Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1101: Encounter (first)

"Wow!" Zuo Wei opened a table to fall to the ground at this moment, she also flattened her mouth and said, "Yes, not even a Holy Light Stone, eh."

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ..." Guan Heng suddenly raised his index finger, and then said softly to Zuo Wei, "There seems to be movement outside the door, hide first to see the situation."

After saying this, Guan Heng waved his hand to the corpse general, who immediately followed him to hide in the corner behind the door, while Zuo Wei slipped under the veil of the idol table, completely hiding her figure.

"Squeak--" Within a few seconds, the door was pushed open, and someone took a brisk footstep. The man walked to a table and threw a lot of things in his arms on the table.

"Ha ha ha, what a bumper harvest." It was a boy with a long figure, who was a good-looking man, but he was a little bit angry.

This man was seventeen or eight years old. He was wearing a magic robe that was designed for magicians, and a staff was inserted obliquely into the belt.

"Gem, gold and silver utensils, and two half-used storage belts, this time is really rich."

This boy chuckled and counted the things on the table: "It's really time to thank the dragons who came to attack the city. Because of their appearance, I can find these good things in the houses and churches. Anyway, everyone is busy running away, these things If it is abandoned, it will be wasted. I better keep it, hehe hehe. "

"It turned out to be just a thief robbed in the fire." At this time, Guan Heng came out from the corner behind the door, and he shouted, "Zou Wei, come out, there should be no danger."

"Uh ?!" The young kid saw Guan Heng and General Corpse stepping out, and suddenly shook his neck. At this time, he slammed behind him. It turned out that Zuo Wei had overturned the table and got up from there.

"You, who are you?" The young wizard asked timidly, "what do you want?" "Well, you are just a little thief, why should you ask us?" Zuo Wei said coldly, with her hips folded. It's shameless to steal things everywhere while everyone is escaping. "

"Dead girl, who do you say is a thief? My Borui isn't that kind of person at all." The young magician exclaimed in a desperate mood: "I'm just in an empty house, 'coincidentally picked up' these things, Not stealing. "

"Stealing is stealing, what are you arguing about?" Zuo Wei poked her lips, looked disdainfully, and slanted the other side. She was about to say something more scornful, but was interrupted by Guan Heng.

"Boy, it seems that you have searched a lot of good things in the nearby church." Guan Heng asked, "Is there a Holy Light?"

"What sacred light? I don't know what you're talking about." Upon hearing this, Borui immediately denied that his eyes were twitching, and he didn't know what tricks he was thinking about.

"Well, don't you want to tell the truth?" Guan Heng said, reaching for the storage belt on the table, and he said, "I'll have to search it."

"Don't think about it, those things are mine." There was a sudden flash of light in Borui's eyes, and he yanked out his staff and yelled at Guan Heng roar: "Elementary Freezing Spell!"

"Uh-huh!" From this moment, starting from the tip of the finger that Guan Heng stretched towards the storage belt, a violent chill swept across Guan Heng's body, and he was completely frozen in an instant.

"Hahaha, dare to look down on me?" Borui smiled smugly: "I'm a disciple of the Ice Goddess of the Elemental Goddess Church. It's so easy to set you right."

"Ah ?! Brother Guan Heng ..." Seeing this situation, Zowei was startled, and she pulled out her priest's staff with his backhand and was about to fight the opponent.

"Hey, don't be impulsive," Borui immediately shouted, "I don't fight with girls."

"Huh, this is also a freeze spell?" A steady voice sounded suddenly, hitting Borui's head like a thunder, suddenly scared him to move.

I only heard a series of sounds of clicking and rattling, and the frozen layer of ice that had frozen Guan Huan had been broken into powdery ice powder in an instant.

At this moment, Guan Heng shook his head and said, "What the **** is it, it scares me, but it has no power."

"Wow, Brother Guan Heng, you are so good." Zuo Wei cried out, "It can even unblock the frozen freeze spell automatically. You know, even the primary ice spell can freeze the rolled waves instantly."

"It's not me." Guan Heng glanced at the frightened Borui, and then said to Zuo Wei, "It's really the kid's freeze spell is too weak, the ice layer that freezes me is less than half a centimeter thick, don't Say it is me, even if you sneeze, you can shatter it. "

"It's too hurting for you to speak like this." Borui dropped his wand down in dismay. "I know I don't have any magical talents, and I don't even have the right to fight with others ..."

Guan Heng didn't notice what Borui was muttering. He just picked up the storage belt on the table and released his energy to check the contents.

"Ah, good luck, this belt is like a holy light stone, and there are hundreds of pieces less." Guan Heng smiled, took out a piece and threw it to Zuo Wei: "Look if this kind of thing?"

"That's right, this is the Holy Light Stone." Zuo Wei cried cheerfully: "Great, now we can leave the city of Saiting."

"Uh? What are you talking about?" After hearing Zuo Wei's words, Borui suddenly moved in his heart, he said in a hurry: "Hey, you have a way to leave this city surrounded by dragons ?!"

"Yeah, we do know how to leave." Guan Heng said without hesitation, without any concealment. Zuo Wei was anxious at this time: "Brother Guan Heng, why tell this little thief? That's ours. secret!"

"Don't say that, Zuo Wei." Guan Heng smiled. "This kid is just a guy who went to the house to pick up things, and said that he is a thief, it is considered to elevate his identity. Besides, these holy light stones are originally him. What I found, with some concealment, seemed a bit unethical. "

"By the way, what's your name?" After hearing Guan Heng's inquiries, the other party quickly answered: "My name is Borui, this elder brother, if you know how to escape from here, take me with you, me, I have given you all these treasures. "

"I don't have much interest in your treasure, but these two storage belts can barely be accepted ..." Guan Henggang just took things in his hand and heard a loud scream: "Oh, oh ... Ahhh- "

"Not quite right, go out and see." Guan Heng beckoned to the corpse general, both of them rushed out of the door first. At this time, on the street outside the door, there were several fierce slaves of the Terran Anti-Magic Alliance soldiers. .

"Bang!" A slave that resembled a red-eyed bull slammed a soldier fiercely. "Uh-huh!" The soldier sprayed blood mist, his bones were broken when he flew out, and he lost his breath in a blink of an eye.

—— [2016.4.22 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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