Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11084: Search (first update)

"Really?" After hearing this, Ruo Tao looked at the guy and said casually: "A mouse-shaped mine spirit, it's so rare."

"That said, the mine spirits we encountered before were either pythons or giant beasts. Such small and exquisite ones are indeed rare."

As she said, Xiaoxin reached out and touched the forehead of the "Mining Jade Mouse". It seemed that the princess's slender fingers made the Jade Mouse feel very comfortable, so she didn't mean to resist and evade.

Guan Heng looked at the mine spirit jade mouse, and said, "Maybe we can use this guy to find the mine where it was born and investigate it. Maybe there will be a big harvest."

"Agree." After hearing this, the girls raised their hands in agreement, but after hearing everyone's screams, the Mining Jade Rat became timid, and suddenly shrank his neck, a little frightened.

Guan Heng immediately took out a spiritual brick, broke it off a little, and handed it to it: "Hey, taste this, something that contains aura of earth, you kind of mine spirits will definitely like it."

"Squeaky, squeaky!" After receiving the fragments of the spirit brick, the miner jade mouse sniffed first, and hesitated to eat it, but the taste of the spirit was too tempting, and it finally couldn't help but sip Chew with a small bite.

"Hehehe, cheeks are bulging when eating, so cute."

"That's right, this mine spirit jade mouse is also very interesting." When the girls were talking about it, Guan Heng hooked his finger to the mine spirit jade mouse eating the broken pieces of spiritual bricks: "Come here, come here."

The mouth was short, and Guan Heng's palm exuded the aura of earth spirits. Without hesitation, the jade mouse rushed to him and jumped into Guan Heng's palm, greedily absorbing the aura.

"Hey, where were you born, can you take us there?" Guan Heng said with a smile at this time, with a tempting tone: "If you can take us there, there will be a lot more delicious."

After hearing this, the Mining Jade Mouse completely succumbed, and nodded at Guan Heng Lian, before Guan Heng immediately said, "Then you will lead the way."

"Hey!" The mine spirit jade mouse immediately jumped to the ground, but was stopped by the Baojia dry turtle. The dry turtle was staring at the half of the brick that the little jade mouse had grasped. Looks a little scared.

At this time, Xianxin said: "Dry turtle, don't bully it, otherwise my sister will be angry."

But before the voice of Coriander fell, the dry turtle snatched half of the spirit brick from the opponent's paw, and the mine spirit jade mouse was almost crying in terror, and everyone was surprised.

But the next moment, Baojia Dry Turtle broke off the brick and threw a small piece into his mouth, and then returned the rest to the jade mouse, and then patted the opponent's forehead again, and whimpered a few times.

The dry turtle means that you "please" me to share the food, we will be buddies in the future, and I will cover you!

At this moment, not to mention that the Mining Jade Mouse was dumbfounded and at a loss, even Guan Heng and the girls were a little surprised.

Guan Heng smiled bitterly until after two or two breaths, "Although this fellow has changed the problem of bullying others and grabbing food, but this method of making new friends is too tough, right?"

"Hahaha, it's interesting."

"Forget it, don't care, this is the dry turtle method, we don't need to be too confused, just show our support."

The girls were discussing with each other, but they were not surprised. At this moment, Baojia Dry Turtle whispered at the Mining Jade Mouse, and the other party nodded immediately, and then rushed to the front, Guan Heng waved his hand: "Don't be stunned, just keep up."


After a while, everyone followed the mine spirit jade mouse to the entrance of a black hole tunnel. The jade mouse squatted at the entrance of the cave and waved his paw at everyone, which meant that they would follow them in, and the girls immediately walked in. in.

Only Guan Heng approached the entrance and suddenly hey.

"A Heng, what's the matter?" Qing Huang was next to him, so he asked about the situation. Guan Heng said, "There is something strange on the rock wall near this entrance, look."


"Oh, this is also a topographical mural, I didn't expect it..." Qing Huang just said that, Guan Heng wiped away the floating soil on the next rock wall, and Qing Huang whispered again: "How come there are several pieces connected together. Yes, this, this should be a complete large-area terrain mural, right?"

"Well, and according to my observation, it should be able to connect with the few murals we found before."

Guan Heng rubbed the mural in front of him, and then said: "I will leave a few clams here to guard it. After we find out the house of the mine spirit jade mouse, it will not be too late to take away the murals here."

"That said, let's go."

"Boom!" As soon as Qing Huang said this, a loud noise suddenly came from the cave, and both she and Guan Heng were a little surprised: "What's the matter?"

"Hurry in and take a look!"

"Suddenly!" When it was too late, it was fast, and Guan Heng immediately took Qing Huang into the cave and hurried away.


On the other side, the area a few meters away from the girls was soaring dust, and the earth and rocks were flying in all directions. It turned out that a sudden and extreme collapse had just occurred. It was so huge that it could block the falling earth and rocks.

At the same time, the mandrill and the ice scorpion released cold air at the same time, and the area on the top of the wall was about to collapse, and everyone was relieved.

At this moment, Fang Xin picked up the Mining Jade Mouse and asked: "Little guy, I never thought that the place where you live is so dangerous. It's really hard for you."

"Squeak, squeak!" Hearing these words from Coriander, Mining Jade Mouse scratched his ears and cheeks, seeming a little nervous, and drew comparisons with everyone, not knowing what it meant to describe.

Just when the girls and other companions were wondering, Guan Heng and Qing Huang hurriedly walked over and said, "Just right, Guan Heng, the mouse doesn't know what to say. Come and see."

"Okay." Guan Heng said, hooking his finger at the Mining Jade Mouse, the other party immediately jumped to Guan Heng's palm, and then screamed quickly.

"Well, it means that the mine he lives in seems to be occupied by some powerful guy." Guan Heng casually explained to everyone: "And after it separated from his companions, it finally escaped."

"What? Mine Spirit Jade Mouse has a companion?" Upon hearing this, the sisters' eyes brightened, and they began to replenish the scene where everyone was holding a crystal clear mouse.

At this moment, Ruotao asked, "Master, then you can ask him, where are the other jade rats going?"


Guan Heng heard the Mining Jade Mouse whispering for a while, and said: "If the guess is correct, the frightened little Jade Rats are all scattered and hiding in a remote area nearby. Let's go forward, maybe on the road. Encountered with the other jade rats, after all, we have each other's companions by our side."

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