Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 10909: Companion meeting (first shift)

"You guys are obviously playing tricks on me!" King Jia Yao made a big noise in front of other companions at this time: "You all ate the fruit, but I didn't eat it. This is unfair!"

"Isn't it just a fruit? Are you so hysterical?"

At this time, the Mandrill shrugged nonchalantly, took out a piece of fruit and threw it to the other party: "Hey, I have prepared it for you a long time ago. You are running too slowly. I told you earlier, as long as we can catch up. You still don’t believe it."

"Huh." Hearing this, King Carapace snorted coldly. It only cared about chewing the delicious and sweet fruit, so it didn't continue to entangle the opponent with its teeth.

"Hey, let me see what fruit trees are." Gu Sang Nu was very interested in these spiritual plants, so she said.

"it's here."

"Wow!" said the one-horned ice dragon, while loosening the fruit trees wrapped by the tail and stacking them in front of the ancient sang girl.

"Hey, the fruit of this fruit tree is very good, it is worthy of careful cultivation."

As soon as she saw the tree, the ancient sang girl happily said: "You are doing a good job. You know that the roots and stems of the fruit trees are protected with the wood mysterious spirit, so their vitality is still very strong, so let's wait until Guan Heng and the earth palace toad come back. I immediately transplanted the fruit tree into the Toad Ding Space."

"Great." Mandrill smiled: "We finally didn't have to work in vain."

"Hey, the fruit tree was found by the old monkey, and I brought it back." The one-horned ice glider gave the mandrill a slanted look, and then said: "I don't remember what force you did."

"Hey, White Loach, you are too stingy." The Mandrill shouted noisily: "We buddies have been in friendship for so many years. Your credit is my credit, and my credit is still my credit. Don't divide it so carefully. Well."

"Bah, you know you are taking advantage of Master Jiao." The one-horned Ice Jiao smiled and cursed at the other side.

At this moment, An Yan said, "Hey, why hasn't the eldest brother here yet? We have been waiting for a long time."

"Hi, it's okay, I guess Guan Heng will be here soon." Xiaoxin said nonchalantly at this time: "Don't worry, he never delayed meeting us because of being late."

"Well, it's true." An Yan nodded. At this moment, the Frosty-browed Gu donkey who was next to her approached her and yelled "Ah ah ah ah" at her.

"Why, want to eat snacks again? You are really a glutton who can't eat enough." Hearing this, the ancient donkey grinned and rubbed Anyan's palm with his cheek to show his intimacy.

"Okay, let's give it to you." An Yan was the most softhearted, so he took out a piece of preserved fruit, broke the half and handed it to the ancient donkey in front of him.

"Hey!" It was too late to say, then soon, the Baojia dry turtle next to it flew up, opened his mouth and gently and skillfully took half of the preserved fruit from her hand.

"Oh, you little thief, how can you do this? Give it back to me quickly."

As he said, An Yan stomped his feet and looked a little angry. Who knew that Baojia Dry Turtle ignored her words, and suddenly rushed to a flat rock, and then faced the stubborn stone scorpion, the white-bearded mud cockroach, and the Chijing Mountain. The ointment and the little green coccidia shook their paws and motioned for everyone to surround themselves.

"Sizzle, sizzle..." Seeing the comrades running over, the dry turtle carefully tore the half of the candied fruit it grabbed into equal parts, and then pushed it in front of everyone, indicating that there is a blessing to share, these guys hurry up Swallowed the preserved fruit in front of him.

"Hey, the temper of the dry turtle has changed?" Seeing this, An Yan said in surprise: "If this is before the change, it will eat everything it grabs."

"Hmph, in my opinion, this guy has become more cunning." Ruotao pointed at the dry turtle and said with a smile: "It uses a small amount of food to'buy people's hearts'. Everyone eats it softly. What did this guy commit in the future? Wrong, don't everyone have to protect it?"

"Huh? It seems to be the truth."

"Unexpectedly, the dry turtle is a scheming treasure."

"Huh, it's too cunning." At this time, Xianxin deliberately said with a straight face: "In order to punish you, I decided to deduct one-third of your snacks as a punishment!"

"Woo woo woo -" Hearing this, the dry turtle whined, turned over on the flat stone, and slumped on its back, meaning: "If you want to kill, you need to pluck it. Just listen to it!"

"Little rascal!" Seeing its funny appearance, Xiao Xin was amused and laughed, and then said: "Okay, okay, as long as you continue to please my sister, snacks are indispensable for you in the future."

"Woo, woo!" After hearing these words, Baojia Dry Turtle immediately got up and yelled twice with a flattering face.

"This guy is starting to figure out our minds, isn't it a bit scary?" Ruotao opened his mouth with a grin.

"What are you afraid of? What bad thoughts can this little guy have? Just want to cheat more snacks."

Qing Huang shrugged and smiled: "In fact, as long as they want, we don't hesitate to give it. Anyway, there is no shortage of that. But in order not to encourage their habit of getting something for nothing, this makes it difficult for the little guys. Very interesting."

"Yes, yes, make the baby happy, by the way, I am also happy." Gu Sangnu smiled and said, "That's it."

"Hahaha—" When they heard this, everyone immediately laughed happily.

"Hey, what is so happy? Tell me about it." At this moment, Guan Heng's voice sounded.

"A Heng, you are finally here." Hearing his voice, Qing Huang quickly turned around to say hello, but saw Zhu Teng's man foolishly approaching him, Qing Huang immediately smiled and stretched out his hand to touch it. Forehead, asked: "Who is this?"

"It's a man." Guan Heng stepped forward and casually explained the origin of each other to Qing Huang and his companions, and asked about each person's experience after the separation.

"Ha ha ha, Shuang Mei Gu Lian, Zhu Teng Man Zong, you two seem to be in good harmony." When Xian Xin saw the old donkey and Man Zong coming together, they touched each other's foreheads, and then rubbed each other. Cheeks seemed to be saying hello, and then the two guys got acquainted.

At this moment, Xianxin and Guan Heng were talking about what happened after the separation, and then said: "We have searched almost the first half of the cave, and now there is only the second half of the area. What do you think?"

"Then continue searching."

Guan Heng said: "Along the way, the first half of the situation is basically clear, that is, there are no living entities. Ancient donkeys and barbarians are all anomalies. This is the only way to survive. The main part of this place.' A product' is an evil spirit."

"Next, let's see what's in the second half."

"Well, what I said is, let's go." Xiao Xin said, waved his hand and said: "Gu Lv, come here."


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