Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 10736: Gained quite a lot (third more)

"Go on, grab them."

Facing these small soul bodies, the ancient roar was too lazy to do it himself. With a wave of his hand, a few fireclaw ape souls immediately flew up. According to the soul bodies, it was a fat beat and a beating. The other party wailed strangely, and was caught alive within a few breaths.

"Hehehe, the ape souls are in charge of the capture work, and they are getting more and more comfortable."

Looking at the other party throwing the captured soul body into the ethereal toad cauldron, the ancient wild roar nodded with a smile, and the armor king next to him said: "The main reason is that they can now use fire aura. This is the most feared by ordinary soul bodies. That’s why the opponent will never escape under the Fireclaw Ape Soul."

"Well, it is true." The evil worm mother nodded, and then said: "With their helpers, everyone will be much easier..."

"Squeak, squeak!" Upon hearing this, the mutants around the insect mother were a little unhappy. They whispered in a low voice, which meant to say: "Where are we, how about us? There is no credit but also suffering. Please?"

"Okay, well, you guys have worked hard." Seeing their appearance, the insect mother was amused: "Everyone is amazing, but you are the best, right?"


While talking about gossip, two young worms who came back from the path flew up on the opposite side. They whispered to the worm mother and everyone. Hearing the other party’s narration, the evil worm mother’s eyes lit up: "Oh, again. Have found it? So what are you waiting for? Lead the way quickly."


After a few moments, the worm mother followed the colorful fierce beasts to a remote area in the cave. There are three or five huge cave entrances. The golden sting king felt it, and whispered: "Good fellow, every hole There is a lot of spirit and body aura in it, and we will have a bumper harvest right away."

"Hahaha, yes, choose one quickly and rush in to catch the soul body." The king of armor has a look of excitement, his nostrils are spraying rough air, his front hooves are constantly digging the soil and raising dust, shouting loudly.

"Don't worry, now is not the time to rush in."

Hearing it, the evil worm mother shook her head, and then said: "We don't know how many soul bodies are in a few caves, so let's send the fire claw ape soul and dozens of worms to fly in and inside. If your soul body makes a fuss, then the other party will draw out a part, let's see the situation first."

"Okay." Upon hearing this, Guhuang Roar immediately nodded in agreement, and then let the ape souls and some colorful fierce beasts rush towards the entrances of those caves. Just after a few breaths, the crazy beast roar suddenly sounded: "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhha

"Here!" Seeing this scene, King Carapace, Earth Palace Toad, and Ancient Desolate Roar were all extremely excited, eager to try them, "Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhe

Suddenly, the strong wind surging, the fire claw ape soul and the sons flew out of the cave first, and then under the sign of the insect mother and the roar, they soared to the high altitude and waited.

"Chichichi----" In the next instant, hundreds of soul bodies rushed out with the wind, and they appeared at the entrance of the cave aggressively, trying to kill the ape soul and zifu who had just harassed him, but they could not see the other side. Can not help but furious.

Then, the group of souls saw the worm mother and they were waiting at the entrance of the cave, so they immediately flew over, intending to tear each other apart.

"Beast, you are so brave!"

When it was too late, it was fast, and the earth palace toad suddenly turned into a fierce and sturdy body that was two feet high, and then suddenly moved forward in a vertical direction. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

"Boom!" Suddenly, a pair of giant toad webbed claws slammed past the wind, "hiss!" The powerful claws blasted above the group of souls with a rapid speed tearing the air, "Ping-pong-pong!" This force abruptly formed a sonic boom. The shock caused the souls to howl and roll, one by one in a panic.

This is still because they have to capture these soul bodies alive, so the earth palace toads have left seven or eight points of strength, so they are all stunned and sluggish, and they are not fatally injured.


"Gu Lulu-hoo hoo hoo!" In a short time, the earth palace toad let out a sharp roar, the ethereal toad tripod rolled in the air, the tripod's mouth was sucked down sharply, and a large number of soul bodies were taken into the tripod all at once, without any slipping through the net.

"Papa!" The next moment, the earth palace toad landed beside everyone.

Then, it patted the ethereal toad with its webbed claws, and said with a smile, "Great harvest."

"It seems that the soul bodies inside and outside these caves have been attracted, and the only ones remaining are those hiding in the caves. Let's go find them all now."

As the insect mother said, she said to the dozens of colorful fierce worms around her: "You stay at the entrance of the cave and see any souls that escape through the net. Capture them all alive. We will send them back when we come back."

"Squeaky!" Upon hearing this, the sub-clams immediately took action and flew to the edges of several surrounding holes, closely monitoring them.

"Okay, let's enter the cave." After all, the evil worm mother led her companions into the cave in a hurry. The first choice they chose was the cave in the middle. It has the widest area and naturally has the most. prey.

Sure enough, everyone rushed to the middle area of ​​the cave and encountered hundreds of soul bodies wandering here.

"Hahaha, there are so many soul bodies, they belong to us!"

"Da da da, da da da!" As he spoke, King Armor was already flying around his feet, rushing to the middle of the soul body.

It opened its big mouth and said, "Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!) , It is extremely painful.



As soon as the word worm mother was uttered, the ancient roar and the earth palace toad swept over, throwing out a large number of wind blades, spinning sharply around the soul body, and the other party was cut so that the soul body hurts. They were crowded together, taking this opportunity, the big toad collected them with the ethereal toad cauldron.

"Who is there?"



When it was too late, it was fast, the King of Golden Stings shouted, and suddenly threw out more than ten light golden awns, which were all nailed to the rock wall and the ground outside Zhang Yu.


Suddenly, violent screams suddenly appeared, and several grayish-white soul bodies appeared on the ground and rock walls. These guys have the concealment ability to assimilate with the surrounding scenery, but their own soul body aura cannot be concealed, and they are stung by a keen golden sting. Wang Tan found out that only then did he attack the opponent.

"Bang bang bang bang!" In the sparkling fire, the three gray soul bodies penetrated by the light golden light burst to pieces. It was horrible, and the golden sting king realized that the shot was too heavy, so he sighed and said: " It's a pity that it's better to take it back if it is destroyed."

"Chiji, Chichi!"

But at such a time, a few fireclaw ape souls were rushed in the diagonal stabbing. They opened their big mouths, and they kept taking in the gray and white soul fragments as they whirred. The golden sting king smiled: "Haha, I almost took you Forget it, don't waste it, it's all yours, just absorb it."

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