Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11210: Flowermane

"Then why is this blue worm clone on the hind legs of the one-horned ancient tiger?" Qing Huang asked this question. Upon hearing this, Guan Heng and Shui Xuan spirit beast looked at each other and said at the same time: "Who knows, then. "

"But, I'm a little guessing about this." Guan Heng said at this time: "Perhaps in that year, the one-horned ancient tiger and the spirit-eating blue worm had a battle, and a blue worm clone accidentally attached to the ancient tiger's back. On the lap."

"After that, I didn't know what happened, which caused the ancient tiger's body to be stuck in the rock formation, so they became inseparable at that time."

"Well, your speculation is more reasonable." After listening to Guan Heng's words, the Shui Xuan spirit beast nodded and said: "Then how do you get this blue worm clone down now?"

"I think it's more appropriate to use the old method." Guan Heng said: "First moisten and soften this clone with the water profound spirit, and then let it merge with the attempts in your body."

"Good idea, then do it."

The Shui Xuan spirit beast nodded repeatedly, and then, it flew behind and fell behind the corpse of the ancient unihorn tiger. It placed its own claws on the surface of the blue worm clone, and then said: "This time I want to try to deliver Shui Xuan aura by myself. Give it to it, no problem."

"Okay, it's up to you." Guan Heng took two steps back and said with a smile on his shoulders, "Let me see how much you can do."

"Look at me!"

"Huhuhu--swish--" As soon as the words fell, the water profound spirit beast had already begun to release profound spiritual energy to the blue worm clone, and within a few breaths, the blue worm clone that had absorbed the spiritual energy had begun to soften gradually. , And soon became a soft ball.

Immediately afterwards, the water profound spirit beast touched the blue worm clone on its body with a new one, and they really merged together, and then covered the water profound spirit beast, like a little waistcoat.

"Hehe, it seems quite appropriate." Shui Xuan spirit beast said: "After the blue worm clone has continuously absorbed my aura, its vitality seems to have improved a bit more than before. I have to say that you let them stay on my body. The method works very well."

"Well, that's right." Guan Heng said: "Perhaps the blue bug clone on your body can bring some benefits."

"Oh, what good? Have you guessed it already?" "I guess it can cure your sleepiness!"

"Fuck you!" Hearing Guan Heng teasing himself with this, Shui Xuan Ling Beast shook its paws with anger, and then shouted: "Little master just likes to nap, do you care about me?"

"No matter, no matter, do it yourself." Guan Heng smiled and waved his hand, and then said to his companions: "The mineral deposits here are almost mined, let's go out."

"Okay, let's go." While chatting happily, the companions followed Guan and walked out of the mine.


After a while, Guan Heng's team stopped in front of another huge mine. Because a group of little beasts blocked everyone's path and prevented them from moving forward.

"Woo woo woo!" At this time, the Baojia dry turtle rushed to the front of the team, screaming at the little beasts, which means that the other party should get out of the way quickly and don't block their way, otherwise, it will just You are welcome.

The body of the little beast on the opposite side is about five feet away, and the mane is full of colorful flowers. Only the tip of the nose is pure white, which is very eye-catching. This group of little beasts don’t know why they don’t let everyone live or die. Passed, and screamed to demonstrate intimidation.

In fact, their strength seems to be very bad, but they don't realize it, but they think they are very powerful, so they block the way of everyone, who knows that Guan Heng and they don't bother to do it with the white-nosed flowermane beast, only Baojiahan Turtle rushed forward and tried to drive him away.

"Ooo, hoooo!" Seeing the dry turtle coming to provoke, one of the headed beasts shook his head to greet the dry turtle, and stared at the dry turtle. The two sides stared at each other and looked at each other. interest.

Ruo Tao and Gu Sang Nu, who were next to him, couldn't wait, and shouted: "Hey, are you going to fight or not?"

"Yes, sisters can't wait, if you don't fight, just give way!"

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !"

"Yo Yo, I want to scare us, my sister is so scared!" Ruotao hissed deliberately, "Hurry up!"


It's too late, it's fast, the flower mane little beast swayed suddenly, and hit the Baojia dry turtle, "Boom!" The next moment, their two foreheads slammed into each other viciously, "Plop!" The flower mane was small The power of the beast was obviously inferior to that of the Baojia Dry Turtle.

But Huamane Little Beast didn’t know if it was very fighting spirit, or his head had a tendon, and he got up again screaming. He also planned to fight with Baojia Dry Turtle, and the companion little beasts behind it were also impatient and shouted. Then, cheer for his boss.

"It's really a bunch of unbehaved guys." Guan Heng shrugged at this time, and then raised his voice: "Hey, dry turtle, a quick fight, as long as I can defeat them as fast as possible, I will reward you well!"

"Woo?!" Upon hearing these words, Baojia Dry Turtle was so happy when he heard these words, and suddenly rushed towards the enemy.

"Boom boom boom! Ping pong pong!" The sound of the violent rumbling sounded continuously one after another. At this time, the arrogant little beasts suffered a big loss, one by one, they were knocked over by the dry turtle and rolled around on the spot.

The boss of the flower mane little beast tried to stand up several times, but was knocked out by the Baojia dry turtle "priority care", causing it to have a blue nose and swollen face. It lay on the ground and stuck its tongue out to pretend to be a dead dog. It was just a few breaths away. The little beast was flattened by the dry turtle, one by one, covering their faces and hugging their legs, in a panic.

At this moment, the Baojia Dry Turtle came to the boss of the Flower Mane Little Beast, and it pressed the opponent's head with its paws and whimpered, which meant to ask: "How about you? If you don't accept it? If you don't accept it, continue to beat it. you!"


The dry turtle moved its claws triumphantly, and then yelled at it and the other little beasts a few times to signal the other party to get out, because they didn't take their lives, so they were already treated very preferentially.

But the flower mane little beasts looked at each other, and they still dauntedly refused to leave. Seeing this scene, Guan Heng stepped forward, and raised the little beast boss, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and asked meaningfully: "In this mine Is there something you care about in the cave? Say, what is it?"

"Woo?!" Hearing this, the Flower Mane Little Beast that was picked up by Guan Heng was busy pretending to be nonchalant, and moved his gaze to the side with an expression of "you are just guessing".

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