Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 10931: Giant clam wakes up (third more)

"Swish!" But when the two little girls screamed and everyone had not had time to react, the thing suddenly spit out a long tongue, wrapped Xiao Hei's waist, sent it out of the water, and placed it lightly. On flat ground.

"Hey?!" Xiao Hei scratched his head at this time, muttering to himself: "Is this out?"

"Huh!" At the same time, the other party wrapped her long tongue around her waist and sent her to Xiao Hei's side. "Look, it's a giant blue-patterned clam!" Ruotao shouted, pointing to the water at this time.

"Wow!" Probably because her voice was too loud, the giant clam hurriedly retracted its head and body into the water and did not dare to come out.

"Hey, what a coward." Ruotao was a little surprised, and then said: "I don't even think how loud my voice is, I actually scared it stupid."

"Hehehe, your voice is really loud." Gu Sangnu sneered beside him: "Sometimes I have to plug my ears."

"You are talking nonsense!" Ruotao stomped her feet with anger.

"Well, little girl ghost, lower your voice temporarily."

Guan Heng shook her index finger at this time, Ruo Tao had to nod her head. At this moment, the Shui Xuan spirit beast suddenly flew to the top of the ice pool and made a steep turn, then said: "It seems that it is soaking in the pure spiritual energy. In the water, they are all out of suspended animation, which is not bad."

"Hey, who of you come over to talk back?" Shui Xuan spirit beast yelled at this time, but the blue-patterned giant clams were still a little scared, and they all shrank to the corner of the pool, not daring to speak out.

The Shui Xuan spirit beast looked a little angry: "These stupid giant clams, the little master took a lot of effort to rescue you, you are good, not observing orders, ungrateful, do you want to **** me off?"

It yelled so fiercely, the giant clams became more and more afraid to cower, Guan Heng said, "After you have gone through Xiaoshuishui, you should come back first, and don’t let them communicate honestly with us later. You might Two of these guys were scared to death."

"Eh?!" After hearing this, Shui Xuan Ling Beast's mouth moved a few times, and finally he sighed: "Oh, you are right, these blue-patterned giant clams are full of cowards, I am out of luck. ."

"You have worked hard, these profound auras are for you, take it and eat it."

"Thank you, thank you very much." After receiving the "reward" that Guan Heng handed up, the Shui Xuan spirit beast flew back to the top of the armor king's head with great guts.

At this moment, Tu Gongchan said, "Master Guan, I want to communicate with these guys. After all, everyone looks similar. They should not be wary or hostile to me."

"Well, this makes sense. You can ask the giant blue clams what they need to eat. If we have it, we can provide it to them. This will facilitate communication and understanding."

"Understood, I will go now." Hearing this, the earth palace toad nodded, and suddenly jumped into the pool water. Giant clam close up.

At first, those guys were a little scared when they saw strangers, and wanted to rush away and escape.

But the earth palace toad made a few screams of "croaking, croaking". Hearing this familiar voice, the giant clams were refreshed and immediately stopped running away, and instead gathered towards the big toad.

"Very good, let's have a chat with brothers."

Seeing this, the earth palace toad was very happy and communicated with the giant clams. It didn't take long for it to swim to the edge of the pool with a whole group of giant clams, "Wow!" Gong Toad has flew up to everyone.

"Toad, what do these giant clams say?"

"Master Guan, they all know that everyone saved themselves and they are very grateful." Tu Gongchan explained at this time: "Otherwise, Zhenwen and Xiao Hei fell into the water just now, and they would not immediately rescue these two ashore. But I just woke up, I was a little scared."

"Hey, everyone come up to say hello." As he said, the earth palace toad waved its webbed claws, and those blue-patterned giant clams were really obedient, and they quickly jumped to the shore one by one, shouting at everyone: " Guckoo!"

"Haha, take a closer look, these giant clams are still pretty cute." The girls said with a smile. Xiao Hei pointed to one of the blue-patterned giant clams with round spots on its face and shouted, "Hey, I recognize it. It was the one who saved me and Zhenwen ashore. Thank you."

As she said, she walked up to the giant clam, pinched the other's cheek with her hand, and smiled: "It's soft and slippery, it's fun."

"Cuckoo!" The blue-patterned giant clams also yelled, looking very happy. It can be seen that once they get acquainted with everyone, their timid character will be relieved. Xiao Hei smiled and took out a piece of dried fruit and handed it to him: "Here, please eat it."

"Huh!" Xiao Hei only felt cold in her hands, and the fruit disappeared instantly. She widened her eyes and whispered: "Wow, when did you eat it? I didn't even see it. It's fast."

"It seems a bit interesting, so I can show it to me." Ruotao stepped forward, took out a spirit fruit, and said with a smile: "This time, let's play in slow motion, let us see clearly."

"Guckling." Upon hearing this, the blue-patterned giant clam nodded, then opened its mouth, sticking out its tongue, and suddenly wrapped around the fruit, and then dragged it into its own mouth in one go, but it could slow down its movements. , So everyone sees it very clearly.

"Papa!" Everyone applauded and laughed: "Okay, okay, it's wonderful, the performance is good."

While the girls were eating and teasing the other giant blue clams, the earth palace toad brought one of them to Guan Heng and said, "Master Guan, this guy has something to tell you."

"Hehehe, I knew something was going on, let's talk about it." Guan Heng said with a slight smile.

Immediately afterwards, this giant clam said a lot about "cuckling", because they had absorbed the water aura in the pool before, and those were all released by Guan Heng, so now the blue-veined giant clam opens its mouth, and Guan Heng basically Can understand.

Therefore, he said: "You mean, there are other companions in suspended animation nearby?" The giant clam nodded hurriedly when he saw Guan Heng understand what he meant.

Guan Heng asked, "Do you know where they are?"

Hearing this, the blue-patterned giant clam shook his head, but the earth palace toad said, "Master Guan, it’s okay. We all know the aura of the giant clam. Just send the wood spirit wisdom eye, the snakehead corpse dog, and the little earth toad clone to look for it. , Don’t worry about not finding them."

"Well, that's true, let's look for it." Guan Heng glanced at the other giant clams who were playing hard with the girls, and then said to the earth palace toad in front of him: "Let's also look for it, the sooner The better you meet each other."

"Yes, Lord Guan, what you said makes sense." Tu Gongchan nodded repeatedly and expressed his approval. Just like that, the two of them gave other companions a few words, and then took the evil worm mother to the front.

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