Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11168: The anger of the old monkey (the fifth one broke out)

"Swish swish!" After rushing out for more than ten feet in an instant, King Jia Yao shouted: "Look, it's the sound made by the thing in front."

"Eh?!" Hearing this, Mandrill covered his forehead with his hands and looked into the distance, and then said: "It's dark in front, come closer and take a look!"



"Monkey, what's wrong..."

The mandrill and the king of armor spoke at the same time, but before they were finished, the monkey fell to the ground in a hurry, and then stretched out like an electric walk, rushing towards the dark area, and at the same time, it lightning Like taking off the metal shield behind him, he threw his arms.

"Huhuhu-uuuu-" The metal shield swerved in the air with the wind, and a whirlwind was generated, forcibly dispelling the breath that resembled the black mist, so that the scene ahead clearly caught everyone's eyes.

"This is..." I saw a hundred animal bones lying or standing in front, just stopped on both sides of the road, leaving a wide passage in the middle, and I didn't know where to lead.

"The end of this road should be where the king-level beast bones are, right?"

"Perhaps." When the king of armor and the mandrill had a conversation, the old white-browed monkey caught the metal shield of the maneuver and placed it behind his back.

"Jike, whine!" The old white-browed monkey yelled twice at this time, pointing to the front, which means: "Shall we go ahead and check it out."

"No, I'll stay here and wait for Lord Guan and other companions." Mandrill shook his head, and then said: "If you go forward now, you will only get farther and farther away from everyone, and you will be in trouble if you want to meet at that time. "

Hearing what it said is not unreasonable. Although the white-browed old monkey is a little impatient and unhappy, he can only do as he says.

"Huh?!" Suddenly, King Carapace made a surprised sound, and then sniffed the surroundings with his nose: "Hiss...hiss..."

Mandrill asked: "What's the matter?"

"It's the breath of a beast soul. It seems that the other party didn't just leave here, but instead dared to lie in ambush nearby, seeming to be trying to lure us over."

Armor King grinned and said, "Hey hey, isn't this great? Just to pass the time while waiting for Master Guan and the others to come, and have a good time with these guys."

"Oh!" Hearing this, the old white-browed monkey banged his fists and was extremely excited. The Mandrill also said: "Well, you have a keen sense of smell. Find out where those guys are. It's not too far, let's clean them up."

"Well, follow me." King Jia Yao said, trotting to the front left.

After a few breaths, it really took the mandrill and the old monkey to find the hiding place of a group of beast souls, but even the other party did not find the armor kings who came up quietly.

"Come on!" "Church!" It was too late to say, then soon, the armor king and the mandrill rushed on, and then released toward the hiding place of many beast souls-a dilapidated behemoth bone The violent breath of ice and fire.

"Crack—crack—" The thick layer of ice instantly blocked the escape route on the left. "Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

"Oh oh oh!"

Dozens of beast souls immediately screamed, ice and flames. The double attack was enough to make them feel unhappy. Fortunately, King Armor and Mandrill wanted to capture them alive. Otherwise, they would increase their 30% offensive slightly. How many beast souls would there be? All have to die without a burial place!


At the same time, the white-browed old monkey, which was not sold with the two beasts, rushed to the side, because in an instant it discovered that there were several characters that were better than ordinary ones who fled here, seeming to be looking for some secrets. Where to hide or escape, but the old monkey will never give the other party this opportunity.

"Huhuhu!" In the flash of light, the old monkey released a large burst of flames, and suddenly fell in front of the opponent, which could stop the path of five leader-level beast souls.

"Wow!" The eyes couldn't escape, and two of the huge beast souls immediately roared and flew over with their claws, trying to fight the old monkey.

It's a pity that these two guys really don't know what they can do. The old monkey didn't even have to look at them directly. He just hit them with his fists in a flash, "Boom! Boom!" Two violent sounds suddenly broke out, and the beast spirit immediately fell down and hit them. In the rock wall.

Before these two guys were struggling, the explosive breath of Fire Fist completely enveloped them, and could no longer break free.

This fire spiritual energy prisoner soul method is still handed over to the old monkey. That is because the soul and other invisible bodies encounter their existence using fire spiritual energy, and basically there is no chance of winning. The key is how to not Kill them, but capture them alive.

So this kind of spiritual spirit prisoner method was developed. There is no doubt that the old white-browed monkey, whose ability to control fire aura is second only to Guan Heng, is very good at this kind of trick, so he grabbed two leader-level beast souls as soon as he shot it. .

"Hehehe, hehe!" At this moment, the grinning white-browed old monkey rushed to the other three beast souls. At this moment, the other party was really scared to death. , It is extremely painful.

Just when a few beast souls wanted to accept bad luck calmly, they suddenly changed!

"Huh-" It was too late to say, then it was fast. Two huge shadows swept from the air. One of them suddenly shot at the old white-browed monkey. Jin was like a heavy thunder hitting the top, violently attacking the old monkey.

"Huh!" What kind of powerhouse the old white-browed monkey is, how could he be frightened by a sneak attack, and took off the metal shield with his backhand and lay in front of him, just blocking the opponent's offensive.


"Boom boom boom!"

The violent noises kept coming and going, and the other party's vigorous attack was like a torrential rain, without stopping, so as to restrain the old monkey and make it unable to take care of other things.

At the same time, another huge swift shadow suddenly fell in front of the three beast souls, turning into a hurricane and engulfing each other, and then drove away.


Noting that his prey was robbed, the angry white-browed old monkey suddenly threw out the metal shield. The huge shadow that was attacking frantically had no idea that it would suddenly give up defense. "Bang!" The next moment, the opponent would be caught. The metal shield swiftly hit, and fell to the ground with howling.


In an instant, the white-browed old monkey stepped on this guy. It turned out that it was also a beast soul, but it was different from those just now. The old monkey is now covering his eyes with anger, and how can he consider killing it or catching it alive? The metal baton fell fiercely.

"Bang!" The huge beast soul that screamed before being screamed was smashed to pieces by the old monkey. The Mandrill and King Armor who came from behind screamed, "Oh, what a pity!"

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