Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11212: Little beast leads the way

"Okay, it's time to use these guys." As he said, Guan Heng raised his foot and gently kicked the boss of the Flower Mane Little Beast, and then said: "Hey, when you are full, you should get up and exercise. Did you hear? "


"Hey!" Hearing Guan Heng's voice, the Flowermane Little Beast that was still lying on the ground immediately turned over and jumped up. This guy hurriedly got close to Guan Heng and rubbed his face against his trousers to show intimacy.

"Is this guy so honest now? He wants to please the son."

Ruotao said so. Guan Heng smiled slightly, and then said: "That's because it is more loyal to its own appetite. The purple jade fragrant fruit that I have spawned with the mysterious aura may be more delicious than the one produced in this cave. Of course it will please me, and then it will be able to please me. Eat more."

"It turns out that it's a gluttonous guy." The girls said at the same time, and Gu Sangnu immediately added: "It's just like the dry turtle and the king of shellfish."

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" Hearing these words, Baojia Dry Turtle is still a little unhappy, it seems to be saying: "How can I compare me with this kind of guy? It's too inappropriate."

"Hey, if you want to eat good fragrant fruits, you have to do me a favor." Guan Heng said to the little beasts with flower mane: "We are looking for the minerals in this cave. If you know, just Take us there and I will reward you well."

"Oh, oh!" After hearing these words, the flower mane little beast nodded his head, meaning that he was saying: "Wrap it on me, promise to complete the task!"


After a few moments, the Flowermane Little Beast had led Guan Heng through the main tunnels in several caves, and hurried toward the depths.

However, it’s not peaceful along the way, because everyone has encountered a lot of evil spirits and ferocious beasts, and the other party doesn’t like outsiders very much. This is why the little beasts with flower mane didn’t dare to enter the depths of the cave most of the time. But with the support of Guan Heng and the others, the little beast's courage began to fight.

Especially Guan Heng and everyone's relaxed appearance of catching evil spirits and driving away ferocious beasts. The flower mane little beasts all wished to pay homage to the ceremony. After a while, everyone came to a fork in the cave.

"There are three roads here, which way to go?" Qing Huang looked left and right at this time, and asked casually. The Flowermane Little Beast had already known everyone, so it acted unscrupulously. It ran to Qing Huang's feet and screamed, then raised its claw and pointed at the fork in the left front.

"Oh, I understand." Qing Huang smiled and patted the other's forehead, and said, "Thank you, continue to lead the way."

"Oh--" Hearing this, the Huamane Little Beast turned his head and ran, and between three leaps and two leaps, he had already passed the fork in the road ahead, and ran faster and faster.

But at this moment Guan Heng frowned slightly, and then said: "Mother insect, something may be going on, you should hurry up behind the Flowermane Little Beast, don't let them run into danger."

"Yes, master."

"Xiaojin, Roar, let's go!" After saying this, the evil worm mother fluttered her wings and rose into the air. The Golden Sting King and the Ancient Wild Roar followed closely, and the three insects rushed forward like lightning. Little beasts.

Originally, the worm mother wanted to remind the Flowermane Little Beast to be careful, but before it could speak, a weird wind "Woo" suddenly appeared in front of it. The Flowermane Little Beast's vigilance was not so high, so she hurriedly stopped. Footsteps.

At this time, the worm mother raised her voice and shouted: "Retreat, don't panic!"

"Wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww-" As soon as these words were spoken, the strange wind on the opposite side rushed towards the little beast, seeming to want to disadvantage everyone, the ancient barren roar and the golden sting king sneered, and then shot them. .


"Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!) A scream came suddenly: "Ohhhhh----"

Three huge evil spirits suddenly appeared in front of the three insects. These guys were wounded with scars by the light golden awn and wind blade. At this moment, they wailed and wailed, and in the next moment they wanted to escape!

"Want to run? No way!" Hou Yi immediately shook the worm bone sword in his palm and shouted, "Stop them for me!"

"Huh hu hu!" In the light of thunder and fire, a few fire claw apes swiftly swept through the wind, and they were able to stop the path of the huge evil spirit.

At this moment, the evil worm mother grinned and said: "Who would let the prey delivered to the door easily let you go? There are only two ways for you now. The first is to be burned to death by the ape soul, and the second is to be captured by us!"

"Hahaha--" As soon as the insect mother said this, the golden sting king, howler and the fire claw ape soul all laughed strangely. In the eyes of the evil spirits, this was an extreme insult and contempt for themselves.


"Ping pong pong!"

"Hiss!" In an instant, the evil spirit was beaten by the ape souls, and was torn to pieces abruptly.

Although it's best to catch alive, sometimes it is necessary to kill the chickens and scream. Just after this hapless evil spirit was torn to pieces, the other huge evil spirits were frightened and forgot to escape or resist for a while.

"Boom!" In an instant, the three insects swept their hands and knocked down the evil spirits to the ground. How could the surrounding flower-maned beasts give up the opportunity to knock down the water dogs, and all their brains surrounded them and faced the evil spirits. They tore and bite, so fierce.

"Okay, okay, don't fight anymore." Seeing that several evil spirits were powerless to resist and were dying, the evil worm mother immediately stopped: "These guys are to be captured alive, don't be killed by you, stop. Bar."

"Oh, oh!" Hearing this, the boss of Huamane Little Beast immediately screamed at his extremely excited companion who wanted to continue working on it, and everyone quickly backed away.


"Chichichichi!" After a few breaths, the earth palace toad approached the toad and immediately took away the evil spirits with the toad tripod. Guan Heng immediately said to the flower mane beasts: "It's easy to run too fast if you see it. When encountering danger, you must try not to be too far away from everyone."

Hearing his words, the little beasts nodded one after another, expressing their understanding. But soon, everyone reached the destination. It was a rock wall on the left side of the cave’s end. The entrance to the mine was on the inside of the rock wall, but when they ran nearby, the flowermane little beasts refused to move forward. gone.

"Hey, why don't they leave?" Seeing this, An Yan said strangely.

"Probably because I realized that there is a powerful guy in the cave, the instinct of the little beasts drove them not to approach and stop."

As Guan Heng said, he had already stepped forward, and he said casually: "The mandrill, the old monkey, and the armored king, the three of us attacked the rock wall together. You all know what to do, don't you?"

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