Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11260: Spider egg

"It's useless to struggle to death."

Seeing the one-horned Great Evil King still writhing and struggling in the flames, the Sun Emperor Yan said lightly: "The body of the evil spirit in this area can't get rid of the flames of my wall of fire, as long as your spirit body still has a trace of evil. , The flame will continue to burn, making your pain continue."

"If you can't hold on, you'd better wait for death slowly, lest you continue to suffer."

"Roar!" Hearing the words of Emperor Yan, the one-horned evil spirit king roared with anger. This guy was stupid and vicious. Knowing that he would have to die if he continued like this, he struggled like crazy. Want to defeat Yu stubbornly.

"Hmph, a beast who is overpowered, then I'll send you on the road."


In an instant, Huang Yan released a trace of fire aura towards this guy, just such a little bit of Emperor Yan's breath, suddenly turned into a violent fire, suddenly swallowed the Great Evil Spirit King, and burned its spirit body to belch and belch endlessly. It quickly dissipated and collapsed with lightning speed.

" seems a bit over-released." At this moment, Emperor Yan also felt that his spiritual body was in an unstable condition, and the shining light was suddenly dimmed, and he was in danger of falling into a weak state.

"Not good."


Seeing this scene, Guan Heng on the ground suddenly patted the smart skyfire instrument on his waist, "chichichichi——chichichichi——" In a short time, the Hundred Ten Fire Spiritual Qi groups soared into the sky, before the Sun Emperor Yan could react. Coming over, these fire auras quickly poured into its spirit body.

"Huh, it's so risky, it's finally over." At this moment, the Sun Emperor Yan said loudly: "Master Guan, thank you very much, this aura is added in a timely manner."

"This is nothing, do you see if the Great Evil Spirit King is refined?" Guan Hengyang said, "If it has been settled, come down quickly."


Hearing this, Huang Yan immediately glanced at the Spirit Fire Vortex in front of him, and found that the original huge one-horned Great Evil Spirit King had been wiped out for most, but now only the spirit body with a radius of more than a radius is still suffering in the flames. Struggling, it sneered: "Hmph, wait, I will send you on the road now!"

"Come!" In an instant, a large flame vortex disappeared in front of the Sun Emperor, and the struggling Great Evil Spirit King didn't react for a while. It wasn't until a few breaths later that it realized that it was out of trouble, and couldn't help but be madly surprised.

But before he had time to be happy as the one-horned Great Evil Spirit King, the onslaught of Sun Emperor Yan had already begun!

"Sun Fire Sword, gather!"

"Swish-hss-" In an instant, the extremely hot fire spirit swirled sharply in the air, turning into five long narrow sword-shaped air lights, and then viciously slashed towards the Great Evil Spirit King.

"Ooooooo!" Seeing the extremely sharp flame slashing attack, the Great Evil Spirit King was inevitable, except for screaming, it could do nothing!

"Hiss!" In an instant, this guy's spirit body was chopped into several pieces and floated in the air. Then, the sword-shaped flames continued to stir, forcibly crushing the evil spirit's body fragments, leaving nothing!

"Refining!" In the next moment, Emperor Yan surrounded and converged all the evil spirits around, and wrapped it with a large fire spirit.

Those evil spirits kept swirling and struggling in the fireball. Originally, if they had escaped a little bit, and would continue to absorb and assimilate the new evil spirits in a hundred years, they could still become the body of evil spirits again, but now, there will never be that chance!

"Master Guan, the refining work is over." In the blink of an eye, the Hot Sun Emperor Yan landed in front of Guan Heng with a fire spirit balloon that imprisoned evil spirits.

"Thank you." Guan Heng said with a smile: "Huang Yan, it seems that your spirit body has also recovered well. Being able to solve such a powerful Evil Spirit King proves that you have recovered at least 70 to 80% of your strength."

"Hey, I know my own affairs, Lord Guan doesn't have to praise it."

The Sun Emperor Yan said modestly: "At the end of the fight, I was already a bit floating, so I consumed too much aura at once. If it weren't for Lord Guan to use the aura of Tianhuoyi to help me replenish it in time, I'm afraid I will suffer a big loss."

"Hehehe, anyway, you won."

After a short pause, Guan Heng said again: "Now, through the fight with the one-horned Great Evil Spirit King, you have each improved, which is very good."

"Speaking of it, it is not easy for us to improve our strength now. I don't know when we have to wait for this opportunity next time."

Burning Heart Tyrant Huo said: "When I mention this, I really envy the few little guys in the ethereal toad cauldron space, earth evil guyan, star pattern wildfire, frostbone soul flame, wasteland beast fire, they only need to absorb the rich aura. It can continue to grow."

"Hahaha, would you envy those little guys? Stop kidding."

Guan Heng smiled at this time: "They are not strong enough, so they can absorb aura faster. In terms of true strength, they can't beat a tyrant when they are tied together."

"Uh, that's true, I admit." As soon as Burning Heart Tyrant Huo was praised, he felt a little embarrassed. At this time, Emperor Yan said: "If we are free, we should also go and see a few little guys. Teach them the common sense as spirit fire, remember?"

"Yes, it's all about Master Huang Yan."

The spirit fire agreed in unison. Guan Heng said again at this time: "Okay, the one-horned Great Evil Spirit King has also been dealt with. It's time for us to leave here."

"By the way, who saw the worm mother, the golden sting king, and the howler?" Guan Heng looked left and right at this time, and said: "The three of them just disappeared. Who noticed where they slipped?"

"Oh, just now I thought that the cave where the Nine-Eyed Evil Spider lives might need to be investigated, so let them go and have a look." Qing Huang said, "I guess it's time to come out now."

"That's it." As soon as Guan Heng said this, the Mandrill raised his finger to the front left and said: "Look, Lord Guan, it's the insect mother and they are back."

"Master, everyone--"

"Buzzing!" At such a time, the evil worm mother, the golden sting king, and the ancient wild roar fluttered their wings and hurriedly landed in front of everyone. Guan Heng asked: "You have entered the cave where the evil spider lives. Have you found anything?"

"Yes." At this time, Guhuang Roar rushed and said, "Lord Guan, you see, we found this, there are many more in the cave."

"Insect eggs?!"

Seeing howler swayed the thing in his hand, Guan Heng took the object and looked at it, and then said: "This thing emits a breath similar to the nine-eyed evil spider, but there is no evil in it. It is estimated that the nine-eyed evil spider was The spider eggs laid before the Great Evil Spirit King controlled and entered the evil spirit."

"Master Guan, what do you say about these spider eggs?" Guhuang Howler had just said this, and suddenly pointed at the spider eggs and whispered: "Look, it moved, it moved, this thing moved a while ago!"

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