Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11003: Evil Nemesis (Fifth Outbreak)

When he said this, Guan Heng walked while observing the movement in front of him. Suddenly, a small earth toad leading the way stopped in front of him, then twisted his hair and whispered. Seeing this scene, Tu Gongchan whispered: "Master Guan, 80% of the evil spirits in front have already appeared. Do you want to do it?"

"Yeah, you can." Guan Heng agreed, and then said: "If it's just sporadic evil spirits and not a large group, then do it quickly, and don't let the other party scream, insect mother, you take the golden sting king and roaring up to help. The little earth toad completes the raid."

"Yes, master."

With a promise, the evil worm mother led her companions to rush forward. At the same time, the little earth toads had already encountered seven or eight leader-level evil spirits. The other party felt that the little earth toad exudes pure aura, almost all beautiful. Crazy, thinking that this is fat meat delivered to the door, don’t eat for nothing, don’t eat it.


There is also a reason why they are silent. If they howl at this time, it is equivalent to calling their friends over to enjoy a meal, but the evil spirits are not so kind. They would rather devour their prey than share it with others!

However, it is precisely because of this selfish behavior that the evil spirits embark on a path of destruction.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi!"


Between the electric light and flint, many small earth toads attacked first, spitting out large mud bombs at the evil spirits.

"Ping pong pong!"



The evil spirits are arrogant and ignorant. Wherever they would put these attacks in their eyes, they only saw them brandishing their claws, smashing countless mud bombs abruptly, and feeling that these attacks had no strength, they suddenly howled, which was a sneer. Little Earth Toad's reckless offense was helpless with them.

But at the next moment, a sudden change occurred!

"Huh! Plop!" In an instant, two evil spirits suddenly felt that their spirit bodies were as heavy as a mountain.

At the same time, the rest of the evil spirits felt that they were getting heavier and heavier, and they couldn't control this power at all, and then fell to the ground one by one. The insect mother and the golden sting king immediately released the giant net of spiritual energy, preventing these from being able to escape. Unlucky guy who couldn't even make a sound caught it.

"Hahaha, stupid thing, you smashed the mud bombs condensed by Earth Profound Aura. From that time on, you were covered by Earth Profound Aura. As a result, you could not get rid of the **** of the ground, so you could only fall down obediently." At this time, he grinned his mouth wide and said with a smile.

"Okay, Toad, don't talk nonsense with those stupid things, let's keep going."

"Yes, Lord Guan." The big toad nodded and then raised his voice: "Then I will lead the way with the little earth toads, everyone, please!"

"Suddenly—whoop—" As soon as these words were uttered, toads and toads all jumped forward. After a while, everyone ran into the second group of leader-level evil spirits.

"I have to say that the quality of the evil spirits encountered in this underground area is much higher than before." Xiaoxin said at this time: "Grasping such a large amount, I think it will be able to extract a lot of soul power from the soul recovery urn. Up."

"That's that, it's a good harvest." Ruotao just said this with a smile, but found that the ancient sang girl beside her was standing still, seeming to be observing something, so she stretched out her hand and patted the other person on the shoulder and asked loudly, "Hey, Sangsang, what are you doing?"

"Eh? You are dead!" The girl Gu Sang who was taken aback immediately recovered her senses. She cursed angrily, then tugged her sleeves, and whispered, "Look at those evil spirits." , Isn't it a little weird?"

"What's wrong? I can't tell." Ruotao tilted her head and squinted her eyes, then muttered: "If there is something wrong, I think the state of these evil spirits seems to be a little worse."

"Hahaha, that's it." Guan Heng smiled: "The little girl ghost has a good vision. The state of this group of evil spirits is really bad, as if someone had just cleaned it up."

"Hey?!" Upon hearing this, Qing Huang and Xianxin said in unison: "Listening to you, it seems to be the case."

"Brother Guan, why are these evil spirits so embarrassed?" Zhenwen asked at this moment, pointing to those evil spirits who were afraid to get close to Little Earth Toad and Earth Palace Toad. Guan Heng said: "In fact, it is easy to guess. Think about it, where have we been just now?"

"I remember!" Suddenly, Zhenwen also reacted, and she raised her voice: "You said before, the guy who fought fiercely with many evil spirits, can it also get rid of these evil spirits?"

"Is it right? Let's investigate it right away."

As Guan Heng said, he immediately issued an order: "Toad, insect mother, capture all of these guys alive, don't leave one behind, a ghost, you can search for the soul and memory of the captured evil spirits, and collect as much information as possible. "

"Wow!" As soon as he said this, the big ghost appeared immediately, waiting for him.


At the same time, the embarrassed evil spirits realized that there was no hope if they didn’t run away, so they all picked up the wind and tried to flee, but the prey that had been targeted by the earth palace toad and the insect mother also had What hope of escape? The answer is-no!

"Huhuhu!" In a moment, a thick earth mysterious aura burst out, and the earth palace toad roared suddenly: "It's now, let's do it!"


After hearing this, the evil worm mother Huo Ran flew forward and released countless fiery filaments that were woven into a net, and then engulfed all the evil spirits like lightning. The fiery net raged with high temperature and burned the evil spirits. They couldn't break free, even unable to make a scream, so they lost consciousness.

Immediately afterwards, the worm mother collected the big net and returned to the big ghost in a thunderous manner. The other party stretched out her claws to clasp the two evil spirits and stuffed them into her mouth smoothly, and began to search for the soul. Remembrance's work.

After a few breaths, the big ghost passed the news he got to Guan Heng. After combing through the information a little bit, he got a general idea, and then nodded: "Well, I understand. Thanks for your hard work. Go and rest. ."

After hearing this, the big ghost slowly disappeared, and Qing Huang asked, "How is it, do those evil spirits know the origin of cleaning up their powerful enemy?"

"I only know that the other party is a very powerful ancient beast soul, and that the other party is not just as simple as an ordinary beast soul."

Guan Heng touched his chin at this time, and said casually: "According to the information provided by the memories of these evil spirits, it is said that this ancient beast soul seemed to have been taken away by the leaders of the evil spirits before, so I hate them very much, see Kill it when you reach the body of the evil spirit."

"It seems that the ancient beast soul came to the door this time, it seems that they are planning to fight the opponent, and then take their own things back."

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