly covered his head with his big ears, and he couldn't stop backing down to the corner of the stone room, apparently the evil spirit that had been swallowed up by the monster. The eyes were scared.

"Speaking again ?!" Guan Heng smiled, approaching this guy step by step, and asked, "Say, what the **** are you doing here?"

"I should have asked you this question." The big ear opened a seam, and the fellow appeared half-faced. "Here is the palace under the Witch God, why did you break in?"

"I'm here to awaken the sleeping Wraith Halag." Guan Heng said with a grin and did not want to conceal, and then he said again: "Hey, now I'm asking a question, you hurry and say, why do you stay it's here?"

"Huh, you unseen bitch, don't even know me?" Hearing Guan Heng said that he had come to wake up Helag, the little animal was no longer afraid, and he shook his head and said, "I am Her Majesty's exclusive soul beast mount, our name is 'Buller', you can also call me Master Buller ... "

"Mr. Buller?" Guan Heng's face sank, and he hummed, "The little soul beast dares to call himself an adult, I think you are under-flat."

Having said that, Guan Heng shook his fist, and the soul beast Buler immediately panicked and shouted: "Wait, don't be rough, I have something to say, if I hurt you, don't think about it Entered the sleeping hall under the witch god. "

"What do you mean by this?" Guan Heng heard something inexplicably asked here: "Isn't it possible to awaken Helagg if he doesn't get the soul spar in the water pond? Why is there something about you here? ? "

"Stupid, stupid." Boul, the soul beast, said with a grunt, "You can't open the door of the soul when you get the spar of the soul, unless it's me and the spar of the soul. Key. "

"Is that so?" Guan Heng scratched his head and said, "I don't know all these things. Explain it."

"Actually, I was also a soul spar, but my luck was slightly better. A thousand years ago, Her Majesty the Witch God Herrag turned me into a soul beast with my divine power, giving me the ability to speak intelligently and to become His Majesty. Mount. "

The soul beast Buhler said, "Before he fell asleep, His Majesty Helag engraved half of the mantra that opened the dormitory on the spar of the soul, and threw it into the pond. The other half of the mantra was engraved on my stomach. A Katamari spar appears at the gate of the hall at the same time, and the gate will open. "

"Oh, I see." Guan Heng slightly with his jaw, he immediately said to Buhler: "Then you follow me quickly, let's go to the bedroom to prepare to wake up Halag."

"Okay, I'll show the way." The soul beast Buhler swayed, and ran ahead. It shouted, "Follow me."

Guan Heng followed Buller, and it took him a few minutes to reach the gate of the palace palace. Buller stopped at this moment. He turned to Guan Heng and said, "Hurry up and take out the soul spar. I ’ll come and It opens the temple door together. "

Guan Heng nodded his head, took out the soul spar from the space ring, and put it together with the soul beast Buhler. At the same moment, the soul beast and soul spar bloomed at the same time.

"Dangdang!" Just a few seconds later, the door of the dormitory opened suddenly.

"Hey, this is going down." The soul beast Buller shook his head, ran in first, and shouted as he ran: "Hey, hurry up."

"Why are you so anxious?" Guan Heng grabbed the soul spar on the ground. At this moment, he also felt the movement of Qing Huang's residual soul, so he stepped in.

The area in the dorm was not very large. A large bed carved from a single piece of black crystal was placed in the hall, and the witch **** Herrag was lying on it.

He is a strong man in a black robe with a mysterious symbolic pattern painted on his face and body. After looking at Heilag a few times, Guan Heng slowly said, "It's exactly the same as that avatar, which is a long absence. Her Majesty. "

The soul beast Buhler asked at this time: "Do you know how to awaken His Majesty?"

"Well, believe me, I have done the awakening of the Lord four times, and practice makes perfect."

Guan Heng smiled, and quickly put the five-star Divine Soul Armor on her body. I saw the five-star Soul of the Soul Armor, and the four star corners were shining brightly. They suddenly condensed into a huge umbrella-shaped mask, and the sleeping witch **** Herrag was shrouded in it.

After being illuminated by the rays of light, night, beast god, and elf goddess, only a few seconds later, Herrag's eyelids began to tremble slightly. After a few seconds, the witch **** slowly opened his eyes.

—— [2016.4.12 Second update, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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