Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11217: Skull scorpion

"There shouldn’t be many associated metal mines around here. Toad, let your little earth toad clone and the colorful fierce worm cooperate to search for it. Within 20 breaths, no matter how much you find, we will leave here after we collect it. ."

"Yes, Lord Guan."

Hearing Guan Heng's words, Tu Gongchan nodded, and immediately did as he said, "Suddenly——Suddenly——" Suddenly, there were winds one after another, and the little soil toads and the zombies stalked away. Soon, dozens of metal ores of various sizes were collected...

Not long after, Guan Heng and everyone had already left the cave. Under the leadership of the boss, the little white-nosed beasts stalked everyone and refused to leave. Guan Heng let them move into the Toad Ding space. .

Anyway, the purple jade fragrant fruit that the little beasts love to eat has been transplanted into the space. They don't have to worry about eating and drinking, and these guys don't know how to eat rice, and they have to do some work to change food.

Soon, according to the rubbings of the terrain and murals, everyone found another mine, but it seemed that it had experienced severe shocks not long ago, so that it collapsed and the entrance of the cave was also blocked by a lot of earth and rocks. Seeing this, Tu Gongchan took the initiative to say: "Master Guan, let me clean up the gravel first."

"Okay, then you have to work hard to settle these things first." Guan Heng nodded and said.



It's too late, it's almost time, the earth palace toad has led a group of small earth toads to fly up, and then everyone has worked hard to clear all the earth and rocks, and open a wide road.

"Okay, everyone can now..."

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!" Amidst the electric light and the fire, there was an earth-shattering noise from the cave not far in front of the earth palace toad. The toads and the little earth toads swarmed.

"Hey, toad, be careful!" The group of beasts all made warning sounds when they saw this scene, but the earth palace toad smiled, and then said calmly: "Disperse!"

"Whhhhhhhhhhhh!" The next moment, the little earthy toads swooped down and moved out for a short time. At the same time, the earthy palace toads roared: "Hohhhhhhh!"

"Bang!" The incomparably powerful Earth Xuan spirit slammed into the opponent, and the guy lurking in the strong wind would have thought that he would hit the iron plate and fly upside down, and at the same time sprayed a big mouth of blood mist: "Puff——"

"Dang!" When the opponent hit the rock wall near the entrance of the cave, the crowd and the group of beasts saw this guy's true face.

It was a weird scorpion with spikes and hairy heads, and its whole body was pitch black and shiny. It was three feet long, but it was knocked out by the earth palace toad with its momentum. It can be seen that its strength is nothing in the eyes of everyone. .

"Hehehe, why do you have such an overpowering chopstick come to your door to die every time?"

At this moment, the earth palace toad slowly walked towards the other party. It said with contempt and disdain: "Your kind of **** is not good at learning, so Grandpa Toad will show you kindness and send you on the road."

"Squeak, squeak!" Seeing the enemy's powerful coercion shrouded him, the skull-stabbing black scorpion was frightened and shuddered like chaff, but this guy screamed sternly, as if it wasn't He is willing to wait and see what happens.

"Humph, I want to see what you plan to do."

Glancing at the other party, Tu Gong Toad was not in a hurry to kill it, but the girls behind were a little impatient. Ruotao first shouted, "Hey, toad, can you do it? If you don't fight, just do it. Let me do it."

"Sister, don't worry." Tu Gongchan turned his head and said at the moment: "A scorpion is not worth your effort. Don't worry, you can solve it right away."

"Well, I'll wait and see." Ruotao said with a grin.

"Chufu--huhuhu--" At this moment, the wind rose sharply at the entrance of the cave, and Tu Gongchan sneered: "Sure enough, it seems that you still have any comrades in your party. Could it be that they are you? To rely on?"


At this moment, the skull-stabbing black scorpion stared at the earth palace toad, screaming hoarse, as if to say: "You are finished, you are going to be cold, and when my brothers arrive, I will break you. The corpse is ten thousand pieces, you can't regret it!"

But Tu Gong Chan didn't pay attention to this guy's provocation, and he didn't even look at it with his straight eyes.

"Huh huh!" In the next moment, more than a dozen black shadows sprang out from the mine, all of which were huge scorpions like the other party. These guys opened their teeth and shook their claws, like a group of demons dancing around, all brushing towards the earth palace. Toad soared here.

"Kill!" At this moment, the earth palace toad said a word calmly.

"Swish swish!"


In an instant, countless flying-winged small earth toads rose into the air, spitting out a rain of mud bombs toward the head-stabbing black scorpion.

"Ping pong pong!"


"Boom boom boom!"

This series of fierce attacks made it impossible for the opponent to evade. In an instant, they were beaten to the mud of the earth profound spiritual energy. They suddenly felt heavy and fell into the mud, trembling, and there was no way to move half a minute.

"Stupid, did you see it? Grandpa Toad kills as many scumbags as you come."

When he said this, the earth palace toad had already grinned and walked to the head of the stinging black scorpion. Before the other party screamed again, its webbed claws slammed down with the wind, "Puff!" This guy broke his skull immediately. Dead, the body fell to the ground with a bang.

"Haw..." Those head-stabbing black scorpions who were trapped by the earth profound aura and unable to move half of them shivered. These guys have realized that their fate will never be much better than their dead companions.

Sure enough, the earth palace toad raised his voice at this moment: "Master Guan, how about burning these guys to fly ashes?"

"This is a good idea, so let's do it." Guan Heng waved his hand immediately: "Monkey, leave it to you."


"Cracking!" It was too late, it was fast, the old monkey flew past in an instant, spitting out a large amount of original fire flames, and the piercing sound of "cracking" abruptly burned the skull-stabbing black scorpions and screamed one by one. , A few breaths turned to ashes.

But when the scorpions died, there seemed to be something left. The worm mother had sharp eyes and immediately flew over to check. Guan Heng asked casually, "What is it?"

"Master, it seems to be the dregs of some ore. It seems that these guys are also the type of ore-based food."

"Well, there are not many things that can be eaten in this underground area. There should be many such insects and beasts." After saying this, Guan Heng said again: "Go, take a look in the hole."

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