Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1103: Quartermaster Warehouse (third)

"There will always be a way ..." Okan just said bitingly, and saw a dark green-skinned birch dragon gliding suddenly in the air. This is a hybrid yalong breed that can fly in the air. I don't know which dragon was born after the overthrow of some Lizards, strange birds and other Warcraft.

The bi-saurian dragon is cunning. Although it is not as powerful as other sub-dragons, it is very fond of sneak attacks on the enemy and unexpectedly reveals its minions.

"Oh!" The birch dragon dropped suddenly, biting Okan's shoulder with his big mouth. "Uh ah ah-it hurts!" Okan was suffering, and a backhand spear stabbed at the belly of the birch dragon. Who knew that this sly thing would hit with a blow, and immediately fluttered away, Okan's The spear emptied, and the wound on the shoulder immediately bleed!

"Want to run if you are hurt? Go to yours." "Whew!" Guan Heng threw out the sword of the moon in his palm in a rage, and the sword immediately turned into a shock and a stroke. After the lizard's body, the guy screamed and fell a few meters away in front of him.

"This birch dragon ... maybe you can use it!" Guan Heng turned his head and suddenly thought of a way, he shouted: "Wait here for me."

Having said that, Guan Heng tiptoed, and rushed away towards the injured birch dragon.

"Hey, what do you want to do?" Okan hadn't asked yet, and Guan Heng had already run away.

It was said that time later, Guan Heng rushed to the lizard near him at a rapid speed. The guy just scratched the skin with the sword, and suffered minor injuries. It was not a big deal. Guan Heng illuminated the head of the prospective lizard. Just a punch: "Bang!"

"Boom!" Under the severe pain, the bi-saurian dragon turned dizzy, and Guan Heng followed with a few punches, making it scream.

"Have me be honest." Guan Heng shook his fist in front of the birch dragon. He looked around. Just a few meters away there was a horse with a crippled dragon. Guan Heng dragged the dragon and walked over, tearing the reins On the dragon head ...

"Drink—" Okan's spear stabbed another slave, but he only heard a snapping sound, the spear broke off, and Okan sat tired on the ground. Several monsters howled and pounced, and Okan closed his eyes in despair: "It's over."

"Quack!" An unpleasant hissing sounded suddenly in the air, and then Guan Heng shouted: "Hey, grab my hand."

"Uh?" Okan opened his eyes in surprise, at this moment the gliding birch dragon swept across him, took Okan's arm and carried him to the back of the dragon.

"My God, did you tame a dragon?" Okan yelled in panic: "How did you do that?"

"Honestly, I don't know too well." Guan Heng's tone was also a little doubtful. He just struck the birch dragon severely just now, trying to force it to be his own mount, but this lizard also Quite stubborn, despite being beaten up by Guan Heng, he was unwilling to yield.

Guan Heng was so angry that who knew that the dragon's breath in his heart suddenly beat, and the expression of the bi-saurian dragon immediately changed.

I don't know if it is because of Guan Heng's character that the birch dragon's face suddenly showed a frightened look. It was so embarrassed that it didn't dare to lift its head.

Recalling the scene at the time, Guan Heng felt a little inexplicable, but he had no time to think about it, riding the birch dragon in an emergency, and took Okan to quickly get away.

"Mr. Guan Heng, let this dragon fly to the left," Okan called out, "the quarterhouse is over there."

"Slap!" Guan Heng slapped the head of the lizard dragon, and then said angrily: "Have you heard? Hurry and fly there, if you dare to slow down, I won't take care of you!"

"Yeah." The birch dragon promised flatteringly. God knows that Yalong, who was quite arrogant just now, has become a good dog now.

The distance of a few kilometers is not too far for the winged travelling tool, and the birch dragon has flew to the door of that huge military depot in a blink of an eye.

"Oh, oh-slap!" Guan Heng and Okan landed on the ground at the same time. At this time, Guan Heng didn't care if the birch dragon would run away. He turned to Okan and said, "The key to open the warehouse door? ? "

"Here I am, I'll drive it ... Ahhhhh!" Okan groaned around Zhou's pockets, and suddenly cried with a sad face: "I don't know where the key fell, it's a disaster now."

"Hmm ..." He glanced at the wide metal door of the warehouse, and sighed with a sigh of relief, "I'm wondering, you master, how can you give such an important task to you guy?"

Okan looked reddish, and said, "Because ... because I am the nephew of Lord Mori."

"Is there an entrance near the warehouse?" Guan Heng said. "Like windows, vents and sewers."

"Yes, there is a ventilation duct on the side, but it is very narrow." Okan patted his swollen fat belly and said a little embarrassed, "I must not get in."

"Forget it, let me go in." Guan Heng shook his head helplessly and asked: "Where are the three dragon-destroying weapons?"

"Er, in the small closet at the end of the warehouse, there is a moving organ door, and a box containing weapons is in it." Okan said, "What should I do after you enter?"

"Find a place to hide safely, and call you when I get out." Guan Heng dropped this sentence, and ran to the side of the warehouse, then climbed to the vent a few times, broke the lid with one punch, and slipped Got in.

The air duct was full of dust and spider webs. He was so frightened that he wanted to cough, but he couldn't care so much. He used his hands and feet to move inside, and it took him a few minutes to reach the end of the other side.

"Dang!" Turned the vent cover to the ground, and Guan Heng jumped immediately.

There were swords and guns in the warehouse, armors and shields were piled up everywhere, and Guanheng murmured, "There are a lot of things, but unfortunately they are rusted and moldy here."

Guan Heng walked forward all the way, at this time he remembered that his sword of the Moon Guard was lost. Just when he flew and dropped the birch dragon, the sword did not know where to fly, so Guan Heng casually He took a sword from the weapon rack and carried it to his waist.

"Squeak--" Guan Heng, who came to the end of the warehouse, reached out and pushed the door of the small secret room. He looked around and quickly found the door of the moving organ. He shook his head uncontrollably: "This Okan doesn't make it clear."

—— [The third change of 2016.4.22, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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