Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11183: Control Toad Ding (fifth more outburst)

"Yes, for the builders, the light ancient iron ore is simply a fantastic material."

When she said this, Zhenwen had excited little stars in her eyes, and then said slightly sentimentally: "It's just that we have encountered so many mines, but there are very few areas where there can be light ancient iron ore."

"I have only a few small pieces of light ancient iron ore in my hand. If they are melted and refined, even less pure iron will be obtained. Alas, it is not enough at all."

"Don't worry, Brother Guan is watching for you." Seeing Zhenwen's way of thinking about the light ancient iron mine, Guan Heng promised with a smile: "As long as there is a trace of that thing, no matter how hard it is, I Get it all for you!"

"Really? Thank you, Brother Guan, then."

Zhenwen nodded happily, then passed the ore in Mandrill’s hand, and then said: "Although these are not light ancient iron ore, the traces of the ore sources at the time were somewhat similar to them. Maybe you can find some here. Associated ancient iron ore, I can filter out some of what I want from it."

"Don't worry." Xianxin said from the side: "When we get this vein, we will carefully select it for you."

"Hehehe, okay, okay, there are so many benefits to have older brothers and sisters." Zhenwen smiled and said, "Thank you, elder sister, for thinking so much for me."

"Master Guan, everyone." While everyone was chatting, the earth palace toad, who was playing with the rock fragments near the nearby rock wall, said: "I have found the weak location of the vein. As long as I pry it a little bit from here, I can remove it. Ingest the entire toad tripod."

"Well, what we need to do, just say it."

"First of all, you need a few powerful companions, including the mandrill, the old monkey, the armor king, and the ice scorpion, and then..."

Tu Gongchan hurriedly gave instructions, assigned everyone's tasks, and then said: "These are the things, as long as we work together, we will soon be able to complete the work of relocating the veins."


"Hahahaha, look at me, it's a piece of cake!"

"That's right, it's easy!" As the group of beasts said, they rushed to the position where they needed to contribute, and then invariably called out: "Ready, toad, get ready to send a signal!"

"Prepare! One, two, three...hard!" In a short time, the earth palace toad let out a loud roar, and the group of beasts immediately worked together, "!" In the blink of an eye, the area near the rock wall was immediately shaken. Shake up.

But at this moment, the Earth Palace Toad said in surprise: "Oops, underestimated, it seems that there is still a little strength to make it move completely."

"Toad, you go over." Guan Heng said in a loud voice at this time: "Use your colorful cobblestone to make it smaller and insert it into the gap in the ground, then make it bigger and use it as a crowbar!"

"This is a good idea, but I..." Tu Gong Chan continued to say, Guan Heng waved his hand: "Don't hesitate, go quickly, I will control the Ethereal Toad Cauldron for you!"

"Master Guan can also control the Ethereal Toad Ding?!" Hearing this, the group of beasts buzzed their heads, and they were a little unbelievable, but as soon as he said this, the earth palace toad shouted: "Okay, then I beg you."


Three steps in two steps, the earth palace toad jumped to the front of the rock wall, and according to Guan Heng's words, suddenly spit out the colorful cobblestone, which was inserted into the seam of the ground like lightning, and was enlarged by the earth palace toad. The moment the piercing sound suddenly sounded, the core of the whole mineral vein shook suddenly.


"Slap!" At the same time, Guan Heng waved his palm on the surface of the toad tripod. The tripod suddenly turned sharply, humming and humming at the same time, generating suction, and suddenly the entire core of the vein was collected into the tripod.

"Huh... finally finished."

"Hahaha, I was almost exhausted." Mandrill, Old Monkey, and King Armor sat on the spot with a plop, gasping for breath. Guan Heng raised his voice at this moment: "Toad, come and control the Toad Ding by yourself."

"Yes, Lord Guan." Hearing this, the earth palace toad jumped to the front and released his breath to wrap the toad, causing it to slowly turn smaller, returning to its usual appearance.

At this time, the earth palace toad asked curiously: "Master Guan, how can you control the ethereal toad tripod? I have never known this."

"Hahaha, it's actually nothing. I have the earth profound aura, and I can communicate with Ding Ling in an instant. I can naturally control the toad, but it takes a lot of earth profound aura."

Guan Heng said with a smile: "And he can only hold on for a while, so it's okay to be in a hurry, you can't hold on for a long time."

"Oh, this alone is amazing." The king of armor yelled: "We all thought that controlling Dingling could only be done by a toad. Unexpectedly, you can do it, Lord Guan. It's a god. ."

"I said, it's okay to just control Dingling to collect something, but I can't do the rest." Guan Heng said casually, "If the control is in place, it will only be done by a toad."

"Hey, I'm only good at this point. If you can control the Toading finely, Lord Guan, then I'm really a waste."

"Hahaha—" Hearing the words of the earth palace toad, the big furniture burst out laughing, so unhappy.

"As a result, no light ancient iron ore was found." Zhenwen said with a sense of disappointment at this time. Ruotao patted her on the shoulder and said: "It doesn't matter, it's just light ancient iron ore. Sooner or later, I will find it. It's all yours then."

"Yes, yes, so many sisters and countless companions around us will keep an eye on the whereabouts of the ancient iron ore for you." Xianxin said, "Don't worry, you will have as much as you want before long."

"Yeah." Zhenwen nodded when she saw that the sisters were so persuasive.

At this moment, Guan Heng saw a tunnel appearing directly behind the location of the original core of the vein, and said: "It seems that this is the secret passage to the upper area marked by the terrain mural, let's go."

"Okay!" Guan Heng said when his companions agreed: "Mother, old rules, you lead the golden sting king roar, and then bring dozens of scorpions to investigate the situation from the air."


"Buzzing!" In the next moment, Sanchong led the colorful fierce beasts and hurried away.

Immediately afterwards, Guan Heng said: "Dogzi, you search the ground with the corpse dogs, and beware of unexpected enemies."

"Wow--Wow--" Hearing this, the king of the corpse dogs swaggered, and while screaming, he led the corpse dogs to the front.

Guan Heng led the girls and other companions behind. Fortunately, although this secret tunnel was winding and rugged, there was no fork in the road, so everyone walked for a while and saw the exit to the outside.

"It's finally out."

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