Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11283: Ancient hibiscus with jade jelly (fifth more outburst)


At this moment, the Water Profound Spirit Beast was looking for clues to the Blue Spirit Eater. Hearing it loudly yelling, he said angrily: "Donkey, what is the noise? Be quiet!"

After hearing this, the Frostbrowed Ancient Donkey stopped its mouth, but it also slipped to the side of the Water Profound Spirit Beast, arching it with its mouth, and the Water Profound Spirit Beast said impatiently: "Go go now, my little master. Very busy, no time to play with you."

Hearing this, Frostbrowed Ancient Donkey pouted and wanted to turn his head away in anger, but at such a time, the Water Profound Spirit Beast found that there was a dark green plant near the mouth of the ancient donkey, and hurriedly shouted: "Donkey Son, come back soon!"

As soon as he said this, Frosty-browed Ancient Donkey was still a little unhappy, thinking it was only now soft-hearted to play with itself, and said, "I ignore you, hum!" "Oh, what are you little donkey running? stop!"

"Hey!" It was too late to say, then soon, the Shui Xuan spirit beast shook himself and landed on the opponent's neck, then stroked the opponent's long ears, and said with a smile: "Oh, are you angry? of."

After that, the Shui Xuan Ling Beast stretched out its small paws to grab the dark green plant on its lips, and said, "Hey hey, let me take a closer look at this, maybe what a baby it is."

"Hey, Xiao Shui Shui." When she heard this, Ruo Tao was a little unhappy, she said: "How can you deceive the donkey, this is obviously just a weed, what a baby, a little liar!"

"I, I'm not a liar!" After hearing these words, Shui Xuan Ling Beast flushed, and then said: "I am familiar with this plant.

"Then you are going to tell me what its name is. If it can be said, my sister will believe you this time." Ruotao said with her arms akimbo.

"Uh, this, this... I'm sorry." Shui Xuan Spirit Beast whispered at this time: "I really don't remember the name of this thing."

"Huh, little liar..."

"Don't, don't, don't go on." Seeing Ruotao want to implement her nickname, Shui Xuan Ling Beast hurriedly said, "Sister, don't be impulsive, I, I can explain this matter."

"Ah, ah." At this time, Shuangmei Gu donkey also yelled to Ruotao twice, which meant to say: "Sister, give it a chance to explain."

"Huh, look at the little donkey. You are often tricked by you. The critical moment is not to intercede for you. How cute, learn it." Ruo Tao said, reaching out and rubbing the ancient donkey's forehead.

"Oh -" Upon hearing this, the Shui Xuan Spirit Beast couldn't help sighing: "Not long ago, you still touched my forehead and praised me like this, but now..."

"Okay, Xiao Shui Shui, stop talking nonsense." Guan Heng opened his mouth at this time, and then said: "You can tell me the origin of this plant."

"But as I said just now, the memory of it is really vague." Stretching out its claws and scratching its head, the Shui Xuan spirit beast was a little embarrassed, but after thinking for a few breaths, it suddenly whispered: "I have it. Suddenly remembered something related to this plant."

Upon hearing this, the girls urged in unison: "Say it quickly."

"Good." Shui Xuan Ling Beast shook its paws and said: "Let me recall carefully..."

"I remember it!" Suddenly, the Shui Xuan spirit beast had raised his face and yelled: "I remember that this dark green plant grows more vigorously on the sand by the sea, and it is also one of the foods that the ancient water system alien beasts liked to eat. "

"Really?" Guan Heng asked at this time: "Are you sure you remembered correctly?"

"Ninety-nine percent is right." The Shui Xuan spirit beast was confidently holding the dark green plant and said: "Although I don't like to eat plant-based ingredients, I have seen other water beasts eating it a long time ago. Things, including..."

"I see, it's the blue worm, isn't it?" Guan Heng's eyes lit up as he guessed.

"Yes, yes, according to legend, although this thing is not the staple food of blue worms, it is often eaten as snacks."

"That's why there are many shriveled blue worm clones in the local area. Maybe they fell down when their bodies were looking for food."

"Yes, I guessed that." After hearing Guan Heng's words, the Shui Xuan spirit beast nodded repeatedly, and then said, "Guan Heng, I have an idea."

"What a coincidence, I also have an idea." Guan Heng said with a smile at this time: "Or, let's say it at the same time!"

"Okay, get ready, say!" "Using the dark green plant to find the blue worm body!" The two of them yelled these words almost at the same time. Then, Guan Heng's palm touched the small claw of the water profound spirit beast. Remember, and then said in unison: "Just do it."

"Hehehe, first of all, we must transplant a large amount of this thing into the ethereal toad cauldron, because not only the little donkey loves to eat it, but if we can adopt the blue worm, this thing is also an important ingredient."

"Yes, that's it." Guan Heng smiled and nodded, and then asked Shuangmei Ancient Donkey: "Where does this dark green plant grow? Take us there quickly."

"Ah, ah." Hearing this, the Shuangmei Gu donkey yelled twice, then turned his head and ran towards the front left. Guan Heng and other companions followed closely, and after a short while, they came to the place where several clusters of dark green plants grew.

Immediately afterwards, the ancient donkey raised his hoof and pointed to the front, which meant to say: "Here, that's it."

"Yeah, well done, it's a hard work to lead the way." Guan Heng smiled and rubbed the forehead of the ancient donkey, and said: "After the plant is transplanted and grown, I will give you a snack every day, okay?" Nodded, joyful.

At this time, the Water Profound Spirit Beast landed in front of the clusters of dark green plants, looked left and right, nodded, and said, "Well, it should be this kind of plant."


While talking, the Shui Xuan Ling Beast stretched out his hand to break a piece of dark green plant and found translucent slurry flowing out of it, and then licked it with the tip of his tongue. Suddenly, the Shui Xuan Ling Beast whispered: "That's right. I finally remembered what the name of this thing was, it was'Yujiang Gujin'!"

"Its name is derived from its own characteristics. After the branches of the ancient hibiscus are broken, the jade pulp will flow out. It is sweet and very delicious. Uh, this..." At this point, Shui Xuan spirit beast frowned. Guan Hengbian asked, "What's the matter?"

"The sweetness of this jade syrup ancient hibiscus seems to be insufficient, and it doesn't have a sweet taste, it's a pity."

The Water Profound Spirit Beast said with a sense of disappointment at this time: "Spirit-eating blue worms are super picky gourmets among the water beasts. They only eat the best jade syrup ancient hibiscus, and it is the highest sweetness among the ancient hibiscus. Obviously, these are not as good as they like."

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