Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11214: Earth Spirit Warrior (first shift)

"Ao woo woo -" In an instant, a scream came from the shaking rock wall.

Immediately afterwards, a swift figure flew out of the crevices, "Chill!" It was too late, then soon, the white-browed old monkey, the big-headed horn, the king of bracken and the three insects all surrounded them, and This animal circle is in the middle, making it impossible to escape.

"Hey, this guy is a bit similar to the monster outside, right?"

"Well, it's just a bit similar. This size and appearance are still far behind." King Armor said, "It's probably the bloodline of a hybrid of that beast and some other kind of monster."

"Hahaha, you said that, it's really possible." The evil worm mother smiled.

At this moment, Guan Heng said, "Stop talking about it, just catch this guy."

"Okay!" Upon hearing these words, the armor king and the white-browed old monkey flew to the front at the same time, spitting out the original flames and swept toward the guy quickly.

"Hey, hey--crackling--"

The flames came fiercely, and immediately surrounded the little beast, it burned to the point that this guy screamed and screamed, rushing from left to right, but couldn't break through. At the same time, the big head rushed to the front, and a pair of scorpion claws swept out suddenly. !" The little beast's body was immediately hit in the air.

"Puff puff puff!" "Puff puff puff!" In the next moment, the wind sounded sharply, and the golden sting king's breath shot hit this guy three times in a row.

This attack was already enough to cause the little beast to lose consciousness, and then, the evil worm mother released a thin wire net of fire, which could cover the body of the beast.

"Pop!" In the end, Guhuang Howler stretched out his hand to catch the fire net, and took advantage of the situation to twist the guy inside, and then immediately took it to Guan Heng and the girls. "Master Guan, look, I caught this guy."

"Well, well done, I'll take a look." As he said, Guan Heng took over the fire net and shook with it. "Patter!" The little beast that suffered a great loss fell to the ground and snorted immediately. .

"The aura on this guy is indeed similar to that of the alien beast outside, and it should be somewhat related." Guan Heng nodded slowly at this time, and then said: "Look at its claws, it should be the same as the one on the rock wall. The mark and the ground footprint are the same."

"That said, it's such a small thing that mines the loess here?" Xiong paused for a while when he said that, then he glanced at the small beast, and said casually: "Just rely on it? Can it be done? ?"

"If it's just one, it's boring, but what if it's a group?" When Guan Heng said this, he pointed to the surrounding rock walls, and then said: "If I'm not mistaken, there are small burrows hidden around here. A beast, there are no one hundred and eighty."

"Really?" After listening to Guan Heng's words, the girls and other companions asked in unison.

"Of course it is true. Everyone knows that my judgments rarely go wrong." Guan Heng said very confidently: "In short, let's lure out the whole group of small beasts and catch them. , Mandrill and their mining of loess will be affected."

"Well, this is reasonable." Qing Huang nodded and asked: "Then what is your plan?"

"It's very simple. Now that one has been caught, the others are easy to catch."

Guan Heng immediately said to the insect mother: "Summon hundreds of colorful ferocious beasts, let them smell the aura of this captured little beast, and then spread them to all the cracks in the rock wall and all the things in this cave. Search the area where the little beast is hidden, and never let one go."

"Yes, Master, I understand."

Hearing this, the evil worm mother immediately summoned a large number of energetic multicolored fierce beasts, and then asked everyone to confirm the breath of the little beast, "Buzz—chichichichi--" It was too late to say, then soon, The fierce beasts immediately fluttered their wings and flew away with the wind.

In less than ten breaths, the insect mother whispered: "Master, I found the whereabouts of the other party."

"It's almost as I expected. Tell the children, try not to hurt these little beasts." Guan Heng ordered: "Use all your strength to drive them to our side, and then everyone can catch each other alive, listen. do you understand?"

"Yes, I will tell them to do the same right away." The mother evil worm nodded, and then used her mental power to send a message to her children. Just after a few breaths, panicked screams kept coming and going.

"Oh oh oh—"


"Woohoooo! Chubbing!"

Between the lightning and the fire, a large number of small beasts sprang from the cracks in the rocks and various hidden corners. Behind them are the aggressive colorful fierce beasts. As expected, once the opponent realizes that they are not the opponents of the beasts. , Will run out like crazy.

It's a pity that there are still many evil spirits waiting for them outside.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Ping pong pong!"

"Boom boom boom!"

In an instant, the group of beasts such as the king of armor, white-browed old monkey, and ice scorpion who rushed forward gave these guys a very pleasant "intimate contact".

"Twenty-one, twenty-two..." Ruotao helped count the number of captured prisoners, and finally said with a smile: "Haha, there are thirty-six in total, which is quite a lot."

"Yeah, the Zixu brothers worked hard to drive away these little beasts. I guess all the small beasts in the vicinity have been caught." Said the evil worm mother.

"Well, it's true." Guan Heng nodded at this time, and continued: "Then it's time for the next step."

"Eh? What are you going to do?" Hearing what he said, both Xiongxin and Qinghuang were a little puzzled, and then asked the same. "You'll know when you look at it."

"Pop!" Guan Heng snapped his fingers as soon as the sound fell, and he heard heavy footsteps coming from outside the mine, and a huge figure dragged the body of the alien beast to stride. Came in.

"Hey, what is this?" Gu Sangnu looked intently, and saw the fellow Zhang Yu Gao approaching her, and then whispered: "It looks a bit similar to my Wood Spirit Warrior."

"This is the change of the Earth Profound Spiritual Energy hand that grabbed the Alien Beast just now. It is the'Earth Spirit Warrior'."

Guan Heng casually explained: "Its basic structure is similar to your wood spirit warrior. They all use aura to gather materials on the spot to condense the body, but as the name suggests, the strong man uses earth aura."

"Oh, that's the case, I understand." Upon hearing this, Gu Sangnu nodded.

"Dang!" At this moment, the earth spirit warrior threw the heavy body of the alien beast to the ground, and instantly merged into the earth, and disappeared.

"A Heng, what are you doing to get this guy in?" Qing Huang asked with some wonder.

Guan Heng replied casually: "I want to confirm the relationship between the big and the small beasts."

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