Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 10898: Ancient tortoise Xianwei (fifth more outburst)

"Huh--" It was too late, and then soon, the ancient turtle beast's soul suddenly exhaled a freezing breath, and rushed towards the huge evil spirit that pounced on him.

"Boom!" The huge evil spirit never expected that the other party could release such a sharp attack in the state of the remnant soul. With a subconscious wave of its claw, it immediately blasted the cold air mass away. If so, its spirit body also produced a fall. Bing Yuan's chill shivered subconsciously.

But at this moment, the ancient turtle beast soul is not in love with war, and then rushed towards the cave out of the cave in a panic.

Seeing this scene, the huge evil spirit screamed, and immediately came the spirit. It felt that the opponent was just a silver-like pewter spear head. It only made one move and escaped. Obviously, it can't compete with itself, so take this opportunity to catch the opponent. , Swallow it, taste the long-cherished wish of a thousand years!

There was no doubt that there was a deception, the huge evil spirit immediately chased after the wind, and rushed out of the cave entrance along with the ancient turtle beast soul, and went away.

Guan Heng and the earth palace toad took the opportunity to enter the hole, and the big toad jumped forward while saying: "Master Guan, where do you think the evil spirit can hide the captured soul body?"

"Well..." After pondering for a while, Guan Heng smiled: "There is a way."

As he said, he snapped his fingers and summoned an Ice Evil Tyrant Soul beside him, and asked: "Are you familiar with the aura of the ancient tortoise beast soul? Hurry up and find out if there is a similar existence in this cave. That's part of the soul body that was taken away from the ancient turtle!"

Hearing this, the Ice Evil Tyrant Soul immediately whispered and started flying east and west, tossing up and down, looking for the aura of the ancient turtle beast soul, slamming, the Tyrant Soul quickly flew to the edge of the huge ravine, and then screamed: " Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

"Go, go over and take a look." The moment the voice fell, Guan Heng rushed over with his companions. "Here is a hole blocked by a huge rock."

"Dodge, I'll break it."

"Huh!" In an instant, Guan Heng's fist gathered aura, "Boom!" It was just an understatement, and the huge rock in front of him fell apart into fragments.

"Swish!" It was too late to say, then it was fast, and several screaming spirit bodies suddenly burst out of them, and they rushed towards everyone.

"Hmph, there are still ambushes, but it's a pity, it's all useless rubbish."

"Chichichichi!" As soon as he said this, Guan Heng swiftly flicked his fingers, and several flames immediately penetrated the body of the evil spirit, causing it to burn in the air. Before this group of guys even had time to react, they turned into Ashes.

"Here, here!" Taking advantage of Guan Heng's time to kill the evil spirits, the earth palace toad had plunged into the dark cave, and it immediately screamed when it found the remnant soul of the ancient tortoise at the fastest speed.

"Come here!" Waved his palm to disperse the evil spirit black energy trapping the beast soul, Guan Heng beckoned to it, and the remnant soul felt that he was carrying his own aura, so he flew to Guan Heng's side without hesitation. Leaving here with him.

"Ooooooo!" At this moment, the roaring huge evil spirit rushed from left to right, stupefied that it was unable to break through the encirclement of the ice evil tyrant souls. This guy knew very well that even if the opponent picks one randomly, he can beat himself. There is no way to fight back.

It just doesn't understand, why these powerful enemies in front of them didn't kill itself, but just trapped it.

"Hahaha, ancient turtle, your remnant soul has been found." At this moment, Guan Heng let out a long laugh, and then walked out of the cave entrance. When the ancient turtle beast soul heard this, he immediately flew to Guan. Heng approached, collided with his remnant soul, and immediately merged with each other.

"Woo?!" Seeing this scene, the huge evil spirit suddenly wailed.

This guy finally understands what situation he is in now, and he also knows that once the ancient tortoise beast soul merges with his body, he will find his own revenge. Then there will be so many powerful enemies to help him, and he will only have one end. Died miserably!

"Boom!" In an instant, the ancient tortoise beast soul in the air suddenly released its madness. Its current soul body is much larger than before, or it is in its full body state.

At this time, Gu Guiren squinted at the huge evil spirit not far away, and then let out a dull roar, which meant to say: "Do you want to fight with me again?"

"Roar!" Upon hearing this, the huge evil spirit that was desperate and angry suddenly screamed. It thought that the enemy who was holding the victory at the moment was mocking and insulting itself, so it began to fight.

Who knew that the ancient turtle beast soul whispered to the ice evil tyrant souls, and the other party immediately removed the encirclement and returned to the ancient turtle in an instant.

At this moment, the huge evil spirit realized that the ancient turtle beast soul really wanted to defeat himself personally and earn back the face he had lost years ago. This guy suddenly had a fierce heart and pounced toward the ancient turtle beast soul. Vow to tear the enemy to pieces, as long as you win this game, even death is worth it!

"Huh!" It was too late, and then soon, the ancient tortoise beast soul exhaled cold again, and its breath suddenly turned into countless ice thorns, attacking the evil spirits like lightning. The attack method of the turtle soul is very familiar, and all the ice thorns are shaken away in an instant.


Immediately afterwards, the evil spirit slammed the beast soul with a pair of air claws holding the wind, and the ancient turtle roared, and suddenly swirled his soul body to release the ripples of cold air, "Boom!" The next moment, it turned sharply. The ancient tortoise soul of the wheel finally used this force to hit the evil spirits!

"Boom!" Immediately afterwards, the respondent slammed into the rock wall several feet away, looking very embarrassed!

"Ohhhhhh!" The huge evil spirit that was hit hard was not lightly injured, and immediately roared anxiously and furiously, but at this moment, the ultimate ultimate move of the ancient turtle beast soul was also brewing and accumulating energy.

"Huhuhu!" Gu Gui let out a dull roar, "Whhhhhhh!" The next moment, the ice evil tyrant souls all around gathered together, and then, the ancient turtle beast soul opened his mouth, "Whew! "More than ten Ba souls were all sucked into their mouths by it.

"Hey, what is it going to do?" Seeing this scene, the earth palace toad said a little puzzled.

"It's probably because Gu Turtle understood the joint tricks with the Tyrant Soul. Let's just watch the excitement." Guan Heng said with a smile.

"Buzzing!" In the blink of an eye, the ancient tortoise soul's mouth made a weird noise, and then, a huge ice ball appeared in front of its mouth, and it continued to spin and grow...

"Uh, the power of this thing is not small." Seeing this thing, even Guan Heng was a little moved, he said: "Hey, toad, let's take a few steps back, this place will soon be over."


"Don't talk nonsense, let's go!" As he said, before the earth palace toad had any reaction, Guan Heng suddenly grabbed the necks of it and Zhu Teng Manchu, and instantly retreated back.

"Huh!" It was too late to say, then soon, the ancient tortoise beast's soul suddenly squirted the ice ball out of its mouth, and this wild and incomparable blow hit the front of the huge evil spirit embedded in the rock wall!

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