Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11299: Overlord of water beasts? ! (First more)

Everyone talked and walked, and after more than ten breaths, they reached the area where Guan Heng heard the sound. Guhuang Roar looked left and right, and then said: "It seems that there is nothing?"

"Not necessarily, look here." After the earth palace toad said, he suddenly jumped to the ground nearby, then raised his webbed claws and pointed at it, and said, "There is a little breath left here, Lord Guan, come and see. Check it out."

Guan Heng walked over, just glanced at it, and said: "It seems to be an evil spirit. It looks like it should have been left behind by something demonized, and 80% of it is an evil beast."

"Uh, isn't it an evil spirit?" Gu Huang Hou asked.

The earth palace toad said: "It's an evil beast, look at the ground, there are still footprints."

"Haha, I'm sorry." Hou Di scratched his head, then said: "It's because my observation ability is too bad."

"In my opinion, you are too lazy to observe." The evil worm mother said next to him: "In the future, we will highlight the trick. If you miss something important, don't say it is my brother, lest you give it to me and Xiaojin. Shame."

"Yes, boss, I remembered." Hearing this, Gu Huang Roar didn't dare to neglect, he was busy looking around, and couldn't help but scan the surrounding environment. Suddenly, it really found something.

Immediately afterwards, Roaring made three steps and two steps, and hurriedly walked to the front of Zhang Yu, and the earth palace toad asked: "Hey, what did you see?"

"I didn't see anything." At this moment, Gu Huang Roar turned his head and said.

"Ah?!" After hearing this, the earth palace toad almost fell to the ground, and then said angrily: "You kid fooling me? I didn't see anything, what are you doing there?"

"Although I didn't see anything, I smelled a weird smell, right here." As he said, the ancient roar reached out and patted a rock under the rock wall. The rock is about nine feet high, like a small hill. modeling.

With a sneer at the corners of his mouth, Guan Heng said casually: "Hell, is there a salty smell around the stone? It's a bit like sea water."

"Well, I haven't seen sea water yet, I can't say it, but it really smells salty."

Gu Huang Roar asked a little surprised: "Master Guan, how did you notice that you were so far away?"

"Actually, I have long noticed that the stone exudes a weird aura, but I want to see when you can find the source, but I didn't expect it to be discovered by Howard."

After speaking here, he paused for a while, and Guan Heng said again: "By the way, that is not a stone, it should be the corpse of some ancient beast."

"What?!" Upon hearing these words, Gu Huang Hou immediately stepped back a few steps, and said in a flustered manner: "Master Guan, why didn't you remind me earlier?"

"Hehehe, that's because I want to see your scared and stupid expression." Guan Heng smiled, and then said again: "Okay, no kidding, you come first, I want to use the earth profound spirit to decompose the earth around that guy Layer, so that its entire body is revealed."

"Okay." After hearing his words, Howard immediately backed away. At this moment, Tu Gongchan said, "Master Guan, I'll also help."

"Well, let's come together." It was too late, then soon, Guan Heng and Big Toad simultaneously released the mysterious aura of the earth, covering the area near the corpse of the strange beast that looked like a stone, and continuously decomposing the soil there.

"Whistling call - whiz -" With loud bursts of disease, the soil gradually fall, and finally reveal the appearance of the other end monster.

It is about several feet long, and its mouth is flat, like a duck beak, but its beak seems to have rows of sharp teeth. The stone-like part is the back of the beast. It has six legs, three on the left and three, and sharp hooks all over the tail. Thorns are quite deterrent.

"Is it a water beast?" King Jin Sting muttered.

"Well, don't say it, it's really possible." Guan Heng touched his chin and said after a little thought: "By the way, when it comes to identifying the creatures in this water, the Water Profound Spirit Beast has the most say, maybe it knows. The origin of this beast, toad, is Xiao Shuishhui still managing the ancient hibiscus flower field?"


Hearing his question, the earth palace toad replied: "It was still in contact with me before. It was said that after the ancient hibiscus had absorbed the rich aura, it grew very well, and the sweetness and taste almost reached the standard. , It will soon bring Gu Jin out."

"Now if you have something to find Xiao Shui Shui, call it out immediately." Guan Heng said.

"Fine." The earth palace toad immediately followed the instructions. Suddenly, the toad trembled, and the water profound spirit beast leaped out holding a bundle of ancient hibiscus. As if the hibiscus was cultivated, are you here waiting for me?"

"It has nothing to do with Gujin, now I want you to identify a certain ancient water system beast, come and see, this is its corpse." After that, Guan Heng pointed to the huge thing in front.

"Hey ...... uh ah ah ah -" after seeing that monster bones, they reveal the mysterious steep water suddenly screamed: "This is where you find it?"

"Don't you look at it with your eyes?" Guhuang Roar said grimly: "Of course Toad and Master Guan just dig out of the ground."

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect... I can see the legendary guy here." Shui Xuan spirit beast muttered to himself: "You guys are lucky, right?"

"Hey, Xiao Shui Shui, what on earth are you talking about, quickly explain to us." The evil worm mother said next to him: "Otherwise, everyone will be confused."

"Uh, okay." Hearing the urging sound of the insect mother, Shui Xuan Ling Beast blinked and took a deep breath to calm her mood, and then asked first: "Hey, insect mother, in the memory of your insect Emperor Orb , Is there any information about sea space?"

"Sea area space...Yes." The evil worm mother nodded, and then said: "In ancient times, the different space that owned the entire sea area was called this, even the owner knew it."

"Yes, I do know." Guan Heng said, "Because Zhenwen's hometown'Cangming Sea Area' is one of them. Although the ocean there has disappeared a lot, it still retains the name of the sea area."

"Correct, the owner of the corpse you see now was the ancient water beast overlord in a certain sea space."

"Water Beast Overlord?!" Hearing this, Guhuang roared and laughed.

It opened the mouth and said: "Xiao Shui Shui, do you think I am a layman? Just listen to the name and you will know that the sea area is very large. Just throwing a water beast several meters long into it, it makes no difference as the same dust enters the water? What overlord can it be?"

"Howard is right. I have also heard that the overlord-level water beasts in the sea space can have a body of several thousand feet. This is still ordinary, and it is not unusual to be tens of thousands in some places." The evil worm mother at this moment He opened his mouth and said, "This guy is too young right in front of us."

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