Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11097: Crystallized corpse

Mandrill observed carefully, and found that the cold jade bead dropped from the skull head shattered with a green halo, and the cold air inside was even more pure.

It thought to himself: "I think even Lord Guan and the princess will like this and other good things when they see it. If there is only one, it will have to be handled by everyone. It is better to look for it again. If there is more, I may You can also get one."

After making up his mind, the Mandrill rubbed his palms and immediately began to search. After more than ten breaths of searching, it still found nothing. It couldn't help scratching its head and muttering: "Is my luck really that bad?" "

"Crack!" At such a time, the mandrill accidentally smashed an arm bone under its feet, and a cold jade bead the size of a longan rolled out from it. Seeing this, the mandrill almost jumped up with joy: "Ha Haha, luck is here."

After this process of unintentionally obtaining beads, Mandrill realized one thing, that is, the skeleton warrior’s bones are likely to contain similar beads. After figuring it out, it immediately waved the ice-breaking stubble and hit the skull hard. On the remains.

"Ping pong pong!"


The violent noises kept coming and going, and the mandrill broke the skeleton to pieces in one blast, and as expected, many cold jade beads with rich spiritual energy were found inside.

"Squeak, squeak!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu- The trace of Mandrill came here.

"I'm here, come here." The Mandrill screamed. Soon, the two of them hurriedly rushed here. When they saw the skeletons, they were very curious and immediately leaned forward to take a look.

"Okay, it's just a pile of bones and dregs, nothing to look at." The Mandrill was about to greet the two of them to leave together, suddenly seeing the Mining Jade Rat rushing to the front not far away, the Mandrill was a little puzzled. Yang Sheng asked: "Hey, what are you going to do again?"

"Squeak!" At this moment, Yushu turned around and waved its paw at it, which meant it was telling it that there was something here.

"That place hasn't been searched, maybe there is something missing, I'll take a look."

"Hit!" Thinking of this, the Mandrill had already rushed to the front, and when he looked intently, it suddenly whispered: "This is...worm eggs, right?"

Under the gravel ruins in front of him, there happened to be a gap. I don't know when it was filled with insect eggs. After an unknown number of years, they are still intact.

"These eggs must be taken away, and it is a waste to stay here."

After thinking about it for a while, the mandrill took out the storage clam. It thought to himself: "Don't say hatching these insect eggs, even if you give them to the ancient locust king insect embryo, it is estimated that the other party can refine and absorb them, so They are all useful things."

"Jade Rat, good job." After the Mandrill collected the eggs and installed them, he said to the Mine Spirit Jade Rat: "It's a pity that the cold jade beads can't be given to you casually, but other rewards are OK. Don't hesitate."

"Woooooo!" At this moment, the Skull Shadow Jade Soul not far away uttered a low cry, and was constantly wandering around in a certain area. The Mandrill concluded that this guy might have found something, so he immediately took the jade rat with him. Ran over.

I saw that there was a pit covered by ice fragments in the area where Bihun was wandering. The Mandrill nodded slightly, and said, "Okay, I'll dig up here and take a look."

"Huh, huh..." After a few breaths, the mandrill used the icebreaker to pry open the ice fragments, so that all the things under the deep pit appeared in front of everyone.

"Hey, this is... also a cold jade bead?" But Mandrill shook his head when he distinguished it, because it noticed that it was not cold jade bead buried here, but a dozen corpses of giant blue worms that had been crystallized. .

The Mandrill took a look and found that they were all wounded by swords. It was obvious that all of them had been beheaded by sharp weapons. Only the skeleton warriors with huge swords could do this in the surrounding area.

"Hey, it's just a few corpses. It's not of much value." After a cursory glance, the Mandrill said: "Jade Rat, if you like it, you and Bihun will divide them up, and eat as long as you can. Throw it away if you can't eat it."

"Squeak!" "Woo!" Upon hearing these words, the Mining Jade Mouse and Skull Shadow Jade Soul were so happy, they flew into the deep pit in one rush, and began to feast on them. Mandrill took a closer look and realized that he had made a mistake in his judgment just now.

It turns out that more than 80% of the crystalized corpses of the blue giant insects are of the same structure as the cold jade beads, which means that each of the crystalized corpses is equivalent to a fusion of huge cold jade, but the quality is slightly lower. After all, these corpses are Without fusion into a real cold jade bead, it is no wonder that those two guys love to eat so much.

"Hey, it's a big loss this time. In fact, crystallization of insect corpses is also a valuable thing." The Mandrill scratched his head, but soon he was relieved: "No matter, there are some poor quality defective products on the left and right. It’s okay to feed them both, I shouldn’t care about it."

When the Jade Rat and Jade Soul had almost eaten it, the Mandrill looked at it, and there were still three crystalized insect corpses. It asked, "How about it, do you want to eat it?"

"Squeak." Mining Jade Mouse held his round belly and shook his head, which meant I was too full. Skull Shadow Bihun also whimpered a few times, and it seemed that he couldn't eat it anymore.

"Very well, since you don't want it, the remaining few corpses will belong to me." The Mandrill said, took out the storage clam and collected the corpses, then waved to them and said, "Let's go, yes. It's time to go back to the core of the vein."


At the same time, the ancient roar who supervised the mining of the demon hedgehog, the jade rat group and the ice beast near the mine yawned: "Huh...ahhh..."

"This guy, Mandrill, how can he run away as soon as he slips away? Leave me here to watch you mine. It is really a lazy guy."

"Kacha." At this point, Guhuang Howler took a bite of the fruit in his hand, and then complained: "Sour, it tastes bad."

"Squeak, squeak!" At this moment, an ice gluttonous beast and two jade rats approached the roar, with a pleading expression.

"Well, give it to you, anyway, you are not picky eaters."

"Huh!" It was too late to say, then soon, Hou Yi threw most of the fruit in his hand, and then drew out a bone throwing knife, "chachacha!" The fruit was cut into three parts like lightning, and then he threw it to them. Three: "Take it to eat."

After biting the fruit, the ice gluttonous beast and the jade mouse immediately chewed.

"Boom--wow--" But at the next moment, a loud noise suddenly came from nearby, and Guhuang Roar suddenly sat up on the flat rock: "What's the matter?"

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