Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11239: Thunderbolt ripples punish the evil (first more)

"Chirp chirp!" Hearing Ruotao's words, the golden wren chick whispered and flew to the back of another dead evil beast. After tearing away the flesh and blood of the other's spine, it really unearthed an evil spirit in threes or twos. Condensed crystal...

In this way, the little golden wren circulated on the corpses of a dozen huge evil beasts, found a lot of evil spirit crystals, and sent them to Guan Heng's hands.

"Wrenbao, good job, this rewards you." As he said, Guan Heng took out a fat fire food gu and threw it at it. The golden wren chick opened its mouth and pecked, volleyed to catch the worm, and swallowed happily. eaten.

"Ha ha ha, son, I have gained a lot this time." Ruo Tao said with a smile.

"I guess there will be more gains in the future." When Guan Heng said this, he looked at the depths of the cave in front of him.

Afterwards, Guan Heng said to her and Mandrill: "Have you two noticed? There can be no more than a dozen huge evil beasts in this cave. The area here is wide and the cave is deep and large. Five hundred, that is a waste of space here."

"Ha, listening to you say that, it seems that this is really the case." Ruotao nodded, agreeing to Guan Heng's speculation.

"Huh?" At the same time, Demon made a surprised sound, and Guan Heng asked casually, "What's wrong?"

"Master Guan, I seem to see a dark shadow in front of me, but it disappeared immediately."

"Then go over and check immediately."

"Go!" After Guan Heng said this, he rushed forward, Ruotao and Mandrill followed closely, and the little golden wren swept over everyone's heads.

When they rushed to where the mandrill said, the other party was naturally gone, but Guan Heng's mouth curled up with a sneer, and he took out an evil condensed crystal and threw it into the air.

This thing was immediately held up by Guan Heng's spiritual energy, and it suddenly turned a few times at low altitude, and then the tip suddenly stopped in the direction of true north, where there was a rock wall.

"Huh, why is it a dead end?" Ruotao said in surprise.

"Hey, it's okay, as long as you break through the rock wall, it's not a dead end." Guan Heng said at this point and waved to Mandrill: "Come on, let's do it together."

"Hey hey, okay!"

The maniac suddenly banged his fists against each other, and then slammed his fists against the rock wall in front of him with Guan Heng, "Boom! Wow!" It was too late, then soon, the whole rock wall collapsed in response. Dust was all around in a moment, and the earth and rocks splashed in chaos.

But in the next instant, an angry beast roared suddenly from the opposite side: "Woohoo!"

It seemed that the evil beast hiding inside realized that he had been found and could no longer escape, so it roared in anger.

But these crazy guys also exposed their position because of the roar. At the same time, the golden wren chicks swooped down and spit out their thunder wren wood pill beads, and released a thunder and lightning force attached to the surface of the wood pill beads. .


"Cracking!" In an instant, the sharply swirling wooden pill beads released a circle of thunderbolt ripples engulfing Mu Xuan's spiritual energy, which happened to hit the body surface of the huge evil beasts hiding behind the rock wall.

The violent noises one after another, the evil beasts were killed by the electric energy of the mixed wood profound aura. The evil-breaking power contained in this double attack was enough to make them die several times. Therefore, many evil beasts did not snorted, and were all over the body. The pitch-black plume of smoke collapsed to the ground with the sound of the plop and died.

"Okay, Wren, good job, it's time to watch us now."

"Madman, let's do it!" Guan Heng said, suddenly pulling out the short sword Xuanbing Guyue from his waist, and drawing a half-arc sword light.

The mandrill simultaneously swung the ice-breaking cymbals to release a large amount of ice mysterious aura, "Bang! Lala-" The two icy airs instantly twisted into one, after the power doubled, they immediately hit the evil beasts in front of them!

"Boom boom boom!" After the earth-shaking violent sound, most of the evil beasts were killed on the spot, either collapsed to the ground or fell out, and some were even directly shredded by the erupting sword light, and the flesh and blood fragments fell to the ground.

"Pop!" Guan Heng snapped his fingers as he walked past the corpses, and the flames that appeared in the sky immediately fell to the ground, burning all the stinking corpses.

Because Guan Heng controlled the temperature of the flame, after the remains were burned out, the dark crystals on the ground that flashed differently were not burned, all were left behind.

"Madman, you and Wrenbao, help pick up these crystals."

"Good." The Mandrill promised, and immediately started to get busy with the little golden wren.

At the same time, Ruotao walked up to Guan Heng and asked casually: "Master, where will the passage behind this rock wall extend?"

"It's still unclear. Otherwise, it's a secret cave where a small number of huge evil beasts hide, or it's another possibility."

Guan Heng said: "That is to an area where a large number of evil beasts have gathered. The ones we slaughtered just now were just puppies at the gate. To be honest, I agree with the second guess."

"Haha, it just so happens that the two of us also think the second speculation is more reasonable." Ruotao and Mandrill almost said in unison.

Hearing this, Guan Heng smiled slightly: "That's right, let's go, and see if there are more ‘pests’ ahead of us that need to be eliminated."


It took more than ten breaths to sprint through the winding tunnels, Guan Heng and they finally reached the opposite exit. When there were still twenty or thirty steps from there, Guan Hengsu suddenly raised his hand and signaled the companion behind him to stop. .

Immediately afterwards, he whispered: "Did you hear the sound coming from the front exit?"

"Well, it seems that there are still a lot of evil beasts, and the noisy roars are coming to our side." Ruotao casually said: "How about it, do you just kill it like this?"

"In my opinion, it's better to be more cautious." Mandrill suggested: "We'd better confirm the number of each other first, and then it's convenient to catch them all at once, and don't miss one."

"Well, Mandrill is right." Guan Heng nodded his head, and then spread his palms, "Whhhhhhhh!" When he said it was too late, then soon, more than ten rice-sized wooden Lingzhi eyes emerged and he was shut horizontally. Controlling, fly directly to the exit.

"Wisdom eyes have a spiritual connection with me. Wherever they fly, they can convey all the sights they observe back to my mind." Guan Heng said to himself: "Let me take a look at the entrance. There is something outside."

"Huh?!" After a few breaths, Guan Heng suddenly made a surprised voice. Ruotao asked in a hurry, "Master, did you find something special?"

"Well, even if it is."

Guan Heng’s mouth smiled slightly, and then said: “One or two or more unexpected enemies have been found, but it’s okay. They are all good prey. If you catch them alive, it will be of great benefit to us. Prepare for action. Make a quick fight and completely suppress the opponent!"

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