Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11235: The evolution of the soul-recovering urn

"Yes, Lord Guan."

"Ujiji!" Hearing Guan Heng's command, the wolf-like mandrill and the white-browed old monkey immediately pounced on the evil bone fowls. They just listened to the violent sound of "Ping Pong Pong" one after another. The brains were all knocked to pieces.

Sure enough, just like Guan Heng said, these guys have evil spirit crystals in their skulls. Mandrill and the old monkey collected these crystals and sent them to Guan Heng to put them away.

"Flying head, come here."

"Hoo-" The wind suddenly sounded, and the beast bead Fei Head who heard the summoning sound immediately came to Guan Heng.

He took out three condensed crystals, and then said: "Put this thing in your skull mouth and let them slowly emit evil spirits. Of course, if you are affected, remember to activate the earth profound aura and the fire aura to resist it. That's it, go ahead."

Beast Zhu Feihu shook his head, and after expressing his understanding, he immediately rose into the air and flew towards the front.

At the same time, Guan Heng said to everyone: "Okay, we should also move on, let's go."

In this way, everyone continued to follow Guan Heng, and all remembered Guan Heng’s instructions. Pay attention to the flow of evil spirits along the way. As Guan Heng said, the more you move towards the end of the cave, If there is no evil, the more evil spirits will gather.

"It seems that we will soon meet the guy who controls the evil bones."

"Hey, hey, that's right, when that guy has nowhere to hide, it's just that we took care of each other several times."

Ruo Tao said, already squeezing her fists to creak, and muttering to herself viciously: "This guy thinks he can play us a bit and it's all right? That's not good!"

"Huh!" At such a time, the beast bead flying at low altitude suddenly came to everyone and took a sharp turn.

Guan Heng understood it at a glance, and immediately said: "It looks like the crystal aura exuding from Flying Head has attracted some uninvited guests. Insect mother, you, Xiaojin, and Howard, immediately set up an encirclement to prevent the other party from slipping away."

"Yes, master." Upon hearing this, the evil worm mother promised, and immediately led the Golden Sting King and the Ancient Wilderness Roar towards the sky. At the same time, Guan Heng winked at the girls and motioned. Everyone quickly dispersed, ready to fight.


Just after a few breaths, the flying beast bead in the sky swiftly passed by. Behind it was a large group of evil spirits who roared and chased after it. Devour evil.

It's just that these guys don't know at all, they are just a group of fish tuned by the bait, waiting for their fate... only death!


The beast beads flying in front of the many evil spirits suddenly disappeared in the air. These guys lost their target. Everyone looked left and right in panic. At such a time, the evil worm mother laughed. There was a sudden voice: "Beasts, behave and catch it!"

"Swish swish! Swish swish!"

In an instant, strong winds came and went one after another, and many attacks of fire light, golden light, and wind blade swept across the body of this group of evil spirits. Don’t look at them, there are hundreds of leader-level evil spirits, and even more than a dozen evil spirits. The king, too, could not withstand such a ferocious attack as the Three Insects.

In an instant, most of the evil spirits were knocked down, and the rest were all wounded, but it was impossible for them to escape at this time.

Because the stone turtle beast had already rushed forward, the soul-recovering urn on its body suddenly trembled slightly, "huhuhu--" The powerful suction suddenly sucked all the evil spirits into the urn, and none of them ran away!


Suddenly, there was a sudden roar, and the three evil spirit kings did their best to get rid of the suction of the soul-recovering urn, and then suddenly lifted up into the air. These guys were able to get out of trouble. It was a bit of luck, because the distance between the stone turtle and the beast The soul-recovering urns are far away before they can escape the shackles of suction.

"Hehehe, it's pretty good to run!"

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Where to go? Obediently die!"


Seeing that there was no way to escape, the evil spirit king couldn't help being desperate. The leader of the evil spirit king roared without hesitation, and suddenly enlarged his evil spirit body several times. At this moment, he opened his mouth on the ground below to watch the battle. Said: "Be careful, this guy is going to blew himself up!"

"Huh, don't even think about it!"


"Lara!" It was too late, it was fast, the one-horned ice worm just breathed out a breath of freezing, and the evil spirit king and his two companions who wanted to explode were frozen solidly, and followed up. The sound fell to the ground, and was absorbed by the soul-recovering urn on the back of the stone turtle beast.

"The soul-recovering urn has absorbed hundreds of leader-level evil spirit bodies this time, and there is no response even if this is the case." Guan Heng looked at the soul-recovering urn, and then said.

"Really? We didn't pay much attention to this matter." The girls said in unison.

"It seems that this guy has evolved again, and it is estimated that absorbing hundreds of thousands of leaders will not be enough to refine a skull spirit orb."

Guan Heng touched his chin, and then said: "Let’s do this, our main goal in the future is the Evil Spirit King and the Great Evil Spirit King. Only the spirit bodies of these guys are barely qualified. As for the leader-level and the general young people, they will be eliminated directly. Can."

"Okay, I see." Upon hearing this, the girls and other companions all agreed.

After a while, the underground sand carp and the pure land dry catfish that were exploring the road ahead swept back to report the news, saying that they found the mine at the end of the cave, and Guan Heng immediately led everyone to rush over.

"Medium-sized mines, in addition to loess mines, seem to be mixed with other associated minerals." Mandrill checked the surroundings of the mine, and then ran back to report.

"Okay, then you immediately start mining with the gray-brown demon hedgehogs."

"Yes, Lord Guan." The Mandrill promised, and then waved to the demon hedgehog and the ice beast, "Come with me!"


A large group of companions hurriedly rushed into the mine following the mandrill. After a while, they have returned one after another and moved back to a large number of loess mines. However, only the ice gluttonous beast and the gray-brown hedgehog appeared in front of everyone, and the leader was missing. Guys.

"Hey, where's the mandrill?" Guan Heng called the fat ice gluttonous beast who led the team back at this time. The opponent raised his claw and pointed behind him, which meant that he was still working in the cave. It seemed to be a discovery. What the hidden snow area looks like."

"Oh, I'm a little bit concerned about this, then I'll go in and have a look."

"Wait, son, let's go together." Ruo Tao said, already smiling after Guan Heng.

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